Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A Day Of Pain - But A Good Day

This morning it was hard to get up. My back was killing me. I must have twisted it again. I'm not really wanting to go back to the doctor to see what he has to say, but I may need to.

I played a few games in the morning. Then I went and sat down to work on my beads. I was able to get 3 rows done. I didn't take a photo today. It was good to get the 3 rows done.

Patrick wanted to go out, so we went out for awhile. Had a couple things to do. Had to go to Walmart. Not my favorite shop.

When we got back, I started making some potato soup. I had a recipe off the web, but we made a few changes to it. It turned out so good! I even made some rolls to go with it. That really filled me up!!

Then I got to work on my cross stitching.

I got more leaves done. I did more outline stitches done. I have the cat showing up. It's coming along nice. I will roll it tomorrow to get a few more stitches done. I'm liking the way this is coming out.

Trouble is, I sit here working on it, get up and move around, then sit again. Still in pain. I didn't do the exercises tonight because I don't think it will help. If I'm in this much pain tomorrow, I may have to pass on bowling. Trouble is bowling I think actually helps me. I will wait and see.

I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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