Sunday, February 19, 2023

Trip To Olympia And Bowling

 Today we hurried up and went to Olympia. Patrick didn't blood work done. We went around 10 am. Then after that trip we stopped at Costco. Needed to get kitty litter. Prices are going up. It's still cheaper than getting it a Chewy. UGH We got some ice cream for lunch. Didn't finish it and brought it home. The lid was off and when I tried to put it in the freezer, I dropped Patrick's. Made a big mess!! I had to clean the rug, floor and walls. UGH UGH

After we put everything away, I worked on the puzzle. Then I worked on my beading. 

I had to take out 5 rows because I didn't have the rows right. Then I worked on it from row 6 on. I was able to get started on the blues. It's going to be pretty, I'm sure. It's a waiting game for that. 

I didn't get much done before it was time to go to bowling. 

I bowled a 210, 159 and 186. Not bad considering how bad I have been bowling. Patrick didn't get to bowl because his thumb had a sore on it (from the kemo). So he helped me with the secretary stuff. We got a new team on the league as well. We ended up bowling with them. It was fun. They are a good group. I hope they stay. I believe we lost 3 games though. We just couldn't get all of us on board at the same time. 

I'm just feeling good that I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting

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