Monday, May 31, 2021


 This morning I really didn't want to get up, but I did. Today is the day to honor those who have passed. That would be my dad, my great Uncle, and my great great grandfather, Among others. 

We didn't have anything planned for today, so Patrick worked out in the yard and I beaded. 

I was able to get another 4 rows done. It's coming along great. I'm getting closer to that last 100 rows. 

I took a walk around the yard to see what we have out there. 

We have some really pretty flowers out in the yard. The Rhodes are doing great too. A couple of them are already done. 

This one is out our bedroom window. It's a really pretty color. 

It's more purple than pink. It's starting to wear out. I wish at times that Rhodes would last just a little longer than they do. It's like one minute they are blooming and the next they are wilting. 

We decided to watch "The Princess and the Frog" on Disney. It's almost done. 

I wanted to try and get more done on the cross stitching. I was able to get a good 200 stitches in, which is pretty good for me right now. I worked in the right side. I'm going to try for the stair stepping on that side. 

it made for a good double day of stitching. I'm enjoying being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Enjoying The Weather Today

 Today I woke up coughing. So, I was up and ready to go. Played games till Patrick got up. 

I got to work on the laundry again. Then I taught I would work on my beading. About that time mom called and while I was chatting with her, I saw the Rhodes in the front yard. 

All the Rhodes are really full this year. I love the purple ones on the side of the house and will take a photo of that one later. It's just starting to bloom. This one is always one of the first ones in the yard to bloom. 

Then I sat to bead. Got a row in, then went outside on the deck to enjoy the freshly cut yard. Patrick worked outside most of the afternoon. I was playing games on the swing set. It's a really nice place to be when the weather is this good. We reached 78* today, if not 80*. It's perfect weather for a holiday!

Came back in and put 2 more rows in on the beading. 

I'm now at 438/580. So, I'm less than 150 row to go. Looking good! I'm starting to see the straps around the deer. I can't remember what they are called it. This is fun! I'm still thinking I need to go downstairs and work on my QOV quilts. It's a waiting game for me. When I finally want to do it, I will go down and work on them. 

At least at this rate, I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Yet Another Trip To Olympia

 I didn't post yesterday, because there wasn't anything to say. I really didn't do much. I did do one row of the beading, but that wasn't enough to post for. 

Today was a laundry day. As well as just playing games. I was going to sit and bead but before I knew it, it was 2 pm and we needed to leave. I had an ultrasound appointment for my thyroid. We were out the door a little later than normal. I did get there 10 mins early but if you go with the 15 mins before that they want you there, then we were 5 mins late. Don't you just love how they want you there early to sit and wait? I get a kick out of that. 

So I worked on my embroidery. (I know, this is the same photo as before). The swirly piece right under the leave on the left is were I was working. I got to the first loop when they called me in. So, there wasn't enough to take a photo of it. 

On the way home, we stopped at Wendy's. We were talking about what we need to do with the house. I want to down size but Patrick doesn't want to do it now because of the high prices. I want to get moving or start fixing this place up. It needs minor things done. I really want the bathrooms to be done, but he's not liking the cost of doing that. It just seems to be a never ending circle of what I want and what he wants. That's what marriage is all about, working together to see what we both are willing to do. 

Then I decided to working on my beading. I was able to get 2 more rows done. 

The green bell pull is coming up. It's starting to show, but not barely. It's at the deer's throat. I do like the way this is coming. I was listening to my book on audio. It's pretty good. I'm hoping to get more done this weekend. 

But then I realize I need to get more quilts made as the QOV quilts we have made, are being called for. We are presenting 4 more quilts on the 10th and then Jim has 4 more veterans to enter, so that will be 8 quilts going out the door in a month. We haven't made any more quilts in awhile. So, I'm going to have to finish the one I was working on, and get to work on the strips that I bought at the quilt shop. I seriously need to get in the mind set of quilting again. I have the thread for the church, and I need to keep taking quilts over there. I'll work on it. 

At least today turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Still Going To Olympia This Week

Mom called early this morning. She was really sick. She wasn't doing good. She added to her list for Costco.

This morning was Patrick's doctor's visit. He has a kidney doctor that he was chatting with and today was the first day he met her. She's awesome. I sat in on the visit. He has amazed all his doctors so far. He's doing really well. Then I had my blood tests to take. 

I took my embroidery and was able to get a few stitches in. I did get the flower bud done. The one in the upper right. I then went back down to do the leaves and twirly things. 

 After the doctor's visit we headed to Costco. Our job was to get a few things we needed, and picked up stuff for Phil and mom.  We had to get ink as well. Talk about a big order! We did good. 

Dropped stuff off at moms. She didn't look good. Took her some Canadian Dry Gingerale. Nancy said it worked for her. Put all the stuff away for her. Let Sophie out and then headed home. 

Got home and I unloaded everything because Patrick was worn out. I had to lift because he can't lift anything over 10 pounds. It was fun! - not really.....heeeheee. 

We all (Sophie included) fell asleep in the living room chairs. My neck kept snapping because I can't get my chair to stay back when I push it back. 

Now it was time to work on my cross stitching! 

I didn't get much done. Every time I get going on this, Sophie decides to come and get in my way. I had to work on this with her on my lap. She was watching me stitch. A couple times she wanted to help, but I told her no. I don't need her eating the threads again and having to take her in to the vets. I gave up. I know she loves her attention and if I would shoo her down, she would come back. It gets comical, but doesn't help me out. At least it was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Another 4 Rows Completed

 This morning we were taking it easy. Patrick went outside and I decided to work on my beading. 

I had made a mistake in one of the rows. So, when I came to it, I had to take it out and put it back. It took almost as much time as doing one row by itself. I was able to get another 4 rows in. 

While I was working on this, I was doing laundry. I also took a break and vacuumed as well as a few other things. It was a cleaning day as well as working on my beading. 

I wish I had more to say, but I really didn't do much other than beading. I wanted to cross stitch, but by the time I got it out to work on, I would only get about 1/2 hour. It still turned out Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Another Visit To Olympia

 Had yet another doctors appointment. Patrick jokes that that is what happens when we get old. I'm beginning to agree. I had 2 more appointments added after my visit today. Ugh. It's okay, I'm healthy and life is good. Just checking things out to make sure I stay healthy. Plus we are checking to see what's up with my thyroid. What fun!

Came home and I played a few games. Then I decided it was time to get back to doing beading. 

I completed another 6 rows. It's looking good. The bells will be coming here pretty soon. More green will be showing up as well. I do enjoy working on this. As long as I keep my beads in line without messing them up. Did that one the last row and decided it was time to take a break for today. 

It was a good day when I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Getting Caught Up

 This morning we headed to Olympia for my pulmonary appointment. We have a plan. Now it has a name to it. I have to do my breathing tests for the next year, every 6 months. Let's hope it helps figure out what is up. I know it's "UIP" but there are 5 possibilities to what one it is. Then it was time to go get blood tests for both of us. 

We stopped at Wendy's on the way home for lunch. Then Patrick crash. He napped pretty much the rest of the day. 

I worked on my TAST tasks. I was a good 11 weeks behind. So, I got moving and add the rest of what I was missing. The stitches I worked on where: 

  • Chevron stitch 
  • French knots
  • Cretan stitch
  • Buttonhole wheel
  • Cable Chain Stitch
  • Butterfly chain
  • Bullion
  • Beaded Oyster stitch (without the beads)
  • Basque stitch
  • Arrowhead stitch

After all that was done, I moved on to playing some games. 

After supper, I pulled my cross stitching out. 

I worked on the brown on the right side, but didn't get very far. It's coming along great. 

It turned out to be a really good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Not A Day For Crafts

 This morning I was up and playing games. Patrick went to get doughnuts this morning. I took my time getting ready. 

Then it was a cold day. So, really, really didn't feel like doing much. Play games and just relax. 

Once I did get moving, I started adding the BIRGE family information into Patrick's tree. Since it's not a direct line, I decided after putting about 100 names in, that I would call it good. I found a few more names to add with what I had. So, I had to write notes to myself to make sure I put them in my family tree. I did notice he has STRONG on his side as well. Haven't connected that name yet. It looks like 2 different STRONG families so far. They go back to England. May be a connection yet. 

Other than that, my day was just working on my genealogy. Guess I'm getting back into it. Shame it wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Another Saturday Gone

 This morning I was up early and playing on games. When Patrick got up, I got moving again. 

Patrick needed my help lifting some pots outside to put in the front yard. I got those moved and then decided I wanted to work on my beading. 

I was able to get a good 5 rows done. I'm now at 423/580. This is on the glass container, so it looks a little lopsided. I'm getting closer to getting the head done. I love the way this looks. I think there might be another bird coming but not for sure. The last row, I missed a bead and had to take it 3/4's of the way back. I figured at that point, I better call it a day with beading. 

Then I pulled out the newspaper articles that I have, and loaded them on the genealogy program. I must have added another 15 articles on the family history. Then I pulled off my BIRGE family information to add to Patrick's family tree. I found that to be funny how I finally found a connection. Funny part is that it isn't a direct line. May find one of those yet. We all know we are related one way or another. 

I've been busy and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 21, 2021

A Group Meeting At Moms

This morning I left early to go to Safeway and get mom some flowers. I didn't have a gift for her Birthday and Mother's Day. I also took her my beaded box. She wanted it when I showed it to her awhile back. She was crazy about it. I also stopped and got her a chai tea. 

I arrived early. Then Hildi arrived and we got her caught up on what has been going on. We decided to have the others in the Friday group come the first Friday of each month. We will still do every Friday, but that way we won't have to deal with the "mouth" of a couple of them. We really like the group we have now. Mom also decided she's not doing lunch anymore for that group. That was okay with us. 

I worked on the leaves on the Forest Galorest quilt top. 

I finished the leaves. I then started on the eyes. I got the white part of the raccoons done. I need to get more pieces for the rest of the eyes. I will work on those next time. I was able to get a lot done. Not as much as I would have liked though. 

It turned out to be a day where I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Worked On Cross Stitching Today

 It was a quiet day. We didn't have any plans, so I started working on laundry. 

I really wanted to do something today, but couldn't decide. Then when I did, the plan was to work on cross stitching during the morning and then beading in the afternoon. We all know what happens when I plan things!

At this point, I thought I could quit. Then I could go and work on my beading. Patrick slept most of the afternoon, so I watched TV. While watching my shows, I couldn't find a quitting point to go beading. I wanted to get caught up on my shows. 

So, I kept going. I got a lot done today. Pretty close to 600 stitches done today. I like the way it's coming along. I'm still trying to work in the 10x10 square areas. I'm getting there. I need to square it off and then I can get moving in the direction I like. 

Nothing new here, but at least I got moving on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Another Trip To Seattle

 This morning we were up early to head to Seattle for Patrick's appointment. I drove up there. It was stop and go around JBLM. Then we were able to go straight through Tacoma by the Dome. Then it was stop and go about 2 miles before our exit. 

I worked on getting the flower on the left done. Then I went to finish up the flower bud on the right. I will have it finished before to much longer. I need to add more beads too. I will work on the bottom half after the flowers are done. 

The good news is that his cancer is gone at this time. He has 5 years to be clear and he doesn't want to say "cancer free" because it may jinx him. We have another appointment in 3 months. 

Came home and Patrick took a nap. I worked on my beading. 

Another 4 rows are done. I'm at 414/580. Getting closer to that 100 stitches left. I'm loving how much it's coming along. 

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Happy Birthday To ME

 This morning I was up and ready to go out for breakfast like I have done the last 2 years. This year, Starbuck only had a free drink or food for my Birthday. In the past it was both a drink and a sandwich. So, I decided to have breakfast at home. 

We stopped and got my drink on the way to get some flowers outside of Mossyrock. I picked up Patrick's drink and mine in the pouring rain. He was getting gas. They messed up my order, so I had to wait a little longer then usual. 

We bought 5 baskets and some other plants for the yard. I really liked these. We had to stop at Safeway on the way back though. Poor Patrick, he was worn out, so I went in. 

Came home. While he slept, I beaded. 

Got another 4 rows done. It's coming along great. I was listening to my book. This one is "The Witch Elm" by Tana French. It's a 22 hour long book. I'm now down to the last 6 1/2 hours. It's long, and it goes into every little detail. I canceled one of her other books because they are long and wordy. I like the book, but I truly believe, if I had to READ it, I wouldn't. 

Katt called and Phil texted. I got a lot of texts for my Birthday. It was nice to know so many remembered. Guess my sister-in-law went home today from the hospital. Mom and Nancy sang "Happy Birthday" to me. Patrick fixed me supper. I made some apple "pies." Using biscuits in a can. It turned our really good. I like how they turned out. AND I still have my ice cream cake to eat up. 

Today has been a really good Birthday! Better than Mother's Day turned out. It was even better when I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Meeting Day

 This morning I was up and ready to go to our embroidery meeting. As it turned out, it was just Sandy and I. I would have liked to have seen more there, but they tend to have appointments on our meeting days lately. Hoping we can get this going once a week, so we can keep the group going. Otherwise, we may be stopping the group - which I hope we don't.

I worked on the Wild Orchards pattern. 

I worked on the "feelers" on this piece. I added the beads. Then I started on the stem area. I'm not happy with the look of the bottom 4 "feelers" on this. I will try and make sure the next flower looks better. I will add the beads to the stem area when I'm done. I just wanted to see how this would turn out. 

Came home and worked on my genealogy. I was working on Patrick's HOLCOM(E) family and came into the BIRGE family. I believe I may finally find the connection between Patrick's family and mine. I have Birge in my line as well. I need to go back and forth to see if I can connect the dots. 

Then I wanted to work on my cross stitching. 

I was able to work on more of the red area. I didn't get a lot done, probably only about 75 stitches. I would have liked to have done more. 

A note from me - the 3 blogs that were deleted, where replaced. I didn't realize it was on my Brazilian embroidery blog and not this one. The weird part was that I only have a few (1-5) people who view it, because I don't post as often on that one. I still don't understand why it was reported. I'm just thrilled it wasn't on this blog that was reported. So, please forgive me for my comments. 

This day was a craft day. That always makes it easy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Getting Back On Track

 This morning I was up early, played for about an hour, then fell asleep on the couch. I was tired and couldn't figure out why. Then I realized my head didn't like the sun coming in my face. Had a headache for a little bit and then it was gone. 

I worked on getting some laundry done. We were due to go to moms by 3:30 for supper. I decided to take a break and bead for a little bit. I was able to get one row done. I also started setting out the beads for the next row. 

We went to moms for supper. She made ribs in the oven. It turned out to be a really good meal. She talked with Patrick. Telling all about her trip. It was good to hear the 2 of them chatting. I was in the kitchen trying to make deviled eggs. We stayed for a couple hours till Patrick couldn't sit any more. Headed to Safeway for a few things and came home. 

Poor Patrick, he was beat. He was making the bed today as well as a few other chores. I didn't realize it till he sat down in a "huff." Told him he wasn't supposed to do that, and he should have reminded me to do it. He then put the trash out for pick up and then napped before going to moms. 

We got home and he was tired. He watched TV for a little while and then told me he was off to bed. 

I wanted to get that row done that I set out. So, I worked on it. Then I did another row. So, I'm now at 411/580. I like that the month of the deer is showing now. It's looking pretty good. I will do more tomorrow when I get back from our meeting. 

At least I'm back on track and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Presentation Day

 Today I just wasn't in the mood to do crafts. I've pretty much been playing games. 

When I woke I was ready to send a letter to blogspot for removing my posts. I didn't have anything "false" or "misleading." I read the rules of what would be removed when they came out with the information. I had replied to one of the removal notices and told them I don't write false information and Patrick's cancer is REALITY. So, last night I woke at 2 am and was thinking of what I would write to them about. I don't believe in censorship, and that's what I felt was going on. Then when I checked my email this morning, I received a notice that my posts had been re-instated. I was thrilled to see that. AND I would like to thank blogspot for taking the time to see if I really violated the rules. It took a lot off my shoulder. I was beginning to look into another blogging site if they were going to keep removing my blogs. Thankfully, they didn't and hopefully they won't. 

So, with my mind going in all different directions, I cleaned up the house. I got all the trash out. I cleaned the vent in the dryer. I even cleaned the cat litter box. Played more games and then headed to the museum. 

It was presentation day. We honored 3 veterans today. One didn't want his photo on Facebook. So, I just won't post his photo. It can go in the album. 

This is Albert "Angie" Angelotti, who is an Air Force Veteran. A really nice man! We had the honor to honor him. It was so much fun. 

This is Leslie Thomas Cleary. He was a lot of fun as well! This was a honor to honor all these Veterans. We must of had 30 people there to watch! It was awesome. 

They loved the quilts they received. One of the quilts was donated from Stitch 'N Peace. They have donated a lot of quilts for us. It's an honor to honor our Veterans. I sometimes wish my father was still here. He would have loved this and would have helped me every step of the way. 

Came home and got supper going after awhile. I then played games. I really should get back to my beading, but I just wasn't in the mood. Maybe by tomorrow I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 14, 2021

Making Pillow Cases

 Today started out pretty good. Patrick and I went for a walk. Then came home and waited to see Phil. 

Okay, I'm having a hard time writing this. I just found out 3 of my posts were deleted because I was reported. I was reported for "misinformation" on my blog. It all had to do with my waiting at the doctors while my husband was going through kidney cancer. Why, would someone report that as "false" information?? It's true, my husband went through kidney cancer and I'm hoping it's all gone. It's a waiting game to find out. He will go through more test later on. So, please, who ever reported me, tell me why you did. 

So, I'm going to make this short, because I'm offended that someone thinks I'm getting the wrong information out. 

I was able to get 2 more rows done. Then I needed to go and work on 3 more pillow cases for QOV. 

I got 3 pillow cases done. I'm happy to be able to add these to the quilts at the museum. I will be at a presentation tomorrow, so they will come in handy. 

I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Had To Get Out Today

This morning I was up early. I was trying to decide what I wanted to do. After Patrick got up I decided to go visit mom and get some lunch. I left around 10 am and visited with mom for about 2 hours. I wanted to hear about her trip. I told her about Daisy and what all was going on. We had a good visit. I then dropped off an egg carton at Sandys. Then I headed to Bill & Bea's for a burger. I had tots to go with it. I was thrilled!

My sister in law is in the hospital for a couple more days. She's got bacterial pneumonia. So, prayers are going her way. My nephew told me that his wife's grandfather is in the hospital as well. That got the count up to 5! Ugh. This month has had one thing after another for all of us. Will it quit this month? Guess I have to wait and see. 

Then I headed back home. Patrick was resting, so I decided to listen to my book and bead. 

I was able to get 6 rows done today. I am now at 505/580. Chip, chipping away! I love this. It's a ton of fun to work on. I wanted to keep going, but I needed to do my exercises and sit with Patrick to watch TV. 

It ended up with an awesome day of getting out of the house. It felt good to be driving around. I didn't stop and visit great grandmother's grave, but I did get out. Burger was great! It made it another great day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Beautiful Day - Had The Screen Door Open

 This morning I couldn't get out of bed. I slept till 10 am and still didn't want to get out of bed. I think that is because I took a Zyrtec around 4 am and it always kicks me in the butt! Patrick was between the bed and the couch again last night. He tries to get comfortable but that's hard to do with one side being the side that was cut open. 

I vacuumed and cleaned up a bit. I was getting tired of the "dirt" around the house. Kitchen is back to normal too. When Katt was here, it was hard to keep things picked up and clean. So, I worked on that. Then I went and beaded. 

I had to check my pages to see how many rows I did today. I did 4 rows, and ended on 399/580. I wasn't sure yesterday what row I was on, so I double check it tonight. I like that the mouth of the deer is coming through. It's really pretty. I'm really looking forward to getting this done. I need to kick butt and get it done. 

I received a call from my nephew (the one who's wife lost her brother), and he said his mom was doing better. They found it to be a combination of migraine headache, cold, and high blood pressure that put her in that state. So, they will keep her over night and she should be able to come home tomorrow. 

After supper it was time to sit and watch "The Mask Singer" and I was able to work on my cross stitching. 

I did around 100 stitches. I worked on the side of the teddy bear. I found a spot where I didn't cross my "x." So went back and fixed that. I also found where I did a small "x" which made it so one could see the fabric behind. I went and fixed that too. I don't know how I got a small "x" in there. I should have seen it when I did it. 

Today was beautiful! It reached 82* and I had the screen door open the whole time I was beading. It felt good to get a small breeze in the house. The table is right there, so it really feels good when that breeze comes to my side of the table. I should have gone outside but I wanted to get a few things done instead. At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Getting Back To Normal

 This morning I got the sheets done that were from the beds downstairs. Now I just need to make the beds. Will do that tomorrow. 

I decided I wanted to do a bread today. So, I got that going as well. Then I went to work on our checkbook. I wanted to balance the checkbook. Went into my Quickbooks program and I don't know what the heck happened! Our checkbook had the wrong total. I had it balanced and it wasn't what it was balanced at. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't find the the reason either. So, I decided to get my backup up and running. I backed up the program from Jan (yep, was behind on backups). Even the backup was messed up!! I couldn't believe it!! So, I started another account and went 2 months back. Of course, when I did that, I had more money in our account then Patrick did. So, I figured out the amount that was off, and am writing it off. I just need to remember how to clear that amount to get back on track. At this point, I'm really ready to just dump the program and call it good. Patrick has his accounting that is on track. UGH

Several hours later, I put the bread in the oven and then went to bead. 

I was able to do another 3 or 4 rows. I'm now at 398/580. A few more rows to get to 400. Won't be long if I can just sit and bead. I had a PB&J for supper. It was really good with the fresh bread! 

Scott and Teri came over to see who Patrick was doing. He was all positive and they had a good visit. While they were here, I got a text that my sister-in-law is in the hospital. Not looking good. Then my brother called to see if I got the text. He asked about Patrick and I told him. Had Patrick text (brother) Patrick when Scott and Teri let. Got another texted that sister-in-law (brother Chris' wife), will be in the hospital overnight. It's a waiting game to see what's up. 

This week has not been a good week for me and my family. Each step something comes up. Guess we can all say that's life. Patrick says he may feel bad, but it looks more and more like everyone else has it worse then him. I'm beginning to agree with him the way this week has gone. BUT HEY, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 10, 2021

It Was A Quiet Day With Patrick Back

 I was snoring again last night. Poor Patrick! He tried to sleep but wasn't get much sleep with me snoring. Guess he went to the couch around midnight. Partly because he couldn't get comfortable and partly because of me. I didn't snore as bad as I have been though. Dang allergies!!

Most of the day was Patrick relaxing and poor Katt trying to relax. She's so used to going out and doesn't like to be home much. She was awesome though. She keep checking with Patrick to see if he needed anything. She taught I was micro managing Patrick with telling him to drink more. lol 

I decided to listen to the TV and work on my beading. 

I was able to get another 3 rows in. I'm not sure where I am on the rows right now. Somewhere around 398/580. Still have a ways to go. I'm loving this! Katt leaves tomorrow, so I may be getting more in while she's gone. 

Then I came to watch TV with Katt and Patrick. They both fell asleep, so I watched a show on my own. I was working on my cross stitching!

I was able to get a lot done on this. I'm thinking it was closer to 200-300 stitches in! I'm happy with the way this is coming along. He's cute!

My day ended up being a better day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quiltling!

Sunday, May 9, 2021


 Happy Mother's Day. Hope you had an awesome Mother's Day! Mine, so-so. 

Was up early this morning. Patrick texted that we could pick him up at 11 am. That was after mom called (while I was in the shower) to say she is coming home early. They are working on getting her a fight out and she would let me know when. I was also told I didn't give Robie all the medications for Daisy. So, I needed to get that to her. She told me my Niece-in-law's brother was killed in a head-on collision. I don't know the details. I was getting ready to run to mom around 11 am when Patrick sent the text to pick him up at 11. I called Robie back and told her I would leave the medication on the door at moms. She was okay with that. Don't know if she got it, because she doesn't call me, she calls mom. 

So, Katt and I got ready, went to moms, then got gas. Once all that was done we took off to Seattle to pick Patrick up. He's in a lot of pain. We got back home about 2:30 pm. Traffic was good going and a pain coming back. I slept in the car because I've been so tired the last 2 days. All I want to do is sleep. 

Patrick laid on the couch. He was saying on his way back home that he would have McDonald's nuggets. I didn't want to go to McDonald's and neither did Katt. So, she started cooking for herself and asked me what I wanted. I told her "meat." We didn't take any out. So, I stewed for a little bit and decided to go to KFC for chicken. Brought back some "popcorn" chicken that is no longer called popcorn chicken. They are even bigger. I also brought back a chicken meal for me. I ate my chicken and Katt had hers. Patrick didn't eat much at all. He's not feel that good. I was thinking it would have been better if he stayed one more night at the hospital. 

So, watching TV. Haven't been in the mood to do much. 

Katt made me an ice cream cake for Mother's Day and my Birthday. I love it!! It turned out really good. I was thrilled. At least something went right today! Phil called, so I can say that was right too!

I worked on this some more. I didn't get much done, but I'm getting there. Every few stitches helps. I think I probably did 50 stitches tonight. If I'm lucky, 100 at the most. 

It hasn't been my weekend. It hasn't been the best weekend at all. But at least I can find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Long Day

 I stayed the night at moms. Daisy kept me up all night with whining as well as tearing up the bathroom rugs. She didn't like it that I wouldn't sleep in moms bed. I tried to put her in the spare bedroom bed, but she wasn't having any of that. Thought she would fall out of bed. So, I slept when I could, but that wasn't much. 

Ethel's daughter called and said that she wouldn't be back. She's staying in the hospital till at least Monday. Mom is due back on the 13th and we thought we would be picking Patrick up today. I was chatting with mom and she said she could get Daisy bordered. She didn't like it much, but I figured after last night, it wouldn't work to have her here at my house. So, the gal to board Daisy came around 2 pm. Good think we weren't going to Seattle to pick Patrick up. 

While I waited, between phone calls, I cleaned moms sheets (both beds), made the 2 beds, and cleaned the toilet. I had to go to Home Depot to get a blunger. Then I worked on the toilet. Of course I ended up with toilet paper all over my pants. So, I had to wash my jeans in-between the sheets. I had lunch, cleaned up the trash and got the dishwasher going. 

It was time to come home. Daisy was picked up and on her way. Came home. Katt and I decided on supper, and ended up going to Safeway to pick up some stuff. Once all that was done, Katt fixed supper. As we got back, we received a message from my brother, Patrick, saying my nephew's wife's brother was killed in a motorcycle accident. That is were mom is staying. So, not sure what is up there. Mom never did call and tell me. Send Boo a message of our sympathy. You would think since I've been chatting with mom over her dog, she would have told me. Maybe tomorrow. 

I found a tied quilt that mom had on her bed. It's completely falling apart. This was the block my grandmother did or the gal she was named after. 

After supper I decided to get a few stitches in. 

I'm almost done in the upper left corner. I went back down to the bottom. Decided to work on that for now. didn't get a lot done, but a good amount. 

It felt good to work on something, even though I didn't feel like it. I need to get back in the mood! Too much "crap" going on. Life is taking it's toll on me this week. I keep going though. Nothing else to do but keep one foot in front of the other. It gets me closer to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Interesting Day

 Woke up from snoring all night. So, it wasn't restful. Allergies are big this year for me. 

Katt and I headed to Olympia.  We went to Cabella's and we both bouth a shirt. Then we went to Shipwrecked Beads were I spent $68. Pretty good for me. We were home by 1 pm. 

Katt started on my Birthday/Mother's Day cake. She's doing an ice cream cake for me. Patrick called a couple times. He's doing great.

I took a nap. While napping the phone rang. Ethel (moms friend and dog sitter),  was going to the hospital because she wasn't feeling well. She was worried about moms dog. I told her not to worry.  I waited 2 hrs to hear from the family. She was staying the night at the hospital.  So I had to get over to moms.  

I was able to get 1 row of beading in. That was it. 

At moms I watched TV. Not much chance of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Early Morning

 This morning we were up and out of the hotel by 5 am. Dropped Patrick off and headed home. We were back home by 7 am. Katt and I picked up breakfast at McDonald's here in town. 

We then waited for calls from the hospital. The good news is that everything went well and he's doing good. Went as expected. 

Katt and I played games. Then I fixed supper. We didn't do the walking that we did yesterday. We actually walked 3.5 miles. Today we just stayed home. 

I was able to get 2 rows of beading done today.....which made me happy! 

It's looking good! I'm getting there. I love the way this is coming. I don't see how far I get till after I take a photo of it. It's awesome. 

Katt and I played more games. She kicked my butt! We have been keeping busy. She's actually keeping me busy. We have plans for the next couple days. Patrick is hoping to be home on Sunday, so if that's the case, I'll be busy for a good 4 days. Woohoo!

Mom and my nephew went to the cemetery in OK. They found our 3rd great grandmother. They found a few other names as well. I need to work on my tree. They are planning to go to the court house and check on the "OK Sooners" to see if they were part of that. It would be interesting if they were. I'm hoping they find some information on the family. 

Now I'm beat! Early morning, late night. But at least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Trip To Seattle Yesterday

 Yesterday started out slow. I was up and getting laundry moving. I played a few games and worked on a couple things. Nothing all that exciting. 

Around 3 pm we left to go to Olympia for supper. We had a stop at Outback Steakhouse for supper. It was pretty good. I had the hamburger. Which was a bit much for me. 

Then it was off to Seattle. We stayed at the Pineapple Hotel in town because of Patrick's surgery being at 5:30 am. 

They had cute little Pineapple "things" all over the hotel. It was a really nice place to stay - expensive but nice. We ended up having to pay $20 for parking, $23 fee (which I believe is the tax Seattle put on hotels and motels). 

So, I was not able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Not A Busy Day Today

 This morning I worked on laundry. Then I just played games. I did walk over to Sherry's to pick up some salad stuff. She can't have salads, but she bought the stuff for a salad to give to family. They were coming over and then when they got there, decided they weren't staying for lunch. So, she needed someone to use up the stuff she bought. I decided to collect it. 

Then Katt arrived. We chatted and had a good visit before Patrick got home from golfing. We watched a movie on Netflix. While we watched TV, I stitched. 

I worked on the top left corner. I also filled in the blue area. It's coming along. I stopped off and on. I wasn't really in the mood, and decided to call it done. 

At least I can say today wasn't really a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 3, 2021

Meeting Day

 This morning I was up and out the door to our Brazilian embroidery meeting. I arrived early. It was good to have a few minutes of time with Sandy. I was worried about her, and I'm going to keep her in my prayers now that I know what's up. 

Bev showed up and we had a good little chat going. It was a 3 person meeting. We even agreed that we need to put our meeting back to every week, since we have been having trouble with members coming. A lot have been scheduling their doctor appointments on our meeting day. We may fix that. 

I got one little "string" done at the meeting. Then tonight I worked on the calyx at the base. I did a satin stitch one way and went back to do the satin stitch another way. 

It's looking good. I really do like the way this is coming along. I'm now working on the "string" off the right side. (going off the page)

Came home and really didn't feel like doing much till just a little bit ago when I did the calyx. I have been enjoying working on this. In a way I don't want to finish it too soon. I'm having too much fun. 

Katt comes tomorrow. I do want to try and get some beading done tomorrow. Sharon called to tell me she figured out how to do the hem in the boxes. So, now she off and running. I know she wants me to come and visit, but with all that is going on, I won't be able to do that. I'm planning to stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...