Sunday, July 31, 2022

Hiding Downstairs

This morning I was ready to get moving. Patrick went golfing, so I was on my own. 

I headed downstairs because it's a lot cooler down there, but NOT today. I had the fan going while I worked. I decided to get moving on the quilt on the wall. 

 I started stitching....till I couldn't figure out what I was doing! I ripped, ripped, and ripped on the first few blocks. Once I got my brain to working. I found that I ended up with the top row in the reverse. Never fails!

My phone buzzed to let me know I had a virtual meeting for about an hour or so. I had to stop in the middle of having the block rows done. Only one person had trouble getting on the meeting. We chatted and were told we could not work on anything for this class. She is going to demo what we need to pay attention to. 

After the meeting, I went back downstairs to finish up the quilt. I'm happy to say, it's done! The last top border was a major pain in the butt!! It didn't want to be the size it was supposed to be. I had to work the fabric together. It finally came out right. AFTER I RIPPED OUT 3 X'S! I wanted to get it done so I could cut the backing and battings. Once I got there, I cut 2 backing for the 2 quilts going to Connie. Then I cut batting for 6 quilts. I'm taking all that to Connie tomorrow. 

Right as I was done, it was time to go bowling. This is the last one till we start league. We got $50 each for first place. That was fun! We went ahead bowled. It was SO HOT IN THE BOWLING ALLEY! The AC hasn't been installed yet. 2 of the AC are in, but the 2 by the bowlers is not in yet. Hopefully by the time leagues start! I bowled 2 games and called it done! It was way too hot for me and I couldn't get the energy to throw the ball. I decided to sit out the last game. I beat Patrick the first game. Then he went and bowled a 222.  My games were 225, 171. Just wasn't in it. 

My day was busy from start to finish. I was working on being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, July 30, 2022

What Is It About A HOT Day?!

We woke early today. I dressed to stay cool....yeah, right! I had to change my top 4 times to get one that didn't make me feel hot and sweaty! Still didn't get there, but I tried. I even wear my tank top that is skin tight while we were home. 

Of course, that's when Debbie shows up. My belly hanging out for everyone to see. The kind where I think it looks awful on people who go out in public like that! And here I am showing it off to Debbie. Oh, well. I sat outside with Patrick for awhile. We even had the fan going out there. Hot air being moved. What a sight!! I changed into something better knowing we were going out. 

We left early to go to Olympia. Decided to go to the Outback for supper. I was looking forward to a hamburger. I almost got lobster tails but wasn't in the mood. I really wanted a burger! It was awesome! Patrick go the Rib Eye steak. It looks so good! I don't usually get steak any more because the flavor isn't there. I remember as a kid when dad cooked or grilled a steak, it had so much flavor! I had to have it every year on my Birthday. Patrick didn't eat it all and brought it home. 

We stopped at Costco and picked up a few things. Mostly needed water. We also got some ice cream and a few other things. On the way out we decided on some ice cream from the deli. I got them with lids and had to put them in the cooler we brought - since it was 100 degrees today. We loaded the cooler up and headed home. Stopped at moms to drop off some milk. Then came on home. The ice cream needed to be in the freezer for awhile because it was a little soft - softer than the soft ice cream it is. 

At 100 degrees, I'm sweating like a pig!! And I'm not as heavy as most women my age around here. I couldn't believe how stuffy it gets! I'm thankful I don't live in the south, but come on! This is killing me! What can I do?! Go downstairs and bring a fan! When it gets this hot, it's not as cool downstairs as I would like! Since our house was built in the 1970's, there isn't any air conditioning. Not vents either. The basement area is partly in the dirt and open in the back. Not the best. I would love a one floor house, but at this rate that isn't going to happen for a long time. 

Since I am going to sew another top together for QOV, I put these blocks out. The blocks needed to be squared up and the same size. So, I had to take an inch off the multi colored blocks. Mom gave me 13 stars she did. I'm not sure who did the other blocks but thinking it's Kathy Halphide. 

I took the time to square the blocks up. Then I put 2 of the reds I have up on the sides of the quilt. I'm going to do a red border and a blue border. I think it will work. I decided on the darker red to the right. Now it's all set for me to sew together and have it done for Monday. I'm thinking of canceling Monday with BE so I can come home and work on another top as well. We are running behind on quilts right now. 

Again, what is it about a HOT day?! Why do I always feel like crap? Why is it, I want to go in the refrigerator and stay all day long? I can't seem to be comfortable! And when we are downstairs, Patrick has the recliner and I have this love seat that feels like sitting on a rock! I can't get comfortable sitting down here! He's fine though. He don't mind the heat! I can't wait for the weather to cool down again! We have broke a record of the longest days over 90 degrees!! How is it, I have been around every time a city break the hot record? When Phil was born we broke a record of the longest time over 100 degrees in Pullman! AND there was the time in OKC when we broke that records as well. I would rather break a record of the coolest weather, it's easier to pile on the clothes and blankets! 

Life is "what it is" and we move on. This will pass. And I will always try to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 29, 2022

Meeting At Nancy's

 This morning it was meeting day at Nancy's. Mom's still not feeling up to it. I did pick her up and take her over there. She only stayed about an hour and a half. Then got tired and asked me to take her home. I came back for lunch. We had a salad, bread, and dessert. 

I was busy working on the binding of one of our quilts. 

I was able to get 2 sides done while there. I am down to the last side. Nancy had one of the quilts done, which I brought home. It needs a label - as usual - and I will put it on before calling it done. 

I worked on getting 5 labels ready for the backs. I ran out of labels that were already prepped. Now I have 5 prepped but one is this one. 

Nancy and I went over the fair list. We couldn't assign dates yet because they don't have the dates for Senior day or Military day. When they have that, we can assign people to the day. 

My day was trying to say cool. It hit 100 degrees today and I'm still feeling it. At least I could work in air conditioning at Nancy's. Which made it a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Hiding From The Heat

Today we were up early again. My phone was pinging and Patrick was going golfing. 

I needed to get the vacuum out and mop the floor. Cleaned the bathroom and closed the house up because of the heat. 

I came downstairs to try and get a couple (haha) quilt tops done. Debbie was coming over as well. Told her the door was open. She came around 1 pm. I was working on the boarder of the quilt that Val made. 

I had one heck of a time with this! I took out the boarder I did yesterday. Then I ended up ripping out part of my boarder today. I had to work it from both ends to get the shrinkage to sew. I measured but I realized after all that trouble, I should have squared the quilt itself off. I didn't and regret not doing it! It would have saved me one heck of a headache today. 

I still have my top on the wall. I need to work on that as well. I'm going to Connie's Monday, and want to get another top there for her. 

Debbie wanted one of the 6 quilts that I took from the museum for her sister's doctor who is getting a quilt. I need to tag it and get another quilt from the museum to add to the 5 others. 

Patrick came home and I finished up the boarders. Now I'm just realizing and wanting to go to bed. I've been yawning all evening. I guess working on the boarder took more out of me than I thought. lol - Guess that's old age! 😍

Tomorrow is at Nancy's house. I don't know how long I will stay. I don't even know if I want to take a quilt to bind. Probably will. Won't know till I get ready to go. 

Today was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Another Hot Day - Not as Bad As Yesterday

 This morning I was called to meet with Nancy at Chehalis West, where it's a retirement center. Some can move around and other need help. We checked the area out for a presentation on the 3rd. We have 6 people that we will be giving quilts to. I stopped at the museum on my way home to pick out the quilts that we needed. We are getting low on quilts, so I need to get back to working on the quilts tomorrow. 

Came home and decided to get some time in on beading while it was still cool. 

Added 6 more rows. It could actually be done right here if I wanted to. I do want to have the birds on the bottom though. I may change my mind after I have them done. lol

Around 3 pm we decided to head downstairs. It is just getting way to hot for us. It reached 90 degree today. I think it was about 98 degrees yesterday. I'm hoping it's going down. Still supposed to be in the 90's till Saturday. 

I ripped out the boarders that I put in on the quilt yesterday. I want it to look right and not sloppy. Since Val did the center part, I need to be professional about it. So, I will redo it all tomorrow. Measure twice and cut once. I will write down what I come up with on the boarder. I was an inch off. Then I did the same on the top and bottom. I can't believe my mind wasn't in it. 

It turned out to be a god day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Getting TOO HOT

Today I woke early. Patrick was up way before me. He was heading to golf. They decided to go at 7:30 am because the weather was going to be in the high 90's. 

I got up and started working on my BE stuff. I went ahead and started an Instagram account for BDEIG. I added a couple photos.  Then posted to everyone that we had one. Once that was done, I had to get the reimbursements for QOV done. In other words, working on all kinds of paperwork. 

I wanted to do some beading. I only got 1 row done. It was getting way too hot to sit there at the door and stitch. I was too lazy to put the fan up and sit there. I really do want to get it done. 

After lunch I headed downstairs and worked on cutting the boarder for one of Val's quilts. I started to sew them down and came up 1" short. Had to add an inch to the boarder. Then I started on the top part, with that one being 1" short as well. At that time I called it quits! I started to take that boarder out and will finish it tomorrow. If I make that many mistakes with sewing - it's not worth working on it. 

While we sit down here watching TV, I'm thinking of getting started to stitch on my Hawaiian quilt that has the fabric dad gave me. I will try and get this done. I'm also looking at 2 quilts that are needing quilting. In this weather it's not the time to be thinking of quilting!! I may start it yet though. 

Patrick was getting our cruise arrangements going. We have a big credit and he's trying to think of things we can do to use it up. It's going to be fun to see what he comes up with! lol 

Does one row of beading work? Does mistakes with boarder count? Not sure I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 25, 2022

Even In Hot Weather, We Meet

 Today is BE meeting day. We all decided to meet even though the weather was to reach 100 degrees. It wasn't very bad in the morning, but as the day moved on, it got hotter. 

I met up with Sandy 1, Sandy 2, and Cindy. We had an awesome meeting. Talked about the different things going on. Even talked about what we will be doing for the Seminar gifts. We will start on that next time. Sandy 1 had picked up some fabric at a Thrift shop, where she paid $3.84 for several yards of fabric! It is the perfect fabric for our QOV panels. The tan that some of the panels have. Using that fabric would make it a lot easier. 

I finished all the bullions on the flowers except one. i have one more to do and the flowers just need the centers done. That flower on the right is finished, just didn't get a photo of it. 

Came home and had a few things to work on. Was busy with Debbie coming over and getting supper going. After supper we came downstairs to watch TV instead of staying upstairs. It's 90 degrees (8 pm tonight). We reached 98 degrees today. Not my favorite temp!

Chatted with Katt for about 1 1/2 hours, so the night went by fast. 

Today turned out to be fun and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Back On Track - Sort Of

This morning I just started the day with cleaning up. Laundry going, litter box cleaned, kitchen cleaned up, and then back to laundry. 

I decided I was going to keep track of laundry by beading and being close to the laundry room. 

 I was able to get 6 rows done before I got a message asking me to join the virtual chat at 2:30 pm. So, I had to cut it short and go have a chat about the work I'm doing on BE. 

An hour later and I'm getting ready for supper so I can be at another virtual meeting. 

I worked on my embroidery and got another flower done. 

I gave up when I had to do the next set of flowers. I had to count to 35 wraps and when we are chatting the counting gets off. 

Next was time to go bowling. We stopped and got an ice cream cone. Then headed to the bowling alley. 

I bowled pretty good. Joann kicked my butt! lol 

The best part is that I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Just Relaxing Today

Mom called after I left her a message. She's doing a lot better. I'm thrilled. 

I slept from 5 pm to 8:30 am. I was so tired. Trouble is, I had a headache when I finally got up. As you can see, I posted about yesterday this morning. 

Patrick pulled all his garlic up today. Looks awesome! Used one for the bread. 

Worked on getting sourdough bread going. I wasn't that impressed this time. Pulling herbs from the garden and making a herb bread. Trouble was, I should have cooked it the way I cook the others. I like having it in the pot at 500 degrees for 15 mins, then 450 degrees after. The crust comes out a lot better. 

I worked on getting the label done on my quilt. 

This quilt is now completely done. I'm thrilled to have another finish! I have one in the other room that needs the binding stitched down and then it will be done as well. Keeping photos has helped me out. I spent part of the night doing the binding on another quilt. At least all I do is hand stitch it down. Debbie and Nancy sew them on. I got one side done. That's about as much work as I did today to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Spent 18 HOURS in ER

 Thought that might get me off the hook for not posting. lol This is a "book" so grab some tea or coffee and sit to enjoy. May be boring at time - we all know how I write! lol 

Okay, let's start with Thursday. Since I had to leave around 11 am, I decided to try and get some more beading done. 

After three rows, I got working on getting everything ready to go. By that time I had to leave. Needed to drop Phillips Birthday card off. 

The day of the presentation. We had a great turn out. Six of the seven veterans came - one couldn't because his son had Covid. The presentation went really well. Lots of people. Mom was missing. Chatted with Nancy over her health and told Nancy we need to get on her case for not getting this moving faster. 

Earnie McGinnis is the one on the left, then Jose Gandarillas. Can't remember the order of the rest. Eva Salas is the woman in the bunch. So, the three I'm not sure of right now is - Gerald Jeranka (think he's third from left), Lauren Jessup (think he's on the right) and Dennis D. Mears, (think he's next to Eva). Not sure but pretty sure that's the order. 

Came home and was working on my QOV paperwork, going over all the stuff I received, showing Patrick the tops that came in, and then sitting down to get the donation ready to go in the mail. Yeah, not happening. The donation paperwork didn't get done.

 Mom called around 7:15 pm. We were watching the Jan 6th trails. I'm shocked Trump hasn't been arrested!! Anyone else and they would be sitting in jail. ANYWAY, mom called to say she wasn't feeling well and wanted to go to ER. I told her I would be right over. She tried to say no hurry but I told her I was coming and that was that. Arrived at moms, then arrived at ER around 8 pm. -  Mom was called in five minutes to go get check. Then she was called in about a half hour to go get chest X-rays. She was having breathing issues and coughing NONSTOP. There were about five people in head of her, at least that's what I thought. What I didn't know and what I found out later was that there were SEVERAL people in the ER area waiting in the isle.Then we were taken to the waiting room......waiting.......midnight came and went........waiting......waiting.....four o'clock we were moved.

So, waiting room -  more people came in, some went in and didn't come out. Other came in, sat down and waited. Then got called and went in. Mom and about five others were all waiting to be seen by the doctor. One guy came in with his head bleeding and wife walking funny. They went in and stayed in. Leaving around 3 am. They fell off their hammock at home. That was 10 pm. One gal was lead to the waiting room from the EMT and left. That was about 9 pm. At 11 pm she went to the deck asking why she hasn't been able to get in. She was from Vancouver and wasn't from this area. They asked her to not "use that language" here. She sat down, half hour later started up again. Security was called and she ranted and raved. They took her down the hall as she continued to complain. She couldn't get back home because she came in the ambulance. She wanted to go home. Her phone was not working and she just wanted to go back to Vancouver. Security told her she can just leave. She yelled, "Where? I don't know Centralia, never been here, and why the Hell did I come here?" It was the "sorry" miss but we can't help you till you have been seen. Arguing that she's been waiting 4 hours now and still hasn't been seen. Then they tell her that SEVERAL ambulances came in today (4 at one time). They take the high priorities first. Then they work down. She was on the list but others who came in the ambulance were first. Of course, there was a helicopter delivery about that time. AND then two more came later. There was a gentleman who asked to go home after 10 hours of waiting. They took his IV out and left him waiting for his wife. As he waited, he bleed. He went to the front desk and asked for some to fix the bleeding. FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER someone came out to fix the bleeding. "Dee" who had been there since 4 pm and came in the ambulance, was very loud in voice, so you could hear every word she said all the way done the hall. Mom was the same but didn't know it because of her hearing. Dee said, "I would hate to stay in this hospital if they can't fix someone bleeding like that!" That was about 3 am. I could do a whole paragraph on her condition! Anyway, one gal came in with the ambulance - betting all the hospital knows her - and was put in a corner with oxygen. Told she would have to wait. She then started to find a place to plug in her oxygen. When the check-in nurse came out to call someone she asked what was going on. She told her she wanted her oxygen and was told she couldn't use it in the hospital she had to use their. That ticked her off. So, she called a cab and had them remove her tubes. Not happy at all. Said she couldn't go without her oxygen! Aren't they all the same?! That was around 2 am. I think it was more fun just watching at times. We moved and sat in another place to get comfortable. Not happening! As 3 am arrived, I went to the desk and told them mom was 87 years old and getting tired of waiting. The gal apologized to me and said they didn't know how long it would be and that they were "short handed." Okay, then. I thanked her and sat down. About a half hour later, the nurse came out and called her name. He took her to another waiting room giving her a recliner. She was more comfortable and rested easily - still coughing. Now, realized, mom has been coughing on and off the WHOLE time. Everyone could hear her. She has the deep cough that I inherited. I left so bad for her. BUT she was able to sleep a little - 15 mins at a time. I was given a pillow. The Security guards were really nice earlier, after the confrontation, asking if anyone needed anything. Some asked for blankets, mom and I being one. They came out with heated blankets. So, we took them with us. I tried to sleep - but have you ever seen the waiting room couches? The ones that are so skinny even a skinny person can't sleep on them?! Well, there you go. I tried to lay down and sleep but only got about 15 mins in. Mom would cough or nurses would go by. We were across from the triage area. So, when someone came in and out, I heard it. The nurse told me they were changing shifts around 6 am. We would be one of the first ones in because they were going to call the ones who have been there the longest. Apparently a couple of them were longer than us. At 7:30 am I asked the triage gal if she had an idea when we would be seen. She said no, but she would look. Checking everything she saw that all the tests were done (blood was done at 4 am), and there was one more ahead of us time wise. At 8:30 am they came in and took her to a room. The nurse set her up for the nurse who would be with her. 9 am the doctor came in, said he could hear her coughing all night. He knew it was bad. She has good vitals, chest xray was good, and asked if she was tested for Covid. OH!! AT 3 AM THE HEARING AIDS DIED! So everyone had to YELL to tell her what was up. Told them to talk to me unless I didn't know and that would work. Of course mom is looking at me asking me what is going on. She had to tell the doctor the whole story, all the way from NOVEMBER!!  Mom thought she cracked a rib, so they did another X-ray for her. He ordered medications as well. 

I took my embroidery with me. Had to have something to work on. Yet in the being I didn't want to work on it. I didn't want to do much of anything but wait. The more I waited the more I didn't want to. After we were moved, I found I wanted to work on it. So, in the second waiting room I got busy. I worked on all of the dark blue areas. First I worked on the dark purple behind the pink on the top flowers. I didn't like the set I made and then changed to something else. After all the pistol stitches were done, I started the bullion parts. That was while in the ER room. I did get a lot done. Could have gotten a lot more. 

I've got a lot done and little to go. 

Once mom was back from the X-ray, the nurse came in and did the Covid test. Then she gave mom some medications. That was perfect, because she was able to sleep. I believe she got two hours of sleep in before I woke her. Funny story here. I went to the vending machine and got a coke and chips. I went back to the room and made a lot of noise opening the chips. Thinking she would wake up - NOPE. The MINUTE I bit into the chip, she woke and told me she was hungry!! I could have laughed but was nice and gave her half the bag. I had to give her my water bottle and keep filling it for her, so she had water to drink. They didn't give her any water except for at 4 am when the guy nurse took her blood and made sure we were comfortable. He was in on his day off. She then went back to sleep and slept another hour. Me, not so much. I leaned my head back and found my head reaching the sky giving me a kink in my neck. How does one do that? I had a pony tail resting my head on the wall with my chin down. I crashed and then found myself with my chin way in the air! How in the world does that happen? Is my head that small it has to have gravity pulling on it? Why can't gravity do that with my chin?! Oh, well. Doctor said she didn't have Covid, pneumonia, or the flu. She did have bronchitis and was given medication to help with that. The test she took the morning before won't be ready till Monday or Tuesday, so her Pulmonologist will be getting that.  He said we could go home. Another 4 HOURS later, they finally discharge her. We had to stop at the pharmacy but they wanted us to wait. Asked Nancy to get them for her. Took her home and told her to go to bed till Nancy gets there. Went to Nancy and gave her the information she needed to get it. Then was HUNGRY and went to Burger King for a Whopper Jr. Came home while Patrick was in Olympia with his doctor appointment. He got home and an hour later - 5 pm, I said good-night. That was the last of my two day run! I slept till 8:30 am. Today is better and will post that on regular time. 

At least it wasn't all that bad. I learned from my father - patience. I had a lot of it over the last two days. I also was glad I remembered to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Beading Day

 This morning Patrick headed to golfing. I started out with getting a couple orders done for QOV. Then I got the certificates done for tomorrow. Once that was done, I had to order a few things for myself. BE had their minutes for me to read. So, I had to check that out as well. 

Once all that was done, I sat down to bead. 

10 rows later, and I'm here. I am now at the 100 mark. I have 244 rows done. Now I'm heading to the 344. That should go pretty quick. I'm looking forward to having more done. I believe my birds are going to be showing up here pretty soon. I know that the big leave on the right has a bird over part of it. Should be fun. I enjoy listening to my books when I am beading. 

Sharon called today. Looks like Bill isn't doing well. He lost 45 lbs in 3 weeks. Sounds like he's on the down slide. I'd be surprised if he makes it another couple months. 

We went out for ice cream after supper. We also had to stop at Safeway for condensed milk. Patrick wanted some dessert, so I made Magic Bars. They turned out great! Look awesome too!

I really did enjoy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Enjoying A Week Of Little Going On

Today we were up early. Not like we had things to do today. We don't have plans till Thursday and then Friday will be busy again. I'm enjoying the time I have staying home. 

Patrick worked out in the yard. Debbie stopped by to pick up her backing fabric. I had started beading. She didn't stay long, had a busy day and needed to leave quickly. I went back up to work on my beading. Then Connie came to get some backing as well. I gave her some scraps and odd blocks. I also gave her the last of 2 backings. I need to order more fabric. Connie I don't have to worry about. She gets a lot done. We had a good little chat and I enjoyed seeing her come over. 

I was able to add another 9 rows. I have about 110 rows to go. I'm getting closer to the bottom. It's fun watching this grow. The more I do, the more the flowers come out. I'm really liking this piece! It's a lot of fun to work with. I may spend the afternoon tomorrow and get more done. I'm to the point that this needs to get finished. 

I also have a panel downstairs that I will work with. I started to do more with it today. The panel is cut and ready to get to work on. Maybe this weekend. Wasn't in the mood today. I did clean up my QOV paperwork. Not much more to do. Other an get the certificates done for Thursday. I will put a note down to do that tomorrow. One of our veterans - Patrick's bowling partner - called to say he couldn't make it Thursday because his son came down with Covid. So, it will have to be another time. 

I'm enjoying a week of having little to do. I'm also enjoying the fact I don't have anywhere I need to be this week. At least 2 days this week! That's what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 18, 2022

Spending The Day In Olympia

Today we started out by waiting till it was time to leave. Patrick had his appointment at 11:30 am and I had mine at 3:20 pm. 

I sat and worked on my embroidery work. I did get some done, but not much. After his appointment we headed to Costco for lunch. After lunch, we went into the shop and picked up crab and corn on the cob. That was dinner - when we finally made it home. 

Then we headed over to Falls Terrace. There is a park there that is part of the brewery (no longer a brewery). We took a walk around the area. Things have changed since we were there last. They have been working on improving it. 

This is by the old restaurant. They cleaned it up some, but the old tree is still there. 

The river goes quiet a ways done. We took a walk on the old path. 

Decided to pose! Not the best, but it's better than I thought it would be. 

Not sure if this was a fish ladder or not. It's still there. 

We couldn't go across the bridge to get to the other side. At one time one could walk across the bridge and the path would be a loop. Now one has to walk this far, then turn around and go back on the other side. Which we did. It was a good little walk. Just wish they would get the bridge fixed soon. 

Fun falls to find along the way. 

We stopped and took photos. lol - Can you tell?!

On the way home we stopped at Staples and sent the 2 quilts off to OH. They are on the way. 

Got home and cooked the crab and corn cobs. An awesome dinner! I sent off information that I needed to get done. Now I'm just relaxing and watching "Antiques Road Show." I was able to get a few stitches done, which puts me in the mood of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Sunday, July 17, 2022

A Quiet Sunday

 This morning was a day of laundry and cleaning. Got a lot of stuff done. Then I played games. 

Then I realized I had to get my blood pressure information to my doctor for tomorrow. Excel is great for that, but I had to enter over 2 months worth of information. Once that was done, I had to enter all the volunteer log information which is another 2 months worth of information. Once I had all that done, I was good to go. 

After all that was entered, it was time to leave for bowling. I bowled pretty good - till the last game. 187. lol I bowled a 277 and 246. Nick got 2 300 games. He had to make a point of bowling better than me. I have one 300 game and he wanted to out due me. I'm okay with that. We had fun. Didn't have to bowl against anyone - vacant time. We were done by 8:15 pm. 

It was not a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Back To Bindings

This morning started out quietly. We didn't have any plans. Patrick did some work outside. Then he disappeared for an hour with the water system. I decided to try and get some work done today. 

 I was able to get another 4 rows done. Not sure how many more I have but betting it's close to 100. I'm hoping it's less. I listened to my book and beaded. 

Then I sat to play more games. I loaded another couple games. Not like I need more! I do enjoy them. 

I finished the label on this one. Then I started binding on another one. I didn't get a lot done, but I did get about a foot done. Now I have 2 quilts to go to the museum. 2 more are waiting for the binding to be done. Guess I'm getting back to working on my bindings again. I'm betting Debbie will have 2 more for me by this week. 

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 15, 2022

Hello Friday

 This morning Patrick was out the door for golfing. I was enjoying my time. I played games and then vacuumed. Got laundry in and was just eating lunch when I got a call from mom. - I was PLANNING to work on the bindings of the quilts I have. Mom asked if I would come over and go shopping with her. She's still a little weak, so she wanted someone with her - just in case. 

Next thing I know, I'm out the door. Traffic is awful! More trucks and cars then usual. Got to moms and we went over to Safeway to shop. She went through the store, with her list. Of course she didn't get just her list. We walked through the store, slowly. I was very patient. Went with the flow. No big deal. We went back to her house, unloaded and then I was out the door. Traffic was even worse on the way home, so I had to go through both Centralia and Chehalis (town). 

Came home around 2:30 pm and sat. Pulled out the quilt that I needed to finish the binding for. I also added the label.......sort of. 

I finished it. THEN put the label on.....and when I put it out to take a photo, the label is in the upper right hand corner of this quilt. SIDEWAYS!! The label was already removed from another quilt. So, I'm going to leave it there. We TRY to put the labels in the lower left hand cover when turned over. This will be in the upper left hand corner, on it's side. Can't win!! 

I need to add a label to another quilt. Then work on 2 more bindings. I had hoped I would have another one started, but it just didn't work out. Oh, well. Another day. At least today turned out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

A "Nada" Day

Today we started out with things to do. First off was the bank. Then it was the dump. Patrick had the truck loaded with garden stuff. After the dump we headed to the veggie stall. I had to pick up a tomato. Man!! Tomato's are expensive!! I couldn't believe they are $3 a lb. UGH

Next stop was Staples to grab a box. We have to get the two quilts ready to go. Which meant we had to make a stop at the museum. Dropped off 2 quilts and picked up 2 more. We are going to sent them to OHIO so they can get caught up on their veterans. 

Kristi Gerard made this one. I asked if she minded if we sent it on. She was thrilled to be able to do that. 

This is the one I did with the blocks from Georgie. 

I hope they will be happy with those. 

Patrick and I enjoyed some time out on the deck. I sit with him and he actually falls asleep. I'm okay with that. It's just nice to enjoy the breeze and my hubby. 

Came in the house and really, really wasn't in the mood to do anything but watch TV and play games. I'm not sure what's going on in my head. I want to get stuff done, but I can't seem to pull them out and work on them. Hopefully tomorrow will be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

We All Know How I AM

 Yep, we all know what I'm like. At least you should by now. I'm crazy at times. Today was the usually day - THOUGHT I would have time for this and that......

Well, I'm betting you know what I'm going to say......NOPE! Best laid plans don't work for me! Never have, never will. We've seen that time and time again. So, what happened today?! Let me tell you!

First I played games. Then my mind said, "let's work on bindings today." Patrick left for golfing - so I had the day to enjoy sitting down and working on my binding....YEAH RIGHT!

I had an email - never should look at the email before starting something. I should know that by now. I was then off emailing and working on BE stuff. I went to get laundry going. At least that is one thing I did do. Once I put the laundry in the washer, I headed back to the email. I checked with Debbie Kelley on my order. I checked everyone in our QOV group to see if they sent me their addresses. I needed to work on the membership form. Luckily I got the information from Nationals. I went downstairs and found last years membership form. All because dues are due and I needed to get started on who renewed. I added the names and numbers from our lists and put it in my excel program. Of course, since I only had 6 of us in excel, I had to add another 10 names and information. 2 hours later.....

Then it was time to get my bookkeeping on the water. I tired to get into the online bank to get my statement and couldn't get in. Called the bank. OF COURSE, I put the wrong user name in the box!! I had a g and not a w. Got figure. Once I got that straightened out, I was balancing the checkbook. Since we no longer use the QuickBooks, I had to do it by hand. It balanced, so no worries. 

At this point, Patrick made it home. I had chatted with Mom about 4 times. She would call and my phone put her in voicemail every time. So, I had to call her back EVERY TIME. She's doing better. Her lung doctor is checking on her daily. 

Nancy sent me more photos of our 4th presentation. 

I loved this one! It's of Nancy Smith and mom. They are such good friends. 

By know you realize, I have not done any bindings. I have not done any embroidery. I have not done any quilt tops. In other works, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quiltling!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Olympia And Back - Finished A Top

 First thing this morning we headed to Olympia for Patrick's doctor appointment. Because they didn't order the right blood tests, he couldn't get his immunotherapy. So we headed back home. He's going in on Monday after my doctor appointment. 

Only got the back of the flower done. I will work on it more. I really want to finish it as I'm getting a pattern with roses from Debbie Kelley. I need to send the fabric to get printed. 

We were at moms by 9:30 am. She was laying in bed. She looked pretty good. We got the "scoop" on her ER visit. I let my 2 brothers know as well. Mom now knows how to use the breathing "cup," really not sure what it's called. She breathes in it and it has a fan like piece in it. That is what shacks her throat area and it loosens the flam in her lungs. She has to do it several times a day. At least now she knows what to do. She was trying to open it for the past 3 days. 

After moms, we came home. I went downstairs. I decided to finish up my quilt top. 

Of course Sophie was playing with a bug on the other side of the glass. 

It is now finished. A little bigger than I thought, but it works. Patrick likes it. I can't wait to see how it gets quilted. 

Then my flannel came in. 

We wrapped it around cork board. Now I have a nicer place to put my designs up on. Patrick has been a sweetheart by doing all this for me. He did measure wrong - he didn't realize the light socket and light witch were there when he measured. All is well that ends well. It's bracketed up there.  I was working with these blocks. I thought it went with this panel. I will put a border around the panel - again. Then I will work with the 10 blocks I have. Patrick put the top ones up there. I can't reach that far. I will have to pull grandmother's old piano chair up there to be able to do that. I think this one will go fast too. 

Came upstairs and called it done - so I thought. 

Pulled out my embroidery and started working on the flowers. The one on top has a loop on it. I may have to fix that by taking it out. OR I will try and work some fabric around to "rain it in." I will do the dark blue around it. Should be fun!

It was a hot day and being downstairs was cooler. I was just glad I finished the top and ended up being very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 11, 2022

Speaking Today

 This morning I was out the door to go to my BE meeting. I forgot my "Ruth's Farewell" piece and worked on my cat instead. 

I started working on my cat. Sort of. Didn't get very far. Just enjoyed chatting with Sandy. I did the top part and the star below it - again, not much. 

I had to run and go to the church for the Ladies Church Luncheon. I was the guest speaker. It was fun. I enjoyed it. My talk was about our QOV group. I was able to tell them about getting started, national organization, and show off the quilts. We brought 5 quilts and one of the veterans that received a quilt, brought his for us to show. We had him come back up and we wrapped him in his quilt again. He loved it! His wife is one the quilters at the church that quilted one of our quilts. I think it was the one they practiced on. Which is fine. 

I took Nancy to moms, while she followed behind. We went to check out the fabric for Bob's wife's quilt. I love the red that came in. I think it's exactly what he wanted. I texted him to let him know he can stop at moms to see the colors. 

I just got a call that mom was going into the emergency room. Nancy is going with her, so I'm going to be spending the night waiting to see what they come up with. She's been having trouble with her lungs and coughing stuff up. So, this way she is being cared for and we will see. She did really well today, so I'm surprised it got that bad. 

My day was busy and my night may be as well. Have to get up early tomorrow for Patrick's treatment, but if things change with mom, then I may be going her way instead. I did get a few stitches in to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Back To Work

 This morning Patrick went to Olympia for his blood tests. I slept in - or tried to. I got up and found him back with donuts. He said they didn't open till 9 am on Sundays, so he left. He was there at 7 am this morning. Now he has to do it all over again tomorrow. 

He and I had breakfast together and then he was off to golf. I played games. It was one of those morning when I kept telling myself I needed to go down there.....3 hours later, I started downstairs. That was about lunch time. 

I worked on the border around the center. Next I worked on the 9 patches.  Patrick was home when I was at this point. I asked him what he thought and he liked it. I wanted to do something simple that didn't take a long time to work on. 

I then listened to the last 20 mins of my book and finished the second 9 patch. I will do the last 2 and then figure out the measurements between the 2 blocks. I will have to wait and see if it's the right size, if not may have to add a border. 

I called it good and went out to sit with Patrick on the deck. We sat on the swing set for about 2 hours enjoying the weather and playing on our tablets. Patrick fell asleep. It was nice. 

It was time to go bowling. 

I bowled a 300, 244, 279. I loved the fact I got an 823! I LOVE BOWLING 9-PIN NO TAP!! I tend to get a lot of 9's. Today though, I had more real strikes then I had 9-pins. We lost the first game!! Nick messed up!!

Now we are home and ready to call it quits. I have a speech to give tomorrow. Wish me luck! I have to leave our meeting early tomorrow. At least I'm finding time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Went To The Movies

This morning we decided to go to the movies and watch "Thor." It was pretty good. Just a little sillier than I would have liked. Almost slap stick at times. I did like it. 

We stopped at Safeway on the way home. 

Got home and Patrick decided to work out in the garden. I worked on my speech for Monday. I had a lot of thinking to do. Then I decided to play a few games. I need to get 2 of them down by the next couple days. 

Once I was done with all that and supper was over, I pulled the quilt out. I needed to finish the binding. 

 This is one of the quilts Debbie did. Of course Sophie had to check it out. It's getting comical with her. I can't have a quilt in my lap without her trying to help me out. Or try to get attention by licking my hand.  I'm almost done with this. I have the bottom binding to work on. Then it's done. 

I'm "planning" on working on another quilt top tomorrow. Let's see how my "planning" goes tomorrow. It would be great if I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, July 8, 2022

Have Way Too Much Going On

 This morning was off to Connie's before moms. I dropped off my top and picked up 4 more quilts. Then went to moms. Everyone had already beat me there. So, I ended up in a dinning chair off to the side. Not too crazy about being in a full house. I thought about leaving but mom wanted me to get pizza for everyone. I was able to get about 1/2 a side done on the quilt that I'm stitching the binding on. Then I had to leave to Papa Murphy's for 2 medium pizza's. I was shocked when it cost me $40.16! I remember them being about $12, not $20 pizzas!! Headed back to moms. Then put the pizza's in the oven. Sat to get another 1/2 of the side done. Up to get the pizza out and eat. 

I have decided what I'm going to do for the next quilt. I'm gong to use the same panel I finished yesterday. I headed home around 2:30 pm. 

Patrick was on the deck enjoying the weather. I joined him. He told me all about his golfing today and he golfed pretty good! Both were under 50. 

I worked on getting 2 more veterans in the system to receive quilts. I had an email that an Ohio group needs quilts because they are 3 years behind. I asked my 2 gals if we could send 2 quilts to them. I'm willing to help out. I may send 2 of my quilts if they don't answer. We need to help when we can. 

Now I have to sit and write down my presentation to the women's group on Monday. I have been chatting with Pat K from BE and she's going to a funeral tomorrow. Told her we can chat Sunday or Wednesday. I still need to figure out what I'm doing. Plus I signed up for BE classes, so that will be starting at the end of the month. I also am working with Debbie Kelley to get one of her rose patterns. All this is taking a lot of time. I'm starting to stress out because my days are getting filled up fast. 

On top of that Patrick wants to go to the movies tomorrow. I wanted to work on another quilt top. - I'm in the mood!! Sunday we get back to bowling. Not sure how much longer that will be. Hoping not too much longer. 

Stressing, freaking, going in circles wondering what I need to do, and walking the floors! All that is telling me I'm doing too much! I need to say NO. NO, NO, and NO. Not there yet. UGH

At least I had some time today to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Dropped Off Quilts - Finished Another Top

 This morning we were heading to Costco for a few things we needed. I let Sherry know and she met us up there to pick up the 5 quilts that Connie did for them. I didn't want the other person who offered to take them up there. We had lunch up there and then came home. 

After we got home and put everything away. I needed to get a few things done before going downstairs to see about getting that quilt top done. 

As I was working on this, I found that 2 of the blocks that were to go on top, were too small. I don't know how I had some small blocks among all the big ones. NOW I WAS IN TROUBLE. I couldn't work it out to put this all together........

Okay, I had to yell at Patrick to help me at this point. I don't like the blocks, but I have to use them! Asked Patrick what the heck I was going to do. He came up with this idea. I went with it - still not liking the quilt!

I went with it. After 4 hours and late night later, it's done. I'm really not thrilled with it, but it will do. Patrick liked it. Me, not so much. I have another panel like this that I have a better idea for. I will work on it next. 

So, after a LONG day I'm done with this! Thank goodness. I will give the extra blocks to GoodWill! I don't want to deal with anymore of these blocks! We have done 6 quilts from all those scrap blocks. I don't want to see another one for a very long time!

At least I was trying to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...