Saturday, August 27, 2022

Time To Relax After This Week

 This morning Patrick was up earlier than me. When I finally got up he started cleaning. Katt was due today and he was wanting things to get cleaned up. So, I didn't get my "down time" of playing games. I played anyway. lol I was PLANNING - yep did it again! - to be relaxing after a long week. 

Once he finished and I finished, we watched TV. When I was putting stuff in the dryer, she arrived. 

We enjoyed chatting and learning about the wedding that's coming up for her best friend. He gets married on Saturday. The Bachler party is tomorrow. 

While we chatted, I stitched. 

Quilt made by Linda Nelson - label #1 is on and it's ready to go to the museum. 

Quilt made by Connie Carter, Hildi Mitchell and myself. Label #2 is done and this is ready for the museum. Remember I took 12 quilts to the museum already. 

This was done by Debbie Aust. This was also the one that was at the SWW Fair and received a lot of interest. She wants to enter it into the fair next year but I am thinking she might not be able to. It has to be made in the year of the fair. I will check with Kathleen. Label #3 is done. This goes to the fair. 

Then I pulled out one of the seven quilts I have that need to be hand stitched down. I was able to get one side done. I was being lazy all day and between stitching and playing. My plan did work out to be Relaxing after a long week. I hope to get more Time to Relax after long weeks like this!

Tomorrow night bowling starts. It's going to be a busy night! I will be getting everyone started. I'm hoping more people will show up so that we can fill the bowling alley. Time will tell. In the meantime, I'm going to keep trying to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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