Thursday, August 10, 2023

Judging Day

 This morning I was up and stop to see Phil. Then I headed to Dutch Brother's to get my tea for a long day. I arrived early at the fair. 

My judging was for embroidery. I only had about 20 pieces to judge. There was this really pretty Santa picture that was a good foot in length. It was framed and well done. The problem with all the cross stitch pieces was that the crosses were not crossed in the same direction. I docked several of the pieces because of that. They were well done and really pretty too. I hope in the future they fix that. 

After that, I went to help out in the crochet area. The gal that has been doing it for several years is a lot faster than I am. I did do some of the Afghans. I did give out a couple white ribbons, but I felt bad about it. Yet, if they were not up to standards, I had to do it. Once we got all that done, I was sent over to judge quilt blocks. I also had to judge one quilt that both the judges knew who made it. I didn't - till after. Mom was trying to get me to judge it better than I thought it was. I gave it a red and I think mom wanted me to give it a blue. I should have given a white, but listened to what mom had to say. She made the comment that I would have to answer to the maker. (One of our quilters) I told her I didn't have a problem with that. 

I was doing the block while mom was working on the quilts. She's the one in the pink. Carmen is the one to the left. Trouble with mom is that she likes to chat. So, they were (Nancy included) chatting about the quilts she was doing. I told Kathleen she needed to let them know they aren't supposed to talk to mom while she judges. I think it's time mom quit judging because she's been talking about the quilts with the helpers. AND the helpers tell her what they think. That's a no-no. 

The pile behind mom is of the knitting and crocheting. There was a LOT of them. 

I finally got out of there by 4:30 pm so I could go to the vets for meds. Then mom called around 6:30 pm to say she finally made it home. They had 176 quilts to judge and there was 2 of them. 

I stopped at the vets and then Phils. It was good to see him. Came home and found my beads for the month. I will take a photo tomorrow and post it. I love the colors. 

As much as I would like to say I was busy stitching, I can't. I was judging and beat by the time I got home. Which means today was not a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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