Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Not One Thing That I Could Work On!

 Today I had a PT appointment. I was out the door early. Then I stopped at Carol's to give her the paperwork for our veterans. She's going to get 2 more for Jan 12th. Next stop was to Papa Murphy's for a pizza. I stopped at Rite Aid and then came home. 

We have been cleaning and getting ready for tomorrow. So, not one thing that I WANTED to do would work out! I didn't get to do anything with my beading or embroidery. Debbie stopped by and got the fabrics that she wanted. It was not a day I would like to say Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A Busy Day

 First things first. Mom's plane was delayed an hour and a half. We went to the bank and Home Depot before going down to Portland to get her. We arrived 10 mins before she got in. She said she had a great time and that she hadn't eaten much for breakfast. So, we stopped off at Red Lobster to get feed. I just had a salad and soup. It was okay. 

I realized on the way back it was time for the board meeting. So, I tried to get on with my phone but it didn't work. When I did get on, a half hour was done. We went till 6 pm! So, I was able to get an hour and a half plus with them. I'm so ticked! The gal in charge of getting a seminar going is slower than a 7 year itch. Sandy is doing her job and this is getting frustrating. They decided to go virtual this year. Sandy had information, but she had to give it to the gal in charge first. Once that is done then she can present it. I would rather Sandy present it then wait on this gal! UGH

My day was done by the time I got off. I got my embroidery all together. Then I got my beading all together and ready. There is a lot more to do, but will have to do it tomorrow. I was walking all over the place - pacing! I've just got way to much going on in my head trying to get things together. 

I didn't get to give mom a hug and kiss goodbye because I pissed her off. I told her I wouldn't take her to Seattle because she won't go to Olympia. Long story. I'm so over feeling guilty every time she gets ticked at me. 

It didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 28, 2022

Trying To Finish A Few Things

We had Brazilian embroidery today. I joined Sandy and Cindy at the grange. We had a good meeting and talked about Cindy's sewing machine. She brought it for Sandy to help her out. She was using hand quilting thread and the tension was too tight.  Sandy got it working for her. 

I worked on the petal to the left. I finished the center petal. I realized I used the wrong yellow and took it out. Now I'm pretty close to having this petal done. I did find out that I'm doing the colors in the wrong order. 

The yellow is on the outside, and mine is in the inside. I decided to leave it. I do like the way it's coming out, so I'm going to keep going. 

Came home and worked on finishing the beading. I wanted to get started to putting the ornament together. 

Once I finished the last panel, I got to work on the tassels. I'm not really crazy about it, but I do like the colors. I will do the other one differently. I got my beads today, so I organized my beads. Then I pulled the beads for the Santa ornament. I'm going to do that for Kim. I will do that one on the cruise. Then I will also work on getting another one of these done as well. 

While I was trying to bead, Patrick got caught in the snow that came down. He was bagging leaves. He must have done 20 of them. I gave him some hot cocoa when he came in. Poor guy looked cold. 

I got back to working on the beading. I will TRY to get this set done and work on the next set. I want to have an ornament done before too much longer. I'm keeping Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

From One Thing To Another - Yet Again

This morning started out with exercises and then later a walk. I did get laundry going - and this time it went very well. I was able to get close to caught up. 

I then worked on my beading - for 3 rows. Not there yet, I guess. I then got busy with playing games and getting a couple other things done. 

THEN I realized it was our virtual meeting day for embroidery. I got all my beading stuff in the computer room and worked on it while I was enjoying our meeting. Judy had a lot of good things to say. She wants me to be involved in the Distance Learning and I just can't do that right now. She's even will for me to do in next year, but again, I'm not there. 

I just need to add the point to this and then it's done. I will try and put it all together into the ornament before we leave. I'm trying to decide if the dangles will be green or blue. White would even work. So, I will see what I have and what I will do. It's going to be fun. 

It was off to bowling - I bowled a 490 series - ugh! I did bowl a 193, so that tells you how bad I did. My last game was something like 134. Not the best I have done in awhile. Kim was there and she did the books. She took my secretary folder and money bag. She's going to do the bookkeeping for the next 3 weeks. I'm looking forward to being away from bowling for a little bit. Maybe when I get back, I will be better.  

My day has been a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Nothing Planned Today - Turned Out Pretty Good

 This morning I was up before Patrick. I enjoyed a little time by myself and playing games. 

I started on laundry - yeah, I know - didn't get very far. I still have some in the dryer right now. lol I did get one load folded. lol 

Patrick spent time outside and I stayed in. Debbie stopped by and dropped off some papers I need to drop of at Carol's. I fixed Patrick's sock that had a hole in it. Then I worked on our Christmas cards. I ordered cards from Walgreens. It said it would be ready by Monday. Next thing I know, I got a message saying it was ready. So, I need to work on the Christmas cards Monday. 

After messing around all day, I went back to getting started on finishing the second ornament panel. I will get this done and try to put two ornaments together before Wednesday. 

My ball and new bead travel case arrived. 

I really like it. It's a lot easier to have in my lap then the other one that is double the size. I really like both of them. (You can see the other one on the floor in this photo.)

It was a good day of being relaxed and enjoying being Happy Stitching/Happy Stitching!

Friday, November 25, 2022

Day After - Relaxing Day

This morning Patrick headed out to golf. I got up and started the laundry - started but never finished.

Then I decided to just enjoy the day. I had a few things I wanted to do - laundry - that didn't pan out, but hey, I worked on my beading. 

I finished the first one, and got the other two done today. If you look closely, you can see I messed up on the one on the left. I'm leaving it because it's more fun seeing children wonder why it's different. I thought about taking the row our and reworking it but decided to leave it. Not a big difference. I have one more panel to do and the second set of ornaments will be done. I will try and get them all put together this weekend. That would make me happy. 

I received some information for a quilts of valor quilt. So, I'm going to enter that tomorrow. I had to get my exercises and walk in today. That helps. I had a hard night last night with my hip hurting. I realized it has to do with the couch. I was sitting on it yesterday for a good little bit. My back and hip don't care for the couch. When I went to bed last night, my hip let me know it wasn't comfortable. I ended up getting up around 2 am to take Tylenol. It helped and I could finally go to sleep. 

I just relaxed and enjoyed being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Thursday, November 24, 2022


 Hello Thanksgiving day! 

This morning we got started on getting the food together. Patrick worked on the turkey. We didn't make as much food as we have been known to do. I tried a new recipe of cornbread that didn't turn out. I didn't care for it. I don't know if it's because I had the frozen corn and not canned corn. but either way, I don't think it was what I was hoping for. 

Had turkey on the table as well. 

We set the table with our good dishes. I didn't want to use the every day dishes. 

Patrick's new recipe for yams. He did the butternut squash instead. You couldn't tell the difference and this was sooooo gooood!! It's like having the pecan pie! We didn't have pecan pie or pumpkin pie this time. I got a frozen coconut pie instead. That was good too. 

I finished the binding on this quilt today. I added the label as well. I have 3 more to work on. lol Not sure if I will do another one or not. 

Then I decided to work on my beading. 

I'm close to getting to the bottom of this. It will be fun to get this done. I will end up with just one right now. I have to do the other panel and 2 more of this panel. Once that is done, I may go ahead and work on the ornament. I'm actually wanting to get these 2 ornaments done before heading on the cruise. 

Katt asked me to get my list a little longer. Guess her brother beat her to the list. So, I spend the morning working with Amazon and adding a few things for my kids to figure out. Katt wanted a long list so that I would be surprised with what she gave me. I told her that would be fun. I added chocolates and teas as well as beading things. Then I went and bought another travel case that is half the size I have now. I think that will be great for the cruise. I know I shouldn't buy anything but I wanted to get another one that will work for smaller projects. The bigger case is for a bigger area that I can work on. May take them both with me. I'm thinking head of how to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Still TOO Many Projects

 This morning I didn't get out of bed till 10 am. I couldn't believe it. And then again, I wanted to sleep even longer. Patrick got up early and went golfing, so the house was mine. 

I started working on laundry, vacuuming, cleaning up the kitty litter, and what ever else I could find. Not sure why, since we are not having anyone coming over.  

Patrick got home about the time I finished with the vacuuming. We decided to sit and enjoy the new show "Wednesday" from the Adams Family on Netflix. I did enjoy it. It was different and not really gory. While we were watching it, I was stitching the binding on one of the 4 quilts I have here. 

Of course Sophie had to try and help me. I was able to get all but 12" on one corner with 12" on the other side of the corner. So, I really don't have a lot to do to finish it. I will work on it tomorrow and try to get this done. I know when I come home after the cruise there will be at least 4 quilts waiting for me. 

I'm looking forward to trying a couple new recipes for tomorrow. It will be fun to add new things to our meals. 

Even when I wasted the morning by sleeping, I was still trying to figure out what to do. I have way to many projects. Not only do I have bindings to do, I have beading, and embroidery. Two of my embroidery projects are the classes! I seriously need to finish something soon! Even with all these projects, I can still find time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Life Takes Over!

This morning I was up way early! I got the backing and batting cut. Then washed the backing to go to Connie's. Once that was done, I loaded up the backing fabric into bags and then into the car. I cleaned the kitchen before heading out the door. I had to get the information on scheduling veterans together and in the bag. Exercises and bagging up more stuff. 

Off I went to stop at Carol's to explain how the scheduling went. She doesn't have to do any of that till at least the 10th of Dec. If everything goes right, she won't have to do anything till the first part of January. 

Off to the physical therapist. We talked about what the issues are with my back and hip. I can't do biking because of the way the back moves. Because of the issues I have with my back, it will make it worse. Then I have issues with my hip so one thing causes the hip to be sore. If I do something else, that causes the back to be sore and have issues with my leg. Can't win! 

Then it was off to Connie's to get all the stuff to her. She even got the quilt from me. I also dropped off the batting and backing for Debbie's quilt. She made an orange quilt for the veteran that asked if he could get an orange quilt. I asked why and he said because of agent orange. At least he has a sense of humor! Debbie made the quilt for him. I think he'll love it. I sat and chatted with Connie for awhile. I was grateful I didn't have to stop at the store for my cornbread recipe. I have it all. Life has surprises some times.  

Got home and decided to get some beading done. I really wasn't in the mood to do anything but wanted to get some beading done. 

I did about 10 rows, but then I took out 3 rows and put them back in. So, I guess I only got 8 rows done. Oh well. When I started to get the colors mixed up, I called it done. I played games instead. Works for me. 

It wasn't the best day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

November 21, 2022 - Our 40th Wedding Anniversary

 Hard to believe 40 years have gone by and I'm still married to the same man. 😂

My day started out as usual. We had decided not to do anything special for our anniversary because we are going on a cruise. So I headed off to Brazilian embroidery. 

I worked on this piece. Floss painting is fun but not as easy as one thinks. We had a "holiday" lunch. Since I'm gone most of next month, we decided to do it today.

I headed home at about 1:30 pm and we left at 2 pm. Patrick found a restaurant outside of Olympia that we went to. First we needed gas, then we needed to go get new credit cards because ours was scammed. At least the credit union caught it right away. Then we were off. 

We went to "The Ranch" restaurant listed in the top 10 restaurants in Olympia. I really enjoyed it. It's a BBQ restaurant with excellent food. We were early, so there was plenty of room for us. The gal thought Patrick said there were 4 of us. He just said we had a reservation at 4. It's was comical. 

Headed back home around 4:30 pm, Patrick said since we were in the area, we could go to the Casino. We hadn't been to a casino in awhile. The last one was when we went to the beach. We won $300 in the first 10 mins. Then we won another $356 as that was running out. Long story short, we spent 3 1/2 hours in the casino on the money that we won. We wanted to play, and that's what we did. It was fun and we had a good time. Our anniversary turned out to be one of the best we have had in a long time. AND I was even able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Going around in Circles Lately

 Here it is Sunday - yet again! I keep feeling like I'm running around on a wheel. 

Today was a day to just clean up and then just relax. We watched a movie and I worked on my beading. 

I wanted to get at least something done today. I didn't get anything done if you really think about it. I just beaded. I do like the darker greens on this piece. I will work on this some more later. I do like this quick start piece. It helps. I haven't taken it off yet. I may try and to the rest, who knows. 

I got the video on the presentation we did on the 11th. I always hate seeing myself in photos or videos. It's too big to put on here. I wanted to thank Pat Swanson for taking it. 

Now it's time to eat and head to the bowling alley - another Sunday. I will hopefully bowl good. 😁

Our partners were not able to bowl, so we were on our own. At least we own 1 game. I bowled a 196, 172, 187 which is the best I've done in a long time. The back exercises have been a big help. I do feel it now, so I have to do my stretching here pretty soon. ugh. 

My day was me running on a wheel like the Genny pig! That's going around in circle! At least in that wheel I got a few stitching done. That's at least trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Another Saturday - Beading

This morning I enjoyed a slow day. I'm always happy to have time to just do nothing!

While Patrick was outside working in the yard, I was just playing a few games. Then when he came in, we decided to watch a movie.

I decided to watch and bead. I was able to get the second panel done. I was finding a few mistakes that I corrected on the word chart. Now that's fixed I will have it done right. I was as far as where the first of the yellow started when I got to work on this. I then decided the next panel is going to be the Queen Anne's lace. I may just have them done before we leave. If that's the case, I will probably take another one to work on while on vacation. 

I do like the peyote bead starter. It does save a step or two. I will figure out how I can do a demo on the YouTube to show how easy this is. I do like Debbie Moffett-Hall's patterns. 

I was able to get my exercises in. I do feel like I have a bruise on my back. Patrick said I had one showing up. I can feel it. Oh, well, at least I'm feeling better lately. That's what makes it a lot easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 18, 2022

Work Out Day - Beading As Well

 This morning I was up and just being lazy. I didn't want to do much. Patrick was working on the camera's around the house. It's fun to see how well it works. lol - Yeah, another toy! 

I had my physical therapy today. So, I stopped and gave Georgie some more white fabrics for her blocks. She gave me 8 more blocks. I got moms mail and tried to drop it off but I couldn't get in the house. So, I put it in the car and was just a couple minutes late for my PT. When I got home I went through the keys to find another one of hers. I really need to get another key made! 

Supper smelled good today. Not my favorite but smelled good. Patrick made sauerkraut with sausage. 

I decided to work on my beading today. 

I wanted to see how this bead starter worked. It's one of Debbie Moffett-Hall's designs. I started my next panel to see how well it works. I actually like it. There is a way I can add more together to have a bigger piece started. It works pretty good. I did have trouble where I started it, because it didn't want to come out. I had to go and redo the first couple stitches to make sure it wouldn't come out because I had a knot I needed to take out. It wasn't much trouble. I will have to pay attention to that next time. I did get more done. I just didn't take a photo. I am going to work on it more this weekend. I should get another top done, but I'm going to call it good for now. There are too many things to do to keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Dentist Day - UGH

 This morning I enjoyed sleeping in. Patrick was off to golfing. This was Patrick's day to be busy. It was my day to enjoy. 

After my exercises and walk, I headed downstairs. I didn't need to go to the dentist till about 1:45 pm. 

I worked on getting the quilt closer to being done. I was happy to be able to get the rows set and ready to put together. I did put the first 2 rows together before I had to leave. 

I was thrilled to get this much done before leaving. 

Once at the dentist, I told them no on exam and x-rays. I just needed cleaning. This gal was good, but she did aggravate my gums by the fault teeth (only 2). I'm still feeling the pain. 

Came back home and Patrick was already home. He was getting the new camera's set up. We will be putting them around the house. I can't wait! Plus the doorbell camera. Seems everyone has them now. He did find out there was an attachment to the app that was a scam. He entered the credit card information (wasn't supposed to pay for it). About 5 mins later the credit union called on a scam alert. So, he cancelled the amount they asked for. Then 5 mins later he got another alert that 3 more request were being asked for, which he stopped. The last one was for $2.99 from a foreign country, so we knew that was a scam. They stopped his credit card and asked if he had it on him or if it was stolen. He told them he had it. Love credit card frauds that know it's a scam!! 

I got my beads in today - actually the ones from High Street Beading Company. They have an awesome discount going and I had to get in on it. I will send another order her shortly when I figure out the next set of ornaments I want to do. 

Once I had all this put away, I got supper going and Patrick out the door for his meeting and then bowling. He did come back between the two to fix the computer, as I told him it wasn't working and I thought it froze up. 

I was downstairs getting the quilt done! 

I want to have the binding red. So, I will do the red for the back and have Connie keep some red for the binding. It will look better that way. These are all Georgie's blocks. Now I just need to work on another panel and my do that this weekend. I will get back to my embroidery later. I will end up taking one of them with me on the cruise. 

Even though I hate going to the dentist, I figured out how to make my day better by being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Maybe Getting A Cold...UGH

This morning I woke and felt like someone beat the crap out of me. May have to tell Bob to be nicer to me! lol Anyway, Patrick went golfing and I did my exercises and then took a walk. It was COLD out there. At least I can say I walked. 

Once I got back, I got busy with vacuuming. Once that was done, I decided to take a nap.....yeah right! I fell asleep for about 20 mins when my phone rang. MOM called. She wants me to go to the newspaper office and get 3 papers from the other day. I told her it's a little late to be getting the paper. She wants me to call the office and have them hold 3 papers for me. Ain't gonna happen! Patrick sent brother Patrick the online article. She can print it from there. I told her it was online. Then I tried to go back to sleep - no such luck. 

So, I went downstairs to try and get some work done on the quilt on the floor. 

 I sewed the blocks in 2's. The top row is sewn down and ready. The rest need to have the seam in the middle and then I can put the rows together. It doesn't take a lot of work, but I just wasn't in it. Patrick got home and I quit. 

Debbie came over around 4 pm. She picked up some batting and backing. Then she looked for some fabric. I paid her for the panels she bought for our group. She took one with her, and left the others. I need to get to work on those as well. I'm going to look up another panel to see what others have done. She brought the paperwork for some of our veterans on the list. I have our Jan 12th presentation done and ready. I will work on our 28th (Saturday). I may wait till I get back. But I do need to call a couple to see if they are able to make it. I'm waiting on Woodland estates to see if the 4 she has will be there on the 12th. I have one that's 92 years old. 

That's about all the stuff I did to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

From One Place To Another And Back

This morning we were up at 6 am to head to Olympia. We had Patrick's treatment this morning. While I waited, I worked on my embroidery. 

I was working on my floss painting. I worked each strand separately. I could have had each strand with a needle. I didn't want to be poking myself. Patrick was about 45 mins. 

We then headed to Costco and got a few things. Had lunch. Then headed back home. We unloaded the car, loaded it back up with the quilts for QOV. Patrick went out to get some gas, while I headed on my tour. I headed to the Veterans Memorial Museum to get dates for more presentations. I was able to get January and February for presentations. 

Headed to Donna's to drop off the quilts for her to sew down the bindings. Once that was done, I headed to mom's, only to find out I had the wrong keys! I didn't have mom's keys on my key ring. So, off I went to the head office to get her key and mailbox key. I went back, walked to pick up moms mail and headed back to the office to return the keys. Had 5 mins - headed to my physicals therapist. I was in pain! He really got to my muscles. 

Headed back home. Once I was home, I got busy with the QOV presentations. I went through the papers I had. Entered a couple that I received. Then I called to get more information at Woodland Estates. We scheduled 6 more veterans of theirs. I now have 8 veterans for the first presentation in January. 

I will call a couple more tomorrow and get them scheduled. We have quilts and we have a long list of people needing to get quilts. Who knows, I might work on doing a top tomorrow. Time will tell. At least I can think about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 14, 2022

BE Day And Then Home

 This morning while I was leaving, Patrick was leaving for golfing. I got my stuff ready and headed out. Stopped at the bank, then post office. I had to pay $5 to send a pin to mom in Las Vegas! Go figure! Oh, well. Then I headed to the grange. 

Sandy, Cindy and I had a great chat. We were able to get a few things done. Sandy worked on her sampler piece, I worked on my "Five Sew" piece. 

I was able to get a lot done. I have the right side and the inside on the right side to do when I left the grange. 

We all headed to the thrift shop at Sun Birds. I bought a couple things. Nothing big. Sandy and Cindy were still there when I left. 

Came home to find Patrick already home. I got busy working on supper. It was one of those that take 2 hours to cook. 

After it was all over, I played games. Then decided to give a few stitches done. 

I finished up the detached button hole stitches. Now I can go back and do the floss painting done. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. I'll have time tomorrow to work on it. It's going to be one of those days when I will be waiting on Patrick. Then I have to go to the museum to sign us up for more presentations and a meeting. After that it's off to Donna's to give her some quilts. And last but not least, I have physical therapy at 2 pm. I'm not sure I will be doing much tomorrow night, but then who knows, I surprise even myself sometimes. I was thinking I need to work on my beading again! lol That's how I keep busy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Woo Hoo! It's Sunday!

 This morning Patrick was out the door by 8 am. He had to get blood tests done. Coming home around 10 am with doughnuts! Yum!

We did some cleaning and got a few things done. I had planned (yeah, I know, we all know how that goes!) to get that quilt put together, but decided I wanted to get the laundry going instead. So, I pulled my embroidery out and took out the detached button hole stitch out that I put in yesterday. 

This is the before. I didn't like the way it looked and realized I needed the stitches closer together. 

I took the hoop off and worked without it. It was easier to get my hands where I could work on this. Turning it around was hard to do. As I was taking the stitches out on the right side, I found that I need to add more stitches in there. I will use the magnifier to fill it where it needs to be. Once this part is done, I will go back to do the floss painting. 

Off to the bowling alley. We bowled a fun team. I bowled better today. I had a 156 (yeah, I know), 173, 173 for a 502 series. Haven't been that good for awhile. Felt good to finally get back up there and not feel like I don't know how to bowl. Patrick didn't do so good. It's funny though, his first game was a 173 - the rest went in the hole. I laughed and said if we traded that first game I would have had 3 games the same. lol - Too bad they don't give awards for that anymore. 

I'm just happy today was fun. And I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Class Day & A Movie

 This morning I was up around 6 am and then decided to go back to sleep. lol 

Mom called to say good-bye. She is on her way to Los Vegas with my brother and his wife. 

Our virtual class was at 10 am this morning. Turned out pretty good. We worked on the butterfly wings and was caught up on the other things we hadn't cover before. 

We found out that we were supposed to put the detached button hole around the stem stitches. I realized I was doing this wrong, so now I'm taking out what I put in. It looks better on the other side. I wasn't the only one that had a lot of this done. I can't wait to do the butterflies. We do the body and antenna's before we add the wings. I really do like this piece and am determined to get it done. 

After I was done, Patrick wanted to go to the movies. We went to the "Black Panther" movie. I loved it and so did Patrick. We had a good time with this one. I was surprised it was close to 3 hours. I loved how they worked the death in of the original character.  Well worth seeing!

Came home and Debbie stopped by to pick up the 3 quilts needing the bindings done. She also picked up the batting and backing for her quilt. So far 2 of the challenge quilts are done now. 

I enjoyed sitting her with Patrick watching the "Summer Wine" group. Plus working on this piece. Like I said, I'm taking out all that work I did when I took the photo. Oh, well. That's Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 11, 2022


Today we were to go to the museum for our Veterans Day celebration. 

My brother gave his speech. The we presented quilts to four veterans. It was a 2 hour celebration honoring out veterans. I won't waste this post on what I did today. I will honor those veterans. 

 Our photographer got in the way of this photo. lol - This is Patrick Taylor (brother), Mike McCoy, (family friend), Donald Schmidt (Navy) and Joseph Bushlack (Army). We had the honor of presenting them with a quilt. This gives us 227 quilts given out since we started in November 2022. We love doing this for our veterans! 

This was so much fun! I loved being able to give these away!

I was not able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Out And About

 This morning I was up at 7 am and in the shower. Patrick was right behind me. Then we headed to Olympia for his colonoscopy. We were on time and they got him in pretty quick. I was waiting for him for about 1 hour and 45 mins. 

I worked on the floss painting for awhile. Then I went out in the car because I was tired. Just as I was about to fall asleep they called to say he was ready and to move to the parking spot assigned. He was really off balanced when they brought him to the car. I was surprised they didn't have the wheel chair. We then headed home and stopped at the vets on the way back. Then to Phil's. 

We got home about 12:30 pm and I was getting tired. So, about 1:45 pm I laid down on the couch and was out! Told Patrick to wake me at 2:30 pm if I fell asleep. 

It was time to head to my physical therapy. I drove over. Then he had me take a walk with him around the building. It's a way to see what's going on with my hip. I'm doing weird things with my pain. It moves around. lol This time it was higher than usual. He did tell me I have to get out and walk. So, I'm going to have to take the time and go walk twice around the neighborhood. 

After that was over, I went to moms. My brother and his wife were there. I gave him a hug and got mom to go back to Nancy's to see if we could find the next person for tomorrow. What she had wasn't what I needed. We had trouble getting into the house, so the neighbor helped. Then we looked for her notebook. Mom and the neighbor found it in the computer room. I was thrilled because the name of the people for Friday was there! I brought the bag home. Took mom to her place and my niece was there. Gave her a hug and left. Got home about 4 pm all because mom loves talking to her neighbors and is telling everyone about how Nancy is doing. AND she wonders why I don't tell her much! 

I had to get the certificate filled out and signed. Now I have everything I need right now. I'm thinking I will work on the veterans to assign for presentations for a little bit. I will work on January 7th first. Then I will get another date in January later. 

I was just glad to get as much done as I did, which makes me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

A Day At Home - Thank Goodness

Today I was able to get my laundry going. I had gotten behind. Amazing how fast the laundry grows with 2 people in the house!

While I was working on the laundry I was working on Quilts of Valor stuff. I needed to get a few envelopes ready for presentations. I was able to do about 30 envelopes that will last awhile. I also did the 3 certificates that I know. I'm still working on who the last person is that is receiving a quilt. I did text Nancy, but probably won't hear back on that. I do have an extra day before we have our presentation. Mom did get the tablets that Nancy was working on for information. I was running around the house making copies and getting everything in order. I put everything in order in the box. Now it will be easy to get what we need. That pretty much took a good 3 hours. 

Then I decided to sit and work on my embroidery. 

I sent this to Debbie Goff to make sure I was doing this right. I'm hoping I did. I kept going. I was here before supper and got busy after supper. 

I was able to get this much done today. I'm done with the red in this part. I will work on it more tomorrow when I'm waiting for Patrick's colonoscopy. I believe they told me it would be about an hour to an hour and a half. I should get a lot done in that time. lol Not sure if I will wait in the car or wait in the waiting rooms. I have to be masked up, so we will see. 

I pray I'm ready for Friday. I'm also praying we figure out who is supposed to be getting that extra quilt on Friday as well. 

In the meantime, I'm just thankful I'm still working on this piece. I'm hoping to have most of it done by Saturday.....I know, a DREAM. I can keep dreaming of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

One Doctor Appointment After Another

 Today we were up and out the door to Olympia for yet another doctor appointment. Then we headed to Kaiser to get what Patrick needs for Thursday. 

While I waited on Patrick, I worked on my embroidery. 

I worked on the satin stitch and finished it while waiting on Patrick. (This is upside down, but I took it that way because I was working on at that angle)

Came home and got laundry started - and forgot about it. 😍 I was so into what I was doing!!

I worked on the flower. I'm doing a stem stitch with frost, and then going right next to that with glory floss. That's where it's thicker and the color changes. I will then go and do some "floss painting" in those petals. I'm actually looking forward to doing that. Once I get the two inside petals done, I will do the yellow part in the middle that I did on my "doodle cloth." I'm looking forward to working on this. I will take it with me Thursday morning and spend a couple hours working on this. 

All in all, I'm excited about this piece. I've been busy and still finding time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 7, 2022

A Day At BE Meeting, Moms, And PT

Today started out early. Had to head out the door and get my routine done. First, bank, second, bowling alley, stopped for tea, and on to the grange. 

There was three of us again today. I can't wait for more people to show up! Had a good meeting. Showed what I learned in class and worked on my Five Alive piece. 

 I finished the leaves. Then I tried to do the bud area. I was able to put a couple hours in on it. Cindy gave me some tea from the Russian shop in Tacoma. 

Once that was over, I headed to Connie's to drop off some fabric and batting. Then to Papa Pete's for a pizza to bring home. Next stop was moms. We went over to Nancy's and picked up some QOV stuff. I'm missing the schedule and we figured out where that was after talking to Nancy. I will make sure we pick it up on Thursday so I can have it read for Friday and the Jan. presentation. 

Came back to mom's and worked on the Hawaiian quilt for Bob. We pinned it first. 

We were able to put it on her table. 

Once it was all pinned, we started basting it. 

We decided to just do the inside part. Mom can take that with her to Las Vegas to work on. When she gets back, we can put the border part on and she can applique that done. Right now she has this to work with. 

I then headed over to my Physical Therapy at 4 pm. Once I was over that, I had to go back to moms to get the stuff Georgie dropped off. Then it was on my way home. 

Patrick was "testy" because I was so late. He hates eating at 6 pm. We actually ate around 5:30 pm. Then he seemed to calm down. I called my niece to get some information from her about mom. Mom told me something that ticked me off. I found out mom was testing me. My niece and I are on the same page. Now I need to get my brother to get mom on that page. 

After such a long day, I still wanted to work on my piece.

I ended up taking the inside stem out because my bullion was way to long and sloppy. So, I redid it and started the satin stitching on it. I quit at this point. I will take it tomorrow to Patrick's doctor appointment. 

Even though I missed a board meeting, I was still glad to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Better Bowling

 This morning we slept in because we could. The time changed and we got an extra hour in. I just wish the congress would pass a bill that we stop daylight savings time. I am always off track. When we have to change it back, I will be a mess. 

I played a few games. Then I cleaned house. Patrick and I mopped the wood floors and got under some of the area rugs. We vacuumed and I did my usual kitty litter. We did more cleaning then we normally do on Sunday. I didn't get any laundry going but will probably do that on Tuesday since tomorrow is busy. 

Phill stopped in to see us! I was so nice! I enjoyed the 3 hour visit. That is rare but really nice. I'm looking forward to things getting better and he will be able to visit more. I hope one day his wife will be able to come visit as well. Time will tell. 

Decided to make dessert. Patrick found a recipe for a Mississippi Mud Pie - I think that's the name. It went really well and was easy. Patrick helped. He had some when we got home from bowling. 

He said it turned out really good. It's a brownie with marshmallows and chocolate frosting. 

Called mom to see if she went to see Nancy. Nancy was so excited to see her and Carman. I would have gone but I wanted to visit with my son. Nancy is doing better and is going to the stroke center in Tacoma tomorrow or Tuesday. She's getting better. Things are taking a little bit of time. 

I cut the batting and backing for Connie. I went looking for threads for Sandy. I have that all ready to go tomorrow when I am out and about. I'm looking forward to working on my embroidery tomorrow. I will try to work on it more after our embroidery meeting. I really do want to get as much done as I can. 

Then it was time for bowling. I bowled a lot better tonight. JoAnn and I were tied in average. Tonight she bowled out of her tree and got a 599 series. As for me, I bowled a 523 series. I had a couple 170 games. I was trying to find my scores on my app, but they aren't showing up. I did a lot better then I have in a long time. Now I just need to keep this up. My back was hurting a little bit. At least I could still bowl. 

It wasn't one of those days. I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Virtual Class And More

Today I was up about an hour before class. Patrick let me sleep. lol - So I got moving and got set up for our meeting. Since we had a big wind storm last night, all the leaves in the back yard went to the open field next door. Good thing our tree was cut down already. 

Went to the class. One of the gals in the group couldn't make it because of power outage. We couldn't get a hold of her. So, we went on without her. 

The first thing we worked on was the leaves. That was simple enough. Then we went on to the flower. 

This was the leaf. The tip is with a glory and then the bottom part of the leaf is a frost. They look really nice. 

I forgot we could do the outline stitches on the petal. I then did another outline stitch right by the first. Once that was done we did some fill in stitches. We used 3 different colors and needles. Once that was done, we worked on the yellow "flower ovary." It was done with attached stem stitches. We put straight stitches across with a 1/4" apart. Then we did the stem stitches over the cross stitches. It was fun and easy. Once that was done, we learned how to do the cast one with 2 pink and 2 blue threads. It was fun. I only did 2 of the 3. Talk about some work. I got the second one too tight and it was hard to get the threads through. She extended our class an hour to make sure we got the idea and knew what we were doing before she closed the class for next week. 

I decided I wanted to get most of it done for next week. If I can get the flower done then I'll be all ready to work on the butterflies and get this done. It will go faster than the tree. I will work on the tree once this one is done. I think this will take less time. 

Mom called and Nancy can have visitors. She wanted me to go up with her tomorrow but Phil is coming over. Then I have bowling. That didn't help. Think she was mad at me for being busy tomorrow. Feel bad, but I can't work it out. Told her to ask Carmen. 

I spend the rest of the day working on my "Sew Five Alive" piece. 

I started working on the bottom right leaf and realized I needed to get the bottom left done first. Once that is done, I will go back and finish the one on the right. It's coming along really well. I do like the way it looks. I have to do the center part before I can work on the flower. I will get as much done as I can before next week. Now that's what I call Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Too Much Rain To Go Anywhere

This morning it was raining. I didn't go to moms because of the rain. It was supposed to pour! It was close. Patrick said it rained 2" by the time we were up. Then it rained another 2" during the day. It hasn't stopped raining. 

I enjoyed the day - doing very little. I watched TV with Patrick. We even watched a cartoon movie that was really good. "The Bad Guys" about a wolf, snake, whale, and two others. It was really cute!

I worked on my class work - 

I have most of it done. I'm excited to see what we do after that. Should be fun. Starts at 10 am tomorrow. 

Then I spent the rest of the afternoon doing family history. I was working on a cousin's information. Bryon has been getting a lot of updating for me. I'm happy that I'm able to get more information on the Matheson families. He's getting me current. 

At least I was in the mood to work on my stitching - which had me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

At Moms And PT Today

 Today I was up and ready to go to moms. I felt like I was missing something when I left. I'm not used to leaving the house without something to work on or something to drop off. 

Mom and I went to the Vets to pick up Daisy's ashes. The came back and pulled out the Hawaiian quilt for Bob. We ironed the red and then put the pattern on the piece. Once we had it all pinned down, mom started to cut it out. It's really pretty! She had about 1/4 th of it cut out. She will be doing that off and on over the next day or so. 

Nancy called from the hospital and her daughter in law was with her. The first thing she said was "I am alive." Then the phone went dead. She called back and the good news is that she can think about what is needed. She wanted me to know she couldn't do QOV stuff. I told her not to worry about it and that we were working on it. She though she needed to be there on the 11th and I told her it was an easy presentation and not to worry about it. We don't have another one till January, so we have plenty of time and she needs to work on getting better. She doesn't need to worry about QOV. She said thank you. She tried to talk a full sentence but once in a while one work was missing. She's doing a heck of a lot better than I thought she was. I was so glad to hear her talk! I was worried she would be like my late Uncle Bill De Spain and not be able to talk but a few words. 

Went to physical therapy and then back to moms. Since was was watching TV, I decided I'd go home. We have rain now. It's supposed to get worse tonight and tomorrow. I just hope my window above my bed doesn't break. It's the last of the two panes. Fingers crossed it will stay in tact. 

Debbie called to tell me her brother had a stroke today. She was just leaving the hospital. It was a 2 hour visiting in the ER. Shame I wasn't so lucky! I just pray nothing else happens!

Patrick went bowling and I enjoyed listening to my book and playing games. I got my exercises in. I worked on my piece for my virtual class on Saturday. 

I worked on the butterfly wings. I'm starting to do a button hole stitch around the wire. I had to couch the wire down. Then I need to do the button hole around the wire. I need my mag light to work on this. It need to be done very fine. Should be fun to see what we do with them. I'm not sure if we will be doing the wings Saturday or work on the piece itself. Either way, I will be ready when she wants to show how to do the wings. That was as far as I got to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

A Day To Myself

 Patrick went golfing and I ended up having most of the day to myself. Trouble was, things needed to be cleaned. So, I ended up vacuuming, mopping, cleaning litter, and laundry. It did take time but I was glad ot be able to just sit down and play games. 

Debbie stopped by to get some fabric because she cut hers wrong. We had plenty of that fabric. It was good to see her. She brought me some information on our veterans, so I have what I need. 

Mom called to say Nancy is having trouble talking. She's trying to communicate and getting frustrated that she can't say what she is thinking. Not sure about her movements. I called Bob to let him know. He didn't call me back, so I will chat with him tomorrow at PT. I think Nancy had a PT appointment for tomorrow or Friday. 

After supper I decided to bead.

I finished these the other day. I need to make a couple more sets. Trying to decide if I want to put them together before I leave for the cruise or after. 

I started and finished the panel on the left. I decided I wanted the darker green for the leaves. So, I changed it up. Not a big change, but a change none the same. I like the left one. If doesn't matter who gets which one. I will work on more of these this week. I really do need to get at least 3 sets done.

Now I'm watching "Woodpeckers" on PBS. I love these birds! I'm calling it a day, enjoying the show. I can say that I was happy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...