Thursday, May 27, 2021

Still Going To Olympia This Week

Mom called early this morning. She was really sick. She wasn't doing good. She added to her list for Costco.

This morning was Patrick's doctor's visit. He has a kidney doctor that he was chatting with and today was the first day he met her. She's awesome. I sat in on the visit. He has amazed all his doctors so far. He's doing really well. Then I had my blood tests to take. 

I took my embroidery and was able to get a few stitches in. I did get the flower bud done. The one in the upper right. I then went back down to do the leaves and twirly things. 

 After the doctor's visit we headed to Costco. Our job was to get a few things we needed, and picked up stuff for Phil and mom.  We had to get ink as well. Talk about a big order! We did good. 

Dropped stuff off at moms. She didn't look good. Took her some Canadian Dry Gingerale. Nancy said it worked for her. Put all the stuff away for her. Let Sophie out and then headed home. 

Got home and I unloaded everything because Patrick was worn out. I had to lift because he can't lift anything over 10 pounds. It was fun! - not really.....heeeheee. 

We all (Sophie included) fell asleep in the living room chairs. My neck kept snapping because I can't get my chair to stay back when I push it back. 

Now it was time to work on my cross stitching! 

I didn't get much done. Every time I get going on this, Sophie decides to come and get in my way. I had to work on this with her on my lap. She was watching me stitch. A couple times she wanted to help, but I told her no. I don't need her eating the threads again and having to take her in to the vets. I gave up. I know she loves her attention and if I would shoo her down, she would come back. It gets comical, but doesn't help me out. At least it was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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