Sunday, July 10, 2022

Back To Work

 This morning Patrick went to Olympia for his blood tests. I slept in - or tried to. I got up and found him back with donuts. He said they didn't open till 9 am on Sundays, so he left. He was there at 7 am this morning. Now he has to do it all over again tomorrow. 

He and I had breakfast together and then he was off to golf. I played games. It was one of those morning when I kept telling myself I needed to go down there.....3 hours later, I started downstairs. That was about lunch time. 

I worked on the border around the center. Next I worked on the 9 patches.  Patrick was home when I was at this point. I asked him what he thought and he liked it. I wanted to do something simple that didn't take a long time to work on. 

I then listened to the last 20 mins of my book and finished the second 9 patch. I will do the last 2 and then figure out the measurements between the 2 blocks. I will have to wait and see if it's the right size, if not may have to add a border. 

I called it good and went out to sit with Patrick on the deck. We sat on the swing set for about 2 hours enjoying the weather and playing on our tablets. Patrick fell asleep. It was nice. 

It was time to go bowling. 

I bowled a 300, 244, 279. I loved the fact I got an 823! I LOVE BOWLING 9-PIN NO TAP!! I tend to get a lot of 9's. Today though, I had more real strikes then I had 9-pins. We lost the first game!! Nick messed up!!

Now we are home and ready to call it quits. I have a speech to give tomorrow. Wish me luck! I have to leave our meeting early tomorrow. At least I'm finding time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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