Tuesday, August 22, 2023

I'm Going In 5 Directions!

 This morning I didn't want to get up. Even though I was wide awake. I waited on Patrick and then got up. 

I worked on my exercises and then headed out for a walk. I got all my "Spice Cake" ingredients ready for when I came back. I was hoping Ron was out there but never did see him walking. Got my walking in and then got started on the cake. It's a Rum Cake. It was in the oven. 

Then Connie asked if she could come over and "shop." I told her "Sure." When she came, Patrick's friends showed up too. So, Connie thought she was interrupting. I told her to just come in! I had fun getting her to take some of the fabrics. She's going to work with them. I know she will make quilts out of the fabrics she took. I also gave her the batting that was given to us. 

Before she came, I was working on emails to the veterans that we received requests for. Plus, I had to enter the information about the White side of the family. I'm working on that. I asked Emily to help me out. I can't seem to figure out if I got the information from documents or not. I will check it out tomorrow or this weekend. I'm going to get back on ancestry and get moving on getting documents on the family. I have a few mistakes in my family tree and they need fixed. Emily is awesome when it comes to finding what I "screwed up on." 

After Connie left, I got busy with starting on the quilts that need labels. 

Connie's quilt is done. I was looking for one of mine and found out it's at Hildi's. I don't think I can have a label on it for Thursday if she gets it done. Hildi has too much going on right now, so I need to find another quilt I have made for Ron. 

Debbie has been busy. She's got a couple quilts that go to someone special. This is one. 

Debbie has been doing really well with these panels. She took 3 more panels because all the Navy guys want this panel. We will try and order more. This one is also assigned to someone special. 

This one turned out better after it was quilted. I will give this one to Ron, if I can't find the other one, I want to give him. I'm thinking of going to the museum tomorrow and drop off these quilts and see if there is one that I made there to give to Ron. I also need 2 more quilts for Mary and Harold. They haven't sent me their information, but I know it will be coming. Which means I need to go downstairs and get moving on that too. 

I wanted to try and work on the ornament since I need 2 more. I'm trying to get back to genealogy and that's a kicker! Then I want to do my embroidery and cross stitch. There never seems to be enough time for me to get this done. 

The good news is that we can get all our requests for this year done. If we do, then we can have presentations once a month again. Having it every other week is a killer and I'm not getting much done. Connie is talking to others who wish to help and if she can get them, then I can take a deep breath and relax once in a while and do what I really want to do. In the meantime, I'm staying busy and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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