Friday, March 31, 2023

Quilting - Did Embroidery Instead

It was our day  at moms for quilting. I took two quilts that need the binding stitched on.  I was not in the mood to do quilting. 

I took mom the labels Katt did for her. We put the decals on her containers. 

We figured out she missed 2 of her teas. So had to let Katt know we needed 2 more decals for her containers. I really like the way they came out. Katt has a business that makes decals. I just forgot to get her website. I will post it when I find out what it is. 

There were 7 and then 5 of us. I decided to work on my embroidery today. 

I have about 2 or 3 more leaves to make. Then I will do the flowers. Once all that is done I will go back to the base and finish it. I like it so far. I need to look at Debbie Goff's piece and see where things go. 

Came home after a couple of stops on the way. Decided to keep working on my embroidery to get a few things done. 

I finished this piece. The Tiger Lilly looks good. I decided I don't want to add the buds to it. So, I'm done. One more finish for this year. I just need to wash it and get it framed. Or in the drawer. 

It made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Last Class Over

 Thank you all for your wonderful comments. 

I had my virtual class today at 9 am. So, no sleeping in for me. Oh, well. I was on time and we had a good class. I ended up doing my first petal about 4 times before I was happy with it. As we were going over the petal I found out I put a leaf in there instead. I couldn't believe I did that. I'm thinking I will do the bud over it. This was the last class for awhile. I'm done with classes till I get some of my other stuff done. 

The leaf next to the yellow on both sides was supposed to be a bud. I may put a bud over it. I have to add the beads to the Tiger Lilly as well as the center pieces. Can't remember what they are called. I've been working on this all day except when I was.....

Working on the QOV emails again. I had to finish what I started. I called and chatted with Debbie. Then I sent out the banner photo to Debbie, Connie and Jim to see if they approved. If they do, then I will have Duane go ahead and make it for us. 

I have been doing laundry all day. I'm close to being done. I need to fold the sheets and get them put away. Then put the towels in the drawer. I need to do that after I'm done here. lol 

Patrick went golfing and bowling today. He didn't bowl because his thumb still hasn't healed. He tried to bowl but the thumb wasn't liking the feel of the thumb hole. So, I got a call saying he was coming home. I said okay. I was only folding laundry so it wasn't interrupting me. He's been watching the Mariners game and they just got a home run. Came will be over soon. 

At least my day turned out to be a good day as well as Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Out And About

 This morning I was up and started on my QOV requests. I realized we hadn't sent emails to our veterans letting them know we will have a quilt for them. The first batch (before we left) was to the veterans that will be waiting about 6 to 9 months. 

We went to the casino and than down to Sizzler's in Kelso. I could not believe how much you get charged to eat there! We would get a meal with everything included in the price. NOPE! Now you get charged for the meal. Oh! if you want a "loaded" potato that's another charge. AND don't forget, if you want to eat at the salad bar, that's another $9 charge. But WAIT! if you want to have a dessert, well, heck, that only casts another $5. So, but they time I bought an $18 meal, added the loaded potato, and salad bar - my meal cost $34!!! What the heck!

We then came home and I worked on getting more emails out. I need to get all the veterans aware we are working on them. I had to write 4 letters today so far. I'm about 3/4's of the way done with the list of 89 veterans on our waiting list. I can hope! I will try and finish this up by tomorrow. 

This was our presentation veterans on Friday. I need to get these on Facebook soon. 

Today didn't get me any closer to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Enjoyable Day Of Beading

 This morning Patrick went golfing and I went to my PT appointment. 

Came home to find Patrick home early. He took a nap and I went to work on my beading. 

I finished with the border of black. That was 6 rows. Then I put 2 more rows on my Fireplace Sophie. It's coming along. I like working on this. I have more to do and will start getting back to it. I'm wanting to get to Sophie's ear at least. I have about 6 more rows to go before I get there. The sooner I do, the more I will work on getting to the eyes. 

I listened to my audio book. It's so good I couldn't stop listening even when Patrick is talking to me! lol 

I realized we haven't sent out messages to our veterans stating we have their request and I need to let them know we are working on them. I will have to go down the list and let them know. It's going to be a long time of going through the list and sending messages. Not looking forward to it, but will start doing that tomorrow. 

My happy day was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 27, 2023

Enjoying Embroidery Today

This morning I was up and ready to leave. 

Sophie wanted her attention first. She was watching me try and get a photo of her. Just as I clicked she reached for the phone. It was funny. Think she saw herself in the "selfie." 

I had 3 stops to make. I dropped off the logos for MailPlus to do a banner for us. I'm excited to see what he comes up with. 

My next stop was to Connies. I needed to get her check to her and drop off the last of the batting. That way she has batting when she needs it. I called and found out TJ was on vacation, so he didn't get the batting out. He was going to get it in the mail today. He also told me to keep the batting I have and they won't worry about the return. Not sure what we will do with it, but it will come in handy if I can't order what we need. 

Then headed off to meet Sandy at the grange. She picked up the drinks for us today. We had a good chat. 

I worked on my Tiger Lily piece that I have to have ready for class on Thursday. I was really getting a lot done. We enjoyed each others company that we ended up staying till 2 pm. We did that last week too. It's just fun to sit and chat while we are stitching. 

Patrick went golfing and then went to his "old" work. I beat him back home. I stopped and got us both a good drink. 

I was able to finish what I needed to get done. Now I'm ready for class on Thursday. This is going to be done in a short amount of time. I'm surprised at how quickly this goes. I may need to order more of her patterns. 

Once that was done, I thought I would work on my Bonsai. Trouble was, I let Sophie stay in my chair and I couldn't get good lighting in Patrick's chair. So, after a few leaves, I quit. 


Sunday, March 26, 2023

Returning An Order And Embroidery

 Today I wanted to sleep but kept waking back up every few mins and finally decided to call it good. 

We cleaned house. I had the laundry going and cleaned the cat litter. Patrick worked on the rest of the bathrooms and then I vacuumed. I couldn't believe how much hair was picked up! Sophie is shedding again. I will have to make sure I vacuum a couple test more. 

Then it was time to have our virtual meeting. I worked on my class piece. Had to eat supper too because we had bowling tonight. 

It's different with the variegated floss but I do like the way it's coming along. I'm hoping I get it done tomorrow so I can go back to the beading. I have a few things to finish. Katt did say she finally received the earrings and she likes them. 

I had to return my bras! I bought bras because they are hard to find around her. When I got them, the size I thought I was, was not my size. I found out that if you measure 36" and were a C, then now it's a 40 DD. GO FIGURE! I had to package them back up and send them out. I will drop them off tomorrow. Then I TRIED to order 2 more to see if I get the right size. Frustrating! The sizes have changed!! Why can't they stay with the old sizes??!! 

Time to go bowling. Patrick didn't bowl because of his thumb, but I did. We won 3 games. I bowled a 171, 180, and 173. Better than I've done in a long time. I was riding the edge though. UGH. 

I'm just happy to be able to have a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Honoring A WWII Veteran Today!

I don't have the photos yet. I have 2 members who took the photos. So, I'm waiting on them to come through. 

Today we honored 9 different veterans. 7 of them were Army veterans with the WWII veteran being one of them. Then we had a Navy officer and a Marine. The Marine received 2 purple hearts! The quilt he received was perfect for him! We didn't plan it that way, but we had a quilt with Marine panels and a bigger panel with a eagle and flag. It was one of the better presentations we have had. We ended up in the museum area because they had the room rented out. It was packed in the museum area but with 9 veterans getting quilts, it would be. 

Came home and Patrick was napping. I went to work on getting a donation to QOV and entering new requests for quilts. I was given 4 requests today. I have another one coming that will be presented in a month. We still have 98 request to fill. Interesting part is that 2 of those were from Olympia and Tumwater.  They want to come to us. 

I played games after all that was done. I am going to try and get a little work done on my embroidery. I will post more photos on today later. 

It's not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Friday - Another Trip To Olympia

 This morning we were up early and out the door. Patrick had his doctor appointment at 9 am. It turned out to be good news for now. 

I worked on the stem work and started on the leaves. I have one almost done. I will get moving on the other leaves this week. 

After that we headed to Sharon's. We were there about 10 mins when someone came to clear out her trash in the garage. She asked if they could wait till we left and the answer was NO. I was shocked they did that. So, we had to leave. She gave us some wood bowls that Bill made. I also picked up a earring holder that he made. I cleaned it up when I got home and it now has my hook earrings on it. 

We stopped at Costco and picked up a few things. We even bought some silverware to clean out the old. Patrick found some knifes and go those as well. We had to make a couple more stops on the way home. Then we cleaned out the silverware drawer and the utensil drawer. Hey, now we have 2 clean drawers in the kitchen now! We do that every couple times a year, so this is the first for this year. More drawers to work on later. lol 

Once all that was done, I had to work on the certificates for tomorrow's presentation. It will be 5 years since dad passed. It may be hard for mom and I tomorrow. I then went and got the quilt that needed a label. 

 Another one of Connie's quilts. It's now going to the museum tomorrow. 

Now we are heading to Dan's band's performance in Centralia. He said it's about a half hour, but chances are it will be an hour. We will see. Told him we would go. Makes for a late night. Oh, well. 

Katt texted to say the earrings I sent to her didn't arrive. It's been 2 weeks already. So, I'm going to make 2 more sets this weekend and send them to her. Frustrating because I had the feeling I needed to get a tracker on that package. I will make sure they track the next one I send out! I even wrote her a note in the package which she hasn't gotten. SO FRUSTRATING! I will just do it all over again. Oh, well. 

Today tried not to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Class, Baking And Labeling

This morning I was up at 8 am. Ready to go by 8:50 am. I started on my exercises and at 9:10 am got a call from Loretta telling me I was late. I had 10 am on the calendar and in my mind! I arrived at my virtual class as quick as I could. They were working on the lattice work behind the embroidery. So, I felt good that I didn't miss much. Then we were told to finish up the background (already did), do the stem work and work on the leaves. She demo'd how to do that as well. She also showed how to make our stem bigger by wrapping it. I love how it looks and was able to wrap the top part of the stem work. 

The top part sticking out of the stem was were I wrapped to see if I lived it or not. I do like it! I'm working on it now. I will be able to work on this tomorrow while Patrick is at his appointment. 

After class, I did a video on the different Brazilian Embroidery pieces I'm working on as well as some I finished. That took time. By the time I was loading it, Patrick came home. He was golfing today and got soaked when the down pour came. I wondered if they would stop at that point, and apparently they did. 

I baked the bread I was making yesterday. It had good flavor but didn't come out good in looks. 

Next I pulled out the quilts that needed labels. 

This is one of Connie's quilts. 

DeeDee Riffe and Connie did this one. This is the first one I labeled and the label is upside down on the top. I decided to leave it. Only because I sewed labels and had to take every last one apart because I sew them wrong. I gave up after I had half of them ripped out and resewed! I have the rest by my chair to take the seams out and resew them as well. After one makes mistakes like that, one should just walk away. Yeah, Nope! I put the label on this quilt and figured out it was upside down! I decided I was not ripping another thing out today! So, MAYBE tomorrow I will resew it on right. MAYBE~

Air Force quilt that Connie made. We now have an AF quilt to go with the Army and Navy ones we have. No AF on Saturday, but that's fine. 

Of course, Sophie had to enjoy it as well. When I tried to call her off, I got this attitude. Oh, what fun when we have pets! 

This is the quilt I made with Georgie's blocks. It's done and ready to go. I have a big PILE of blocks she's made. I need to get moving and get them in quilts!! I have one more quilt that needs a label. I also have 5 more quilts that need the binding done. I'm getting there, but not there yet. I keep passing them to mom to give out and return to me. Bad enough I do the labels because no one else likes to. 

Patrick couldn't bowl today because of the blister on the thumb. So, we went and collected the prize money we got for 9-pin no tap. I got $100 and he got $50. It was nice to have. Then we went to DQ to get a banana split. Patrick said he didn't want much, but I will tell you, he ate it like there was no tomorrow! I was sharing, but was entering my receipts in my apps I have. By the time I was done, he had half already eaten! Dang!

Today was a busy day. I still need to do my certificates tomorrow as well as the last quilt to label. I want to work on my embroidery and beading. That's going to be iffy because we have to go to Olympia in the morning. Stop at Sharon's and then Costco. My day will be over before I know it. At least today I was both Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Trip To Olympia Again

 We are back to going up to Olympia again. Before we did, I did work on the bread I started yesterday. It's sour dough and it can wait awhile. I worked it before we left and worked it all day. I'll get it ready for tomorrow. 

Before we left - I worked on the ornament again. 

I had only added about 3 rows to this before we had to leave. But Hey! I'm getting there! 

We made it to Olympia for Patrick's tests. Then I went out and walked around the parking lot to get my walk in today. I still had to wait for him but I was okay with that. 

While I waited on the first test, I worked on my bonsai tree. It's getting close to having all the leaves done. I will have to work on the bowl when I get this done! I keep putting it off. I should work on that soon. That part has a lot of beads in it too. I walked when he had his second test. 

Came home by stopping at Wendy's. It was good. We did have to take the fries back and ask for hot ones. 

Got home and Sophie was miffed at me. Not sure why, but she's given me the attitude ever since we came home. I did feed her but that didn't work. 

Now I'm just enjoying the Mask Singer. Then calling it a day. Have class tomorrow morning. So, need to get up in time! lol 

All in all, it turned out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Wasting Away The Day

Today Patrick went golfing and I stayed home. I worked on laundry. 

Then my day was spent listening to books and playing games. I went through one game and another. 

I received a call from Cindy. She had some bad news. Her husband went out to cut some trees and long story short - he was hit in the head with the tree. Died instantly. She had her gallbladder out 2 days ago and can't drive. So, she can't get around for 2 weeks. Now she has to worry about the funeral and everything else. What a week she has had!  

After supper and while watching TV I decided to work on my beading. 

I was able to get a few more rows done. I'm trying to get back to beading and other things. This may be a start. 

So, while wasting the day away, I did find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Monday Embroidery

Today I was up and out the door. I had to make a couple stops - including getting gas. 

I arrived at the grange. Sandy was there. Cindy was recovering from her surgery and wasn't there. We had an awesome visit. We talked about all kinds of things. It was nice to have a one on one with her again. It's been awhile since we wee able to enjoy each other's company. 

I finished up the lattice and the stems. I loved working on this. I will probably have this one done when the class is over. This is fun. 

Then I started back on this one. I decided I need to get more darker greens in there. I am close to having the leaves done. I love how it's coming along. I will do the flowers when that's done. I have a few stems to put in it. 

Came home and got laundry going. Debbie stopped by to drop off 3 more quilts. Now I need to put labels on 4 quilts and bind 4 others. Mom said she has 2 quilts done at her place. I need to get moving and have that ready for Saturday when we have the presentation. I can drop them off. I may try to get one of the bindings done. 

That's about as far as I got to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 19, 2023


 Today I actually slept till 10:30 am.! I didn't do much after I got up. Played games and waited for Patrick to get up. 

Then I cleaned some...not much. Tried starting laundry but realize as I type this that I still need to move clothes from the washer to the dry....shows how far I got!

Played games.....

Went to the bowling alley and Patrick couldn't bowl because of his feet being sore. With our partners out, we had to forfeit. Oh, well. We collected the money for the league and came home. 

Again...a Nothing Day!....Didn't do squat! Wasn't even Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Almost Missed My Class

This morning I was taking my time getting ready. I was up before Patrick and just enjoyed the morning. Then I wasn't in a hurry to get dressed. Once I did and took a shower, I realized I had a class this morning. So, I was out of the shower and realized I had 45 mins before class started. 

Before I did much, I cleaned up and got the laundry going. It's getting behind. Loaded the laundry and folded some clothes before I headed into my class. This time it was awesome. I enjoyed working on my piece (sample). 

 I still haven't gotten my needles and floss from Debbie yet. But I was able to try out the colors she had. I'm thinking I'm not going to use that bright purple and will go with another purple. She showed us all how to add the petals that we did separately. I was amazed! I love how she got the petals to fold. It made more sense now that I see the end result. I was wondering how all this would go together and that it would take forever to work on. Nope, it's easier than it looks. I worked on my satin stitches on the sample flower. It would look good to have this simple piece as a finished project. 

After class, I decided to try and get caught up on my other class with Loretta. 

I finished the lattes piece. Once that was finished I worked on the stem work. She says in the instructions to make a stem stitch and then go back over it with another stem stitch to make it thicker. I decided to do a double stem stitch. It thickens it and I don't have to go back over it. It comes out just as good. At least that's my thought. Her instructions are pretty good but at times confusing. I do like her pattern. I will do it in yellow and think it will look better. Just my way of thinking. Not everything I think about works right. We will see. I have a class Thursday and again next Thursday. My class today was over. 

Now it's time to head to a play at the playhouse. So, I decided to get this done, so I don't have to come back home and remember to get it done. lol - Late nights mess me up! lol 

That's how I enjoyed the day - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!! 

Friday, March 17, 2023

One Heck Of A DAY!

Today I was up and out the door. I had to stop at Rite Aid, then McD's to get Sandy a coffee. Then off to Sandy's work to pick up the 10" hoop she's letting me borrow. Picked that up and headed to Dutch Brothers for my chai tea. Next stop to moms. I arrived and there were already 10 people there. We had some chatting and I worked on taking out my lattice from yesterday. Then I started putting it back in. 

It worked out a lot better. I just need to put the couching in the corners. 

Next it was off to Olympia to get moms credit card at Costco. They figured out dad passed away and they told her she needed to set up her own account. We did that. Took a lot of time but we got it done. Patience and moving through. Then we had lunch there. 

Next trip was to her Gastro appointment. We had a few things she needed to do. As we waited, we chatted to keep it from letting the time bother us. When the doctor finally came in, he wanted to know why she was there. We told her the spill and he told her what she COULD do, but didn't recommend it because of her age. He didn't understand why her Pulmonary doctor wanted that test because it wasn't advised for her age. Plus she's not having trouble with her reflex. 

We came back to her house. Then we ordered some containers for her teas. Once that was done I headed to Papa Murphy's to get a pizza. Got home and Patrick had the stove on. It didn't turn out good for him. He only eat 1 1/2 slices. 

Which meant I had to make his Date Bars. Made and done. UGH! What a day, BUT hey, I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Embroidery Day

This morning I was up and in front of the computer by 9 am. We had our virtual class with Loretta Holzberger. We talked about the seminar and then we talked about what we needed to have done by the next class. I didn't have a big enough hoop. So, I thought I would try with a smaller one. Yeah, no. Don't do that. 

The work area isn't tight enough and when one moves the hoop, the tension gets off. It gets way too tight. So, I'm going to have to take this out and figure out if I can get a bigger hoop at Michaels tomorrow or if I have to order one and pray it comes here fast enough. I still have the stems to work on. This took several tries and hours. lol 

At that point I decided to work on my Bonsai tree. That one I know I can work on. I'm getting the leaves done slowly but they are coming along great. 

I didn't get much done because I was playing games. I seem to keep busy with games lately. Partly because I'm not in the mood to work on much. With what's going on with Patrick, I tend to find games relaxing. 

Patrick golfed today and then had his meeting. Once that was done, he went bowling. At least he felt good enough to do that. 

So, most of my day was being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

To Busy To Stitch! UGH

My day started out like the last couple days since the time change. I just couldn't get out of bed! When I did, it was rushing to get my exercises done and get moving. As I was about to head out to Smiley's Birthday gathering, I had a phone call from QOV. I'm working on getting the logo for a banner. Of course the information she needed would go through. So, I had to send that about 3 times before it went through. 

Then I was running late, but Debbie met me at the museum and we went in to wish Smiley a Happy Birthday. He's 80. We stayed about 20 mins and then headed out. She brought me some tea. I had that drank by the time I had to be at moms. I stopped at Taco Bell and bought lunch. MAN! Things are getting expense! 

Got to moms and she was napping. lol So, I got her up and feed her lunch. Then we went through her teas - since she bought more. She was looking for tins. I think she is going to order some silver ones. Oh, well. We filled the tins and put her teas away. Then it was time for me to head to physical therapy. 

I told Bob about the trouble I had with the exercises when we added more. Said it shouldn't have done that. He poked and poked at me. I almost came off the table! lol He said I'm way too tight. My muscles are too tight around my lower back. He wants for find out why. So, he told me he is going to have my doctor refer me to a massage therapist to loosen me up. We need to figure out why I'm so tight. Has something to do with my back. Yet another thing to do these days, as if I'm not busy enough. 

Came home and Patrick was here. I was acting like it was Thursday! I asked Patrick what time his meeting was and he said 5 pm. I asked him if he was late, and he said no, it's tomorrow. Then he said I need to stop moving around and doing everything. (I was doing my bills for Gunderson and a letter to my cousin). So, I figured he was right. He told me not to answer the phone tomorrow either. I just need to take a day and do NOTHING. Or at least try. I may do that. We will see what tomorrow will bring. 

By the time I had everything done, it was TV time. I played games and now I'm calling it a night. I didn't get to do anything I wanted to do today - best laid plans and all - we know how that goes for me! So, I'm just going to have to except the fact that today was so far away from being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Still Haven't Learned!

Today I was up as Patrick was leaving for his golfing. I got some laundry in, but didn't get very far. 

I decided to try and work on my embroidery (after a long thought about what to do). 

I added more leaves. I do like working on this and am at the point where I want to finish this. I may yet. I'm not sure if I will do the class one for awhile. 

Patrick came home and wanted to go to the casino. He won $3200 yesterday. I think he figured he could be as lucky today. Not with me around! I wasn't winning anything! It was funny. We were there for about 2 hours. Then we went to Safeway for supper.

Came home to eat supper and then had to get a few things done with QOV. Worked on the people coming on (next) Saturday for the presentation. Then I wrote a letter to one veteran to see when he can come get a quilt. Of course, right after I had the letter addressed and stamped! So, I let the others know he will be there on Saturday. 

Once all that was done, I made a Blueberry Buckle. It turned out really good. By the time I had all that done, I didn't have time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Definite A Monday!

 This morning I really, really didn't want to get up. I finally got out of bed at 8:30 am. Then exercises. While I was getting ready for breakfast, Sharon called asking when we would be up there to pick up the stuff we wanted that Bill made. I told her I got busy yesterday and was going to call her. We are set for the 24th. Next week. We chatted for awhile - getting me to 9:15 am. Then I ran around getting ready to leave. I still had to get my socks on and get the stuff I wanted to take with me to Brazilian embroidery. I finally got out the door around 9:30 am. 

Stopped off at the bank and then headed to the grange. While I was on my way, Connie called asking about a quilt that was dropped off with her. We chatted on what to do with that one. We both agreed and she will fix it. 

I finally made it to the grange. We had a really good time. I started to work on the petal from the class. 

I'm not happy with this. I decided to go to my tree. 

I worked on the leaves again. I am actually enjoying working on this piece. I'm finding it hard to work on the class item. I may just put that off to the side and do it later. I have my Tiger Lily class on Thursday. That will be interesting because I have to be ready for the class at 9 am. UGH

Headed back home and stopped at Happy Teriyaki for Gyoza's. I love them. I haven't had Japanese food in a while and was drooling over the food! I told Patrick we should go there one time because it's food I think he would eat. He said he might try it. I'm hoping he will. 

Came home and ate my Gyoza's. Then I sat down to work on my beading. I wanted to get at least one of the sets of earrings done for Katt. 

Then I sent her the photo of all three. Asked if she wanted one or more of these. She said she wanted the two on the right. So, I have them ready to go in the mail. I had fun making these. The black ones are more dressy I think. I'm not sure if she will wear them, but I hope she likes them. The first ones I was hoping she didn't want because there are mistakes in that one. I will wear those when I'm in the mood. I am just thrilled I can make them! They are easier than they look. Now I can go back to my other beading projects. 

After all that, I decided to play games. I was surprised how my day started out BEHIND and I finally got to the part of "resting." I needed the break. I'm not sure what I will do tomorrow. It's a waiting game with me. I caught the last "squirrel" and now I can got back to the ones I left behind. In the longrun, that seems to keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Still "Squirrel" Hunting!

 This morning we changed clocks. We lost an hour, which had me loosing time all day long! I can't wait till they make it so we don't have to change the clock every 6 months!

I am still squirrel hunting! I got on a "whim" yesterday to make the earring - not that I didn't have other things to do!! So, this morning I started 2 more sets of rings. I wanted to do a black, white and silver earrings for my daughter. She said she was on the fence, so I will send her a photo of them when I'm done. Patrick thought they were a bit long and I told him I like them that long. 

So, I sent Katt this photo and asked it they were too long for her. She said they were fine.  Now I just need to finish them. 

As I was working on them (between cleaning house), Debbie called to say Connie and her were on their way to see the fabric downstairs. They picked out the fabrics they wanted. Then the told me the batting we got is bad. I then had to send a message to the company to return it and try to get the thicker stuff. It's been a pain the last 2 times I've ordered this. 

THEN I could sit and work on the earrings. 

I had all the tops of the earrings done. I was then able to work on the dangles. I decided to work on the black first. Then I will do the white to black next. At least the first of the black is done. They don't take long, but they do need the time to sit there and finish them. That wasn't what would happen today. I will finish them tomorrow when I get home from Brazilian embroidery. 

It was tight timing, we had to get to the bowling alley. I bowled a 165, 136, and a 186. Not my best and I couldn't find my track. I really was off today. At least I started out good in the third game. 

My day was at least a little Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Embroidery And Beading All Day

This morning I was up first. I liked the peace and quiet (with except to Sophie) in the morning. After getting my shower, I got moving on getting a few things done before my class. I had to get a few QOV stuff done. We are trying to get the new program to add requests for groups. I was able to send one thing off to Cindy today. Then I was getting my supplies ready for our class. 

Noon - had to be ready and in class. We had a deaf person in the group. There were interpreters. At first it took a while to get it so see could see them. I thought a couple of the gals were not very understanding for her. I tried to help when I could, but I don't know sign language and wish I did! We were still able to get our class going. I found that I didn't have the right brown to work my piece. So, I sent a message to Debbie to get that floss sent along with needles. 

I did practice with the stem. I like the way it comes out. It's a stem that is done 4 times. I do like how it turns out. This is my practice piece. I couldn't do the box because of the wrong weight in floss. I didn't want to work the leaf, I can do that with my eye shut. 

These petal need to be done. I started working on them. I am not going to use the color she did for her piece. I want mine to all look the same. The purple in the center of this is off in color. Doesn't match the hew. I don't like having colors that don't go together. Yet at times I have done that. 

When class was done, I found a package for me waiting! It's the High Street Bead Company's gift box that comes once a month. I love this!

I had a surprise opening it! I love surprises like this. She knows how to pick the colors. 

This is a $20 value that I get every month. I pay $16 because I set it up to received every month. I love the colors. They are pastel, but pretty pastels. 

After enjoying my surprise, I wanted to make the earrings that were bugging me. 

I have wanted to know how to make these. So, I pulled out some beads that I had. I have them finished but Patrick needs to add the hooks, so it's not done yet. This took awhile because every once in awhile I made mistakes and had to take it out. Now that I know how to do them, I'm going to make more. Katt wants black and white, so I will do them in black and white next. I will keep the gold in them. She may want those instead. I will figure it out. 

So, all day long I was either stitching or beading. That's what I call being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 10, 2023

What To Do?!? What To Do?!?

This morning I was up and enjoying the day. 

Then it was time to get moving. Again, "What To Do, What To Do." I had my list of things I needed to do. I rewrote the certificate and had it ready to mail. Then I went to the cutting table and started working on the mystery quilt. 

First things first. I need to get the flying geese done. This was part 2 of the mystery quilt. 

I finished the flying geese. Cut and trimmed them. Some are better than others. I do like the method of doing these. It does take time. I really was getting tired of doing these. 

My next step was to add on the blue and white strips to a 6" white piece. I put all the strips on the on side. I have to add the other side to the white. I was getting tired of sewing. I haven't felt like that in a long time when I sewed. I will try and do more this weekend. The last of the steps was printed out Wednesday but I haven't looked at the end result. I want to go through all the steps. 

After calling it quits, I came back upstairs. I'm just thinking about doing some earrings with my beads. I'm going to try and make a set one of these days. I also think about a few other things on my "to do" list. 

I need to work on:

Finishing the Mystery Quilt
Cross Stitch Santa
Finish my ornament
Work on my Fireplace Sophie piece
Work on the challenge quilt for QOV
Learn and make some earrings
Put labels on 4 quilts
Take my 2 classes this month
Work on my Bonji tree embroidery
Finish my other embroidery project(s) 
Try to finish at least 2 quilts for QOV

Long list! I'm sure there is more to add to that list. REMEMBER - squirrel! and another squirrel!, Yep there goes another one!! That's my attention span. At times I can get stuff done, other times it takes time. Eventually I get back to them and finish it! OH! One more - bind the friendship quilt that Kathleen quilted for me! So, yep, need to add more to that list! I better close this or I will come up with another list of stuff started and never finished! I can think of 2 right now, so have to get my mind off what I need to do! 

At least that list will keep me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Presentation Day!

Today Patrick was looking better and headed out to golfing. I headed to the museum to get things set up. Debbie and I were able to get a lot of the stuff done before the group started showing up. Then it was a mad house with the group. We all get together and get stuff done. I was off fixing things and getting stuff. We had everything ready. 

These were the recipients that received quilts. Not in order but it was - John Stough, Navy, Allen Delvin, Navy, Gary Hass, Navy, Thomas B Guyer (TJ), Coast Guard, Thomas Warren, Air Force, Kim and Garold Merrill (wife and husband - 3 & 4th from the left), Army, and Gene Grefthen, Army. 

It was a joy to honor them with quilts! We didn't do panels today. We gave out the scrap quilts that were mostly done by Connie. It was funny! We pulled 8 quilts and 6 of those were ones that Connie made! 

Came home and realized I forgot my bag. Had to go back and get it. The rest of the day was getting the donation ready to go in the mail. Contact 2 veterans that we haven't been able to contact. Sent an email to one and a letter to another. If I don't hear from the second one then I will send a letter to him as well. Letters seem to work. We have a few that want to cancel receiving a quilt. Shame, but will try and keep that down. 

I've been getting all my stuff done - as much as I can. Still have a couple things to do tomorrow. QOV is like a full time job when one is a leader. I contacted my coordinator because a couple of our requests were sent elsewhere. UGH

With all this going on, I didn't have the chance to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Labels - Beading....Keeps Me Going....

This morning Patrick slept in. I kept busy with doing QOV stuff for tomorrow's presentation. I have all the certificates done. I worked on sending for reimbursements as well. Then I had to work on a few other things. 

I got my video ready and out on YouTube. It's part 2 of the beading video. Patrick was asleep on the couch most of the afternoon. He's not doing so good. I just hope he goes golfing tomorrow. Time will tell. While that was loading, I worked on the labels of quilts that need to go to the museum tomorrow. 

Connie wanted the Air Force quilt done for tomorrow since there is one Air Force veteran. It's not a good photo because I took it in the bedroom. The sun was in the way as well as the lighting being awful. I will take a better picture tomorrow. 

Kristi and Georgie did this one. Label is done. 

Debbie made and quilted this one. It's going to the museum tomorrow as well. 

After the YouTube video was loaded and I finished my labels, I worked on my beading. 

The first of the second angel is done. I'm happy to see this one done. Moving on to the next one. 

I was able to get this much done on the second angel - second piece. I like the way it's coming along. It's actually keeping me sane! I'm having fun working on my stuff. 

Tomorrow is our next presentation. It's coming along. We are chipping away at the veterans that are asking for quilts. If we keep making quilt tops, we will be fine. Things are going great. AND I am still Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...