Friday, September 30, 2022

Virtual Class Day

 This morning I had to run into town to help Phil out. Once I had that done, I was back in time to attend my virtual class with Debbie Goff. While I waited a few minutes before attending my class, Patrick was making Grape Jelly and Grape Juice. He picked the grapes yesterday and was getting them ready to work on the juice and jelly. He made a lot of jelly. We had a really good year for grapes. 

At noon I was on the computer attending my class with Debbie Goff. I loved having the class all to myself. We worked on the tree part of the bonsai pattern. I really do like how this is going. 

 I worked on the doodle cloth. I didn't have DMC floss handy. Ended up running out of the room to get some floss. I found green close by and decided to use it. Then I was able to work on the chain stitch. We worked on the tree knots. It was fun. I do like the way she designs her stuff. Plus she comes up with stitches that I haven't seen. This is fun. We worked on the tree for about 2 hours and then called it quits. It was just an introduction part of the class today but since I was the only one who signed up for the class, she wanted to teach it. I'm thrilled she did! She lives in FL and was lucky enough to be 2 hours north of the area that got hit bad. I am going to start working on the original piece this week. I want to get that tree going. I think this is so much fun! 

I then got to work on getting my floss in the "Annie's Keepers." I was unraveling them when we were working in the class. I wanted to get it done and ready for next week. 

Once that was done, I wanted to get back to working on my beading. That Parrot needs to get done! I found I made a mistake on the attached area. I ended up taking it off the piece and found I had a mistake. 

I had to unzip this piece - this is after - because the bottom piece was reversed. So, one could tell I had one half going one way while the other half was going another. I then zipped this back up. Then it was time to put it on the parrot part. 

I had to add a row of black because it wasn't in the position to be zipped together. Now I'm adding it to the top. Tomorrow I will fasten it to the back. I should be done by tomorrow. I was hoping to have it done today, but ended up with more mistakes than I needed. So, I'm going to take a break and pick it back up tomorrow. It's about time to get this done. I will look over Sophie's piece and see what I need to order. I will do that this weekend. 

I found that I like the virtual classes. It's fun to do. I will be doing more classes in the future. The board is working on Seminar for next year. It's going slow but we may have it after all. In the meantime I'm having too much fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Enjoying The Day....Sort Of

 This morning I had to get a few things done before taking time to bead. I had to get laundry going, put dishes away, and clean the bathroom. 

Patrick was golfing. Then he came back and got supper started. While he was out at the BBQ, he brought in the tomatoes from the garden. 

Once all that was done, I decided to sit and bead. 

I started to work on the sleeve. I figured it would be better to go down a few beads and start there. I got 13 rows done. It's not coming out the way I want, but it will do. I need to figure out what I did wrong so I can fix it later. 

I was just thankful that I could get this far. I'm hoping to finish it soon. I really do want to finish this. It's so much fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Running Around And Then Beading

 Today was a good day. Debbie and Kristie stopped by this morning to drop off a couple tops. I piled them up and got them ready to go to Connie. After getting my bookkeeping done, I told Patrick I was ready. We headed out - going to PO, then Staples (for a stapler!), and then to Connie's. Dropped off a bucket full of stuff for her. told her there were blocks as well. She will keep busy with all that! Next on the list was the credit union - had to check out the new building! It's actually really nice! I love the new design for them. After all that, headed to the museum to pick up a check that we received for our group. 

Came home and got the money for our group ready to go out. I will need to order some more fabric, but want to wait to see what we have. I'm hoping we have a good amount. 

After getting back home and finishing all that, laundry was started, as well as grapes being cooked. Patrick had a bucket full of grapes for grape juice. Our grape vines had a ton of grapes this year. 

While all that was going on, I beaded. 

I finished it!! It's now done - but I need to put the sleeve part on it. So, I will stitch about 20 rows to the back. It will be fun to work on! What fun! I'm going to try and finish it completely tomorrow! I want to get this done. It will be fun. Woo hoo! Another finish! 

It felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Trip To Tacoma And Back

 We were out the door by 7:20 am. Decided to pick up some drinks at Starbucks. Then it was off to Tacoma. It started out really easy to get through the traffic. Till we were around the Tacoma Mall. Then it slowed down. We were still an hour early to his appointment. While we waited for his appointment, I worked on my embroidery. 

I worked on the red flower and finished it. I love the way it looks. I took out the pink flower and re-worked it. I didn't like the looks of one side so I tried to fix it by adding a button hole stitch around the edge. Still not crazy about it, but will let it go. My last set of flowers is purple. 

The red flower works better. It' lays just right. 

Then we headed back home. Had to stop and meet up with Cindy my QOV coordinator. She had some stuff from Wenatchee. Brought a box and bag back home. I went through it all. 

We got a quilt for a female. Along with 3 quilt tops, several blocks, bindings, backings, and fabric. It was full! I am taking most of it to Connie for quilting. After cutting the backing and batting for the 2 quilt tops, I loaded the box. Then I sat down to bead. 

Now it's 7 rows and I'm done! I need to get some more beads for the one of Sophie. I will work on that this week. In the meantime, I will do the last 7 rows and then go back to the top and do the first 10 rows again for the sleeve. I'm getting excited about getting this done. That will do for another finish!!

It turned out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 26, 2022

Brazilian Embroidery And Beading

 Today I was up and out the door. It was BE day. I had to make a couple stops on the way. Then I headed through town and met up with Cindy and Sandy. We had a really good time. Everyone was working on something as well as chatting. Usually there is one or two of us that don't work on anything. 

I worked on the flowers. The red color is the one I'm working on now. It's fun to work on this. 

I'm not crazy about the variegated pink flower. I'm just glad I only had to do one. I'm going to finish this yet! I have 2 more flowers that are purple. I will work on them tomorrow while I wait on Patrick in Tacoma. 

Came home and decided to work on my beading. 

 I have about 10 more rows to go and then it's done. I like the birds that are coming up on the bottom. I will do the first 10 rows on the top, so I can use that as a sleeve. It will be on the back and shouldn't change the look on either side. 

We went out to get some ice cream since it was so hot today. I was hoping the cooling down was going to stay, but apparently not. Nice hot weather lately. I liked being at moms because she has air conditioning. 

I'm just happy today was full of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Hard Long Night

 Last night we went to "sleep" at about 1 pm. The funny part is that we didn't sleep. Mom wasn't tired and was up and down all night. She woke me every time I just fell asleep. Getting the tablet, reading a book, playing games, and then finally getting up and going to the computer a 5 am to play till 7:45 am. Which meant I didn't have much sleep all night. She took her hearing aids off, so didn't know she made a ton of noise every single time she moved. She'd hit the couch or just drop something. UGH

So, I waited a while and around 1 pm Nancy brought Daisy home. She was having the house cleaned and didn't want Daisy in the way or peeing on stuff. She said that Daisy pee'd in her bed both nights. I said she needs doggy diapers which Nancy agree, but mom didn't. So, I took her out. Then I decided to find out what was going on with my brother's coming. No information coming. Patrick called him and it was decided I could leave. I agree because I was getting ticked off as the day went on. Mom decided not to take her antibiotics because she feels sick taking them. UGH

Came home and crashed! I went to bed and didn't get back up till 5 pm to eat and head out to bowling. I bowled crappy and didn't even get my average. I bowled a 135, 160, 165. What a pain!! I wasn't thrilled. Our partners were gone, but we still won all 4 games. 

Spending The Day With Mom

 Ended up sleeping till 10:30 am. Mom was up and down all night. If you heard her she'd tell you she slept really well all night. I am still on the couch. One more day and my brother should be here. 

Mom slept in the afternoon and I watched an English show. 2 seasons worth. Around 3:30 I went home. Stopping at Safeway first. Got chicken for Patrick and I.  Picked up my clothes for tonight and tomorrow.  

Came back and worked on my beading. 

This one is done. I did mess up on the top part. I will pay better attention.  Who knows, I may take that part out and re work it. I will think on it.

At least my day had some fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 23, 2022

Staying With Mom after ER

Yesterday  was a busy day.  It started out with a presentation for 7 Veterans. We had an awesome turn out. Everything went well. 

Came home and started working on my beading. Completing 7 rows. Patrick went bowling and I sat to bead.

Then mom called at 7:45 pm to say she called 911. She was in pain. Felt her rib break. I met her at the ER. They made her get off the bed and into a wheelchair.  She screamed in pain. They still wheeled her out in the waiting room. We sat from 8PM to 5AM. Then the gal in the waiting room decided to clean. I just about lost it. I worked on my embroidery.  

I finished my flower and started a couple more.

Texted Patrick I needed him to take over. He arrived around 5:30am. I got moms hearing aid charger and let Daisy out. Went back to hospital and they had mom in a room finally. Gave the car keys to Patrick with charger. Then went home and slept for 3 hrs. Waited for news from Patrick.  Mom broke 2 ribs and they gave her pain meds. They also told her to do the breathing to keep from getting pneumonia.  Patrick took her home and set her up. She was to be still. I was to go back later. He got home about noon. He fixed a scabbled egg. I cooked a stew for supper. Debbie came over for black fabric.

I finally went to moms with my stuff. I bought Chai tea for both of us, got a third free. Then I got tacos for mom. Of course that came with a soda. Dropped a tea off at Nancy's.  Mom and i sat and watched TV. She slept some. I will be on the couch. My brother and wife will be here tomorrow. 

I started working on the Lilly's Lace (think that is the name) to go withe the other panels I made. Ended up taking it out a couple times.  Had the 3rd row wrong. Need to fix it.

Even with issues, I can stll be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Back In ER

As of 11:30 pm, I am in the ER with mom. We arrived at 8 pm. It's going to be a long night. So I will post tomorrow about my day today.

I did get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Breakfast Out And Back To Olympia

Both Patrick and I slept till 9. That surprised me because we have been getting up around 7 am lately. We got dressed and headed out to Berry Fields. I had an omelet and Patrick had a lot more. He doesn't do omelets but he does get eggs, bacon, toast, and oatmeal. After breakfast we decided to go see mom. I took half my omelet and hash browns to her. She was in a good mood and we visited for about 45 mins before we had to head to Olympia. 

Patrick's appointment was at 1 pm. We arrived early and waited. Think everyone was at lunch. He went in and I went to the other area to wait. He came out and then was called back to the room for immunotherapy. Poor guy had to wait 45 mins before the medication came up. Then 30 mins for therapy. We didn't get out of there till about 3:15 pm. Connie was supposed to show up at 3 pm but I told her to come later. 

We finally got home around 4:15 pm. Then I told Connie to give me an hour before she came over. She came for some fabric. She was having fun going through the stack. She did bring one fabric back because it was flags in a peace sign. We won't be using that fabric because that is offensive to a Veteran! I will have to find someone to take the fabric and keep it off the a veteran quilt. 

After she left I worked on baking some dessert. I made a Pecan Pie Brownie. I hope it comes out good. Then I had to do my exercises and Sophie was trying to get my attention the whole time. So, she knocked over my letter from my cousin and threw it on the floor. 

Then she laid on it! Trying to get my attention. I finally sat down and she climbed into my lap. 

Tomorrow is presentation day. I will try to get everything together and leave early. I have stuff to drop off with Nancy and Donna. It's a presentation of 7 veterans. We are getting them done as soon as we can. 

Today was all of waiting. Waiting at moms, waiting at the appointment (without anything to work on), and waiting for Connie to come. It was not a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Beading And ER Visit

This morning Patrick was out the door for golf. I enjoyed some time and got laundry going. I then decided I wanted to bead today. 

I was able to get 6 rows done. Started to lay out the next 3 rows when I received a call from mom. She couldn't breath and she was having trouble talking to me. I told her I was calling 911. Then headed over. The ambulance took her to the ER. I headed over and found her in the waiting room in a wheel chair. I sat with her and found out as time went on that she had fallen by tripping over the step stool. She couldn't get up and asked the office manager to help. She called 911 and they came out and picked her up. Then they left. I thought she was taken to the ER but no. Later she started hurting and then started having breathing issues. The Ambulance thought she had broke a rib. After arriving they took her to the X-ray room and from what I could tell, there wasn't a break. So, back to the waiting room. 4 hours later, she was feeling better but tired. She wanted to go home. I checked her out as I found out it would be several hours before they would be able to see her. I didn't want to do another 12 hour wait to be told she had bruises. So, told mom to call her doctor in the morning and have him check on the X-rays. She is going to be sore in the morning if not Friday morning! 

I finally made it home at 8:30 pm. I'm tired and just want to listen to the end of my book. At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Monday, September 19, 2022

Day For Embroidery

This morning was BE day. So, I headed out and did the usual things before heading to the grange. I was able to get a few things done. 

Then we met at the grange. Cindy and Sandy are doing good. We worked for a short time before calling it a day. 

I made the bullions for the petal. I'm not sure how the colors work. I do like the colors but working with this flower isn't that easy with the color change. 

I'm working on the second one. The one on the left is pretty much done. Unless I change my mind. I'm trying to get the second one to lay better. 

On the way home stopped at the bowling alley and then remembered I was going to drop off the dress to the shop that collects Prom dresses. Katt had me give it to them. Her dress she wear for the wedding was donated and they were happy with it. It a pretty red dress. I was sorry to see it go. 

When I got home I waited about an hour and then had my BE board meeting again. We talked about the Seminar for next year. That will be interesting. We are still working on it. 

After an hour plus, we decided to meet again next week. Not my idea of board meetings. I'm not looking forward to another meeting. Next week is busy and having to deal with board meetings is not my idea of fun. 

At least today I can say I was trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Back To Beading....

This morning I woke to find Patrick gone. He left to get some blood tests for his therapy on Wednesday. 

I just enjoyed a little time without him. 😉 

He was back by 10 am. then I sat and played games. By about 1 pm I decided I seriously need to do something other than laundry (which I was doing all day). 

I was able to get about 9 or 10 rows done. I'm now down to 39 rows left. I'm thinking the other birds are in the last 20 rows at this rate. I thought I would have them showing by now. What fun!! It's almost done! I can't wait to get this done! Then I need to get beads for the one that has Sophie in it. I'm getting excited to get started on that one. 

Next was time to go bowling........

Our partners won't be bowling next week. We are in first place! Woo hoo. Just not with the help of my bowling! I bowled a 140 to start. Just couldn't figure it out. Not sure why, since I know how to bowl! Then I bowled a 195 which cheered me up. My last game was 168, with mostly 9 and spares. I did miss a few, but for some reason I couldn't get a strike to save my life. Most of those should have been a strike. GRRR

At least my day turned out to be a little bit of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

What To Do On Saturday....

 This morning we were up and after a short amount of time, out the door to go shopping. We headed to Safeway. Had a long list of stuff we needed. Surprisingly we really didn't get much compared to what we normally get. Still over $100 but the basket wasn't even half full. I do remember that used to be $50 at one time. Here I go, acting like my dad - "we used to pay $$." 

Came home and I actually sat and enjoyed the day. I didn't do any laundry - tomorrow - and I didn't do any cleaning. I just wanted to play my games. I didn't feel like working on my beading or anything. I did measure 3 quilts for the quilt show in a couple weeks. I pulled out my mother-in-laws quilt as well. I want that to be in the show as well. 

Then I finally sat down and worked on the information that Bryon Matheson gave me on the family. I worked on 2 of his pages. Was able to add a lot of family members. Not sure where he got the information but glad he did. 

There was both good and bad news on Patrick's tests. Maybe that is what is bothering me and I didn't want to do anything today. Time will tell. 

We decided on the excursions for our cruise. I'm getting excited about going now! It's another couple months, but I can't wait to go! Still have things to work on, but now we are knowing what we will be doing on the cruise. 

Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow. I can always hope to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Yet Another Day In Olympia

This morning Patrick and I were up at 6 am and out the door before 7 am. He had his appointment at 7:45 am in Olympia. MRI and Cat scan. I needed to get my blood tests done. We sat and waited. Not in a big hurry, because we were waiting for time to go by. Since everything opened at 10 am.  

 I sat and worked on my BE piece. I like the way it's coming along. I just wish the pink was a little darker where it goes almost white. I am getting ready to finish that flower soon. I did the one on the left. I found I like the thinner floss than the thicker. 

After our appointments, we headed upstairs to get our flu shots. The gal hit my arm pretty good. It hurt more than the one drawing blood!! 

Next was our trip to Costco. We picked up a few things that we needed. Tomorrow we will be going to Safeway. They had some good meats in Costco. 

We headed home. It was comical because we didn't sit down for an hour and both of us were tired. Decided to take a nap which was about an hour till the phone rang. It felt good to nap. Funny how I was hungry when I woke up. We had lunch at Costco so didn't figure I would be that hungry. We had Dungeness Crab for supper. It was really good! I love that stuff!!

The rest of the day has been quiet. We just watched TV and I played games. Not sure I'm going to be sitting and listening to my book tonight. I'm so tired and no clue why. 

My day did help me be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Off To Olympia

 This morning I had to be out the door before 8 am. I wasn't too tired - actually was up and ready to go. I played one of my games first and then out the door I went. 

Picked mom up around 8 am. She wasn't ready. She was still working on breakfast and feeding the dog. We then left about 10 mins later to head up to Olympia. I will say people driving today don't care about others on the road. I was having trouble getting over a couple times. I was also have trouble with people trying to cut me off. One major pain! We arrived at the Vet Eye Clinic. Waited a little bit. Once Daisy was taken in, she was done in a very short time. They said there was some improvement which really surprised me. It was curve side business again. We waited out in the car while Daisy went in. I think the Vet decided that worked so well that she's going to keep it that way. Guess that way you don't have to deal with the people and just talk to them on the phone. 

We then headed over to Costco. Mom had a list of 3 things but ended up getting 5 things. I think she wanted to look around, but since I didn't need anything (going tomorrow), she decided not to look. Then it was heading home time. We get to the exit and she decides she wants to go out for lunch. We then went to Arby's. Oh! Had to stop at Starbucks as well! Then to her place. 

Got to moms and then she wanted me to help her with Tri Care. She did all the calling and talking, I just listened. Next she wanted to work on her Hawaiian quilt. We had to use her new iron she got from Costco. 

Since it was so big, it took some ironing (steam) and folding to get it where she wanted it. Next is to pin the pattern on it. I told her that wasn't going to happen today. By 2:00 pm I was finally able to leave. UGH

Came home and Debbie wasn't too far behind me. I cut the batting and backing for another quilt. Then we chatted for awhile and she left. That was 4:30 pm. Supper time and then Patrick was off again (he went golfing earlier and got home before me). He had a meeting at the church. Came home and got his shirt. Then went bowling. 

While he was gone, I decided to bead. I've been wanting to bead a lot lately! Found out I have another board meeting on Monday. UGH. 

Nine rows later. I'm getting excited about getting this done!! I have 49 rows left to do. If I keep cutting it at 9 rows or more it should be done by the end of the month. Then I can get back to the ornaments. I love this piece! The white is see-through in some areas. It's really pretty. I will work on Sophie for my next one. I think I need to order more beads for that one. Not going there right now. 

So, I'm calling it a day. I'm finishing my book that is so, so good! I love time travel books and this was is one great book! "Come Back to Me" by Jody Hedlund. I am going to see what other books she has and my end up listening to them as well. 

Listening and doing is what I do. That's what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Another Busy Week

 This morning I was up and getting laundry going. Been a week, so it really needs to be done. Then I had to do a donation form to go on the coffee cantor to take to the grange. I also put in a shoe box the blocks we have to make for QOV. Made a sign for that as well. 

Then it was off to the grange to take the books and donation stuff to Alice. They have been non stop working on setting up the garage sale. It's been going since Monday. They will be open on Friday and Saturday. What a TON of stuff they have!! All the table (except for 3) had a ton of stuff up for sale. They are putting them out and pricing them. I stayed and chatted for a little bit and then came home. 

Debbie stopped by to check on the bill she is giving the Estate for her time. We talked about it and I think she said she was going to give a bill for the work we did yesterday, since they didn't pay us. 

At 3:30 pm I had a board meeting for BDEIG. That sinken meeting was over at 7 pm!! Talk about a long meeting. I'm hoping the future meetings don't take that long. I did chat with them about a Facebook page. They talked about having both a open and closed page and I told them that would be a major pain in the butt! I will do the close group for now. May do that tomorrow night or this weekend. 

Played games and called it a night. It wasn't a day to be able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Catering All Afternoon

 This morning I worked on 3 rows of beading. Not worth taking a photo yet. 

Then this afternoon I headed over to the museum to help with catering. I arrived shortly after Connie. She was getting the coffee started. We couldn't tell what they wanted, so worked with what we could. The food was all in the frig. We timed everything out. We did what we could knowing they would be coming at 2:30. Trouble was they didn't show till 3 pm. 

This was all for Veteran Charles Cook. He passed last week. His sisters had everything arranged. The services were at the Catholic Church in Centralia. They wouldn't do the catering, so Debbie asked if our group could do it for a donation. I said that would be great. So, Joann, Connie and I took care of the food. 

There was food to feed an army. Trouble was only about 45 people showed. I think they were expecting about 85. We packed everything up and gave some left overs to the ones who wanted them. Then we packed up all the food and Debbie was going to take it to the place where Charles was living in the last year. We gave the museum water, plates, plastic utensils, and some other stuff. We didn't get done till about 5:15 pm. Poor workers couldn't leave till we did. We cleaned up as much as we could. 

Came home and crashed. I had been on my feet all day. UGH. Now I'm calling it a day and sad to say I really didn't get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Another Busy Monday....AND Embroidery

 This morning started out at the bank, then McD's for tea and coffee. On to the grange for embroidery. Sandy 2 was there today and I learned how to make the flowers. I just needed to see her work to see how they come out. I started to work on my piece. The grange ladies were getting ready for the garage sale that's this Thursday and Friday. I gave them some quilt books. Then I put the clothes that we got rid of in the box. We chatted about some BE marketing stuff. I asked what she thought. She's my back-up when it comes to working with the board. I got back to working on my embroidery. 

I worked on this part. I did it twice. I didn't like the first one and I reworked this one. I need to add the green around the bottom of the flower and it's done. 

Then I had to leave and go to Connie's. Picked up the quilts she had for me. My bag was missing. Apparently she gave it to Donna. Not too happy about that, but I'll get it back. Then I stopped at Papa Murphy's for a pizza. 

I ordered a half pepperoni and half cheese pizza. I waited. As I waiting I saw the gal making a half cheese with half all meat pizza. She told the guy it was for me. I went to him and said it was wrong. I wanted half pepperoni and half cheese. The gal there said she heard me say that, but made what the receipt said. They re-did my order. 

Next stop was bowling alley. I checked with Kathy about one of the teams changing their name. She said she thought she changed it. 

Time to get home. I sat and enjoyed my time with playing games. Till after supper. Then I sat and watched the Seahawks beat Bronco's!! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!! I like Russel Wilson, but he left our team, so I no longer cheer for him. I'm cheering for my TEAM! 

While watching the Seahawks, I worked on my embroidery. 

I like what I learned today. I think I'm doing it a little different, but I like the way it's coming out. 

It turned out pretty good. I think my flower is a little "tighter" than Sandy 2's but I'm okay with that. I want it to stick out. I will have fun working on this. It does take some working on. I think I did it differently as well. I do like the results. 

I was able to get a lot done and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Beading And Bowling!

 This morning I was up and getting moving with cleaning. Got the laundry started, still have more to do. We all know I start something and get side tracked. Yep, that was me today. 

I got to work on my baking. I made some sourdough bread. I tried my own way of making it. I love the way it came out. 

I worked on a few things after cleaning and decided I wanted to listen to my book and bead. Which I did!

Seven rows later and it's looking great. I'm running out of room to show it off. I believe I have about 70 rows left. I'm just happy this is coming to a close soon. I want to get it done. I also want to work on my embroidery tomorrow. Sandy 2 is coming to our meeting. I need her help on that pea piece. 

Then it was time for bowling. We all were loading the new app for bowling. It has our bowling alley listed and loads our game as we bowl. It's really fast and easy. I didn't do all that great. I bowled a 152, 179, and 127. Yep, a 127!! At least this is only the 3rd week, so I better pick it up next week. I had a few things to work on with teams. I'm glad that we have all the teams full now. It's now set at 15 teams. I don't like having a vacant team, but that's life. At least it's one team more than last year. 

My day worked out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Not A Day To Stitch....Darn

Today we got up, dropped off some stuff at Phil's, then to Fuller's for donuts. We decided to have breakfast  on the way to moms. 

We were taking mom up to Olympia to get a new dishwasher. When we got there, we tried to get a break in cost, but the guy wouldn't go down. It's fine because it was on sale already. She decided on the cheapest one, because she didn't need all the bells and whistles. It's a nice one. I like the new ones where it will do special water cleaning for caked on stuff and the extra tray on top for the knives and stuff. We were not gone long, but mom was worn out for just that short trip. 

We then came back home. After dropping mom off we came back home. I didn't last long with playing games and watching TV. I crashed on the couch for about an hour. I didn't want to get up. I was beat. No clue why! Then just before supper I was a little shaky. I checked my blood glucose. Then checked it a half hour later. Big difference. I'm beginning to wonder if that is another problem I have! Just what I need!! lol 

I played games and relaxed. Now we are enjoying the Garth Brooks special on PBS that Patrick recorded. I am really enjoying the music. My tablet is hooked up for energy and now I'm wondering around trying to decide what I want to do next. I SHOULD put the label on the quilt I got today. I SHOULD pull out my embroidery and work on it. I SHOULD work on my cross stitching. I SHOULD do beading.....BUT NO, I can't seem to figure out what to do. How many projects did I just name?! And I can't find something to work on.....go figure!! 

After all that - time wasted! - and I'm still not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Mt. Rainier range

Friday, September 9, 2022

Mom Started Up Her Group Again

 This morning I was out the door to Connie's. Dropped off some stuff for Donna. Told her I would pick up the quilts that Donna has on Monday. I also told her I would bring her something, and now I can't remember what it was. I will have to think on this. 

Then it was off to moms. I was second there, but by the time I was ready to sit, all the chairs were gone. There were 7 of us. Nancy and Hildi are going to the applique retreat on Tuesday. They will be gone a week. I worked on my embroidery instead of quilting. I am tired of working on my quilting. I had more fun working on my embroidery. Funny how that is. 

I finished the bullion flowers. Then went to work on the flowers above them. I have them all done but this set. 

I did take one of those flowers out and re-worked it. I like it better now. I'm really close to finishing this. Not sure what I will do with it or what I will do with it. I'm just having fun working on it. 

Then everyone let around noon. No one brought lunch. I went to Subway and bought lunch for mom and I. I couldn't believe Subway's prices! It's double what I used to pay. One sandwich was $15! They used to be $5-6.  UGH

Headed home but took the long way. I ended up going through Chehalis. I almost forgot to stop at Rite Aid on my way home. lol  I had 7 people in front of me. Never fails, when it got done to me, I had to wait on the 2 people at the window for a good 5 mins. They had questions and where looking for stuff. Seems to be my lucky day! NOT. I didn't mind. I was shocking myself because I just waited and didn't bother checking my watch. I just watched everyone else in front of me. It was really interesting. lol 

Came home and got supper going. I enjoyed some time with Patrick. The weather was hot in the afternoon. We have the smoke in the air lately. All the fires from the middle of the state are coming this way. We can even smell it. I will need to take some Zyrtec tonight. I get allergies when that happens. 

We will be taking mom to Olympia to look for a new dishwasher. Hers broke. It cracked where the buttons are. 

Patrick and I just enjoyed Pinocchio on Netflix. It was one of the better ones I've seen! I never cared for this movie. Not even the animated movie. I did enjoy this one. 

I'm trying to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Finally - A Day To Bead

 This morning I was up and getting laundry going. I just enjoyed the first few hours by myself while Patrick was golfing. 

Then I decided to listen to my book and bead. 

I was able to get 5 rows done by the time Patrick got home. Then I worked on getting my donation letter written for the Rotary club to see if we can get donations for our QOV group. 

I chatted with Donna and Connie. Now I'm heading to Connie's in the morning to drop a few things off for Donna. Then I will head over to moms. It's a quilt day at moms. 

She just looked at me at times! I get this look often! 

I enjoyed the evening by playing games and watching Perry Mason. I still love that show! I've seen all the episodes about 6 times and still keep watching them. 

At least today, I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Working On Moms Quilt

This morning I was out the door before getting breakfast. Not supposed to do that! lol I headed to Sandy's to give her sister Jeannette a Birthday card before she headed back to Canada. She was leaving shortly after I left. We had a good chat and enjoyed visiting. I would have gone over sooner but they went to Packwood over the weekend. 

My next stop was to visit with Judy Hensley. She's a QOV member at my old group - Stars and Stripes in Olympia. I love it when I can visit with her. I gave her the Thank You card that we had done for the group that gave us all that fabric. She's always supposed our group even though she is part of the other group. She started out with Olympia when it first started, so she decided to stay up there till she couldn't make the trip. I'm sure we will get her one of these days. She's an awesome lady and does as much as I do. 

I stopped at the coffee shop on my way to moms and got us some Chia Tea. Finally arriving at moms around 10 am. I brought McD's sausage bisques with me. We ate breakfast and then started to work on the red fabric. It was time to get to work on the Hawaiian quilt she's doing for a friend. As we were ironing the fabric, the iron leaked water. It changed the color of the red. So, we ended up cutting the fabric first then putting it in the washing machine. While that was going on, mom did her bills and I went to Nancy's. First I picked up her Color Grabbers and then had to go back to show her how to enter veterans. She had 2 forms that needed to be entered. I wanted her to see the questions that are on there. We need to fix our forms for more information. We went over a couple others that were entered. After working on a few of the QOV stuff, I headed back to moms. The first time I drove to Nancy's and the second time I walked. So, I had to walk back to moms. No big deal. 

Got back to moms and the wash was done. The color grabbers was a red as blood. So, we ran it through again. By the time I needed to get back home, it was done and the color grabber was a light pink. Told her it was good enough to work on. I didn't get to help her iron it and fold it, but will do that Friday or next week. I have to take her and Daisy to Olympia for an eye appointment. So, if I have to, will stay longer and get that done. She's in a hurry to cut it. I want her to slow down. Her health is getting better but she tires easily. Today tired her out. 

Came home. Patrick was ready and we headed to Longview for Red Lobster. We arrived around 4 pm. Had a good meal and as I was putting my leftovers in the box, I snap it shut - or so I thought! It popped open and slid off the table. My crab linguine was a pile on the floor!! I was so embarrassed!  Cleaned it up and went to wash my hands. Patrick told me when I got back that they were fixing me more. I was shocked! Happy too because it's really good! I told her I was sorry for the mess. She told me not to worry about it. We had dessert and then she brought me a take out box of the food!! Wow! Patrick left a nice tip for all she did. 

Came home and found the big leaves in the bucket had flowers. 

The leaves are huge! I wondered if they were going to have flowers or not. Reaches the roof line of the garage. 

Not sure what it is, but my daughter in law has a good idea. I just don't know how to spell it. lol 

I'm giving up on my day. It wasn't the best day, but it was okay. I can live with things not going my way. It wasn't really a day for stitching either. As much as I would have liked. I will try to do beading tomorrow. Need to get moving on those. Maybe, just maybe, tomorrow will be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

It Feels Like A Monday!

This morning I was up with Patrick. He headed out to go golfing and I was being lazy. Then I realized it was Tuesday and had a few things I needed to do today. 

First off was going to the bank, off to the post office, then Staples and the bowling alley. Once all that was done, I was off to Love's gas station for gas. That put me into 1 pm. I decided to swing by Burger King and pick up a burger. Even though I knew we were having that tonight for supper. (Homemade)

Came home and Debbie texted saying she would be by to pick up stuff for Connie. I went downstairs and cleared off my counter. 

It took awhile, because It was piled high with quilts, fabric, and you name it. She brought me the quilt on the left. We are going to raffle that off at the next presentation. It was her cousin's and in good condition. He passed yesterday. He wanted someone else to enjoy it. 

Then I pulled out the bucket (right) that was FULL. I sorted the squares to sizes. Then I decided to check with Connie on using them in kits. I was talking to her when Debbie arrived. Once that was decided I gave her another bucket full of squares - minus the ones in this bucket, and told her to do what she can with them. 

Came upstairs and wanted to find my book "My Stitching Book" by Rosalie Wakefield. I wanted to see how to work the pea flowers. I couldn't find the book!! I searched and searched. Then I thought about the bag I had my stuff in. Right next to that bag was another bag that had my stitching books in. I was thrilled to find them!! Still not sure how to do the flower, but will try it out tomorrow. I need a practice piece to work on it. 

Scott came over and then I got to play some. I didn't do any stitching - but I did research the stitches. I'm just glad I found my books. Made me feel better. Even though I wasn't stitching, I still don't think I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 5, 2022


As much as I would love to say we went camping, climbed a mountain or even went to a BBQ, I can't say that. 

We didn't do anything today. As much as I would love to say I was busy all day, I won't. I can't. I can tell you I had a great day though. I didn't do much - took a break from going non stop here and there. I finished a really good book (audio book). Played games and started another audio book. 

Then I decided I needed to finish the quilt that I started the binding on yesterday. Yep - I actually worked on it! 

Connie put this together! It's all the odd blocks that I had no clue what to do with. At least 5 quilters worked on this quilt. I'm just thrilled the odd blocks are getting put into a quilt! As much as I don't like scrap quilts, it's surprising but I do like this one. Connie did a good job working on this. All I did was stitch down the binding and put the label on the back. It's ready to go to the museum. 


As much as I would love to say I pulled my beading out - I won't say it because I didn't do it. I can say I was enjoying my day and took time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Stitching & Bowling

 This morning we were up early to wish Katt a safe trip home. She was glad to be going home after the wedding yesterday. It was put off an hour because of the catering being an hour out. She said she was busy keeping everyone on time. 

We then sat and watched "Creatures Great and Small." They had a marathon. I was up and getting my embroidery all together. I received the kits for the virtual classes yesterday. So, I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed for them. I'm missing one floss, but not sure I really need to order it. I can find a color that will be easy to replace it. 

This one has some really pretty colors. I think it will look better than the photo. I think this class is first but not sure. 

This is the class I only want to learn the techniques of. I'm not sure if I will actually make it or not. 

But then the floss is really pretty! I do like the colors. These are Debbie Goff classes. I'm looking forward to working with her on this. I'm sure there is plenty of us in the class. The first class starts at the end of them month. At least this way I'm ready to take the class and have everything I need now. 

Then I enjoyed playing games. That and laundry. I found I'm folding my sheets better than I did the last time I folded them. I guess I'm learning how to do a good job on the sheets. I had 2 pairs to do since we changed Katt's bed as well.  I decided to try and get another quilt bound. So, I was able to get 2 sides done. I will try and finish it tomorrow. 

It was time for bowling. I ended up having to deal with a couple things that happened tonight. One team bowled with 2 guys and other teams let me know. So, I had to get a female to bowl with them. We added a sub. The bowling alley actually let one of the gals that work for them to bowl so then guys wouldn't have to come back and bowl later. Then I had a team walk out, so I had to forfeit that team. I need to chat with the guy on that team. I will try and work something out with him if he's teammates quit showing up.  I bowled a 180, 153, and 168. Not bad. My average went up a little. It's better to start low and work my way up. All's good! 

I actually got some stitching done - which makes me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Here I thought I missed yesterday to find I missed all of September so far. Sorry about that. 

When Katt is here, I tend to forget my routines and blogging is in my routine. 

As for the past 2 days - good question! It went by so fast. So, I will think. One the 2nd I didn't do much of anything. I did cook and make some pumpkin bars. I also got busy with laundry. 

As for yesterday - it was QOV Presentation day. Since my Uncle Bob was receiving his quilt I needed to be ready. I gabbed my box and completely forgot to take the 2 quilt tops that I have ready for Connie (which I did on the 2nd). 

I arrived and was getting things ready. Of course mom and Nancy were doing their part as well. Mom seems to like having control. I was stopping her when she was getting too far, We had 8 veterans to honor. I was amazed at how easy it went. I even remember all my lines and didn't have to think too much. lol 

Those receiving quilts were (in no particular order) Carl Lieske, Diane Dempster, Marvin Pitcher, Ronald Johnson, Roger Tower, Jerry Herrara, Frank Bennett, Jr, and Robert Taylor. 

They were a blast. After the ceremony my Uncle asked if we wanted to go out. First he wanted to go to the casino and then changed his mind to the Brewery. They wanted to leave "RIGHT NOW" and I told him he might as well wait till I have things done before he leaves since I have to pick Patrick up. He did. They left and had a good 30 mins on us. I had to go home and pick Patrick up. As we were going, we decided if they already ordered, we would just get a drink and come home. It actually turned out that they were waiting on us. We ordered and chatted. Food arrived and we chatted.  Then Patrick spilled his drink on the table. That was okay, they brought both of us another drink. Time for the waitress to ask who's "paying, is this one ticket or more?" DEAD SILENCE! A minute went by and the waitress as getting uncomfortable. Patrick said, "2 tickets, hers and mine, and the three of them on the second ticket." This has happened so many times when dad was alive. Uncle expected dad to pay all the time. He's got plenty of money!! He's a retired longshoreman who also was Union president! He buys a new car every year!! We laughed on the way home but man! I made the quilt and he asked US out, not the other way around! What a night! 

Katt came home from the wedding around 11:30 pm. She then left at 8 am this morning.  Yesterday was a good day to think about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

QOV Meeting Day

 We had decided to have a meeting to get everyone on topic and to let them know what is going on. That was at 1 pm. 

In the morning not much went on. I pretty much got everything we needed in the car. Then around noon went to the museum and unloaded. There were 3 men in the building and not one person offered to help after the 3rd load. I ended up going back and forth from my car to the front desk 6 times. I put the quilts in the piles they needed to be in. I then took the rest of the stuff upstairs for our meeting. 

We went over the 100 quilts that we have. I also said we needed to slow down on friends and family for quilts. If they are on the list, feel free to make a quilt, if not, please wait till we get the ones on the list done. We talked about a banner, the quilts that are coming in from other group, and a few more things. I then opened the box of quilts that we had. There were 3 boxes. 

In total there were 12 quilts. Two of the quilts needed labels and Donna took those to put on. 

Once all the information on what is going on, we decided to do a presentation every 2 weeks to get these veterans their quilts. We also worked on demonstrating binding, stitching down the binding, making quilts, squaring up blocks, etc. It was decided that we would do this every quarter. Our next one will be in January and I will get that set up as well. 

Then it was time to work on presentations. 

We  had group members work together to do a presentation. Barb and here friend did this. They are going to present 3 quilts up North. So, they wanted to know how to do it. We worked with them and showed them. I need to get the paperwork to her for her talking about QOV. 

Each member went over folding the quilt for the presentation and then presenting the quilt. Mom was in charge of that. I think she wanted to be in charge of more, but I pulled that in. She just likes to be in charge. 

I found out that Smiley is having surgery next month because his cancer is back. Please pray for him. He need this to work. His vocal cords are affected. The last time he had it done (3 or 4 years ago), he had to whisper till they did another surgery on him. I pray this one isn't as bad as the last time. He's a big part of our group. He's a big part of Veterans Memorial Museum as well. 

Everything went well today with our group. I even gave them a challenge. I passed out panels that we "country cute" that I figured were hard to do. There were 11 panels and I passed out 9. I may have to do one myself. We have till January to have them done. It's something that will get them to think of panels and get them to do a quilt. Who knows, we may end up giving them out at the same presentation. Will be interesting to see what they come up with. 

I wasn't stitching today. But I felt like I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...