Sunday, June 5, 2022

Another Top And Bowling

 This morning I got started on laundry - but that didn't go far. lol 

I then went downstairs to work on the next quilt top. 

Started by putting some of the blocks together to see if that was what Patrick was talking about. He said that was it. Looked good. At this point, I wondered but kept going. 

It looked better once it was done. - No not completely done. But this part does look good and the colors go together. This will be a good one for the 4th of July. 

I wanted to get a photo of the basket mom gave me for my Birthday/Mom's day. I love this basket!

Then went back downstairs to work on the top. 

I took the 2 1/2" strip I originally cut for the center part and put in on the outside of the quilt top. I think it frames it nicely and balances. I cut it a little short, so had to add a piece to the 2 strips. I need to cut the top and bottom part and will do that on Tuesday. I gave up on this after I cut the strip short. I'm trying to decide if it matters if the strip on the top and bottom are not going "up." The fabric is dimensional so I need to cut it differently. And chances are I will. I will also have to piece it together, I'm betting. 

I put another panel up and worked with some of the blocks I have. This is going to be stripped across since the panel is wide. I will need Patrick to see if this works together. The panel will the the main part of this, so I'm not sure how to tone it down a little. 

We gone a 9-pin no tap league for about 8 weeks. We started today. I bowled in the 200's the first 2 games and then bombed at 163 for the last game. GRR 

At least I'm having fun being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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