Tuesday, September 6, 2022

It Feels Like A Monday!

This morning I was up with Patrick. He headed out to go golfing and I was being lazy. Then I realized it was Tuesday and had a few things I needed to do today. 

First off was going to the bank, off to the post office, then Staples and the bowling alley. Once all that was done, I was off to Love's gas station for gas. That put me into 1 pm. I decided to swing by Burger King and pick up a burger. Even though I knew we were having that tonight for supper. (Homemade)

Came home and Debbie texted saying she would be by to pick up stuff for Connie. I went downstairs and cleared off my counter. 

It took awhile, because It was piled high with quilts, fabric, and you name it. She brought me the quilt on the left. We are going to raffle that off at the next presentation. It was her cousin's and in good condition. He passed yesterday. He wanted someone else to enjoy it. 

Then I pulled out the bucket (right) that was FULL. I sorted the squares to sizes. Then I decided to check with Connie on using them in kits. I was talking to her when Debbie arrived. Once that was decided I gave her another bucket full of squares - minus the ones in this bucket, and told her to do what she can with them. 

Came upstairs and wanted to find my book "My Stitching Book" by Rosalie Wakefield. I wanted to see how to work the pea flowers. I couldn't find the book!! I searched and searched. Then I thought about the bag I had my stuff in. Right next to that bag was another bag that had my stitching books in. I was thrilled to find them!! Still not sure how to do the flower, but will try it out tomorrow. I need a practice piece to work on it. 

Scott came over and then I got to play some. I didn't do any stitching - but I did research the stitches. I'm just glad I found my books. Made me feel better. Even though I wasn't stitching, I still don't think I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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