Thursday, February 16, 2023

Ho Hum.....

 Again, couldn't figure a title to this blog. I try not to repeat, but I think lately I have been repeating myself. At least that's what it feels like. After about 10 years of doing this, you would think I could get creative and figure it out....yep, NOPE. 

Today was nice. I got laundry going. Then Val came over to check on different fabrics for her top. I helped her out and she was happy when she left. Patrick left just before her to go golfing. I was glad to see him going again. He's still having issues with the side effects. After both were gone, I vacuumed. The house really needed it. Kept working on laundry and I only have one more pile to work on. Will do that one tomorrow. 

I asked the TV for "Hamish McBeth" and was glad to see I could watch it for free. So, I started. I had episode 1 and 2 done when Patrick came home. He watched 3 and 4 with me. I'm not sure if he liked it. I was a little surprised that murder hadn't come about on it. I think all the books have a murder suspect. Not sure, it's been awhile since I read the books. 

I finished the second green angel. I worked on these while watching TV. I started the next set of angels, it's blue this time, I think. I had fun working on these. Had to take out a row. That's not the end of the world! 

After Patrick left, I had my Smith & Curns (sp?) drink. I love that stuff but it's alcohol that I don't need. But then I don't put much in. I put more heavy cream in it! lol That's the good stuff. 

I decided to work on my puzzle after exercises. Bob can't get mad at me today, I walked for an hour around the housing area by the golf course. He told me I had to get out and walk. The more I walked the better I will feel. So, I started today. I told him I would for the month between my appointments. 

Then after I took the photo of this, I had to add more pieces. lol 

I have to figure out where the water wheel house goes in this! I'm close but I think it needs to go up more. I thought it was down more, but the top of the building below it doesn't fit right that low. I will try and hook it to the top if I can. I was working on the top to get that done. I also worked on the snow below. Funny how that seems to be working for me. I usually work on the building and do the sky last. But the sky seems to be easier than the houses. Can't win! 

I relaxed when I could. I had fun working on my puzzle. I had fun with Val when she was here. We talked about the quilts. I looked at the quilt on the wall and told myself I need to work on that as well. I can remind myself of all the projects I have going, but find that I just have to pick away at each of them till they get done. Today was the beaded ornament. Tomorrow may be something else. I guess that's what keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!



Anne Kirby said...

Not sure what that liquor is, I will look. I like Kalhua and cream but I buy the Kamoa lol, it's cheaper! I also like Tequila Rose. Glad you had a good busy day!

6th Generation Quiilter, Crafter said...

It's Kalhua, heavy cream and coke. Really good! 🤣 I don't like coffee, but it's still good.

Lazy Day - All Day

This morning, I was on the tablet playing a war game. Then I pretty much did that all day. Not just a war game but some others. I wasn't...