Thursday, September 15, 2022

Off To Olympia

 This morning I had to be out the door before 8 am. I wasn't too tired - actually was up and ready to go. I played one of my games first and then out the door I went. 

Picked mom up around 8 am. She wasn't ready. She was still working on breakfast and feeding the dog. We then left about 10 mins later to head up to Olympia. I will say people driving today don't care about others on the road. I was having trouble getting over a couple times. I was also have trouble with people trying to cut me off. One major pain! We arrived at the Vet Eye Clinic. Waited a little bit. Once Daisy was taken in, she was done in a very short time. They said there was some improvement which really surprised me. It was curve side business again. We waited out in the car while Daisy went in. I think the Vet decided that worked so well that she's going to keep it that way. Guess that way you don't have to deal with the people and just talk to them on the phone. 

We then headed over to Costco. Mom had a list of 3 things but ended up getting 5 things. I think she wanted to look around, but since I didn't need anything (going tomorrow), she decided not to look. Then it was heading home time. We get to the exit and she decides she wants to go out for lunch. We then went to Arby's. Oh! Had to stop at Starbucks as well! Then to her place. 

Got to moms and then she wanted me to help her with Tri Care. She did all the calling and talking, I just listened. Next she wanted to work on her Hawaiian quilt. We had to use her new iron she got from Costco. 

Since it was so big, it took some ironing (steam) and folding to get it where she wanted it. Next is to pin the pattern on it. I told her that wasn't going to happen today. By 2:00 pm I was finally able to leave. UGH

Came home and Debbie wasn't too far behind me. I cut the batting and backing for another quilt. Then we chatted for awhile and she left. That was 4:30 pm. Supper time and then Patrick was off again (he went golfing earlier and got home before me). He had a meeting at the church. Came home and got his shirt. Then went bowling. 

While he was gone, I decided to bead. I've been wanting to bead a lot lately! Found out I have another board meeting on Monday. UGH. 

Nine rows later. I'm getting excited about getting this done!! I have 49 rows left to do. If I keep cutting it at 9 rows or more it should be done by the end of the month. Then I can get back to the ornaments. I love this piece! The white is see-through in some areas. It's really pretty. I will work on Sophie for my next one. I think I need to order more beads for that one. Not going there right now. 

So, I'm calling it a day. I'm finishing my book that is so, so good! I love time travel books and this was is one great book! "Come Back to Me" by Jody Hedlund. I am going to see what other books she has and my end up listening to them as well. 

Listening and doing is what I do. That's what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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All Day At Garage Sale

Today, I had to be at the garage sale before it opened. I had the cash box and had to give it out.  Arrived early and helped a bit. Then whe...