Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Day To Work On A Quilt!

Today Patrick went golfing and I tried to sleep in. Then when I did get up I wondered for awhile. It had been awhile since I was downstairs working on quilts. 

 Time to take this off the wall and get it done. 

I was able to get the stuff on the wall done. I added the red. I had to add the blue at the top because I came up short. 

Then I added the blue around it. I'm still a little short but 67 x 76" will work. I will try and see about getting it longer next time. There will always be a next time. It's not finished till it's quilted. I listened to my book from start to finish. Patrick was up here when he got home and I kept working on this. I was ready to get it done. I want to get started on the mystery quilt that is ready for me to start. I have the fabric now. So, tomorrow I will cut it. Then I may even start the first steps of sewing. It will depend on the mood I'm in. I also have another quilt that needs to be worked on for QOV. I guess I'm back for a little bit on getting tops made. In otherward, today was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, February 27, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery Meeting Day

 Repeat - Brazilian Embroidery Meeting Day - Yep! It's Monday. 

I left a little early to get to the post office before our meeting. I had to mail a certificate that had the veterans name spelled wrong. 

Arrived just before Sandy. She got me a Chai tea. AND I DRANK IT BEFORE WE LEFT! I'm not a drinker but that was good! Sandy worked on her piece that she took a class on last week. My virtual class starts on the 5th. I had to order everything for the class because I didn't have time to check to see what I had. I forgot to check before yesterday. I needed to have all that done by last night. Since I bowled last night, I send her a message to get me everything I needed for the class. Normally I would check to see what I have to what I need. I will need to do that with Loretta's class. I really don't want to pay for everything again. 

Okay, so I worked on my Bonji tree again today. 

I found that I missed a part of the tree. So, I had to add the tree part in the middle between the top section to the big bottom piece. I have a lot more to do, but wanted to take a photo of where I am now. Leaves are coming along. 

We all left early today. I stopped and got Patrick some coffee and me another Chai tea. When I got home Patrick had tomato sauce and meat balls waiting. I told him I wasn't in the mood for that. We had noodles last night. So, we decided to go out and eat. We went to Dick's Brewery & Café. I got a turkey wrap. Man! Was that a BIG wrap! So, I ended up bringing half of it back home. I didn't finish the half I had there! It was way too much from being full from tea. lol 

I worked on my beading tonight. 

I'm still working on the first of the second set. It's coming along. Normally I don't work on my crafts after a meeting but decided to after all. I was in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 26, 2023

My Usual Sunday

 Today I was up early. Just woke with all the sun coming through the window. It had snowed last night. We may get more tomorrow. Patrick said this week we are supposed to get to freezing level. So far so good. 

I enjoyed the day by baking my bread. It turned out really good. I love that bread. I will have to do another loaf this week. I also started the starter that Teri gave me. I now have 2 starters. lol Lets see how far that goes. I hope this one is pretty good. 

Then I had to get back to the beads. I ended up taking a good hour on the white ones. There were 3 different colors of white and I can say I'm getting better! - I figured out which ones where which and that was NOT easy. 

It was the first 3 whites. I ordered more just in case I couldn't figure out where they went. I am impressed that I could figure out the shades right. Go figure. 

Then I remembered it was time to go to my virtual BE meeting. I was thrilled to see Debbie Kelley there as well! It was a good meeting. I worked on my leaves to the Bonji (sp?) tree. I'm getting closer to having them done. Still a long way to go. 

Off to bowling. I bowled a 171, 180, 173 which was above my average! Thank goodness. We had a really good time tonight. Even Nike was into it. We won the second game by 1 pin - we could have tied by Jay got 9 pins instead of a strike. We lost the other 3. They were trying to win the quarter, so if they can stay on top then they can win the quarter. They just need to keep going. We already won the quarter, so it's going to be interesting how we do when the play off comes. 

Things have been so busy and I was supposed to let Debbie Goff know what I wanted for the class. I completely forgot to look. So, I got home to find my email asking so she could get it out in the mail tomorrow. I decided to just get the floss kit and asked Patrick if he wanted the background black, white or cream. He said cream. Her design is with a black background. My classes are coming up fast, and I'm so darn busy lately. UGH - AT LEAST I'm still busy with my crafts which keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Still At IT! Beads Gone Wild!

 This morning I was surprised Patrick slept till 10:30 this morning. I had to wait to get my shower! lol 

When things settled down, I got started on laundry and walking. Then got going on the sourdough bread. 

This is one of the piles I work with. I found that my whites are so close in color that I have to do them separately now. I have 2 piles that are the same, and I know they are different. So, I will have to put them in a pile and see if I can tell the difference. At this rate, I'm going to take another day! Guess Patrick was right. 

This is the end of the beads. I now have a pile of these on my mat. Gave it up! There is too much going on. After a couple hours my brain starts to fry! UGH

This is getting me closer to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 24, 2023


This morning I wanted to sleep till noon. Didn't happen but was a though. I did get up and get ready to see Debbie when she stopped by. I looked all over for my white material that Kristie brought to me yesterday. Couldn't find it. Searched all over, called Debbie and Connie. They didn't have it. After Debbie came and I cut more batting, I asked her to check at the Woodland Village in case I left it there. Then told her to wait till I check my car. OH COURSE IT WAS THERE! 

After she left I had work to do. Patrick found my towel on my beads had been moved. So, he lifted the towel and I heard - "Your not going to like this," "Sophie was busy last night." I didn't know what he meant till I walked over there. 

 This is what I found. 

What a MESS!! This is the beads I'm using for her picture. They are in the brick colors! So, I had to take all the boxes out. Then I had to find the ones that were not mixed up. 

I did the boxes first. I took all the beads that were mixed up and put them in the right boxes. Then I had to start pulling from here. I was able to get the top part done. It took me about 3 hours to get to this point (minus the top area). By that time I was seeing the same colors run together. So, I decided to call it done for now. I will work on the rest of it tomorrow. My triangle tool came in handy. I was able to move big amounts at a time instead of one at a time. I wasn't able to work on my piece - because the beads were all over the place. I did get a 9 x 13" pan with a lid and will keep them in there instead of the smaller one I was using - it didn't have a lid. Guess we all live and learn. 

This was an afternoon job. Patrick said I would be at it for days, I told him just a few hours. Now I'm beginning to believe it could be days. We will see. Tomorrow is another day........let's see if I can make it to Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Presentation Day!

 This morning I woke to snow. Good thing we had till 1 pm for our veterans to come. I was hoping we didn't get any cancellations. 

I left early to get things going. Debbie and I got moving on getting the tables moved. Then we worked on the quilts. Pulled 8 quilts - because our WWII veteran couldn't make it. We decided to go to him this time. We had been trying for 4 months to get the quilt to him. 

We had seven of them show up. One didn't make it. This is (not in order) Gary Langford, George Whitlock, Edmond Armit, D'Orr Krambyle, Ron Jennings, David Schmidt and Mel Kortlever. Funny thing is that I bowled with Mel years ago and didn't realize it was him till he came to the presentation. It was awesome! 

Then it was time to go to Woodland Village to give our WWII veteran his quilt. 

James Van Ackeren is our WWII veteran. 

He told us his rank and serial number. It was awesome! I believe he's in his late 90's. 

Came home and didn't do much. Patrick made no bake cookies. We had left overs for supper and I changed to warmer clothes. 

Even though today wasn't for working on crafts, I was in my "heaven" by giving away quilts to veterans. Doesn't mean I can't be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Home Today - Good Thing Too - Snow!!

Today I was thrilled to be able to stay in bed if I wanted to. I didn't stay as long as I wanted to. lol 

First things first - LAUNDRY! I have been behind on the laundry, it isn't funny. You know, those days when you see the close you love to wear - still in the laundry basket. Yep - I got moving on the laundry. I'm happy to say I have all but one "pile" done. I was at it all day long. 

So, I went and sat! I wanted to work on a few things. First I had to go for my daily walk. Then I came back and got my certificates done for tomorrow. Shame is - our WWII veteran is ill and not doing good. So, I texted Debbie and Connie and asked they would go with me after the ceremony to give him his quilt at his place. They agreed. We need to get him done! Once that is done we will be back on track. I worked on my QOV paperwork, cleaning out the stuff I didn't need and the stuff I did. I even put all that in my bag that my cousin gave me! I will take a photo of it tomorrow! 

Then I sat - and beaded!!

Made stew and worked on laundry as I was beading! I have been able to get 4 rows in today. I was thrilled. Usually it's only 3. I'm hoping the cat will start showing up. I'm going to look at my pattern and see when she will be showing her pretty ears! I'm excited to get to work on her. In the meantime it's all brick work. She was on the fireplace with the brick behind her. It's going to be interesting if I can pull this off. If I can, I will be designing more of my own works. 

Then it was time to relax and watch TV with Patrick. Of course I had to do my second set of exercises before I could do that. My back is not happy with me today. So, I will just pray I can sleep okay tonight. Maybe I can dream of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quiltling!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Another Trip To Olympia

Today we had a quiet morning. I got started with working on my beading. At first I was going to work on the angels but changed my mind. 

I was able to get another two rows in on the "Fireplace Sophie" beading project. I'm now to row eleven. lol But it takes an hour or there abouts to get one row done. 

We then went up to Olympia to visit with my cousin. She's a year older than me. I was given a beautiful leather bag. I love it! It has a military emblem and an AF emblem in memory of my dad. I love it!! I am going to use it for the QOV stuff that I take to the presentations. It's so nice. I almost hate using it. 

Then we went to Patrick's appointment at 4 pm. I had to get my blood tests done and then I went and walked twice around the parking lot. Then went back in the area to wait for Patrick. It didn't take long for him to show up. 

On the way home we stopped at Wendy's and had supper. Then came home. 

Then I decided to get a few stitches in on one of the angels. I was able to get four rows in before I decided to call it a night. Which made my day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!



Monday, February 20, 2023

Interesting Day At Our Meeting

 This morning as I was leaving for our Brazilian embroidery meeting, I received a text that the grange took over our tables. I told her I was on the way. I wanted to find out why I wasn't told they would be there. Alice was awesome, told me to take our table and tell everyone to leave us be. There was only Cindy and I today, so it wasn't all that big a deal. They were getting ready for a garage sale this weekend. We watched and chatted with a few of the helpers. Around noon, Cindy decided she had enough. She was starting to check out the stuff they were putting up for sale. It's funny, but the helpers were taking a few of the things for themselves instead of putting them up for sale. lol 

I was able to get a few more leaves done. I am slowly getting there. I do like making the leaves and I'm trying to get them on the tree when I can. It's coming along. I just hope I'm doing the colors right. 

Came home around 12:30 and made myself a half sandwich. I was Hungry. lol then I sat down and worked on my puzzle. 

I finished it! I was thrilled all the pieces were there!

It turned out awesome! I'm going to put the puzzle board away for now. I need to get a few other things done before starting another puzzle. I will do that later. Maybe next month. lol - Who knows, we all know how I work - THERE GOES ANOTHER SQUIRREL - THERE I GO! 

We will see. Tomorrow we go to Olympia again. We will get a chance to visit my cousin! So, I'm looking forward to that! But today - well that turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Trip To Olympia And Bowling

 Today we hurried up and went to Olympia. Patrick didn't blood work done. We went around 10 am. Then after that trip we stopped at Costco. Needed to get kitty litter. Prices are going up. It's still cheaper than getting it a Chewy. UGH We got some ice cream for lunch. Didn't finish it and brought it home. The lid was off and when I tried to put it in the freezer, I dropped Patrick's. Made a big mess!! I had to clean the rug, floor and walls. UGH UGH

After we put everything away, I worked on the puzzle. Then I worked on my beading. 

I had to take out 5 rows because I didn't have the rows right. Then I worked on it from row 6 on. I was able to get started on the blues. It's going to be pretty, I'm sure. It's a waiting game for that. 

I didn't get much done before it was time to go to bowling. 

I bowled a 210, 159 and 186. Not bad considering how bad I have been bowling. Patrick didn't get to bowl because his thumb had a sore on it (from the kemo). So he helped me with the secretary stuff. We got a new team on the league as well. We ended up bowling with them. It was fun. They are a good group. I hope they stay. I believe we lost 3 games though. We just couldn't get all of us on board at the same time. 

I'm just feeling good that I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Framing and Playing!

 This morning I slept in and loved it. Patrick slept a little longer than me. lol 

I played games. Once I did my exercises I took a walk around the golf course housing area. I said I would and it did. Then I worked on my jigsaw puzzle. 

Took a break and worked on framing my work. 

I like the mat we ordered. Patrick has a good eye for the colors. I really do like the way this came out. So, I was stitching the picture to the back. Then we were able to get it framed. To my surprise, Patrick put it on the wall as soon as it pasted mustard. Right now, it's the only picture on that wall. When more get framed, then they will join it. That may be awhile - just cause it's me. 

Then I went back to the puzzle and games. 

This is the right side. 

And the left. I worked on it till it was time to go get mom. We took her down to Red Lobster. I tried to play it save by not having shrimp and had fish instead. It was okay. I had some of Patrick's lobster and felt my face flush on the way home. Good thing it was only a bit. 

Came home and I wanted to work on it some more. I spent part of the evening working on this. Our shows weren't on, so I could do this on the table. It's coming along pretty good. I'm surprised at how much I'm able to get done. This isn't easy, but once I get my mind on the right track, I can put a lot together. When I get frustrated then I know it's time to stop. 

My day didn't end up with quilting, embroidery, or cross stitching. But I did have a good day. As Patrick said, we're retired and the joy of that is that we can do anything we want. So, if I want to be lazy, I can. Wish I could though. My mind races even to the point where I can't figure out what to do! I am working on it. When too many projects are a foot, then my mind is worse than chasing squirrels! I'm still seeing a lot of squirrels out there, but holding myself back to finish a few things before getting over whelmed. I guess that is what keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 17, 2023

Hello Friday

 This morning we slept in. OR at least tried. The phone rang. I got up and Patrick went back to sleep. 

I didn't go to moms for quilting. I just didn't want to be around that many quilters. We decided to go to the movies instead. We left around 11:30 am. Had a few stops to hit. First was the church to collect a quilt. Then off to Rite Aid. Gave Phil a big hug when I swung by his place (not far from Rite Aid). Last stop was the movie theater. We walked around the mall. We tried to walk inside the mall but they boarded the inside of the mall. Looks like they put the wall there to put another business in there. So, we walked outside around the building. 

Then we went into the movies to watch "The Ant Man and the Wasp." It was really good. I recommend seeing it. The end (after all the credits) was weird. It's a good way to show it will continue. 

After that came home. I decided to play on the tablet and then work on my puzzle for about 30 mins. 

I got a lot more done then I thought I would. My mind was working! I have all this connected to the middle. I was thrilled to be able to connect them. Now I can keep working on the connections. I have the sky coming down to work on the smaller building in the back. It's fun. 

I didn't get to be working on my projects. I did pick up a quilt, but it wasn't mine. I wasn't really there to work on something to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Ho Hum.....

 Again, couldn't figure a title to this blog. I try not to repeat, but I think lately I have been repeating myself. At least that's what it feels like. After about 10 years of doing this, you would think I could get creative and figure it out....yep, NOPE. 

Today was nice. I got laundry going. Then Val came over to check on different fabrics for her top. I helped her out and she was happy when she left. Patrick left just before her to go golfing. I was glad to see him going again. He's still having issues with the side effects. After both were gone, I vacuumed. The house really needed it. Kept working on laundry and I only have one more pile to work on. Will do that one tomorrow. 

I asked the TV for "Hamish McBeth" and was glad to see I could watch it for free. So, I started. I had episode 1 and 2 done when Patrick came home. He watched 3 and 4 with me. I'm not sure if he liked it. I was a little surprised that murder hadn't come about on it. I think all the books have a murder suspect. Not sure, it's been awhile since I read the books. 

I finished the second green angel. I worked on these while watching TV. I started the next set of angels, it's blue this time, I think. I had fun working on these. Had to take out a row. That's not the end of the world! 

After Patrick left, I had my Smith & Curns (sp?) drink. I love that stuff but it's alcohol that I don't need. But then I don't put much in. I put more heavy cream in it! lol That's the good stuff. 

I decided to work on my puzzle after exercises. Bob can't get mad at me today, I walked for an hour around the housing area by the golf course. He told me I had to get out and walk. The more I walked the better I will feel. So, I started today. I told him I would for the month between my appointments. 

Then after I took the photo of this, I had to add more pieces. lol 

I have to figure out where the water wheel house goes in this! I'm close but I think it needs to go up more. I thought it was down more, but the top of the building below it doesn't fit right that low. I will try and hook it to the top if I can. I was working on the top to get that done. I also worked on the snow below. Funny how that seems to be working for me. I usually work on the building and do the sky last. But the sky seems to be easier than the houses. Can't win! 

I relaxed when I could. I had fun working on my puzzle. I had fun with Val when she was here. We talked about the quilts. I looked at the quilt on the wall and told myself I need to work on that as well. I can remind myself of all the projects I have going, but find that I just have to pick away at each of them till they get done. Today was the beaded ornament. Tomorrow may be something else. I guess that's what keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Spent Lunch With Mom

 This morning was nice. We didn't have to go anywhere. I did but later in the day. So, I decided to spend lunch time with mom. My physical therapy was at 1 pm. So, I stopped off at Subway and ordered a sandwich. I had asked Nancy to join us but she was busy today. 

I arrived around 10:30 am after picking up the sandwich. We sat and worked on our own stuff. We also watched Hemus McBeth on TV. I'm not sure if that was on Acorn or Netflix. I will try and see if he comes up on my TV tomorrow. 

I was working on my leaves. I added the yellowy looking ones today. I don't want a lot of them. I will go back to the darker colors. I need to see if I have a few more. I'm liking it so far. I may take one out later or just go over it, if I don't like it. It's fun to work on. There are a lot of leaves on this one. 

Went to PT and then dropped off batting to Connie. We are not happy with this batting. I'm hoping they will give us something better next time. 

Then when I got home, I worked on the puzzle. 

I have a big mess, but I'm getting there. I added a few more connections and it's coming along. There are too many houses that are the same. It is taking longer than I was hoping. But it's fun. 

My day ended being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

What A Tuesday! Enjoyable!

First off - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Today was a good day. We woke to snow. 

 I was shocked. But then again, they did say it was a possibility. 

The funny part is that Centralia didn't get any snow. Just us south of Chehalis. 

Patrick was given some chocolate covered strawberries yesterday. He was enjoying them. He also shared. They were good. But I don't thing they will be that great tomorrow. lol It was 4 large strawberries. 

I worked on the jigsaw puzzle. Yep, no photo. Just realized that. I'm getting there, but the building are a little harder than I thought they would be. 

Patrick wanted to watch a movie. We watched "Sherlock Holmes Sister 2" and it was really good. I enjoyed the first one. They have this open for another one. I thought we were going to watch something else but he found this instead. I enjoyed it. I'm not crazy about actors talking into the camera at us. Good thing it wasn't very often. 

While we were watching the movie, I pulled out my cross stitch. 

Every time I try to sit and work on this, Sophie gives me her sad eyes and wants attention. She ends up under the piece on my lap. It sometimes take a little bit before she gets up and leaves. The funny part is that she knows when I'm planning on working on something. Then she's on her way over to get in my lap. That's what happens when I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 13, 2023

Finally! A Finish!

 This morning I was up early so I could do my exercises. Then it was off to the grange. It was our Brazilian embroidery meeting. It was great to see Sandy V from Ocean Shores. Her husband came and was in the car while we visited. lol 

I worked on my wings. I had the big wings done, but needed to finish the medium ones. That would come after I got home. 

I had to stop at Safeway to get some apples and ground ginger. It wasn't cheap but I was able to get them. Came home and peeled the apples for the Spiced Apple Cake that I wanted to do. I did pick up some chocolate strawberries for Patrick. Plus some doughnuts for breakfast. 

I also made the rum sauce to go with it. BOY! Was it good!! I was cutting the apples and Patrick actually put the stuff together and made the cake mix. We work good as a team. I had all the ingredience. (sp) He read the instruction and put it all together. lol The sauce was fun! And good!

After supper I finished the butterfly wings. I went down and ironed the piece. Then I went looking for a frame. I found one that will work. Tomorrow I will look for a custom matt for the piece. This turned out to be fun. I had a little trouble with the wings but finally got them attached. Now I'm just thrilled I have another finish! And my class was in Sept if I remember right. Guess that's progress! Today I was actually Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

UFO And Bowling

 This morning it was nice to just relax. Patrick has been having some trouble with his foot lately. Since his medication it seems to take longer to heal. Now after bowling he has a spot by his nails. The meds are screwing with his system. I'm starting to worry a little. 

We watched TV and I worked on my UFO (Unfinished Objects). 

It's been awhile since I worked on this. AND now I know why!! I found I was off track when I finished this. So, I ended up putting in as much as I took out! The green area was off. I did see where the gold was off as well and had to fix that too. I just hope it doesn't mess up the area between the gold and red. I will have to be careful when I work on that. I did get a lot more done than I thought I would. 

Then it was off to bowling. We bowled a fun team. Trouble was none of us were on. We did win the first game but lost the rest. I bowled a 157, 159 and 168. Not the best, but close. Patrick bowled worse than I did. If he doesn't get to feeling better with foot and hand, then we won't bowl in the tournament. UGH

At least I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Getting Closer To A Finish

 Today started out quietly. We just enjoyed the day. The TV was on a channel that was showing nature. We watched at least 4 different ones. I was enjoying the sea information. There is a lot out there we really don't know about. A lot of animals have dead over the years. And a lot has to do with humans transporting them to places they shouldn't be. Even fish! 

Then we watched a Marvel movie. That's when I decided to get back to finishing the wings. 

I have all but one of the smaller wings done. I was supposed to have a blue separate the wings. I will got back and put them on later. I cut three of them out already. Wanted to cut them as I go because the wires are getting in the way. 

I finished the small butterfly body as well. They look like ants on here! Anyway I will wash this and then get it ready to add the wings. It should be fun! Can't wait to see it done. 

I did put the blue between the wings on the large ones. I have the large and medium to do. Hopefully this will be done soon. I'm actually getting excited to finally get another finish before to much longer. That's what makes me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 10, 2023

Determined To Finish Butterfly Wings

 This morning was nice. We didn't have any plans and we didn't need to do anything. So, I decided after my shower that I'm going to get my "Sew Five Alive" piece done. That means I have to finish the butterfly wings. 

I didn't get started till the afternoon. Patrick went shopping and I listened to my books and stitched. 

My small wings and big wings are done. 

The medium size wings are not done yet. I started on the first wing and need to finish them both. Once that is done, I can embroider in the butterflies. I have the threads to do that. I will work on that as soon as these are done. It's taking a little longer than I was hoping. 

I ended up spending most of the day working on my wings and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Another Presentation Day - Now Every Other Week

 This morning I was playing games till it was time to leave. I had to go to Centralia to meet up with Sandy. She had a "surprise" for me. I arrived around 10:45 am at her work. She came around and gave me "an early Birthday gift." It's the book "the left-handed embroiderer's companion" by Yvette Stanton. It's a cool book! I love it! She wanted to give it to me before I ordered it myself. As we all know, I'm left handed. 

Then I headed to the coffee shop to get coffee for Debbie and Chai tea for me. Mine was iced and really good. Then it was a stop to the Burgerville for a cheeseburger. Just plain. I didn't realize it was plain when I ordered it. The cheapest burger was $3.50. Man have prices gone up!! I like to save money when I can. 

Off to the museum where we had our presentation. We had 8 veterans today and not 9. It went really well and everyone was happy with it. I was thrilled it went as well as it did, since we didn't have as many people in our group there. 

Not in order - but these veterans are: Larry Love, Navy, Ted Fisher, Marine Corps, Jeff Jeans, Navy, Bill Davis, Navy, Michael L. Smell, Coast Guard, Bill Brock, Navy and Ricky Lee Johansen, Marine Corps. This is the first time we didn't have an Army Veteran there. We were laughing about how the jokes weren't flying around with them not there. 

Came home and just crashed. I decided to sit and work on my puzzle. Forgot Patrick was bowling tonight. When he left, I stayed on the puzzle. 

It took a little while before my brain "clicked" and I was able to put the church with the top area. I did get a few puzzle together on the building by the red bow. That building is stumping me. I worked on finding the sky pieces instead. It's coming along. I haven't touched it in a few days. I do enjoy working on it. 

I was thinking today, I need to get back to my embroidery and beading. I know I have a quilt downstairs that needs to be put together, and I will do it. I just want to get back to "my stuff." I've done a lot for QOV in the last 2 weeks. I need a break. 

In hoping for a break in QOV, I'm hoping to be back to Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Working On Preparations For Our QOV Group

 This morning Patrick headed off to golfing. I slept in. Then I had to work on getting stuff done for tomorrow. I started with noticing we were on our new program for QOV. Went in to see what we had. Also checked to see who was getting the quilts tomorrow. Found the group tomorrow were down the list a ways. So, I called Val and Carol to let them know we need to work on the oldest requests first. If they are WWII or Korean War vets then they will go first. Otherwise, it's top of the list to the bottom. We had a good chat and I think we all are on the same page. Now it's a go to get all the fair vets done. Then I had to get the certificates done for tomorrow. By this time Patrick came home. Then I worked on getting a few more things done before sitting down to work on the labeling of the 4 quilts I had to do. 

Georgie H and I did this one. 

This is another one of Connie Carters. 

This one I'm not sure who pieced it. I just have a note that it's one of Kristi's friends. I will try and get the information when she comes back from Hawaii. 

One thing led to another. I was on the phone most of the day as well as getting labels on quilts. I didn't get a photo of one of my quilts, but will do that tomorrow. At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Doctor Appointment Day

Today I slept in and Patrick slept in longer! lol We just spent the morning sitting around. I worked on my games. I wanted to play. Wasn't really in the mood to do anything. 

We then left at 2 pm to go to Olympia for my doctors appointment. Patrick had to get blood tests and get his port flushed. While I was waiting for my doctor they had an issue with one of my doctors patients. He had to be taken out in the ambulance. I heard the call go out for assistance. I ended up waiting a little longer for her. It happens. While I was waiting for her, I was stitching. 

 I was able to add a few more leaves on this. I'm getting a lot of them done. It's coming along great. I need to go down and get some more greens because I had a few too many of one color in the same area. Oh, well. When she finally came in, we talked about my pulmonary issues. She's glad everything is going right. I had to make another appointment for May - after my pulmonary visit. I'm doing great! Passed my health test - so to speak. I'm just glad I passed on the good side of things. 

Came home and played games. Had to fix supper, so playing games helped. lol 

Then after a while, I decided to get moving and get the labels on the quilts. 

Connie's quilt is done. Now I need to do the other 4 with labels. I'll work on that tomorrow since I have a presentation on Thursday. One thing at a time. I need to do certificates as well. Patrick will be golfing - 8:30 AM! - so I will try and get a few things done while he is gone. Chances are that won't happen but I may surprise myself. 

Now the day is over and I feel like it went FAST. Yet, not so fast. At least I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Monday, February 6, 2023

One Heck Of A Busy Day

This morning I was up and out the door. My stops were Bank then moms. I picked up 3 quilts from her that needs to have labels on it. Then it was off to Connie's. I was there a little longer than I expected. I gave her my top and a few other things I had for her. After about a half hour there, I was off to McD's for tea and coffee. Once I was out of there it was back on track to the grange. 

We had our meeting today. I have told Kathleen about our weekly meeting and told her she is more than welcome to come. I was late. But I did sit down and work on my leaves while helping Cindy and Sandy with some stitches. Sandy was in a class. We both agreed we would have done the puffy part differently. She's enjoying the class though. 

 I'm getting more done on here. I'll looking forward to getting the leaves done. Then I can work on the flowers. 

As I was getting ready to leave, mom called. She wanted me to come over and help her with her computer. I thought she was having trouble getting into the program with her credit card....NO such luck!! Told her I was busy. She did her usual way of making me feel guilty if I don't come. So, I told her after I go to Kathleen's to get my quilt. Next stop Kathleen Aments to pick up my quilt. She isn't doing quilts for people any more, so I can't have her do a couple more. Darn! I now just need to put the binding on and then it's done. As if I don't have enough going on with the quilting part of my life! I can do this! AND I can get more tops done! I keep telling myself that! I told Kathleen about mom's patterns being at the thrift shop. She said she might beat me there. lol 

I headed over to moms. When I got there I found out it wasn't for her credit card!! It was for the "passport" on PBS!!!! Seriously!! That could have waited! UGH Half hour later, I was out the door and on my way to the Vets.  I picked up some medicine for my granddoggie. Then I went to the thrift shop and Kathleen came out with all the patterns that were there with moms name on them and then some. She paid $2 for it all. I have them in the back of the car for mom. Then I headed across the street to Staples. I had to get labels and paper. Once I got that done, I headed home to stop on the way at Phil's. My granddoggie looks so good! It's fun to see her!

Once I finally got home, I needed "down" time. So, I pulled my ball over to the table and got to work on the jigsaw puzzle. 

I was able to get more pieces done. I'm getting there. It's not as easy as the last one, but I'm getting there. I think my brain wasn't really wanting to work on this. I kept pulling pieces out to see if they work. lol I'm having fun! After supper I came back to this as well. 

As much as I wanted to work on the wings of the embroidery piece. I can't complain too much, I was at least for a short time - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...