Saturday, February 29, 2020

Retirement Has It's Moments!

I didn't post yesterday because there really wasn't anything to report. I spent the morning with the quilters and didn't do one thing but play games on my phone. Left early so Patrick and I could go to Olympia to drop off quilts. We stayed and had a good chat with Bill and Sharon. Then it was picking mom up and heading to Longview for supper.

This morning Patrick was waiting on me to go grocery shopping. I completely forgot we said we would do that, and I wanted to do my beading!

We went grocery shopping. They have the "Monopoly Game" going at Safeway. Got 39 cards. BUT honestly, I'm not sure why I bother! They have 2 game pieces with each card. Out of 29 cards, there were 6 coupons that I could use. Threw out about 6 others. The rest was the cards you have to go to an app to see what you won. So far I have 109 "tokens" that don't me any good. I can get a $10 gift card for Safeway so far - or need a few more tokens and then have it. I know I have the $5 one. Big Whoop! Came home and put everything away. Got 35 cents back on ibotta. lol.

After all that was done, and the bread was ready to raise again, I pulled the quilts out. Two of them needed to have the labels one. I washed the other one. After finishing the labels on the quilts, put them in the wash. I checked the last one before putting it in the dryer and found it was bleeding. UGH!! So, it's going for another wash.

Once all that was done, it was time to cook the bread.

It turned out awesome! I love it! The sourdough came out too. 

Then I pulled my cross stitching out. Got a lot done before I realized I had a mistake. So, it came out. It wasn't a lot, but it was a good 40 stitches. 

I will be putting the part back that I took out. It's on the right side of the yellow flowers, across from where the threads are on the left. I added more, so I will work on some more outlining soon. I am having fun with this. I haven't touched it in about 4 days, so I'm really wanting to do this. 

So, retirement has been going good when I can get stuff done. But there are times that Patrick has other ideas, and that's because he's retired. He gets bored and we end up going places - like yesterday. I can't wait for the weather to get better. He really needs to go outside. We cleaned some stuff out in the garage. Found a few things I didn't remember having. Got rid of a few things that I decided wasn't worth saving. So, when he gets in the cleaning mood, that takes the time away from what I do. But at least I can still go around to my meetings while he stays home. I'm okay with that! I do like having him around. I actually get more done, but when he's in that "mood" it's time to throw my hands up and say, "Okay, here we go!." 

All in all, it feels good to be back to stitching and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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