Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Took The Day Off!!

 Patrick was out the door to golf and I was enjoying the time to myself. I pulled out the quilt that I need to applique stars on. I did get one done. It's not the prettiest but it's at the end of the boarder and it will probably be cut in half. I'm okay with that. 

Kathleen called me to say the embroidery at the fair isn't much, so would I be able to judge weaving and basketry. I told her I have made them and I could judge them. Plus she needed a judge to help with knitting and crocheting since they got a ton of those as well. I said I could do that. I've done enough over my life time to know what is good and what isn't. Workmanship wise. Not looks. I'm going to check on line to see what I need to do about basketry when it comes to judging. I want to make sure I do it right. Grandmother Wineland was a basket maker and I have photos of stuff she has made. It's amazing how she made baby baskets. 

Then I went out to walk. 

Came back in and went to work on getting my membership for QOV done. It's on it's way out! Then I went through my email on the Campbell family. I'm working with another family member to get it straightened out. I sent her my thoughts. Then I worked on my find a grave stuff. I added a few flowers and added more information on Wikitrees. I could add a ton, but I won't. They are like ancestry that have the wrong information on some of this. I did add some more information on one of my family members. 

Came back to the living room and got to work on my letters. I found more of Irvin Wineland's letters. I did find out her filed for divorce in 1926 - having a wife in 1928. I need to try and get the divorce information from CA. I don't know the name of his wife. That's going to be interesting. He did have deadlines. 

All of that took time. I at least put a star on the quilt top. That should count for being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording.  Patrick went golfing and wh...