Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Presentation Day At Chehalis West

 This morning I was getting everything ready to drop off. First stop was at Connie's - she has COVID, so I had to drop it at the doorstep. Next stop was moms. She's not doing good. Plus she's not looking good either. I'm getting worried. 

Went to Nancy's and we worked on the schedules for the fair. Hildi was there as well. While we were there, I called the doctors and told them she needs to get in before Dec. I don't want to keep going to the ER every time she's feeling bad. They told me they would call me back. 

We then headed over to Chehalis West. I was ticked! They told me they would have it set up for us. NOPE! We ended up getting things set up. Jim came and he was asked to leave because he couldn't wear the mask. He has a medical card that said he can't wear a mask. They said it didn't matter. Then I'm looking around, and half the people in the room where NOT wearing a mask. I don't care if they are residents, if they don't wear a mask, why couldn't he be without it?! The gal was rude to him. He left and I felt bad he had to leave. We presented 4 of the 6 quilts. One of the guys had a dental appointment and the other the family decided to take him out. So, instead of getting a quilt, they took him out of the building. Go figure! 

Came home and was still fuming. I told Nancy they can take the residents to the museum as it's just across the freeway (about 1 mile away). 

We had a donation so I worked on getting that in the mail. Then I took the rest of the day off! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and that will be a four hour ordeal! I'm taking my embroidery to keep me company. That will help to getting back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry your day was so rotten. And I hope your mom gets to the dr real soon.

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