Friday, November 12, 2021

Three Guesses What Today Was

 I seem to be repeating myself lately - just like the days of the week! Today was quilting day at moms. I ended up helping mom out with getting the booster shop appointment she wanted. She tried to get the booster shot at Rite Aid - had the appointment confirmed - and when she went over there, they had her come back 3 times - "in an hour," "in a half hour," and "try again in an hour." They had her in the computer because she got a confirmation - but they didn't have her in Centralia. She gave them her confirmation number, everything that was given to her - and they never gave her the booster. She was so ticked yesterday. So, I loaded her on the Walgreens site and she's scheduled to get her shot on Monday. Once that was done, I could get my time with the group. 

I worked on my beading pattern. I want to get my ornaments done. So, I worked on the word chart. 

Finished the first one and started on the second one. Then I remembered that row 1 & 2 are put on the same time. So, I need to fix my 2 patterns to have the two rows together. 

I went to Kathleen Amendt's to pick up my quilt! I LOVE it! I also dropped off another one. It's not big enough to use on the bed, but it's big enough to display on the spare bed. I love it!! I will show a photo of it tomorrow - after I get the binding on it. I should have given it to Debbie to sew the binding on for me! Dang!

Debbie stopped by to pick up some fabric. I dropped off a quilt at Connie's. I also gave her the pattern that we got as a donation. She's going to sew it together. I told her to give me a bill for any fabric that she buys because of all the stuff she does for us. 

Came home and played a few games. Send a message to one of my games telling them I'm tired of upgrading and then not able to play the challenge. 

I asked for Katt's help. She's going into business - Katt's Creations. She's doing my brother's names and rank on the vinyl so I can iron them onto the quilt block. 

It will go in the empty spot. Once that is done, I will get the quilt quilted. She's been sending what she's doing. It's awesome and I think it will work great! I love her work. 

Between all this, I can still find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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