Sunday, February 9, 2020

Enjoying The Evening To Myself

Today started out with Patrick getting doughnuts for us. I haven't had a doughnut in a very long time. He brought me 2, so I'll eat the other one tomorrow.

Afterwards we cleaned. I was tired of looking at a dirty floor. I did the kitchen and then vacuumed after mopping. Patrick worked on the bathrooms. I even got a few more things put away.

While I was in between doing the cleaning (Patrick was watching bowling on TV), I beaded. I was able to get another 5 rows done.

There isn't much different from yesterdays photo (this one), so just showing this one. 5 rows just don't show that much. It's about 1/4" when it comes down to it. I am now 299/449 rows done! I'm so close to being 100 stitches - have 50 stitches to get there though. lol

Then I called it quits and went to working on my cross stitching.

I was able to get more of the flower and work on some more stems I then got some more outlining done. It's moving along nicely. I didn't have to do any frogging today, which is a good thing. I was able to enjoy working on this while Patrick went bowling. My back is still being a pain, so I decided not to go bowling. I almost wish I did though because my left side is killing me right now. At least some moving would help. I enjoyed working on this though. It feels good to get so much done today. It actually make me smile because I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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