Thursday, August 31, 2023

Not A Craft Day

Today I was up later than usual. I hate the sun coming in that early in the morning. I sat and played games while I waited for Patrick to get up. 

After a while I figured Patrick wanted to go shopping, so that is what we did. When we got home Debbie was here dropping off a quilt and some fabric that will work with the panel I need to work on. I will be taking some fabrics to Connie and then dropping off some quilts for mom. I don't want to stay long with the quilt group. I have other things I want to get done. 

I asked Patrick to come down and help me with this one. The stars will be in opposite corners. Three block in each position. I will do a gold, print, and black border around the center. Then I'll have a beige fabric to fill in. That's a good 12" which means I need to put a border around the whole thing because wide borders on the outside are hard to work with when quilting them. The beige I just noticed is that bolt of fabric in the lower right. I will work and see how it goes. I tend to change my mind as I go. I was having fun with different ideas and Patrick is a good person to work those ideas with. 

Then I came into the computer room and got started on my genealogy. I found a book, "The descendants of George Little, who came to Newbury, Mass, in 1640" and it's published in the 1800's. I was filling in my tree which gave me more members than I had. It took me back 4 generations to the 1600's. Interesting family! I was always interested in the LITTLE family because my great grandmother's middle name was Little. I will be able to work on the Little family to find the WHITE family connections. I did find where cousin's married a couple times in the LITTLE family. Way back when it was allowed. 

Now that I've spend over 4 hours on genealogy, I'm ready to call it good. Shame I didn't so some work on something so I could say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Finishing Up Another Quilt And Thinking About Another

 This morning I was up and listening to my book. Nora Roberts has a really good trio of books that are fantastic and fantasy. I really enjoyed those books and had a hard time putting them done. 

After Patrick got up, I went for my walk. I only went around 4 times because I had to go to my massage therapist. I had another new person. I was surprised because she really got down in my muscles like Karla did. So, I decided to have her again. She doesn't talk much, and I seriously need to learn how to relax! It felt good though. 

Came home and really couldn't decide what I wanted to do. I actually walked around trying to make up my mind. I pulled the quilt in the bedroom out to finish the binding. 

Binding and label are on this one. I turned out okay but not the best. The center was a pain in my rear! So, I'm just glad it's done. I have another one to add the label to and will do that later on. 

Debbie picked up some panels that we needed. The ship ones are really hard to find. So she went to Gee Gee's to pick up that panels. She also picked up a couple more. This is the Army panel that someone requested, I think. So, I'm going to have to get this done. I took a photo for Connie to see if she has the material that will go with this. Debbie said she had some that I can use. So, I will probably get it from Debbie tomorrow. Then I can get started and get it done. We need to have it done for October to be able to honor a veteran. 

I pretty much played games and listened to my book while Patrick watched TV. Right now he's watching "Who's Line Is It Anyway." Don't seem to have changed much over the years. At least I took the time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Finished Another Set Of Angels

 This morning I was taking my time with my exercises. Patrick left for golfing so my day was mine. I enjoyed it. I was surprised that Patrick didn't get back home till around 2 pm. Good thing I started the stew for supper way before that. It needed to simmer a long time to make the meat tender. It turned out really well. I added small potatoes and added Patrick's carrots from the garden. Easy peasy!

When I finally felt like doing something, I started working on my last angel for set number 3. 

I started and finished it today. I like when I can do that. 

This is the finished set. I do like it. I almost think the blue one should have been bluer, but I do like who well they go together. 

This is the three sets. Top 3 on the right are one, bottom 3 from the right is two and the three to the left are the 3rd one. 

I pulled out my pattern on the computer and have it set to do another gold winged set. I also picked the colors for the next ones. I do have a red one this time with blue and green. They are looking great. A couple more and then I can get them put together. I checked to see if I had the holders for them and the good news is that I have 7 holders that will be given out with them. Good till next year. lol 

Now that I finished this, I'm going to go sit and play. It's been a long day of walking, beading, and cooking. Funny thing is that I don't mind as long as I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 28, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery Day.....Beaded Instead

 This morning was BE meeting day. I arrived after Cindy. Then Sandy came in with my ice tea. Cindy bought us breakfast from McD's. Mine is always sausage biscuit (sp). We had a good meeting. Alice arrived and we chatted for awhile. 

I decided to work on my last set of angels for my third ornament. I was able to get this one done. I have one more to do and then I can start another. I think I'm going to do the gold wings again. I do like them. I will have to change a couple things in the pattern to get them done right. 

I stopped at the church before going to drop off 2 quilts. Then I came back after our meeting and picked up the one they had. They gave back the thread and said it was awful. It was the same one that Debbie had trouble with and we are throwing it out. It was donated from Superior Threads too! It didn't have a good mark on it. So, no clue what kind of thread they gave. 

I stopped at Sunbirds on the way home to pick up some fishing wire that would work for my beading. I bought about 148 yards for 3 cents a yard. I'm going to try it out and see if it works. The poor guy was trying to figure out how to wind all that wire onto "something" other than a fishing reel. It was almost comical. I did end up with a reel, but they couldn't find the child's reel it went into. I got that part free. I spend $4 for the wire. Now I just need to try it out for beading. If it works, I'm game. I think he gave me 8 lbs and not the 6 lbs. We'll see. 

Came home and went out walking with Ron. I wasn't feeling great after about 5 loops. So, I came to get a protein shake so I could continue. Patrick told me I should have stayed in. I didn't want to. Plus I only had 2 more to go. I finished it out and came in. 

Still not feeling 100% and I'm heading to bed early. Will listen to my book for about an hour and call it finished. My day was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Sunday........Slow Day

 This morning I didn't want to get up. I kept waking up last night because of my reflex. I ate around 7 yesterday and I know better. It still hasn't corrected itself since our vacation. 

I worked on my exercises and didn't see Ron out there till he was on his 5th loop. I joined him. After we got the last 2 loops done, I continued till I was at 6 loops - had to come in and hit the bathroom. lol So figured I could get away with not doing one more loop. 

I did some cleaning. Got the laundry going and vacuumed. I wanted to get a few things done before working on my letters from the past. I ended up doing 2 of them. One was from my 2nd great grandmother. I believe the letter was written in 1860's or 1870's. There wasn't a date on it. She was getting after my great grandfather for not writing. She expected a letter from him every Tuesday from what I can figure out. Kinda funny! 

Then it was time for our BE virtual group. Only 3 of us made it. Sandy's sister, Judy (leader) and myself. We talked about all kinds of things. She was showing the classes she's wanting to teach at our seminar. Should be fun. Don't know if I will take them, but they are good pieces. My class starts on the 7th, so it will be fun. I sent the money for the kit and waiting to get them. I need to check to see if I have the floss needed for the class. I better do that soon. 

I found my scrap quilt that I machine quilted a few years ago. It was for the cats I had. I wondered where it was. Then today while looking for batting, I found it. It was a little damp from the bricks. So, I washed it and put it by the table in the dining room. She likes to sleep there. I put it down and it didn't take long for her to sniff it out. Then she "claimed" it. I walked over there and step on it while taking my photo of my bead work. You should have seen the look I got for doing that!

While at the virtual meeting I worked on this. I want to get this done! I was able to get 1/3 of it done. I started on the blue skirt before quitting. It's coming along great. I have this one and one more to do. Then I will work on another set, with different colors again. I find I can continue if I'm not doing the same colors. 

I was able to do a little more genealogy. It's coming along great. I haven't had much chance to check ancestry as I'm working on the research through books right now. I did get some documents from ancestry. There are a couple of things I'm not sure if they belong to my tree though. I will keep working on it. 

Today turned out to be a slow day. I was at least able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

it's Saturday AND I Love Having The Time

This morning I wanted to just sleep in. We waited for Katt to call around 9:30 am. It was so good to hear from her! I do miss her! She's such a wonderful adult! I just wish at times she had someone to enjoy her live with. 

After that I took my time with my exercises. Then I decided I wanted to work on some genealogy. I was working on the White family. I didn't get much for my line, but I did get some that are off-shoots. I found a book on the Mayflower and started going through it. It has a lot of information on the White family that came off the Mayflower. I added some that I knew where related in a LONG WAY off. I wanted to find it closer to the family, but still working on it. I think my White family is as long as the Taylor family now. I also figured out that the White's on mom's side hook into the Taylor side. Like they say, we are all related in one way or another. If I figure out the Mayflower stuff, I will probably find 4 families that are related from the Mayflower if not more. Right now I think we have 1 on each side (Patrick's and Mine). 

Then I wanted to take a break and work on my ornaments. 

These 2 are now done. I have one more set of two to do and then I will be done with #3. 

This one is blue. I have more done than I expected. I will try and get them both done and put them away while I work on the next 2. 

Talked to mom today. She is worried about Hildi and I think Chuck is close to passing. Time will tell. If and when he passes, she plans to leave the area. She doesn't have family here anymore. They all moved to the East Coast. I don't blame her for leaving. 

Sophie has been keeping me busy. Not letting me go too far away from her. It did get hot today. It's even hot now. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow if it's going to be this hot. We were back in the 90's. 

At least I found time to work on the ornament and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 25, 2023

Trip To Olympia

 This morning we couldn't sleep in.  There was thunder this morning as we were leaving. Shame we had to miss it! 

I had a dermatology appointment. We headed out and the car let us know there was an accident on I-5. The good news is that it was cleared before we had to wait on it. We arrived in time for my appointment. It was the first time I saw this doctor. I really liked her! She measured my "sun spots." She's giving me some medication for my rosacea. I have to go back in 6 months to see if my spots are growing. They are good sizes. I know what to look for now with cancer spots. So far, I don't have that.

We stopped at Costco and got a few things. Came home and unloaded. Patrick brought me mail for another application - we already have him in the system. So, we just need to get his quilt! I let Carol know. I worked on a few things and decided not to do any more today. 

I enjoyed watching TV with Patrick today. Gave me time to work on my panel. 

I'm almost done with the second of 2 panels. Then I will start the last set. I am going to try and finish it tonight. But I keep getting side tracked with more information on genealogy. 

I really need to work on this and get moving with 2 more. Let's see if I can do that! That would really make my day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Thursday, August 24, 2023

QOV Presentation Day!

 This morning I was off to the museum to get working on the presentation today. We ended up with 3 members that we needed, gone. Mom took over Smiley's place, Joanne took over Hildi's place and Kristi took over for mom. 

These are our veterans for today. I don't have the names right now. I will post them as soon as I do. 

Hard to believe Ron is 93 years old. He received this quilt I made. I wanted to give him a different one, but I didn't have it at the museum. So, we gave him this one. 

I had to get the Secretary stuff done for the bowling league too. Molly and I met at the bank. We needed to fix a few things. Now it's Molly's account with the President. 

I'm done for today. Working too much on getting some applications filled out and just spending too much time in the computer room right now. So, this is short. It wasn't a day for Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

What Fun!

 Today I was up early because of the light coming in the window. Got my exercises done. Then I played on the tablet till it was time to go to PT. 

I needed to stop at the museum first to drop of 7 quilts. Then I headed over to PT. I was a half hour early, so I decided to go stop and see mom since she is 3 minutes away from my PT. I chatted with her for a good 20 minutes. She was quilting on Bob's (PT'ist). It's coming along. When I arrived at PT Bob was coming out with a client that was before me. We chatted with her a little. She was graduating from him. lol I told him I did my exercises and thought we could walk. I have walked every day except 3 since our last visit. He was thrilled to hear that. I didn't have any issues. So, we both decided to wait 2 months and see how it goes with me doing what I'm doing. If all goes well, then it will probably by my last visit till the next time. 

Left there and headed home. Patrick was waiting for me. He wanted to go to the casino today. We arrived and the money was going fast. We were down to the last $2 when I hit $750. We planned on that for another hour and still brought home some money even after losing some. We had a good time and then stopped at Love's to get gas and then to Carl Jr's for supper. 

Came home and I had to call Carol about tomorrow. We like to chat on the phone before our presentations. We are both way to busy to be chatting at presentations. She filled me in and I'm good to go. I have 2 applications I need to enter but will do that later. 

I pulled out the quilts to add the labels to get them to the museum. 

This was done by someone I don't know. It's really pretty and I wonder if it's one we got in the mail. 

This is one of Kirsti's friend - Bussmen. Can't remember her first name. I will have that down later. No one is assigned to this one, so it will be fine. 

I need to get moving on a couple more for people I know. I did work on the certificates as well. So, I have 2 more quilts that need labels and I MAY try to do those tomorrow morning. It all depends on my getting ready in time. 

At least I had time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

I'm Going In 5 Directions!

 This morning I didn't want to get up. Even though I was wide awake. I waited on Patrick and then got up. 

I worked on my exercises and then headed out for a walk. I got all my "Spice Cake" ingredients ready for when I came back. I was hoping Ron was out there but never did see him walking. Got my walking in and then got started on the cake. It's a Rum Cake. It was in the oven. 

Then Connie asked if she could come over and "shop." I told her "Sure." When she came, Patrick's friends showed up too. So, Connie thought she was interrupting. I told her to just come in! I had fun getting her to take some of the fabrics. She's going to work with them. I know she will make quilts out of the fabrics she took. I also gave her the batting that was given to us. 

Before she came, I was working on emails to the veterans that we received requests for. Plus, I had to enter the information about the White side of the family. I'm working on that. I asked Emily to help me out. I can't seem to figure out if I got the information from documents or not. I will check it out tomorrow or this weekend. I'm going to get back on ancestry and get moving on getting documents on the family. I have a few mistakes in my family tree and they need fixed. Emily is awesome when it comes to finding what I "screwed up on." 

After Connie left, I got busy with starting on the quilts that need labels. 

Connie's quilt is done. I was looking for one of mine and found out it's at Hildi's. I don't think I can have a label on it for Thursday if she gets it done. Hildi has too much going on right now, so I need to find another quilt I have made for Ron. 

Debbie has been busy. She's got a couple quilts that go to someone special. This is one. 

Debbie has been doing really well with these panels. She took 3 more panels because all the Navy guys want this panel. We will try and order more. This one is also assigned to someone special. 

This one turned out better after it was quilted. I will give this one to Ron, if I can't find the other one, I want to give him. I'm thinking of going to the museum tomorrow and drop off these quilts and see if there is one that I made there to give to Ron. I also need 2 more quilts for Mary and Harold. They haven't sent me their information, but I know it will be coming. Which means I need to go downstairs and get moving on that too. 

I wanted to try and work on the ornament since I need 2 more. I'm trying to get back to genealogy and that's a kicker! Then I want to do my embroidery and cross stitch. There never seems to be enough time for me to get this done. 

The good news is that we can get all our requests for this year done. If we do, then we can have presentations once a month again. Having it every other week is a killer and I'm not getting much done. Connie is talking to others who wish to help and if she can get them, then I can take a deep breath and relax once in a while and do what I really want to do. In the meantime, I'm staying busy and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, August 21, 2023

From One Thing To Another

 This morning I was up earlier than usual. I had too much to do. After getting ready, I had to take all the stuff out to the car. My list of things to do was long. 

First I had to hit the bank, next thing I off to Rite Aid, then Phil's. Once that was done I headed to McD's for coffee for both Sandy and Cindy. Next stop was to the fair to pick up 5 quilts. I got there to find Chuck asking me for 2 more forms to fill out for QOV. Gave them to him and took my quilts along with my QOV stuff I left behind on Saturday. 

Of course I had to stop at "The Cup" to get me some Chai Tea. I finally arrived at the grange. Cindy was there first. Sandy came later and Sandy 2 came shortly after. We had a good chat and worked on some stuff. I didn't get a lot done. I chatted more than usual. 

I worked on the growth in the bowl. I have to add the yellow 3D flowers to it. Then I can go and do beads in the bowl. I need to do that part last. I wanted to work on the rose I took with me to MI but I didn't have the padding I needed to put on it. So, I decided to work on the bonsai tree instead. My class will start soon, so I will have another project that needs attention. 

Connie asked if I was still on today. Texted that I was on my way. I left embroidery at 12:45 pm.  Went to Connie's to pick up a quilt. She had one that needed quilting. Since she's having knee surgery on Monday, she is getting ready for it. The quilt I had for her was going to Debbie instead. Left her place and headed to Safeway for rolls. Once that was done, I headed to moms. 

Arrived at mom and unloaded my car with all her stuff. Then I picked up a box of fabric that Judy Rambo dropped off for me. I stayed to chat to see how it went yesterday, but she didn't say much. I would ask if she talked to someone, and she changed the subject. So, I really don't know how the reunion went. At that point, I was glad we didn't go. 

Headed home by stopping at Dutch Brothers for tea and coffee. Since it was double points day, I decided to get Patrick a coffee. 

Came home and started folding the quilts to go to the museum. I also kept the embroidery quilt mom made. It was mine after all. lol 

Patrick pulled veggies from the garden. So, I shredded the zucchini and bagged it in freezer bags. While I was doing that Debbie came over. We chatted for a good hour. Plus I gave her back the ship panels to work on. We have a LOT of people that want those panel quilts that served in the Navy. She brought her pattern she's going to make for her and Jim. It's a pattern that is a pain to figure out. It has way too much fabric. There is a lot of waste. She's going to look for a better pattern. 

After she left and supper was over, I pulled out a quilt to get the label on. We counted 9 quilts that need labels. 

This is Kristi's quilt that was hanging at the fair. So, I finally got the label on it and it's headed to the museum on Thursday. 

I added the label to this. Now I'm down to 7 quilts that need labels. Good thing I worked on those last week! 

I ended up - even after walking for 45 minutes - going from one thing to another and still finding time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Not Doing So Well

 Today I woke with a headache and went back to sleep. I didn't get up till 9:30 am. Even then I wasn't feeling good. 

I got to work on the laundry off and on. Mostly laid down on the couch. Very little playing games today. It just wasn't in the card. Patrick and I both took an hour or more nap. 

I did work on the next panel. I was able to add to the dress. I didn't get much done. 

After supper I came to check on the information my daughter in law did for me on the Campbell family. She's good at finding family for me. I should work on it more. I did enter some of the information and added to the family history. 

Now I'm beat again. I have to get stuff ready for tomorrow. I'm not quiet feeling up to Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Another Day At The Fair

 This morning Derek and Kylee headed out to meet the rest of the family in Woodinville. They left around about 8:15 am. It was nice to see them. 

After they left I was able to start my day. I exercised and then waited to see if Ron was outside. When he didn't show up around 10:30 am, I headed out to walk. I did 2 loops till he came out to join me. We then did 7 loops. 

By the time I got back in the house it was almost one o'clock. I had started laundry before I left. Then when I got in the house, I got lunch. I needed to leave around 1:15 pm at the latest. I emptied the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen sink. Then I was ready to leave. I was out the door around 1:15pm Took the tickets to Teri and Scott across the street before I headed out. I had a couple extra tickets and knew Patrick didn't want to go. 

I drove around the back area. I had trouble getting to the parking lot because of the big wheels. I parked in a place I wasn't happy about. So, when the big wheels quieted down, I went out and moved the car. I was there with Colleen. She's a sweetheart! We chatted. Cindy (state coordinator) left her card. She showed up in the morning even when I told her I worked 2-6. I called her and we chatted. She said she had some good comments about our group. Apparently, someone told her that we work well with the Veterans Memorial Museum by working with each other. They told her how well we work with the museum. I thought that was awesome! Maybe she'll write it up in the state information she sends out each month. 

We got a couple more applications. We must have passed out 100 applications, so it will be interesting to see how many come in. 

Colleen and I worked some well that we didn't realize it was 6:30 pm before we knew it. We closed up and I brought everything home. She stayed to get something to eat. I came home to hear all about Patrick golf tournament. He buried so bad on the back of his neck that he won't be golfing for a few days. Those pills he has tells him to try and stay out the sun. 

I took care of a couple things and now I'm just playing on the tablet. It's wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

A Day Of Fair Going And Mini Family Reunion

 Yesterday I was up before the crack of dawn! Then headed over to the Motel in town to meet up with the Twin Cities Rotary. They were very kind and are helping us with Quilts of Valor. We were gifted $1,000 which will go a long way. We were shocked and pleased at the same time!

Then we headed to Denny's for breakfast. There we sat and chatted. Debbie left early because she had to get home. Connie and I still had an hour and a half before we were to be at the fair. Our shift was 10-2. Around noon my nephew and his family came and met up with me. I took a break, and we got some garlic fries to sit and enjoy. It wasn't as good as the stuff at the games in Seattle but it was good. Then I headed back into work. One that was over, I went looking for them again. They were just getting done with the carnival area. We walked around and they headed back to moms. I went looking for my corn dog! I couldn't find a corn dog place and it drove me crazy. What Fair doesn't have a corn dog!! I went to get Patrick his cotton candy and they had corn dogs!! So, I bought both - $20!! Oh, well. The corn dog was GOOD! May have to get one today too!! lol 

I did get about 4 rows done. The funny part is that my great niece fell in love with my beaded ornament that mom had. She wants one. I told her I was doing angels now.  Guess I need to do 2 more sets. lol 

Left around 3:00 pm and headed home. Patrick was waiting on me. I was able to take a breath before we were heading to moms. It was crowded with family. More family then I'm used to. Mostly nieces and nephews. There were 18 of us all together and the table was packed. 

We stayed till around 7 pm and then had my niece and her husband (Kylee and Derek) go to the Tesla pump station to get the power up. Then they followed us home. We chatted for awhile and they spent the night downstairs. 

The day was busy and went fast. I tried to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Spending The Afternoon At The SWW Fair

 This morning we were up. I wanted to go back to sleep but couldn't. So I DRAGGED myself out of bed. lol 

I was playing on the tablet and waiting to do my exercises. Patrick came in the house to let me know Ron was waiting for me to come and walk. I walked out there, and we got the full 7 laps in. I told him I would see him on Saturday since I have to be at the Lewis County Rotary meeting at 7 am. Then I have to be at the fair by 10 am. Connie and I will stop and get breakfast at McD's and then head to the fair. 

After walking with Ron, I had to get moving and go to my massage therapist. I had a different gal, and I wasn't done till 12:30 pm. I had lunch and then Patrick took me to the gate at the fair. He wasn't coming in and I didn't really want to park at the fair. I will tomorrow though. I arrived early for my 2-6 pm shift. Colleen was there chatting with mom. I was with mom for this shift. She went early to let Hildi go home to her husband. He's going down hill. I'm thinking it won't be much longer and he will pass. I feel for Hildi and Chuck. I know Chuck wants to stick around, but his heart won't let him. 

So, I let Colleen go home. Brother Patrick and sister in law Chris was walking around the fairgrounds. He came with scones which he had for all of us. I went out and ate my scone with them outside the building. It was hot today but not like yesterday. We had a good chat and I went back in. They were off again. Around 3:00 pm they came back in. They were sweating! Chris can't take the heat any more than I can! A few people came in and we chatted. One of mom clients from 30 years ago showed up. She introduced Patrickand Chris, then I ended up introducing myself. 

About 3:30 pm Patrick and Chris decided to head home. Mom said she had to go too. "You don't mind, do you?" I told her to get going. I stayed till 5:50 pm when Patrick came to get me after his meeting. Worked out. The traffic in the building was slow. Around 4 pm they moved the Marine's tent because they were plugging the area where one needed to go to get to the building. I gave out 2 applications. We are doing pretty well so far. Not a lot of applications are staying with us. One gal will probably copy the forms for her family. It will be fun to see how many of the applications came back to me. Time will tell. 

After mom and them left, I pulled out my beading and got to work. 

I was able to do all of this much. lol It's a start. I had trouble starting it for some reason. Once I did then I was able to get moving. Kathleen Ament and I chatted about the quilts. We found a couple quilts that shouldn't have gotten the blue ribbon that mom gave them. I looked. Mom is slipping on her judging. I don't agree with their choices of Grand Champion and Champion. Kathleen is going to change up the judges and get them moving around in different areas. Some have judge the same things for years and they need to be mixed up a little. 

Mom told me I could pick up the quilt when I pick up our QOV quilts. I told her I would. That way it's coming to me and I don't have to wait on mom to give it to me. I thought the machine embroidery quilt should have gotten Grand or Champion. Kathleen and I agreed on that one. I will take a photo tomorrow and show it off. It's really pretty. 

Patrick picked me up at 6 pm. We headed home. I didn't get anything to eat, but with the heat, I really didn't want anything. So, when we got home we had an ice bar. 😍 It was good!!

The way my day stated I wouldn't have been able to stitch. But as it turned out, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Heat Reached 107 Degrees Today UGH

This morning we were up and Patrick noticed Ron out walking. So, I went to join him. He was just getting started. at 93 years old he does pretty good. We were only able to go 5 loops today. He was sweating and I gave him the water I had out by the post box just in case I needed it. That did help him. We stopped in the shade for awhile a couple times. Judy our other neighbor joined us and we walked together for one loop. I followed her to her house and then came home to make up for the little bit I missed with Ron. 

Came in the house and we got a few things done. Then by noon we headed downstairs. It was 80 degrees at noon. Our area gets the full heat between 2-5 pm. 

 An hour later it was at 107. UGH  We stayed downstairs and will be heading to upstairs to sleep. I seem to be sleeping pretty good when it's hot but not too hot. Patrick said I wasn't snoring when it's that hot. 😍

I worked on a few things. I asked Debbie how it was going at the fair. She had the afternoon shift. She said it was slow and she didn't have a lot of interest. She did have one gal say she's interested in joining our group. So, we will see how that goes. She has my information and Debbie took hers. We will give that to Connie to work on. I don't follow through very well. 

I had only the first 4 rows done on this when I went back to working on it. This is the 2nd angel in the 3rd ornament. I will have to do one more set as well. I'm going to take the beads with me tomorrow and work on them at the fair. I may be lucky and get another one done. 

My brother asked if we could get together with some of the family Friday night. He wanted to know if Kylee and Derek could stay with us. I told him they could but they need to call and ask. He wanted me to ask. I told him if they want to stay here they need to call me. I'm not going to call them. I don't have their contact information. So, it looks like my brother wants to see us after all. 

I had a great day of relaxing and enjoying the cool air downstairs. That's what makes it easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

First Day Of The SWW Fair - And We Hit 106 Degrees

 This morning Patrick went golfing. I just stayed home to enjoy the day. Yeah NOT! I went for a walk at 10 am when it was 72 degrees. I was able to get one loop in when Ron came out to try to walk 2 loops with me. He was having trouble with his back and just got back from the doctors. He's going to get x-rays soon. I then took one more loop and called it done. It was way to hot for me to be able to go for another loop. I don't do heat well, so it's better I don't. 

Patrick was given a list for Safeway, so after golfing he went shopping. He said it was hot out there. When he got home the back of his legs are red. I do believe he burned his legs. They are still red, but at least he didn't put long pants on. That would make it worse. 

I listened to my book by Nora Roberts. I finished it and put the last book on hold. I listened to another "witch" story by Danielle Garrett. They are fun to listen to. 

I was waiting on Debbie to come. She dropped off a quilt that has the binding stitched down and I gave her a quilt that needs the binding sewn down. We talked for awhile. After she left, I helped Patrick put the food away. He picked up some cold chicken from Walmart. He had to go get a few more things. He decided not to go to Safeway since he had a few things he needed at Walmart. At least he went, because I don't go to Walmart unless it's absolutely necessary. 

My day was spent downstairs working on my beading. I know I should have worked on another quilt top, but didn't. Mom sent a photo of the display at the fair. 

Susy Carpenter was there with mom. They opened up the table. It looks great. The quilt behind them is Kristi's quilt. The other three quilts are on the posts to the left and right. I wish they would have displayed 2 of them fully open. Oh, well. They did have 176 quilts this year. 

I finished the first set of the 3rd ornament. I'm doing pretty good this year! I will have enough to give a couple of them away. I will try to do one for my brother in law and Debbie for all she's done for me. So, I need another one after this. I'm getting there. 

I was sweating most of the day - and it's still 92 degrees in the house! - 98 degrees outside!! 

I worked on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Monday, August 14, 2023

100 Degrees and Hiding!

This morning when I got up, it was already 90 degrees. I headed out and went on my chores. First was the church, bank, Phil's dropping off cucumbers, Connie's and then to the bank to ask  for a new credit card since mine was "hacked." 

Dropped off the quilt that I had the backing too short on, to the church. Texted both Rita and Linda to let them know I dropped it off. Connie was doing good. We chatted about the fair and she got after me to not getting the notice asked for new members, done. I told her I would do it right away when I got home. She had one quilt done. I gave her backing for two of hers. I also took the quilt I had to put the stars on for her to finish.  She is working the fair tomorrow afternoon. I had to explain why mom was getting out of 2 of her commitments. On Thursday she has to go to Alice's for supper, so I told her she can leave when she needs to. Since it's the afternoon shift I really don't care. Plus I'm having to work it with her. Not my favorite thing, but will work with it. 

Came home to find Patrick already home. He was golfing this morning. It was 92 degrees when I got back home at noon. By 5 pm it was 99 degrees. Our post says 102 at 5 pm. Patrick's temperature "thing" at his table said it's 98 degrees right now. I was going to try and walk but when I noticed it's still 98 degrees, I decided not to bother walking. I will try and walk tomorrow morning. 

We went downstairs after lunch. It's a lot cooler down her. 

I decided to work on my 3rd ornament. I finished what I did yesterday and started another. I do believe I actually got 1 full piece done. I will be taking this along to work on at the fair. I have 3 days at the fair.

We are still downstairs watching TV. I just can't get myself to go upstairs in this heat. At least I have a place to hide and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, August 13, 2023


 This morning when I woke it was already 68 degrees. AND I didn't sleep in! I did cook the sticky buns and they were really good. Patrick must have had about 4 of them today! It wasn't smart of me to bake that early! I did let the cool breeze come into the kitchen so it wouldn't stay hot. 

I worked on laundry and then I had to go downstairs and cut backing and batting for one quilt. Then re-cut the backing for the church. Once that was done, I put them together and have them ready to go out tomorrow. I have to drop off at the church and then with Connie. 

I had to get more labels done. I did about 20 of them and it took as long as it does to do a quilt! At least for me. Now I can put labels on the 7 quilts I have in the back room. Connie said she has another quilt for me. I will get that to Debbie. 

I pretty much listened to my book. It's a different kind of book by Nora Roberts. I love her books, and found I'm really into this "magical" book. It's a series and it's 15 hours long to listen to. The first book is "The Awakening," second is "The Becoming," and the last one is "The Choice." I'm on the second book. Really good! 

Patrick's garden is getting good cucumbers!

I have been play my games and listening to my book. It's way too hot to be doing much! I may move downstair for the next few days. We reached 100 degrees by 5 pm. It's 86 right now! Not good weather to try and be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, August 12, 2023

What A Lazy Day!

 Today I was too tired to get up, so slept till 7:30 am. Patrick was up way before me. I must have kept him up snoring. There is so much growing out there that my allergies are kicking in. Including the itchy eyes, that I usually get away from having. 

I didn't feel like doing anything today. I knew I needed to do something today. I working on my laundry and have it pretty much caught up. Then I played games. That got me tired, and I took a nap for about an hour on the couch. Patrick was up before me. He fell asleep in his chair. He had worked all morning outside getting the yard up to snuff. 

I told myself I needed to get back to beading! When I walked into the office, I saw the quilt I needed to put the stars on. They were to cover the holes. I took the one star out and put it back in. 

I have just 2 on it. I decided I don't want to put 2 more on it. It won't matter too much. It was done. Next I need to go down and cut the batting and backing for it tomorrow. 

I started on my "sticky buns" for tomorrow. Patrick helped me out. So, I'm good. 

Then I was in the mood to bead. I pulled out my angels and got started on the 3rd ornament. 

This is my new one. I hope it works. I changed the colors again. But it keeps me in line to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 11, 2023

Quilting At Moms

 I guess they had a special meeting today at moms. Then when they talked about meeting in 2 weeks they had a cow! Two of them said they had it all on their calendar and didn't want to change the days. We meet every 2 weeks. Mom couldn't meet next week because some of the family is in town. Even though they only told mom. She's leaving with my brother and his wife to Seattle on Friday night - go figure - reunion isn't till Sunday. AND NO, I'm not going. I have resigned to the fact my family doesn't want anything to do with me. Life goes on! 

I worked on the binding of the quilt I was working on before we left for MI. I got another side done. When they started for lunch, I left. I didn't want to stay. I stopped and got Phil a coffee and then came home. 

Patrick said to be ready in about 2 hours to go out to eat. I walked into the house and found Sophie following me to show me what she did!!

The quilt (on the floor by the box) was folded nicely and the bag of needles and thread was tucked in the middle. When I walked into the house this is what she showed me. First time she has ever done this! Patrick came in and said, "I got here 20 mins ago and it wasn't like this." Wonder if she did that when I got home. I ended up cleaning up the mess. The funny part is that her treats (next to her) was also on the floor! She just sat there watching me pick up the mess. UGH

As I worked on some QOV paperwork, mom called. She told me she heard from Christine (sister in law) and read what she sent to mom. Mom is scheduled to work the fair next Saturday at 10-2 pm. Christine told her the schedule. Who was coming when and what they were doing. They planned to have supper with Alice and Gene (from the grange) on Thursday and leaving for Seattle on Friday night. Mom was to go with them and the nieces and nephews would be following behind. They will come back to moms Sunday night and leave first thing in the morning on Monday. No where in there was anything about see Patrick and I. They "didn't have time." Which is fine. I knew it would happen. They never call and tell us they are coming. Mom always talks them into asking us over for supper. She feels bad that I feel bad. I told her I don't feel bad because I have gotten used to my brothers over the past 5 years. I have given up on my family. I'm at the point where my daughter is - no contact. 

We went out to eat. Then came back home. 

I finally took a photo of all the beads I got yesterday! This is awesome. I call it my monthly fix! I have found myself excited about bead work and cross stitch work. I want to get a few things done for next years fair. I'm finally in the mood to do some things for the fair. I will have to put what I do for the fair in a box and hope to remember it next year. lol 

I'm still getting tired early. Think my brain is still on MI time. I'm just happy I had a few stitches put in the quilt to feel Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Judging Day

 This morning I was up and stop to see Phil. Then I headed to Dutch Brother's to get my tea for a long day. I arrived early at the fair. 

My judging was for embroidery. I only had about 20 pieces to judge. There was this really pretty Santa picture that was a good foot in length. It was framed and well done. The problem with all the cross stitch pieces was that the crosses were not crossed in the same direction. I docked several of the pieces because of that. They were well done and really pretty too. I hope in the future they fix that. 

After that, I went to help out in the crochet area. The gal that has been doing it for several years is a lot faster than I am. I did do some of the Afghans. I did give out a couple white ribbons, but I felt bad about it. Yet, if they were not up to standards, I had to do it. Once we got all that done, I was sent over to judge quilt blocks. I also had to judge one quilt that both the judges knew who made it. I didn't - till after. Mom was trying to get me to judge it better than I thought it was. I gave it a red and I think mom wanted me to give it a blue. I should have given a white, but listened to what mom had to say. She made the comment that I would have to answer to the maker. (One of our quilters) I told her I didn't have a problem with that. 

I was doing the block while mom was working on the quilts. She's the one in the pink. Carmen is the one to the left. Trouble with mom is that she likes to chat. So, they were (Nancy included) chatting about the quilts she was doing. I told Kathleen she needed to let them know they aren't supposed to talk to mom while she judges. I think it's time mom quit judging because she's been talking about the quilts with the helpers. AND the helpers tell her what they think. That's a no-no. 

The pile behind mom is of the knitting and crocheting. There was a LOT of them. 

I finally got out of there by 4:30 pm so I could go to the vets for meds. Then mom called around 6:30 pm to say she finally made it home. They had 176 quilts to judge and there was 2 of them. 

I stopped at the vets and then Phils. It was good to see him. Came home and found my beads for the month. I will take a photo tomorrow and post it. I love the colors. 

As much as I would like to say I was busy stitching, I can't. I was judging and beat by the time I got home. Which means today was not a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Took The Day Off!!

 Patrick was out the door to golf and I was enjoying the time to myself. I pulled out the quilt that I need to applique stars on. I did get one done. It's not the prettiest but it's at the end of the boarder and it will probably be cut in half. I'm okay with that. 

Kathleen called me to say the embroidery at the fair isn't much, so would I be able to judge weaving and basketry. I told her I have made them and I could judge them. Plus she needed a judge to help with knitting and crocheting since they got a ton of those as well. I said I could do that. I've done enough over my life time to know what is good and what isn't. Workmanship wise. Not looks. I'm going to check on line to see what I need to do about basketry when it comes to judging. I want to make sure I do it right. Grandmother Wineland was a basket maker and I have photos of stuff she has made. It's amazing how she made baby baskets. 

Then I went out to walk. 

Came back in and went to work on getting my membership for QOV done. It's on it's way out! Then I went through my email on the Campbell family. I'm working with another family member to get it straightened out. I sent her my thoughts. Then I worked on my find a grave stuff. I added a few flowers and added more information on Wikitrees. I could add a ton, but I won't. They are like ancestry that have the wrong information on some of this. I did add some more information on one of my family members. 

Came back to the living room and got to work on my letters. I found more of Irvin Wineland's letters. I did find out her filed for divorce in 1926 - having a wife in 1928. I need to try and get the divorce information from CA. I don't know the name of his wife. That's going to be interesting. He did have deadlines. 

All of that took time. I at least put a star on the quilt top. That should count for being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

I Knew Better Than To Answer The Phone

 This morning I was up at 7:30 am. it felt good to sleep for 11 hours! Patrick is still jet lagged and will probably hit the hay soon. 

I got laundry going and then went to work on my video for my bead work. I was having trouble working on it. While I was working on it, Sharon called. She let me know she was doing okay but having trouble finding everything. One of her friends bought her the hoop she needed to do embroidery on her machine because she couldn't find hers. They put a lot of her stuff in storage but they haven't taken her to the storage area to find a few things she wanted. She's been beading lately. Said she went to a bead shop in Spokane but the prices are twice as much as what we can get here. Even Ship Wreck Beads is cheaper. I told her to just order them from the places we like. She talked for a good 45 mins before she had to go. I then got a call from Rita from the church. Linda sent me a message that the quilt was at the church and she couldn't work on it because the backing was too short. I realized I did that once before. Told her I was sorry and went to pick it up. I had till noon to get it. The office was closing early because the Secretary was out sick. I go the message at 11, so I had to hurry up and leave. Shouldn't of answered the phone. 

I picked up the quilt top and will fix it tomorrow. Then I went to Safeway to get ground beef. I remembered we forgot the eggs yesterday so picked those up and called Patrick. I told him I was getting the eggs and wanted to pick up the ground beef but a pound and a half was $11. He said he would stop at Costco on Thursday if I could wait. I told him I wasn't going to pay $11, so yes I can wait. Left Safeway with eggs. Then went to get the car washed. After that was done, I went to Dutch Brothers for a good drink. I need to go 3 times so I can get more point. lol After that, headed to the museum to pick up the table cloth for the fair. Last stop was gas. 

Came home and ate lunch. My left over chicken from Safeway. I am now done with chicken! Dennis cooked chicken while we were there and it wasn't done. I didn't eat much. But after doing that the last 3 times, I'm done. I thought I could eat fried chicken from the store. I would have had both thighs for lunch yesterday but just couldn't do it. I ate the last one today and decided chicken is off my list for awhile. 

Sophie gave me a lot of "shit" today. She didn't like it that I kept her out of the office while I videoed my breading stuff. I was behind on doing a video, so thought I would get it done. 

Debbie came over before she had to go to drop off the quilts for the fair. She ran into mom. Mom said our quilts wouldn't be behind our table so Debbie asked Kathleen and found out Kathleen already knew they were to go behind our table. Mom's good at messing people up. She also told me that she had to take out the binding on the quilt for me. Then when she "squared it up" found out that she is 1" off on one corner. I didn't say much to that. She said she didn't mean to get it off that much. When she resewed the binding on it was 1" off on one corner. At this age, I don't care. She didn't hand quilt it like she did everyone else's quilts. What can I say. I'm used to some of her "stuff." She needs to find someone to work her Saturday shift at the fair since she is going to the family reunion with my brother and his family. I told her to tell them to wait till she is done but she got mad and said she will get someone else to work it. Of course. Again, shouldn't have answered the phone. 

Debbie and I chatted a while when she came. I have to work on the quilt top I had before I left. I need to applique stars. 

Instead, I decided to work on my beading. 

I finished the first of the 3rd set. Then started the next one. Once these are done, I will have another set of Angels ready for my ornaments. I may go and finish this tonight before heading to bed. Why not. I slept for 11 hours last night! 

I am telling myself tomorrow is another day and I will NOT answer the phone! I will get laundry going and work on what I WANT TO WORK ON. Thursday is judging. In otherwards I want to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Made It Home Safe And Sound

Okay, I know I said I would post last night, but the truth is that I crashed at 8:00 pm last night and didn't see daylight till 7:30 am this morning. 

We were up at 4:30 am in MI to get the plane at 5:45 am. Dennis dropped us off and we sat waiting to load onto the plane. We were off and in the air by by 6 am on our way to Detroit.  We arrived in Detroit around 7:30 am. Our next plane was across the other side of the building. We walked all the way around the airport to the other side. It was a good 20 min walk. We sat for about 15 mins when the called our plane. It was delayed a little bit due to getting it ready to fly. Back on the plane to Portland. We arrived in Portland at 10:30 am our time. When we were leaving the airport we found the security line going out the door! First time Patrick and I saw that much of a line. It was a good hour or more line. I felt for those leaving. Getting on the bus to the parking lot, was interesting! The bus was PACKED. We had to stand in the bus. As it was going around, Patrick and I had to get off so some could get off the bus. Got back in, to be PACKED in again. Patrick decided to get off the bus before our stop, so we walked to the car. It was a good block or two walk. I remembered where we were but Patrick was trying to tell me I was wrong. Got to the truck and loaded up. There was a white line on Patrick's side of the truck. The truck next to us must have rubbed against the truck. Thankfully they didn't dent the truck. 

I was able to get a few stitches in on my embroidery before we got off the plane in Portland. 

We headed home. Stopped at Safeway to get stuff we needed. Then headed home. Sophie was hiding from us for awhile. I started unpacking the groceries and then the luggage. I surprised Sophie because the rollers on the luggage had her running back into the living room. After awhile she came to watch me unload. We had everything unloaded and relaxed. Decided to have an easy supper of soup. By 7:30 pm we decided to call it a day. I stretched and then went to bed. Sophie didn't know what the heck we were doing. 

I was just glad to have been able to get some work done while being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 7, 2023


 Okay, I'm behind again on my blogging but this time it isn't 3 days. I will post today later tonight. Who know what I'll be up to!!

Yesterday started out with the 5 of us. Chris and I went out to eat since the rest of them went golfing. Molly (niece), Dennis, Sue and Patrick all went golfing. And here Patrick thought he would only golf once while he was on vacation. They got in 3 or 4 times of golfing. So, he's not complaining!

Chris and I head out for breakfast on our own. They have an awesome doughnut shop in town. Wish we had something like it! We didn't go there, we headed to "Rosie's" which is an old time dinning area. It was PACKED, so we went across the street to another place - same atmosphere. We were there around 10:30, so we decided to have a burger instead. It was really good. Filled me up. Trouble is, I have been eating way to much! So, the last couple days my body is telling me I've been messing up. We were eating anywhere from 5:30 to 8 pm at night. My body doesn't like that and I feel like a whale when I eat after 6:30 pm. After lunch we went to the farm store (can't remember the name) and picked up a couple shirts. Actually I got one and Chris got three. Sue texted she was on her way out, so we made a trip to dads. First we looked around for apartments and condo's for dad. Didn't see much and didn't like most of them. Don't think dad would either. Then we went to dads to say good bye to Sue. We didn't stay long. One more stop was at the cemetery to say hi to Dick. They finally put a military marker on the back of his marker. 

We got back home to find the golfers back. Dennis and Chris worked on supper. We stopped and picked up some fish the night before. One of his friends loves fishing and bring fish for his friends. It's lake trout and wasn't bad. I'm just not a fish person. I had some, but had her meatloaf instead. That tasted different to me, but then I don't add a ton of stuff. 

This is Patrick and Dennis! They crashed pretty much all afternoon. 

All the greenery and hearts are done on the embroidery. I really didn't do much yesterday. Chris, Molly and I played Yahtzee and Chris kicked our butt! It really didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Three Days Without WIFI

 The last three days we have been enjoying family time without wifi/internet. Being on the lake in a kayak is a lot of fun. I always get wet. I spent a lot of time beading and doing embroidery. 

I was able to get all the greenery done. I really enjoyed working on this. Last night I finished the flowers. 

Yesterday we were cleaning up the cabin and coming back to my in laws. We got back at noon. Chris and I stopped for ice cream. After we got back,  I just sat and enjoyed being with family. I worked on the bleeding heart flowers. The big rose is next. I need to work the outside in. We'll see how that goes. 😏 

The day before while family was on the boat, I finished the fourth angel. 

Now I have 4 angels done. We played family games, so I get what I can done, when I can.

My last three days were busy and fun. I look forward to getting home. In the mean time I work on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Took Some Quiet Time To Myself

  This morning Patrick and Dennis went golfing at 7 am. While they were gone we pretty much stayed around the cabin. It rained today. There was some thunderstorms but it wasn't a down pour. I did miss that.

While Patrick was gone, I beaded.

I was able to get this one done before I had to join every one for corn hole. I won a game and lost another. 

After supper we all went to the country store for ice cream.  Chris and I played dominoes while the rest watched a movie. It was a busy day. While everyone went for a ride on the pontoon,  I stayed back to listen to my book.  For some reason I am tired of dad. They cater to him and he does everything with us. It hit me of how my grandmother used to drive me crazy be ause she had to do everything with us. He's also like mom and wants to be catered to. Drives me crazy. I now know that makes me selfish but I have lived with it all my life and once in a while it bugs me. I will work on getting over it. I know he's up there in age and I need to get over it. He won't be around for much longer, so I need to enjoy him and not get ticked off. Ugh.

At least I was able to have quiet time and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Another Day At The Lake

 Corner Lake was cloudy today. We didn't go out on the lake till after lunch. Patrick and I went out in the kayaks. 

In the morning I worked on my embroidery.  I keep getting bad pictures because I forget to take photos in the day time. The lights around here is dull.

I will try to use the daylight to get better pictures. I have the bigger stem to work on. I may start the flowers yet. 

Played dominoes with Chris. She won 4 of the 7 games. lol We had a great time playing. 

I started the 4th angel. I had to remove 2 rows and put them back in. 

After supper I baked a lemon bar while the rest of the family went to get ice cream. Patrick and I stayed behind. Then I went back to the embroidery.  That's Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...