Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Beading And ER Visit

This morning Patrick was out the door for golf. I enjoyed some time and got laundry going. I then decided I wanted to bead today. 

I was able to get 6 rows done. Started to lay out the next 3 rows when I received a call from mom. She couldn't breath and she was having trouble talking to me. I told her I was calling 911. Then headed over. The ambulance took her to the ER. I headed over and found her in the waiting room in a wheel chair. I sat with her and found out as time went on that she had fallen by tripping over the step stool. She couldn't get up and asked the office manager to help. She called 911 and they came out and picked her up. Then they left. I thought she was taken to the ER but no. Later she started hurting and then started having breathing issues. The Ambulance thought she had broke a rib. After arriving they took her to the X-ray room and from what I could tell, there wasn't a break. So, back to the waiting room. 4 hours later, she was feeling better but tired. She wanted to go home. I checked her out as I found out it would be several hours before they would be able to see her. I didn't want to do another 12 hour wait to be told she had bruises. So, told mom to call her doctor in the morning and have him check on the X-rays. She is going to be sore in the morning if not Friday morning! 

I finally made it home at 8:30 pm. I'm tired and just want to listen to the end of my book. At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


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