Wednesday, July 13, 2022

We All Know How I AM

 Yep, we all know what I'm like. At least you should by now. I'm crazy at times. Today was the usually day - THOUGHT I would have time for this and that......

Well, I'm betting you know what I'm going to say......NOPE! Best laid plans don't work for me! Never have, never will. We've seen that time and time again. So, what happened today?! Let me tell you!

First I played games. Then my mind said, "let's work on bindings today." Patrick left for golfing - so I had the day to enjoy sitting down and working on my binding....YEAH RIGHT!

I had an email - never should look at the email before starting something. I should know that by now. I was then off emailing and working on BE stuff. I went to get laundry going. At least that is one thing I did do. Once I put the laundry in the washer, I headed back to the email. I checked with Debbie Kelley on my order. I checked everyone in our QOV group to see if they sent me their addresses. I needed to work on the membership form. Luckily I got the information from Nationals. I went downstairs and found last years membership form. All because dues are due and I needed to get started on who renewed. I added the names and numbers from our lists and put it in my excel program. Of course, since I only had 6 of us in excel, I had to add another 10 names and information. 2 hours later.....

Then it was time to get my bookkeeping on the water. I tired to get into the online bank to get my statement and couldn't get in. Called the bank. OF COURSE, I put the wrong user name in the box!! I had a g and not a w. Got figure. Once I got that straightened out, I was balancing the checkbook. Since we no longer use the QuickBooks, I had to do it by hand. It balanced, so no worries. 

At this point, Patrick made it home. I had chatted with Mom about 4 times. She would call and my phone put her in voicemail every time. So, I had to call her back EVERY TIME. She's doing better. Her lung doctor is checking on her daily. 

Nancy sent me more photos of our 4th presentation. 

I loved this one! It's of Nancy Smith and mom. They are such good friends. 

By know you realize, I have not done any bindings. I have not done any embroidery. I have not done any quilt tops. In other works, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quiltling!

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All Day At Garage Sale

Today, I had to be at the garage sale before it opened. I had the cash box and had to give it out.  Arrived early and helped a bit. Then whe...