Sunday, November 20, 2022

Going around in Circles Lately

 Here it is Sunday - yet again! I keep feeling like I'm running around on a wheel. 

Today was a day to just clean up and then just relax. We watched a movie and I worked on my beading. 

I wanted to get at least something done today. I didn't get anything done if you really think about it. I just beaded. I do like the darker greens on this piece. I will work on this some more later. I do like this quick start piece. It helps. I haven't taken it off yet. I may try and to the rest, who knows. 

I got the video on the presentation we did on the 11th. I always hate seeing myself in photos or videos. It's too big to put on here. I wanted to thank Pat Swanson for taking it. 

Now it's time to eat and head to the bowling alley - another Sunday. I will hopefully bowl good. 😁

Our partners were not able to bowl, so we were on our own. At least we own 1 game. I bowled a 196, 172, 187 which is the best I've done in a long time. The back exercises have been a big help. I do feel it now, so I have to do my stretching here pretty soon. ugh. 

My day was me running on a wheel like the Genny pig! That's going around in circle! At least in that wheel I got a few stitching done. That's at least trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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