Friday, November 25, 2022

Day After - Relaxing Day

This morning Patrick headed out to golf. I got up and started the laundry - started but never finished.

Then I decided to just enjoy the day. I had a few things I wanted to do - laundry - that didn't pan out, but hey, I worked on my beading. 

I finished the first one, and got the other two done today. If you look closely, you can see I messed up on the one on the left. I'm leaving it because it's more fun seeing children wonder why it's different. I thought about taking the row our and reworking it but decided to leave it. Not a big difference. I have one more panel to do and the second set of ornaments will be done. I will try and get them all put together this weekend. That would make me happy. 

I received some information for a quilts of valor quilt. So, I'm going to enter that tomorrow. I had to get my exercises and walk in today. That helps. I had a hard night last night with my hip hurting. I realized it has to do with the couch. I was sitting on it yesterday for a good little bit. My back and hip don't care for the couch. When I went to bed last night, my hip let me know it wasn't comfortable. I ended up getting up around 2 am to take Tylenol. It helped and I could finally go to sleep. 

I just relaxed and enjoyed being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


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