Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Finished Another Set Of Angels

 This morning I was taking my time with my exercises. Patrick left for golfing so my day was mine. I enjoyed it. I was surprised that Patrick didn't get back home till around 2 pm. Good thing I started the stew for supper way before that. It needed to simmer a long time to make the meat tender. It turned out really well. I added small potatoes and added Patrick's carrots from the garden. Easy peasy!

When I finally felt like doing something, I started working on my last angel for set number 3. 

I started and finished it today. I like when I can do that. 

This is the finished set. I do like it. I almost think the blue one should have been bluer, but I do like who well they go together. 

This is the three sets. Top 3 on the right are one, bottom 3 from the right is two and the three to the left are the 3rd one. 

I pulled out my pattern on the computer and have it set to do another gold winged set. I also picked the colors for the next ones. I do have a red one this time with blue and green. They are looking great. A couple more and then I can get them put together. I checked to see if I had the holders for them and the good news is that I have 7 holders that will be given out with them. Good till next year. lol 

Now that I finished this, I'm going to go sit and play. It's been a long day of walking, beading, and cooking. Funny thing is that I don't mind as long as I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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