Friday, July 15, 2022

Hello Friday

 This morning Patrick was out the door for golfing. I was enjoying my time. I played games and then vacuumed. Got laundry in and was just eating lunch when I got a call from mom. - I was PLANNING to work on the bindings of the quilts I have. Mom asked if I would come over and go shopping with her. She's still a little weak, so she wanted someone with her - just in case. 

Next thing I know, I'm out the door. Traffic is awful! More trucks and cars then usual. Got to moms and we went over to Safeway to shop. She went through the store, with her list. Of course she didn't get just her list. We walked through the store, slowly. I was very patient. Went with the flow. No big deal. We went back to her house, unloaded and then I was out the door. Traffic was even worse on the way home, so I had to go through both Centralia and Chehalis (town). 

Came home around 2:30 pm and sat. Pulled out the quilt that I needed to finish the binding for. I also added the label.......sort of. 

I finished it. THEN put the label on.....and when I put it out to take a photo, the label is in the upper right hand corner of this quilt. SIDEWAYS!! The label was already removed from another quilt. So, I'm going to leave it there. We TRY to put the labels in the lower left hand cover when turned over. This will be in the upper left hand corner, on it's side. Can't win!! 

I need to add a label to another quilt. Then work on 2 more bindings. I had hoped I would have another one started, but it just didn't work out. Oh, well. Another day. At least today turned out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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