Thursday, August 4, 2022

OOPS - Nothing New Today

 This morning Patrick and I went up to Olympia for my pulmonary doctor appointment. I had to do my breathing tests and walk for 6 mins. It was pretty easy today. I didn't mind. Then when I was done with those, my appointment wasn't for another hour and more. So, the gal told us she would check me out and I could go get something to eat. We went downstairs and got a couple drinks. Then we went out to the car. I got a call saying they shouldn't have let me go and that she would come out and get me in 5 mins. We walked back into the waiting room......and waited.....and waited. We finally got in the room...and waited. We actually got to see the doctor at my original time. The good news is that I'm staying the same. I went up a little, but staying the same. I go back in 6 months. Also found out they are short handed. There are only 3 doctors now, as 3 left. One of the 3 retired - that was mom's doctor. The new doctor is overwhelm along with the others. They are hoping to hire more in November. 

We then went to Costco and had lunch. We both ordered the pizza. I had cheese - which was missing cheese. Then we ordered ice cream. Ate some of the ice cream there and brought the rest home. I had that for supper! lol 

I cut fabric for one of our volunteers and will drop it off tomorrow. She quilts her own quilts. I take what she's willing to give us. It's a pretty quilt. 

Linda did an awesome job on this one! She told me the pattern was cut off on the stars so she had to do her own. I will drop the batting and backing off at the church for her to collect. I can't wait to get this quilt! 

I decided to just enjoy the rest of the day. Not doing a thing! Nothing new for today...just being lazy. I will be getting ready for over week vacation. 

NOTE: I will try to post while on vacation but I will be out of wifi reach. We will be at a cabin and there isn't any internet available. So, if you don't hear from me for a week, that's why. I will post when I can. 

That being said, it wasn't a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 


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Visiting And Spending Time With Mom

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