Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Dinner With Family

This morning, I was busy playing my games as well as working on dessert for Patrick. I cleaned up the kitchen, because it was driving me crazy how everything is piling up. I hate kitchens that have a lot of stuff in the sink or by it, as well as appliances all over the counter. So, I got my rear in gear and put a lot of stuff away. Dishwasher was emptied (that's almost daily lately), and the kitchen was back to being open and enjoyable to walk in. 

Before I could start, Ron called and wanted to walk. We only did 2 laps as he couldn't do anymore, and I needed to get stuff done. Patrick went golfing with my brother, so I had a ton of stuff to do. Laundry among them. 

When Patrick got home, he was sweet and started helping me. I put the frosting on the Pumpkin Bars. Then he wanted to cut them to take some to moms. I tried to tell him what I wanted but he's a GUY! I said please cut them like candy bars, all even. Of course, they were not even, some twice the size of the others. I couldn't believe it! Now I know what his mother complained about with him and his dad cutting the cake. Oh, well. 

We then headed over to moms to have supper with my brother and his wife, mom and Nancy. Food was awesome and my brother is a really good cook! Always as been. We played games after and called it a night. 

Mom gave me 2 quilts that are done, that will go to the museum tomorrow. 

This is one of Val's quilts. Kelsie Reynolds quilted it. It turned out great. 

Connie worked on this one. Georgie did the stars, so I need to send her a photo of this one. 

Time flew by today. I didn't have time for much. I will try to relax, listen to my book. The story is interesting, maybe. It has 3 stories in one. Goes to 3 different things that happened in the past. Then a PI gets involved in looking to see if he could solve the crimes that were never solved. It gets confusing as to which group they are talking about and the people. Too much for me to try and follow. I'm about halfway through the book and it's starting to get boring going over each person's life then and now. Like I said, that one may not get finished. 

Hoping all is well with everyone. It was not my day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Getting Ready For Thursday

Today I was up and enjoying the morning. Patrick left for golfing. 

I went walking with Ron and made it 5 laps. He wasn't doing so good today on the walking. We won't be walking again till Saturday between what he's doing and what I'm doing. 

It was time to get the quilts ready for Thursday. 

 After picking blueberries, I wanted to get the quilts done with labels. This one was done by Connie, I think. I had a couple quilts from volunteers. I know Connie quilted this and it might have been done by Cathy Bussman, but not sure. 

Or this is Cathy's. I didn't pay too much attention. It could also be from Colleen. I was just getting the labels on. I still haven't figured out who belongs to the other quilt from yesterday. 

This one I do know is from Stitch'n Peace group. They did an awesome job for us. 

I had chatted with Connie today. She was telling me we shouldn't have to worry about panel quilts or regular quilts. I told her that won't work. I get tired of wife's coming to me to tell me that isn't the quilt that they wanted, and they wanted a eagle panel quilt like that guy. We had a long discussion about that. I told her I don't like being put in that position and I refuse to put us in that position again. We've been in it a few times and I don't care to have to tell them they only get one quilt and the quilt they have is it. We don't let veterans pick their quilts. 

I made some artichoke dip today and ended up having that for supper. It was good! lol 

At least I could find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Day For Embroidery

 This morning, I was up and out the door. Patrick picked some veggies from the garden to give to Sandy and Geralyn. When I got there, I had some stuff to put in the clothing box. Sandy had texted me that the swat team was there. I thought she was joking. After dropping the clothes in the box, I headed around the building to park. They were there in front of the grange. They stayed for another 10 mins after I went into the grange. We watched as they pulled out and headed up Zenkner Valley (where we used to live). I wondered it they were going to mom's cousin's old place. He was wanted at one time for doing drugs. I was told the bank took over his place and sold it. 

So, Geralyn missed out on all that. When she came in we sat and worked on our projects. First Sandy pulled out all the beads she got in Canada. 

She picked some up for me. It was funny how she lined them up by color! 

Out of all those, these are the ones I asked her to pick up for me. These are mostly the colors for the ornament. She did give me some of the gold-colored beads in that big bag. I usually use them for ornaments, so it worked out great. 

I worked on my butterfly to get them done and put into a finished project. 

I have a little more trimming to do, then I will work on the other 2 and put them one the embroidered piece. I can't wait to get this off my to-do list. 

Then I came home. 

I played my game for a bit and then decided to get to work on my QOV quilts that need to have labels put on them. 

Connie did this one, I just had to write the names on the label. 

A volunteer did this one and Colleen quilted it. 

This one is Cathy Bussman and Connie quilted it. There are 3 quilts that are ready to go. 

I finished another quilt with the label. Just don't know who made it. Think I may know though. I had to look and see if the name was on the bag. If I have that bag, then I know who it is. 

Calling it a night. Have ideas of what I want to do tomorrow, but every time I plan, it doesn't work out. So, I'm not going to put it out there and hope I can do what I want to. At least I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Bike Ride And Friendship

Today we actually went bike riding. It's been about 4 years since we went last. So, we went about 6 miles today. Joined up at Tenino and headed up the hill, then turned around and came back. Katt called while we were out there, so when we stopped, we called her back. I thought it was mom when it was ringing. lol She needed help with her sewing machine. Tenino had their Rocks and Gem show. We looked around a little but didn't get anything. Patrick kept me from looking too closely. lol I love jewelry! I wanted to go a little farther with the bikes, but my legs need the exercise more! Then my scare stated to hurt, so I knew I couldn't go more. I'm thrilled to have gotten 5 miles in. 

Debbie texted to see if I wanted to go to coffee with her. Told her "sure" and would be home soon. We stopped at Safeway for some food. Then we came on home. Texted Debbie I was ready when she was. 

It was around 1:30 when she picked me up. We chatted about this and that. Then we chatted about her grandson who was killed in an accident. She showed me the funeral pictures. They did the last call for him since he was an EMT. We chatted and I found out she only heard from 2 of us while she was going through all this. I kept sending her texts of hugs and things. I was sorry to hear her friends haven't come around. It's almost like they are afraid to talk to her. I told her mom had that with my sister's death. They would walk across the street, just so they didn't have to talk to her. Funny (not really) how people don't send their best wishes but would rather stay completely away. Poor Debbie, she's having it hard, and it hurts to see her this way. We both cried. So, came home around 4:00. She said she may come to the meeting on Thursday but won't stay for the presentation. I told her she didn't have to. She still needs time. Especially when she can't get out of bed at times. 

I popped in on the embroidery zoom chat. They really weren't talking, so I popped back out. I didn't want to be the one chatting the whole time. Plus, I wasn't planning on staying long anyway. 

Fixed supper and the rest of the day was playing my games. I will work on my beading tomorrow. It's embroidery tomorrow, so I will work on my butterfly and get that done! I seriously need to do that! My day was busy and fun. So, I can't call it a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Planned Day Didn't Happen

This morning, I was up and enjoying my games. Patrick woke, took a shower, and howled at me. He looked awful! He figured the fired squash he had yesterday was what was giving him the runs. Fried foods just don't work for him. Weird though, French fries seem to be okay. Just not fried squash or fish.  He said he had a rough night, and we were not able to go biking. I told him that's fine. He climbed back in bed for another hour. 

I played my games for a bit, then I got the kitchen cleaned up. 

Patrick and I watched some TV. Then I turned it to the music channel, and we sat there listening to music. He took a nap and I beaded. 

I finished the first panel and made the corrections on the word chart. Then I started on the second panel. There aren't as many mistakes as the first one had on that word chart. I do like the colors. It's going to be pretty when I'm done. I don't know how many I will need this year. I may just make sure I get 3 done. We will see. 

I pretty much worked on this all afternoon. Didn't get any walking in or biking. Guess today is the day I don't get any exercising done. I may do my usual back exercises. I'm just thrilled to get this much done today. It really makes the day Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 26, 2024

What Can I Say?

It's one of those days, I can't think of a title to this page. Oh, well, I expressed it right - What can I say?

I walked with Ron. We got 5 laps in around the neighborhood. I am getting frustrated with walking with him though. I realize he's 94 years old. I just don't care for spitting, and he does a lot of it lately. Plus, it tends to linger on his face a bit. Then there are the times we have to stop because he's going to fast, to then get lightheaded and I'm worried he will fall. I know I shouldn't be bothered by it, but I know me, and I freeze when someone gets hurt near me. I don't know why but I do. If others are around, I let them take care of it. I told him if he faints on me, I'm calling 911. It freaks me out that I may end up doing that one of these days. He doesn't want to leave his home. Don't blame him. But again, I think he needs to, to be around others his age. 

Came in and played on the computer. I pretty much played most of the day one the computer. 

I did pull out the beading. I need to get those panels done and fix the mistakes I made on the word charts. 

AND of course, there are a lot of mistakes on the word chart. I messed up this row I'm working on, so had to go back and figure where the word chart was off. Once I did that, then I was ready to finish this row. I decided to wait till tomorrow since Patrick wanted to call it a night. 

We are planning on going bike riding tomorrow around Rainer. Town, not the mountain. Even though Rainier is pretty close to the mountain. 

I'm just happy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Yet Another Trip To Olympia

Today Patrick went to the dumpster while I walked with Ron. We got in 6 laps. Patrick picked up some trash from Phil and took it to the dump. 

Came in and got ready to head to Olympia. Patrick had his oncology appointment, and I had a pulmonary appointment. His appointment went well. One of the "nodules" was gone and the other two are still there. The chemo seems to be working. We then headed over to my appointment. I took the breathing test, and it went down. Dr. Cruz was worried about me. He had already set up a CAT scan for me and ordered the pills he was going to put me on. I thought the test went well, but apparently my lungs shrunk. It was a big difference from the last time I went in. So, I'm going back in 3 months. CAT scan first, then phone call. I'm hoping this isn't #3 in the scheme of things. Who knows. I was laughing at his worried look. When we told him about the bypass, then he calmed down. Said it could be because of the surgery. 

Stopped and got an ice cream cone for supper. lol Neither one of us was really hungry. Patrick wanted an ice cream cone. I was good with that!  

Came on home and I got some laundry going since I have touched it in a week. Got about 3 loads done before I called it done for the night. 

I did pull my beading out and work on it. Was playing my game at the same time, so didn't get a lot done. 

I was able to get another flower done. I have a lot of corrections to make on my word chart. Don't know what I was thinking when I was working it out. At least this way I know the mistakes and can fix them. AND I didn't have to take 6 rows out like yesterday to fix a mistake. I do like the colors. I need to take the paper off it, but right now it's not bothering me. So, I will keep going to see if and when it does. 

Even with having to have more doctor appointments - which goes with our age apparently - I'm still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Busy But Fun Day

This morning, Ron and I walked 4 laps and then I did another one after he went in. I want to be sure and get 5 if not more when I can. 

I played for a bit on my tablet. Once it was around 11 am I had to get ready and leave. I needed to go to Colleen's to drop off a quilt to get the binding on. I then headed over to my dentist for the "night guard." Never had one, so this is going to be interesting. I will try it out. He told me some people get them and never use them. I just need to try a couple hours a night, to get used to it. It will be interesting. I didn't realize I was grinding my teeth. Now I know. 

Headed to Safeway to pick up a few things. Got Phil's gift card. Then headed to his place to give him his card. I brought back the fire extinguisher and wine. No worries. 

Then I needed to work on my beading word chart. That took a couple hours to get the last flower word chart done. I wanted to work on my panels to make sure they came out right, before taking them to MI to work on. 

I was able to get this much done and found I needed to correct a couple things in the word chart. I will take it out of the paper soon. I do like the colors in this. They are not the colors she had for it, but they are colors I had in my stash. Sandy ordered the colors that were for this pattern. She was getting them in Canada, as they are cheaper up there. I hope to get them on Monday. 

My day was busy but overall, I enjoyed the day. It made things fun! Looking forward to tomorrow and hopefully Patrick will get a good report on his chemo. 

As for the fun day today, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Casino Day

This morning, I was up and walking with Ron by 9:30 am. I knew Patrick wanted to go to the casino today if all went well. Ron and I got in 5 laps. I'm getting worried about him because when he stops, he is out of breath and looks like he will faint. He sat for a bit, but it does worry me. I told him he needs to take it easy and get something to eat. He said he had a protein drink beforehand. I'm not sure what it is. 

Came in and Patrick was ready to go. We headed to Olympia for his blood tests. Then it was to Lucky Eagle on the way back. We stayed for 4 1/2 hours. It was fun. We won some and lost some. We expected to lose some. As long as Patrick was happy, we are good. I like playing games, so I enjoyed it as well. He knew what we were spending. We ran into Jeff from the bowling alley and Judy from City. She worked with Patrick and they both retired close together. 

Stopped at the Red Cedar (?) the restaurant in Ground Mound. I had a wonderful chicken salad. Ended up bringing half of it home. 

When we got home I pulled out my word chart from the computer, printed it, and trimmed the paper to fit in my case. I added the beads and now I'm ready to get to work. I need to do the panels to make sure they are correct on the word chart. Then I am good to go. 

Of course, Sophie likes to see if she can get my goat. Sometimes it works. lol 

As much as I would love to say I was busy working on my projects, I can't. It ended up another day of not being able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Embroidery At The Grange

 This morning, I was up with Patrick. He went golfing and I got ready for my meeting at the grange. 

First things first, I had to send off the newspaper clipping to Bryan to see if he could get them. I hope he does, because I need him to look them over and find out how they are related to us. I don't have the time to do that. Actually, I do, but I would rather play games. 

Then I got some ice tea at McD's. Geralyn and I were the only ones there, till moms showed up. She bought a wallet for her iPhone. She thought it was too small for her phone. I took her phone out of the old wallet and into a new one. This new one has the protection where one can't scan and get credit card information. She thinks that's how they got her credit cards a while back. Plus, she even thinks it was done at church. I got her fixed up and she was surprised I did it so fast. 

I decided to work on the butterfly. It's close to being done. Then I can put the piece all together and call it done. I have a little more black to add then I will go back and put yellow in a few areas near the bottom. I'm just thrilled to get this close to having it done. I really need to just sit down and finish it.

When to Connie's to drop off bindings and pick up a quilt. We visited a bit and then it was time to head home. Stopped at Phil's to give him his Birthday gifts. I thought it was so funny! Patrick got him some wine and a fire extinguisher. Phil doesn't drink wine, and he has plenty fire extinguishers. So, we will trade and give him another gift instead. I couldn't help but grin. I asked him if Phil had a fire extinguisher, and he didn't think so. Guess what, hun, he did! lol 

Came home and then went out to eat. Once that was done, I was done. I have been playing on my game, and practically falling asleep. Guess I was too busy today. I'm still dealing with the pain of the scare area. It hurts to touch it. Think I over did it yesterday, vacuuming and the bra isn't helping much. Women! You know what I mean, that darn bra pushes our boobs together and there isn't much room to get air in there - at least those of us that are pretty big. So, pressure from the bra, doesn't help. The funny part was the doctor asked and I told him I didn't have pain anymore. Guess what!! I lied, because the next day pain came. NEVER fails. 

The best part today, was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Yesterday Was Sunday -

 It's called a DAH moment this morning. I told Patrick last night that I had done my blog. Yeah, well, guess not. I thought I wrote on here when I was working on cleaning up my computer room. 

So, yesterday was Sunday. I did my usual cleaning except laundry. I will do that this week, probably a little every day this week. 

After all that, Patrick wanted to go to the movies. So, we did. I'm to the point that if he wants to do something, we will. He's so skinny and who knows how long he has. I love his positive attitude, don't know what I could do without it. Most give up and call it done, he keeps finding new things that are good news. At least one of the tests so far came back better than the last one. 

We went to see "Twisters" and it was pretty good. I was on my seat the whole time. I can't sit still anyway, but that one made me move around more than usual. Then I had to leave for a potty back - and of course I missed some stuff. Patrick told me I didn't miss much, but what does he know! lol He didn't like it as much as the first one. It was similar but not. I wish they would have had a couple characters that are memorable like the first one. They didn't have that. So, it was an "okay to good" movie. 

Came home. Then I worked on some of the family history that Bryan sent me. I was able to find most, but there is one he sent I don't know how they are connected. I have some work cut out. 

We tried to watch TV last night but all they had on was about President Biden giving up on re-election. Probably a good thing. I hope it's a game changer. I still don't understand how people go for "Hitler" type people. It's so weird to me. Maybe we haven't taught history enough about these types of people. 

NO politics on here! Anyway, life goes on. I did find out that Smiley has brain tumors. It sad. I have known him for years and he's our presenter for QOV. Like Patrick, he has been fighting cancer a while. Love the guy!

Today, I will do my usual fun stuff and fill you in. It's going to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Word Chart Day

 This morning, I was up early. Ron and I went walking, making 5 laps around the neighborhood. Then came in, picked up a jar and went out to pick berries. 

It wasn't Patrick's day, as he was having issues with his chemo. I cleaned the berries, got them bagged and ready. I will take a bag to Phil when we go out. We were going to the movies, but Patrick didn't think he could do it today. 

I sat in the computer room and worked on my word chart for my ornament pattern. I have 2 of the panels done, and half of the next one. I will have it done by tomorrow hopefully. 

Called it a day after chatting with my cousin about genealogy. I received a letter from him with photos, so I have more work to do. It will take time and it won't be a day I could say I would be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Quilting Among Other Things

 This morning Patrick head to golfing, and I headed to moms. I wanted to be early because we had a war game on at the time I usually leave for her place. I stopped and got her some tea. 

Got to moms and she had a few things she wanted me to do for her. I tried to play my game. Then I had to play again later. Too funny. 

I worked on the block I have been working on while there. I have decided I am going to do back basting next time. Even if I have to cut it out and place it for back basting. I finished the buds, and got started on the flowers. There are 3 dots that go above these. The is also more leaves that go on the stem. I have more to do, but I'm getting there. I am surprised at times at how much I do get done. 

Had to get to Debbie's to pick up some paperwork for QOV. She's having it rough. Think her daughter is really hitting it hard. I would if it was my son. She did say that one the way back, the boat trailer hit some wind and we know what happened after that. Good news was that he was killed instantly and didn't suffer.  The presession will be on Wednesday. I have been texting Debbie. I told her I can't Imagin what she is going through because I haven't been in her shoes.  All I can do is support her. 

Came home and got my sourdough bread ready to bake. 

Roasted garlic with herbs from the garden. It was pretty good, but I think next time I will do it with regular bread. Gave Scott and Teri this loaf. It was pretty good. I just did what I normally do, added it. 

I entered all the paperwork for QOV. then I decided to work on my word chart for beading. I'm on row 51, and there are 79 rows. So, I have a ways to go. Plus this is 3 patterns, so will have to do the other 2 as well. Just need to have them done before we leave next month. 

Even though I was busy, I was still able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Olympia & Home

 This morning Patrick had his MRI at 10 am, so we were out the door early. Traffic wasn't that bad. I do believe there a people out there that don't know how to drive! We had speeder passing us, and not a care in the world how close they got to our car. 

While Patrick was getting his MRI, I was sitting out in the lobby where prescriptions were done. It's fun to see all these people walking by. lol I also worked on my butterfly today. 

This is before I started. 

This is after. I worked on the black - dah! - and it was actually relaxing. I was going to work on it when I got home, but changed my mind. 

We stopped and got the car washed. Then we came on home. His chemo messes with his stomach, so he needed to get home as soon as we could. 

I played my game for awhile, then I called Ron to walk, but he already went walking. So, Patrick came in from outside and wanted to walk with me. He's just as bad as Ron when it comes to walking, and Ron is 94 years old! We only did 3 laps. I will try and get more tomorrow on my own. 

I came into the computer room and worked on my word chart for the Floral Fantasy pattern I got. I have the beads now, so will be able to work on it. I just need to get the word charts done for the trip in the middle of August. I only got to row 51 on the first flower. I am going to plan on working on it this weekend. I need to get them done! The best part was being able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Lunch With An Old Friend

Patrick went golfing and I got up as he was leaving. I called Ron to walk early because of the weather. We got a good 6 laps in this morning. 

Next thing I needed to do was get laundry in and go out to pick berries. 

Bush was full today. 

And I spend a good hour and 15 mins picking! I didn't get them all because I needed to get ready to meet up with Kim for lunch. I did get 6 1/2 cups of blueberries today though. Took some to Phil. 

Then I was off to see Kim.  Her mom and dad were best friends with mine. Then just before dad passed, they didn't see much of each other. Dian passed away last year or the year before. Kim and I didn't do much together because of the 6 year age difference, I believe. But then we didn't live around here when she was growing up. We chatted a good 2 hours! Filling each other in on what's been going on. Her dad, my mom. It was a good luncheon. We decided to do this once a month so we can get together and keep up the friendship. Looking forward to that. 

Stopped at Dutch Brothers on the way home. Got Patrick and myself a drink. Came home and relaxed the rest of the day. 

I did get some beads in today. I needed them for my ornaments. 

I then put them in the tubes and started working on the word chart for the ornament I'm going to work on. I only got a few lines done when it was time to eat. Had leftovers from lunch time. Then we had some pie and found I don't care for store bought pie crust. Next time I'm making my own! 

Was laughing so much on my game with friends, that I didn't even play much there either! Tomorrow we will be heading back up to Olympia for Patrick's MRI. So, today was putting beads away, not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Appointments & Genealogy

 We were up at 6 am getting ready to head to Olympia. I had my cardiologist appointment yesterday. The good news is that I passed the test and am good for another 6 months. Then we headed over to Kaiser for Patrick's CAT scan. He had to drink some liquid, so we went to check on our glasses. Mine were in, he was not. I got mine and they look pretty good on me, if I say so myself! lol 

We then went to Costco and picked up a few things. Once that was over, we headed home. We were home by 1 pm. Dropped of some goodies to Phillip. 

I then went into the office and started working on the genealogy papers that Bryan sent me. I need to get this all in. I also will try and get some newspaper clipping for him to see what he can find for me. I spent most of the afternoon working on those. 

Baked a Raspberry pie - YES! I'm crazy!! It hit 90 degrees today and I'm baking a pie! Go figure! Now I just need to let it cool and we are good!

Now I'm going to sit and relax before calling it a night. I'm done. AND nope, wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Interesting Day

This morning, Patrick headed off to golfing and I headed off for my stuff. First was the bank, then Connie's to drop off some money for her. Next was off to McD's for ice tea and breakfast. Then I made it to the grange for out BE meeting. I stopped and picked up raspberries and marionberries today. 

Believe it or not, we haven't seen each other in almost a month. So, we pretty much sat and chatted about what was going on in our lives. 

 If I am lucky, I put about 20 stitches in on this. Most of the purple area and the red next to it. Not much actually. Just wasn't in the mood to work on it I guess. Shame because I do need to get this going. I will keep taking it to our meeting and try to get as much as I can. Sandy won't be able to make it next week because she's going to her sisters in Canada. Sandy V was there today. We chatted about the classes she's been teaching and getting ready for next year. There is going to be a Seminar in Portland next year. Guess it's at a hotel. Should be interesting how they are going to do that. 

Came home and Patrick was sleeping. So, called Ron and we did 5 laps around the neighborhood. Then came in and played my game. Then supper. 

After supper we bagged the berries to freeze. Kept out 5 cups of raspberries to make a pie with. I need to pick up some stuff tomorrow and then I will bake a pie. 

Patrick ordered a password book for me. I decided to go through my cards and get the passwords in the book. A-C is done. Have a way to go. That will be a project for tomorrow afternoon. 

I have a doctor's appointment and Patrick has a CAT scan tomorrow. Then we go back Thursday for his MRI. 

Even though I only got a few stitches in, I can say it was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 This morning, I was up and enjoying the morning when Kristi asked if she could come get the quilt tops I had that I added backing and batting for. Told her to give me a little bit to take a shower. She arrived around 9:30 this morning. We chatted awhile. I had to tell her of Debbie losing her oldest grandson in an automobile accident. There was a head on collision where he was killed, and his friend(s) are in critical condition.  My heart goes out to her!

After Kristi left, I went walking with Ron. We got 5 laps in. 

Came in and cleaned a bit. Got the kitty litter cleaned up, kitchen and started laundry. Then I decided to spend some time adding to the bead work of Sophie. 

I got 2 rows in, then got tired of it. Sat and watched TV with Patrick. That didn't last long when my tablet needed to be charged. So, I went back and put another row in. It's coming along and I'm really happy with it. 

This week is going to be busy. Embroidery tomorrow, doctor appointment Tuesday, lunch with Kim on Wednesday, Patrick's MRI on Thursday and quilting on Friday. Hate weeks like that. But it is what it is. At least it looks like I will be able to have a good week of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ripping Out More Than Putting In

This morning, I was up early and just enjoying the day. We had a "war" going on in the game, so I was ready when the time came. 

Once that was over with, I cleaned up the kitchen and then went walking with Ron. We got 5 laps in. He thought we weren't walking today. 

I seriously needed to do something other than game playing. So, I went downstairs, put my earbuds in and listened to my book. Finished it actually. 

 I worked on getting this finished. Or at least I thought I was working to get it finished. I put the blue on the top part, both sides. Took a photo after I cut the top blue off. First things first, I sewed the blue material to the 4 Hole in the Barn Door blocks. BOTH SIDES. Then I sat and took that out. Next I cut the white fabric and sewed it onto the blocks. THEN I sewed the blue to the white.........not realizing I cut the white too big. Measured it and found I had reached the 80" already. Then realized the white was supposed to be 3" and not 5". Next was cutting the blue off and then ripping the white off the blue. 

Now the white is the right size. After "three's a charm" I decided I wasn't in the mood to do anymore sewing, since I can't seem to sew the right stuff correctly. So, it's now waiting for the blue to be added like the bottom. I double checked the size of the fabric. I realized a little late, that I need to cut about an inch off the blue. With this much going on, and my brain not paying attention, I decided to call it a day. 

Now, I'm just enjoying the fact that I'm not ripping out more work. That does make me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 12, 2024

A Quiet Friday

This morning, Patrick went golfing, and I went outside to pick blueberries. I was able to get another 4 cups worth of blueberries. I cleaned them up and put them in the freezer. Now we have 4 bags of blueberries. 

I played on my game for a bit. Ron called and I told him it was Friday, so no walking. I should have gone out but was playing my game. I wanted to take a break. 

Then I came in the computer room and started working on QOV paperwork. I also worked on the water bookkeeping and paid a bill. Then I realized I hadn't balanced the checkbook, so got the caught up as well. 

Once all that was done, it was later than I wanted. I was thinking of going downstairs to work on the quilt, but decided I wasn't going to after all. I really like going down early so I have plenty of time. I did get an email out to the QOV ladies to let them know what is going on and that our meeting is the first of Aug. 

Patrick brought me my box of beads asking if I forgot them. I told him thank you and decided to get them put away. 

Of course, Sophie was getting tired of me being in the computer room. So, she plopped herself right on top of my beads that I was putting into tubes! Of course, she wouldn't look at me. Then when I tried to enter the information into my excel program, she let me know she didn't like that. I gave her a huff and she left. Then I was back to putting the beads in order so I could see if I had them to add to. I did fix a couple of the beads that said I had more than I really did. 

Once that was done - hours later. I then pulled out the ornament pattern and went through my beads to see what I had for the ornament. 

I had colors close to what I needed. But I also needed to order more beads. So, both High Street Beading Company and Aura Crystals got an order from me. High Street Beading had a sale so I was thrilled about that. Aura Crystals was higher than I remember, but then I have found beads are going up in prices like everything else. I may need to order from Canada one of these days. Sandy orders from Canada and they are very good! I may do that yet!

I started to work on the word chart for the pattern. I was able to get the fist 10 rows done, but I had to work on my changes in color. I'm doing it in excel so that I can cut the paper in half and put it in my travel case when I go to MI. I may have to try and do a set of beads before I go. Looking forward to the trip. 

I wasn't actually stitching on the beads. I was pretty much organizing my beads. They tend to get out and about the house! Plus when I get my monthly supply, I have those little bags all over the place. This way I can get them in tubes and have them ready when I need them. So, in reality, it really wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hello Veterans - Another QOV Presentation Day

This morning, I walked with Ron, and we got 6 laps around the neighborhood. Then I had to hurry and get myself out the door to the museum.  I had to stop at Dutch Brothers first to get Debbie and myself a hot drink. - Yeah, I know, hot weather and buying a hot drink. Just couldn't help myself! 

Arrived and was needed as soon as I got there. Debbie was watching her grandson's game on the phone app. I was bringing the quilts in. lol We loaded the quilts into the museum and feel better about what we had. We also saw Mike Cheek in the office. I told him to come upstairs and got a "no, I'm leaving" remark. Sammy in the office gave me some funny looks to let me know we were doing something different. When I came back downstairs for a few things, Mike was sitting in the office. Debbie called Smiley in and we shut the doors so he had to stay. Then we presented him with a quilt. Once that was done, we headed back upstairs to get the other 4 veterans who came for the presentation. One of the veterans that was supposed to come, ended up with covid and couldn't make it. At least we were still able to get 5 veterans done today. 

Mike Russell, Navy, Virgil Potter, Army, Lee Bachler, Army and Seth Bangs, Army. Seth Bangs is still in the military and active duty. We had an awesome time!

Came home and then played games. It was still 85 degrees today, so I didn't plan to do much the rest of the day. It wasn't a day where I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Spend The Day At The Casino

 Today we left early to go to the casino down south. It's the same amount of time as going to Lucky Eagle. We tend to do better down there. We won about $400 to start and played on that for about 3 hours. Then we played on our money for the next 2 hours. We both had a good time and was enjoying ourselves. Patrick got some fries and we ate that there. They had Smash Burgers there, but we decided to get a pizza in Castle Rock instead. I would have rather had a pizza, but I was game for Patrick since he has a hard time finding food he wants to eat. 

We got home around 5:30 pm and I fixed a float for both of us. Then we sat and watched TV. There wasn't much time to do anything, so I just played my games. Hopefully by Friday, I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Trying To Stay Cool - And Still Quilt

 This morning, I went out early to pick blueberries. I was able to get 4 cups. I didn't clean them up yet, but I will tomorrow. 

After that, Ron called, and I told him we would wait till later today. By that time, it would be cooler - so I thought. We reached 106 degrees at 6 pm - so I know we were closer to 110 degrees today. When he did call at 7:30 pm, it was still too hot to go walking. Told him we will wait till Thursday to go out and walk. 

I headed downstairs. I wasn't going to put up with this heat upstairs. 

Before I went down, I added the label to this quilt. At first, I was trying to see who quilted it, then remembered it went to the church. So, Linda Nelson quilted it. 

Downstairs I got busy with the quilt I was working on. 

This was the original plan, with strips. When I sewed the 2 "Hole in the Barn Door" blocks together, the flag was too small to line up. I could have done a wider border of gold but didn't. I was having trouble with it being too wide with my ideas. 

So, I called Patrick down to help me out. He revamped the idea. 

Now the new idea is to add the blue strips and white strips to this quilt. Then there will be a red border and another blue border. Can't remember the order. This is what the bottom part will kinda look like. The top will be the same. Patrick likes to have the panels in the middle and can't seem to go with the panel on top. Oh, well. He mapped out the quilt for me, so I just need to follow the instructions. lol We all know how that goes sometimes! Even he commented on me screwing it up sometimes. He told me to pay attention to the pattern. lol 

Mom and Nancy came when I had the panel part done. They picked up more fabric for stars and left with binding fabric as well. Nancy took 3 panels and will return one because she doesn't have the fabric to go with it. 

I sewed the bottom together and decided to call it done. I then went to play on my tablet and listen to my book. When Patrick came down, he reminded me of the certificates. So, I got that done. After my printer downstairs quit working on me! I had to come up here to get the printer to work. It did fine with the paper I have, so will do them up here from now on. Time to get rid of that computer and printer. 

I'm done for the night. Time to call it a night and be ready for gambling tomorrow! lol Patrick wanted to get out. He was golfing today, but had a bad day with the one he golfs with. At least I stayed cool and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Another HOT Day But Got Stuff Done

This morning, I was up earlier than I had originally planned. I slept downstairs to stay cool. Sophie wasn't happy with me last night because Patrick slept upstairs. She meowed to let me know I needed to go upstairs. It was funny watching her talking to me as she walked back and forth to the stairs. 

I also realized last night that I needed to get the batting and backing ready for Colleen today. So, I cut it at 10:30 last night. 

This morning, I came up and took a shower. When I got my phone, I realized there was a call from the dentist. Called them back and they said they had a cancelation or two. I asked what time they had it for and she asked if I could be in at 9 am. Since it was 8:10, I said I could. I was out the door by 8:30 am. I had everything I needed to take with me. 

The dentist took about 30 mins to do what he needed. They also set me up for a night guard. I'm okay with that. I won't get that for a couple weeks. I was thrilled I didn't have to put that paste in my mouth! It was a 3D camera that set me up for it. 

After there, I went to Dutch Brothers for tea. Got one for mom too. Then off to Safeway to get flowers for Colleen. I also got 3 doughnuts. Gave 2 to mom. We sat and talked about family. Trying to figure out about great grandmother Reeder. She married great granddad Matheson when she was 18 and he was 30. That was a big difference. They later divorced. 

I worked on this piece again while I was there. Got 2 flowers done. I started the last one. I will be doing the leaves when I go back on Friday's. I am getting close to doing the 2nd block at this rate. I'm surprised at how fast it is going. I brought home 3 QOV quilts. I just need to put the information on the labels and call it good. 

After moms, I headed to Colleen's to take the backing and batting. I gave her the flowers. She was happy and we chatted about what all happened. It was a good chat, and then I headed home. I got lunch and went downstairs. 

I ended up playing games all afternoon. I wasn't in the mood for much else. Since it was 104 degrees, I wasn't in the mood for much. Stayed downstairs and going back down to sleep there. Just wish this computer was down there so I could work on my family history. Oh, well. Life is good and I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 7, 2024


Ron and I went out at 9:15 to walk. It was 75 degrees then. We finished after 6 laps and it reached 79 degrees. 

I spend most of the day playing games. I tried to bead, but found I needed to mark the rows with how many beads per row. I did about 10 sheets and will do more tomorrow. Then I looked through the ornament beads to see what I wanted to do this year. I ended up going to the website and ordering another ornament pattern. I will get that one set up before we leave for the lake in MI. 

We saw a crane in the yard today. Patrick thought it was "Bob" from the golf course. They hadn't seen him for a week. Guess he's getting out and about. 

Then after supper we went downstairs to stay cool. It reached 101 degrees today. Hot for us up here. I am going to sleep downstairs. I can't deal with this heat. So, I didn't do anything that would make me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Very HOT Saturday With Fans Going

This morning, I was up and enjoying the morning when Ron called to remind me of walking. We went out around 10:15 am and it was already 75 degrees. We walked 3 laps and called it done. I was getting hot and he was having trouble as well. When I got back to the house it was 79 degrees. 

I had Patrick bring up a fan we had downstairs so I could have it on me while I beaded in the afternoon. 

She's coming along nicely. The eyes are easier to see. I was able to get 5 rows in today. That did surprise me. I was thrilled to be able to sit and listen to my book while I beaded. Finished one and started another. I did get started on the first bead of her noise so it's going to be fun to see that part coming in as well. Looking forward to the face showing up in full. Easier to see what I have now. At first, I thought I would end up taking it out. By the time I quit working on this, it was 98 degrees. 

I called it done before supper and I played games. Now I'm going to try and get some sleep in this heat. It's supposed to get to 100 degrees tomorrow. 

Bryan called and he said it was 110 degrees. He's in CA. Heard Las Vegas was going to break its highest heat level in the next day or so. 

I may end up going downstairs and working on a quilt instead of beading tomorrow. Hard to say. At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 5, 2024

A Quick Day At Moms

 It was quilting Friday today. I headed over to moms at 8:30 am to get there in time to play my war game. It was an hour long, and mom was trying to get me to do a lot of stuff for her. I told her I was busy. She wasn't happy with me. There were 5 of us today. 

I worked on the block I have been working on there. 

Finished the flower bud. I have 3 more to go. It went fast. I was thrilled to get 4 petals done. 

Carmen finished her quilt. The blocks were done by her mother-in-law. This is a really pretty quilt!

I left early for another war game. I went to Chehalis Deli to find it closed. I'm wondering if it's permanently closed. I was looking forward to their sandwiches! 

Came home and played my game at 1 pm. Then I worked on getting the kitchen cleaned up with emptying the dishwasher.  

I got some beads today. Then I also got a letter from Bryan on the family history. I decided to enter some of the information, and it got way too hot in this room for me! The weather is in the 90's today and through the weekend. Not looking forward to this weather. Keeping the house cool is a chore but I'm getting it done. 

I watched TV with Patrick. Then I played my games as well. I just can't get to moving lately. I'm concern about Patrick and his health, but he has a good outlook on life. I just wonder how much longer I will have with him. So, it didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Today started out with Patrick and I walking since Ron called to say he was going to Olympia. 

Then we waited a while before heading out to Nick and Joann's for BBQ and games. Patrick and Joann won the first set of games. Joann won the next 2 sets of games. Then we called it a night and come home. 

Sophie is hiding because of all the noise. We are going to sit and read in bed for a while. Then call it a night. 

The 4th isn't what it used to be, but we are thankful for this time and our independence.  It wasn't my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wasn't A Day For Much

As much as I would love to sit here and type a long blog telling everyone what I did today, I can't. I actually didn't do much at all. 

I walked 6 laps with Ron. We took an hour because at 94 years old, he has some back issues and needs to stop off and on. Then I came in the house. 

Patrick worked out in the yard while we were walking. At about 1 pm we headed to the movie theater to watch "Despicable Me 4" which turned out to be pretty good. It's the same old stories, and the older I get, I see a plot line to all the movies. But it's fun. 

Stopped at Safeway on the way home. I wanted to get a shrimp salad, but found there was way too much mayo in the salad. That made me think I could make my own. Not as cheap, but I could. Patrick found shrimp on sale. I will need to cut it up a little, because it's not the tiny shrimp I wanted. It will do. Then I went and got crab meat in a can. All I need to do now is mix it up. Patrick said he had celery in the garden, so that helps. I have everything else. I make it better anyway. Then we also picked up dessert for tomorrow at Nick and Joann's. They were our bowling partners till last year. 

Had supper when we got home, and then I pretty much wanted to play my games. I am enjoying my games and have been thinking of ways to improve my game. It's getting there. So, it didn't turn out to be a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Still Waiting For That Day.......

This morning, I was up about the time Patrick was leaving for golf. I played for awhile and then I headed out the door. 

My dental appointment was at 10:30 am. I decided on a new dentist and I found that I really like this guy better than the one I had. Worst part of it is that I haven't been in over a year. So, this time they checked my teeth and found I needed to get 3 of my fillings redone because of cracks. Then he told me I needed a month guard at bed. He also said the crown that my other dentist wanted to take out, was fine for now and didn't need to be taken out yet. There was another one as well but we are going to wait and see for that. I get my teeth cleaned in September because of the schedule being full. I didn't mind. I do go back Monday (got the cancelation time) for the filling to be redone. UGH But I wanted it to be done and over with. Let there around 11:45 am. I felt good about going there. 

Came home and Patrick went to take a nap. While he was doing that, I was walking and beading. I beaded a row when Ron called and then I beaded another row after the walk. I am pretty sure I got 3 rows in today. 

I had my headphones on and listening to my book. 

After supper, I planned to play games and listen to my book, since I don't care for the shows Patrick watches each day. I told him I had my buds in and that I wanted to listen to my book. "Since you're listening to your book, I'm going to watch my Star wars show." While the news was on before that, he started talking to me. I had to try and listen to him and my book. Then after the news, he watched his show. Once that was over, he started talking to me again. I would turn and say, "What?" and he would carry one. I had to shut my book off every few minutes to hear what he had to say - AND HE KNEW I WAS LISTENING TO MY BOOK! But, nope, he wanted to chat. I just kept listening to my book, because (and don't tell him) it was more interesting than what he was talking about. He would remember what happened at golf and start talking. Drove me crazy today!

Then I pulled out the quilts mom gave me that where done. 

I wrote the names on the labels and called them done. This is one of Connie's. 

Actually, all three of these are hers. She did an awesome job on the panels. I don't get why she doesn't like doing panels. She's so talented!

I now have 7 quilts ready to go to the museum and another 5 that I have to sew the labels on. I'm so glad I have them sew the labels on when they do the bindings anymore! Saves time on my part. 

Mom called. She's been working with my brother on fixing her computer and passwords. She's got another credit card since it's been hacked twice in the last week and a half. At least my brother is helping her out and she's learning what to do. 

I'm still waiting for the day I get back to my normal self. Today was pretty close to it. But not really. I want to do more, just don't have the energy to do more. I watch Patrick lose weight and it bothers me. And just I take each day as it comes. Waiting for the day to feel better. Waiting for the day to do more. Waiting for the day - of what, I don't know. At least not waiting too much longer to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...