Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Beading Day

 This morning Patrick headed to golfing. I started out with getting a couple orders done for QOV. Then I got the certificates done for tomorrow. Once that was done, I had to order a few things for myself. BE had their minutes for me to read. So, I had to check that out as well. 

Once all that was done, I sat down to bead. 

10 rows later, and I'm here. I am now at the 100 mark. I have 244 rows done. Now I'm heading to the 344. That should go pretty quick. I'm looking forward to having more done. I believe my birds are going to be showing up here pretty soon. I know that the big leave on the right has a bird over part of it. Should be fun. I enjoy listening to my books when I am beading. 

Sharon called today. Looks like Bill isn't doing well. He lost 45 lbs in 3 weeks. Sounds like he's on the down slide. I'd be surprised if he makes it another couple months. 

We went out for ice cream after supper. We also had to stop at Safeway for condensed milk. Patrick wanted some dessert, so I made Magic Bars. They turned out great! Look awesome too!

I really did enjoy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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