Saturday, February 1, 2020

Keeping Busy Today!

This morning we were out the door for grocery shopping. Patrick has always gone grocery shopping the first of every month. Rarely do we every miss going. I wanted to go weekly but he likes to go monthly. So, we do monthly shopping and then shop for what we need when we need it - weekly! Funny how that goes.

Came home and got to work on my beading.

I was able to get another 5 rows in. 284/446 are done. It's coming along. I may get to 150 rows left. I can hope! I'm looking forward to getting this done. I had to take the last row out because I got up in the middle of it and thought I was adding beads. Come to find out, I was putting the beads down to count and didn't finish the row. Ended up trying to figure out what I did, luckily I only took out half the row. Finished a book while I was at it (audio-book).

Then I decided to call it done.

I then worked on my cross stitching. I have been working on the flowers on the right (white so you can't see them) and the cat in the center area. I've been filling in the missed stitches and do some outlining while I can. It's coming along nicely if I say so myself.

Ethel and her son, Patrick and his wife, came to check out the bed posts. We offered to give them to her since she was asking. Patrick (son) really liked the bed and stand. He couldn't get it in his car, so Mike (his twin and my son's father-in-law) will stop by and pick it up later. That's one more thing we can be glad to be giving it home. We have way too much stuff and my "kids" don't see me what any of it, so we are slowly giving them way. The table we had up here and is now downstairs, will go to Katt, as she asked for it. It doesn't fit in her place, so we will be keeping it for awhile. I'm just happy to be getting rid of a few things.

Surprising how this retirement has been helping me get more of my stuff done! I seem to work on them most of the day lately. It works for me. That's one way to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Casino Day!

This morning, I was enjoying the day. I unloaded the dishwasher and watched my show that I have been recording.  Patrick went golfing and wh...