Monday, June 13, 2022

Computer Died

 This morning I got busy with doing laundry. Vacuumed and picked up. Then while Patrick was at a meeting, I worked on my Gunderson bookkeeping. As I was trying to print off the old computer, Patrick got home. The printer was locked up. So, I had him "try" and fix it. He doesn't like it when I do it, since it's the older computer and I "don't know what your doing." Crock of ......  Any way, I let him work on the computer. 

While he did that, I worked on a sourdough bread. I'm trying to find one that works great. I have a recipe but it doesn't work right sometimes. I'm trying to get this right! This time the dough felt awesome, but was too wet!! I know it's supposed to be wet, but not that wet. I baked it, and it turned out, but when it's too wet, it kinda "runs." Which makes it come out flatter than rounder. 

A couple hours later, Patrick is on my lap top and buying a new computer. PROBLEM, I have QuickBooks on that one. It's an old program but it works! He found I would have to pay $40 a MONTH to have that program. I'm beginning to wonder if having programs are worth it, if we have to pay. Let along put it in the "cloud" for everyone to see. Not my kind of program. Like I want everyone to know what I'm doing?! Really?!! Once he bought the new computer, we figured out the old printer can handle my heavy paper and the newer printer can not. So, I'm dead in the water when it comes to printing certificates for the veterans. Not sure what we will be doing in it's place. I'm hoping we can load that up on the new computer but betting not. May have to think about getting another printer....yeah, no. 

Because of all these issue with the computer and printer, Patrick came up with an idea. I'm not thrilled about it, as I love the QuickBooks doing most of the work. Now I'm going to have to do more bookkeeping than I really want to. Not that I'm getting paid to do it. He's playing on my lap top to see about doing an excel program that will do what I need for the Gunderson stuff. UGH, UGH, UGH At least this is were I have no problem letting him do the work. We talked about what I need and he's working on it. Bet it will take a good week for him to do what I need. We have argued over it a little already. 

I decided to just play games. I was working on genealogy, but that's hard when my hubby took over my computer. I will try and work more on that tomorrow. I need to finish the binding on Val's quilt so I can take it Wednesday, but not too worried about it. 

I started another sourdough recipe today. Once I got off YouTube and want to see if it will come out right. She does it pretty quick compared to most. I will bake it when we get home tomorrow from going to the doctors for Patrick. Maybe I will do my embroidery tomorrow too. Cindy and Sandy went to Seminar and loved it! Sandy's on her way home, Cindy will be there another day I believe. I do miss that I didn't go, but couldn't see putting the money into it. 

Okay, so it wasn't a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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