Friday, July 12, 2024

A Quiet Friday

This morning, Patrick went golfing, and I went outside to pick blueberries. I was able to get another 4 cups worth of blueberries. I cleaned them up and put them in the freezer. Now we have 4 bags of blueberries. 

I played on my game for a bit. Ron called and I told him it was Friday, so no walking. I should have gone out but was playing my game. I wanted to take a break. 

Then I came in the computer room and started working on QOV paperwork. I also worked on the water bookkeeping and paid a bill. Then I realized I hadn't balanced the checkbook, so got the caught up as well. 

Once all that was done, it was later than I wanted. I was thinking of going downstairs to work on the quilt, but decided I wasn't going to after all. I really like going down early so I have plenty of time. I did get an email out to the QOV ladies to let them know what is going on and that our meeting is the first of Aug. 

Patrick brought me my box of beads asking if I forgot them. I told him thank you and decided to get them put away. 

Of course, Sophie was getting tired of me being in the computer room. So, she plopped herself right on top of my beads that I was putting into tubes! Of course, she wouldn't look at me. Then when I tried to enter the information into my excel program, she let me know she didn't like that. I gave her a huff and she left. Then I was back to putting the beads in order so I could see if I had them to add to. I did fix a couple of the beads that said I had more than I really did. 

Once that was done - hours later. I then pulled out the ornament pattern and went through my beads to see what I had for the ornament. 

I had colors close to what I needed. But I also needed to order more beads. So, both High Street Beading Company and Aura Crystals got an order from me. High Street Beading had a sale so I was thrilled about that. Aura Crystals was higher than I remember, but then I have found beads are going up in prices like everything else. I may need to order from Canada one of these days. Sandy orders from Canada and they are very good! I may do that yet!

I started to work on the word chart for the pattern. I was able to get the fist 10 rows done, but I had to work on my changes in color. I'm doing it in excel so that I can cut the paper in half and put it in my travel case when I go to MI. I may have to try and do a set of beads before I go. Looking forward to the trip. 

I wasn't actually stitching on the beads. I was pretty much organizing my beads. They tend to get out and about the house! Plus when I get my monthly supply, I have those little bags all over the place. This way I can get them in tubes and have them ready when I need them. So, in reality, it really wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording.  Patrick went golfing and wh...