Thursday, February 9, 2023

Another Presentation Day - Now Every Other Week

 This morning I was playing games till it was time to leave. I had to go to Centralia to meet up with Sandy. She had a "surprise" for me. I arrived around 10:45 am at her work. She came around and gave me "an early Birthday gift." It's the book "the left-handed embroiderer's companion" by Yvette Stanton. It's a cool book! I love it! She wanted to give it to me before I ordered it myself. As we all know, I'm left handed. 

Then I headed to the coffee shop to get coffee for Debbie and Chai tea for me. Mine was iced and really good. Then it was a stop to the Burgerville for a cheeseburger. Just plain. I didn't realize it was plain when I ordered it. The cheapest burger was $3.50. Man have prices gone up!! I like to save money when I can. 

Off to the museum where we had our presentation. We had 8 veterans today and not 9. It went really well and everyone was happy with it. I was thrilled it went as well as it did, since we didn't have as many people in our group there. 

Not in order - but these veterans are: Larry Love, Navy, Ted Fisher, Marine Corps, Jeff Jeans, Navy, Bill Davis, Navy, Michael L. Smell, Coast Guard, Bill Brock, Navy and Ricky Lee Johansen, Marine Corps. This is the first time we didn't have an Army Veteran there. We were laughing about how the jokes weren't flying around with them not there. 

Came home and just crashed. I decided to sit and work on my puzzle. Forgot Patrick was bowling tonight. When he left, I stayed on the puzzle. 

It took a little while before my brain "clicked" and I was able to put the church with the top area. I did get a few puzzle together on the building by the red bow. That building is stumping me. I worked on finding the sky pieces instead. It's coming along. I haven't touched it in a few days. I do enjoy working on it. 

I was thinking today, I need to get back to my embroidery and beading. I know I have a quilt downstairs that needs to be put together, and I will do it. I just want to get back to "my stuff." I've done a lot for QOV in the last 2 weeks. I need a break. 

In hoping for a break in QOV, I'm hoping to be back to Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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