Saturday, November 27, 2021

Went To The Movies

 This morning I was up before Patrick. No plans were planned. So, we sat around in the morning, while I played games. 

At about 11:30 am we decided to go to the movies. We watched "Encanto." It was really good. We were the first to get there, then more came into the theater. One family came just as the movie started and sat behind us. I really, really wanted to get up and move. I hate it when there is a whole theater to sit in and they decide to sit in front or behind me. Behind is worse! They kick my seat. Again, it's the "crowd" thing with me. I had my mask on most of the time, because to me they were too close. I made it through the movie without having a cow over it. I enjoyed the movie more and wasn't going to let the family bother me. I could hear them chattering, but let that go. The movie was really good and didn't have a "vilian. (sp)" Just a good story. I love my animated shows. Hey, give me credit, I behaved myself and enjoyed the movie! lol 

We came back home and I played my dragon game (weekend challenge). I also worked on getting my word chart done for the 3rd Santa. I'm on row 54 with 82 rows. At least I'm more than half way now. I've done about 20 rows or more today. 

Sophie has been hanging on me all day. It's hard to do much with her there, but I do love my cat! 

Sometimes I think she gets in "my face" just so she can have my chair. Since I was in it most of the day, she wasn't able to do her usual resting. Even though I didn't do any stitching, I did work on my word chart. Maybe tomorrow I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Lazy Day - All Day

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