Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Made It Home Safe And Sound

Okay, I know I said I would post last night, but the truth is that I crashed at 8:00 pm last night and didn't see daylight till 7:30 am this morning. 

We were up at 4:30 am in MI to get the plane at 5:45 am. Dennis dropped us off and we sat waiting to load onto the plane. We were off and in the air by by 6 am on our way to Detroit.  We arrived in Detroit around 7:30 am. Our next plane was across the other side of the building. We walked all the way around the airport to the other side. It was a good 20 min walk. We sat for about 15 mins when the called our plane. It was delayed a little bit due to getting it ready to fly. Back on the plane to Portland. We arrived in Portland at 10:30 am our time. When we were leaving the airport we found the security line going out the door! First time Patrick and I saw that much of a line. It was a good hour or more line. I felt for those leaving. Getting on the bus to the parking lot, was interesting! The bus was PACKED. We had to stand in the bus. As it was going around, Patrick and I had to get off so some could get off the bus. Got back in, to be PACKED in again. Patrick decided to get off the bus before our stop, so we walked to the car. It was a good block or two walk. I remembered where we were but Patrick was trying to tell me I was wrong. Got to the truck and loaded up. There was a white line on Patrick's side of the truck. The truck next to us must have rubbed against the truck. Thankfully they didn't dent the truck. 

I was able to get a few stitches in on my embroidery before we got off the plane in Portland. 

We headed home. Stopped at Safeway to get stuff we needed. Then headed home. Sophie was hiding from us for awhile. I started unpacking the groceries and then the luggage. I surprised Sophie because the rollers on the luggage had her running back into the living room. After awhile she came to watch me unload. We had everything unloaded and relaxed. Decided to have an easy supper of soup. By 7:30 pm we decided to call it a day. I stretched and then went to bed. Sophie didn't know what the heck we were doing. 

I was just glad to have been able to get some work done while being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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