Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Getting Back To Normal

 This morning I got the sheets done that were from the beds downstairs. Now I just need to make the beds. Will do that tomorrow. 

I decided I wanted to do a bread today. So, I got that going as well. Then I went to work on our checkbook. I wanted to balance the checkbook. Went into my Quickbooks program and I don't know what the heck happened! Our checkbook had the wrong total. I had it balanced and it wasn't what it was balanced at. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't find the the reason either. So, I decided to get my backup up and running. I backed up the program from Jan (yep, was behind on backups). Even the backup was messed up!! I couldn't believe it!! So, I started another account and went 2 months back. Of course, when I did that, I had more money in our account then Patrick did. So, I figured out the amount that was off, and am writing it off. I just need to remember how to clear that amount to get back on track. At this point, I'm really ready to just dump the program and call it good. Patrick has his accounting that is on track. UGH

Several hours later, I put the bread in the oven and then went to bead. 

I was able to do another 3 or 4 rows. I'm now at 398/580. A few more rows to get to 400. Won't be long if I can just sit and bead. I had a PB&J for supper. It was really good with the fresh bread! 

Scott and Teri came over to see who Patrick was doing. He was all positive and they had a good visit. While they were here, I got a text that my sister-in-law is in the hospital. Not looking good. Then my brother called to see if I got the text. He asked about Patrick and I told him. Had Patrick text (brother) Patrick when Scott and Teri let. Got another texted that sister-in-law (brother Chris' wife), will be in the hospital overnight. It's a waiting game to see what's up. 

This week has not been a good week for me and my family. Each step something comes up. Guess we can all say that's life. Patrick says he may feel bad, but it looks more and more like everyone else has it worse then him. I'm beginning to agree with him the way this week has gone. BUT HEY, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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