Tuesday, August 8, 2023

I Knew Better Than To Answer The Phone

 This morning I was up at 7:30 am. it felt good to sleep for 11 hours! Patrick is still jet lagged and will probably hit the hay soon. 

I got laundry going and then went to work on my video for my bead work. I was having trouble working on it. While I was working on it, Sharon called. She let me know she was doing okay but having trouble finding everything. One of her friends bought her the hoop she needed to do embroidery on her machine because she couldn't find hers. They put a lot of her stuff in storage but they haven't taken her to the storage area to find a few things she wanted. She's been beading lately. Said she went to a bead shop in Spokane but the prices are twice as much as what we can get here. Even Ship Wreck Beads is cheaper. I told her to just order them from the places we like. She talked for a good 45 mins before she had to go. I then got a call from Rita from the church. Linda sent me a message that the quilt was at the church and she couldn't work on it because the backing was too short. I realized I did that once before. Told her I was sorry and went to pick it up. I had till noon to get it. The office was closing early because the Secretary was out sick. I go the message at 11, so I had to hurry up and leave. Shouldn't of answered the phone. 

I picked up the quilt top and will fix it tomorrow. Then I went to Safeway to get ground beef. I remembered we forgot the eggs yesterday so picked those up and called Patrick. I told him I was getting the eggs and wanted to pick up the ground beef but a pound and a half was $11. He said he would stop at Costco on Thursday if I could wait. I told him I wasn't going to pay $11, so yes I can wait. Left Safeway with eggs. Then went to get the car washed. After that was done, I went to Dutch Brothers for a good drink. I need to go 3 times so I can get more point. lol After that, headed to the museum to pick up the table cloth for the fair. Last stop was gas. 

Came home and ate lunch. My left over chicken from Safeway. I am now done with chicken! Dennis cooked chicken while we were there and it wasn't done. I didn't eat much. But after doing that the last 3 times, I'm done. I thought I could eat fried chicken from the store. I would have had both thighs for lunch yesterday but just couldn't do it. I ate the last one today and decided chicken is off my list for awhile. 

Sophie gave me a lot of "shit" today. She didn't like it that I kept her out of the office while I videoed my breading stuff. I was behind on doing a video, so thought I would get it done. 

Debbie came over before she had to go to drop off the quilts for the fair. She ran into mom. Mom said our quilts wouldn't be behind our table so Debbie asked Kathleen and found out Kathleen already knew they were to go behind our table. Mom's good at messing people up. She also told me that she had to take out the binding on the quilt for me. Then when she "squared it up" found out that she is 1" off on one corner. I didn't say much to that. She said she didn't mean to get it off that much. When she resewed the binding on it was 1" off on one corner. At this age, I don't care. She didn't hand quilt it like she did everyone else's quilts. What can I say. I'm used to some of her "stuff." She needs to find someone to work her Saturday shift at the fair since she is going to the family reunion with my brother and his family. I told her to tell them to wait till she is done but she got mad and said she will get someone else to work it. Of course. Again, shouldn't have answered the phone. 

Debbie and I chatted a while when she came. I have to work on the quilt top I had before I left. I need to applique stars. 

Instead, I decided to work on my beading. 

I finished the first of the 3rd set. Then started the next one. Once these are done, I will have another set of Angels ready for my ornaments. I may go and finish this tonight before heading to bed. Why not. I slept for 11 hours last night! 

I am telling myself tomorrow is another day and I will NOT answer the phone! I will get laundry going and work on what I WANT TO WORK ON. Thursday is judging. In otherwards I want to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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