Friday, August 11, 2023

Quilting At Moms

 I guess they had a special meeting today at moms. Then when they talked about meeting in 2 weeks they had a cow! Two of them said they had it all on their calendar and didn't want to change the days. We meet every 2 weeks. Mom couldn't meet next week because some of the family is in town. Even though they only told mom. She's leaving with my brother and his wife to Seattle on Friday night - go figure - reunion isn't till Sunday. AND NO, I'm not going. I have resigned to the fact my family doesn't want anything to do with me. Life goes on! 

I worked on the binding of the quilt I was working on before we left for MI. I got another side done. When they started for lunch, I left. I didn't want to stay. I stopped and got Phil a coffee and then came home. 

Patrick said to be ready in about 2 hours to go out to eat. I walked into the house and found Sophie following me to show me what she did!!

The quilt (on the floor by the box) was folded nicely and the bag of needles and thread was tucked in the middle. When I walked into the house this is what she showed me. First time she has ever done this! Patrick came in and said, "I got here 20 mins ago and it wasn't like this." Wonder if she did that when I got home. I ended up cleaning up the mess. The funny part is that her treats (next to her) was also on the floor! She just sat there watching me pick up the mess. UGH

As I worked on some QOV paperwork, mom called. She told me she heard from Christine (sister in law) and read what she sent to mom. Mom is scheduled to work the fair next Saturday at 10-2 pm. Christine told her the schedule. Who was coming when and what they were doing. They planned to have supper with Alice and Gene (from the grange) on Thursday and leaving for Seattle on Friday night. Mom was to go with them and the nieces and nephews would be following behind. They will come back to moms Sunday night and leave first thing in the morning on Monday. No where in there was anything about see Patrick and I. They "didn't have time." Which is fine. I knew it would happen. They never call and tell us they are coming. Mom always talks them into asking us over for supper. She feels bad that I feel bad. I told her I don't feel bad because I have gotten used to my brothers over the past 5 years. I have given up on my family. I'm at the point where my daughter is - no contact. 

We went out to eat. Then came back home. 

I finally took a photo of all the beads I got yesterday! This is awesome. I call it my monthly fix! I have found myself excited about bead work and cross stitch work. I want to get a few things done for next years fair. I'm finally in the mood to do some things for the fair. I will have to put what I do for the fair in a box and hope to remember it next year. lol 

I'm still getting tired early. Think my brain is still on MI time. I'm just happy I had a few stitches put in the quilt to feel Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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