Sunday, April 30, 2023

Felt Weird - No Bowling

This morning I was up and playing my games. When I finally got moving - I was cleaning the cat litter box (wash it every 2 weeks, clean it often). Next was getting laundry going. We all know how Patrick likes to pile it up on Sundays! I also had to cut backing and batting for the 3 quilts tops I had. Once all that was done, the backing had to be washed! 

I worked on a few things. Getting an email off to everyone in the group. I also had to send off a few things for QOV. 

When 3:30 pm came quicker than I thought, I decided to get back to my cross stitch. At first I thought we had to go bowling and I didn't get to do anything I wanted to do. Then I realized bowling is over. So, time to work on a project - cross stitching!

I was able to get a lot done. I'm still working on the left side. Filling in the empty areas as well. So far so good. I'm making sure the counting is on. I fixed the area I had a problem with. Now things are going great. I'm getting there. If I keep going, I may get to the half way point. Woo Hoo!

Yep, I still have beading and embroidery. No worries, I will get them done too. That's what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Saturday, April 29, 2023

Took A Judging Class Today

This morning I cut some asparagus for Phil. First I had to stop at Safeway for lunch. Then stopped at Phil's to drop off the asparagus. 

Last stop was at The Gathering Place. Mom was teaching a Judging class. So, when I arrived there was a couple people already there. Jeannie Austin was there as well!! I was go excited to see her!! Love that lady!! Gave her a big hug. Nancy showed up shortly there after. I sat between them. We had 18 people show up. Mom passed out her papers and of course the gal next to Jeannie was missing a page. Gave her mine. Then another person was missing another page and gave her the one mom gave me to replace the one I traded for. Once we got started, it went really well. Questions were asked and then we took out the quilts I took for judging. Mom brought a couple of hers and she showed Georgie's blocks. The class took 4 hours. A couple people left early for one reason or another. Mom gave a break but didn't realize it was a half hour! I would have had my lunch then! Instead, I gave the sandwich to mom after we were done. I snacked on pretzels and almonds. UGH

Came home around 3:30 pm. 

Sophie wasn't happy that I left. 

I think she likes to claim the quilts! I couldn't believe it. I went to the car to get more stuff and dropped the quilts off there. Then I went to talk to Patrick and turned around to find her on my quilts! I couldn't believe it. She wanted my attention the minute I got home. Patrick said she was sleeping all morning and didn't bother to come out for him. She was waiting on me to get home I guess. 

I decided to just enjoy the rest of the day with Patrick. Till he put Mr Bean on! Then I pulled my headsets on and listened to my book on audio. I finished one and started another. 

I played my games. I could have been working on the quilt downstairs. It didn't work out that way. I could have been working on the cross stitch too, but after a long day in class, just wasn't in the mood. 

Not a day for me to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday At Mom's

This morning I was up and working on my exercises. Then I was out the door heading to moms. I dropped off the box of thread that came yesterday. I ended up with a double order. So, I called Superior threads and they gave me a return label for the second box. We were laughing at how weird that was. I was only charged for one set of threads. 

Arrived at moms before everyone else. Mom had a bowl of almonds in water! She doesn't like the skins on almonds. Nancy told her they soak the almonds in water and then peel them. She put the whole bag in the water, so it was taking her forever to get them skinned. A couple of us helped her. Then everyone started to come in. I gave Nancy my blue bag from BDEIG that I thought she would like. She said she would take it. I have another bag I will be giving to Carol for the QOV paperwork. I will take that tomorrow. We had 8 of us today. A lot was getting done. I took 5 quilts that needed the binding stitched down. I also gave mom 2 quilts that needed the binding machine stitched down. 

I didn't want to work on quilts. I took my embroidery and decided to work on that instead. I started working on the mud people and got a few things done. I will double check the photo on the computer to see if I'm doing it right. 

Then before I knew it, mom wanted me to work on her title page for quilt judging. She's teaching class tomorrow and needed me to correct her wording. I gave that job over to Nancy and then changed the information. 

Came home and Patrick had worked on the yard all day. He was in the house when I arrived. I brought 3 quilts back home that need labels on them. Then Georgie emailed me asking to find one of her quilt block quilts for her friend that is getting a quilt on the 4th. I wish I knew about it sooner, because we used all the panel quilts at the last presentation that had her blocks in them. I'm going to have to find one that Debbie or I did. UGH. It's going to be finding a needle in a haystack. Oh, well. I will do all I can to get one of her quilts to her friend. She's done so much for us that I have to do the best I can for her. 

We went out for ice cream today since it was 90 degrees. Too hot for me. I called it done for today. I had to send a letter to my cousin in CA and get my reimbursement sent out to QOV. It's been a busy day till now. That's why I was glad to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Patrick's Golfing Day

Today Patrick was out the door for golfing and I slept in. When I did get up and get my exercises done, I WAS planning (yeah! I know) to take my walk - I received a phone call. The phone call was that a wife of a veteran who received a quilt had 3 quilt tops done and ready for me. They live in Onalaska which is not far from us. She said she would drop them off "in a few." So, no walking today. 

I went ahead and got lunch while I waited. Then they arrived and we had an awesome visit for the next hour. Patrick showed up in the last 10 mins of their visit. Patrick looked bad to me when he came home. I think he's loosing too much weight - again! I have the 3 tops and need to cut batting and backing for them and get them to Connie. The thread arrived and I let Debbie know. She took 5 quilts home from Connie's yesterday and had 3 of them with binding! I told her to bring me the other 2 for mom or Nancy to do. 

Before the couple dropped off the quilts, another phone call came in. Another quilter said she wanted to help us out. So, I was on the phone with her and telling her what we like for our group. She's excited to help us out. I will be keeping in touch with her too. 

Back to cross stitching! I really do like working on this. I'm going to try and stay on it! I made a mistake in the left side on the tip area. I had to take out 3 rows to get it back on track. I'm glad I work in 10 stitches areas. It makes it so much easier to figure out where the mistake is. I'm fixing it and will get back on track. I want to get the bottom done. Time will tell. 

Listening to books on tape and stitching - nothing is better than Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Spent The Day Stitching

This morning Patrick left early for golf. He will do that again tomorrow. So, while he was gone, I enjoyed listening to my audiobooks. Then I got a couple loads in the laundry but not really working hard to get it all done. There wasn't a lot of laundry to worry about. 

I received an application in the mail for another female veteran. I entered that and put a few things away. 

Then I took the rest of the day listening to my audio books and stitching on my cross stitch. 

 I worked on my Santa Claus! It's been close to 2 years! 

This is where I stopped in February. Then I looked on my phone and I hadn't touched it since May 16th, 2022. So, I guess I did work on it earlier this year but not much. Didn't put many stitches in in February. lol Today was a good day to work on it. I may sit and do more tomorrow. I forgot how much I love cross stitching. 

Of course Sophie didn't like the idea of me working on my cross stitching. 

I kept getting dirty looks while I was trying to stitch. She loves to get her paws in there. I kept putting her down. Then I had to put my stuff aside and give her TLC. Of course she has to be in my lap for an hour! each time!

Today turned out to be a great day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Feels Like Friday Or Saturday

 I know today is Tuesday, but lately it's been feeling like the weekend. Not much going on but watching TV when at home. That's usually a Friday or Saturday thing. 

This morning I was up before Patrick. Then I woke him up because he was meeting his ex-co-workers. He was supposed to meet them around 10 am. He finally got up and had breakfast. Then he headed out the door. It was almost comical. Think he forgot or just was too lazy to get up this morning. 

When he came back we headed up to Olympia for his blood tests and then Costco. We got a lot of stuff at Costco - not as much as we normally do - but the cost was about the same. lol Funny how that works. lol 

Came home and put stuff away. We bought a roasted chicken and had it when we got back. It was good. I'm going to make a soup out of it in on Thursday. lol 

then I played games and worked on my beading. 

I finished the middle one - lavender. I like the looks. I have one more to do. AND I was working on it! 

Finished one and started the second one. I'm thrilled I got about half way on this one. I may get it done this week after all. I also need to work on the quilt downstairs. 

Patrick is golfing tomorrow, so I will work on the quilt or beading. All depends on the mood I'm in - LOL! Everyone knows me - I can't seem to keep up my mind what I want to do next! I seriously need to get back to my cross stitch and may do that as well.......well..........we'll see how far that goes. lol 

My kinda day - off for a road trip and back home Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Mom Joined Us Today

 This morning was BE day. So, I took all the floss and the two buckets of floss with me to our meeting. Mom called when I arrived and said she would be joining us. We thought that was cool. Cindy showed up today and is looking good. It was good to see her in a good mood. Still having to deal with a lot, and I feel for her. I have no clue how she is feeling, but I do feel for her going through all this. 

So, we kept busy putting our floss into the Anne's keepers. We ended up with about 200-300 new floss colors. We had some doubles, but we were okay with that. We have enough to help ourselves out when we run out of floss on what we are working on. The best part is that we marked it all down on the chart. Now we will know if we have that color and we can check it off when we take them out. That was pretty much all our meeting today. 

Came home to find Patrick out in the yard. He was working hard. Came in after I got home. We were enjoying the afternoon with our headphones on listening to my audio book and whatever he was listening to. 

After supper I wanted to get to work on my beading. 

I'm almost done with this! I did get a few rows done. I will have it done tomorrow. Even though we are heading to Olympia tomorrow. If I get this done, I will only have one more to do! Woo Hoo! Then I can say I'm way ahead for this year! lol Let see how many sets I can get done this year! I have a few people I want to give an ornament 

That's what's fun about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Sunday Virtual Meeting & Bowling

 This morning we were up and cleaning. I got laundry going and then cleaned out the cat litter. lol What fun! Once all the cleaning and gaming was done, it was time for our virtual meeting. 

I enjoy our virtual meeting and can't wait till I can sit and enjoy the meeting for as long as I can. 

I had to take the bench out and redo it. I had the wrong color for it and didn't want the faces to be the same color. I'm working on the faces right now. I was able to do all that in satin stitches. I will go and do the beading work. I decided to work on the people and then I'll go and do the drizzles later. I will work on the design of the bowl when I get closer to doing the drizzles. I have Debbie's photo to double check everything. 

Then it was time to go bowling. We had everything ready for everyone. Then we played 9-pin no tap with Monti Carlo style bowling. They ran out of money in the second game. It wasn't planned out right. It went way too quick. I almost said I wanted to go home after the second game. Half the league did. It wasn't the best. But we are done. We have a new secretary and it's not me. I want to enjoy the next year. Nick and Joanne are planning to come back. I want to. Smiley's wife found some patriot fabric at a garage sale for us. I was handed a bag of patriot fabric and was thrilled. 

I was just happy to find some time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Golf Tournament - Quilting Day

Patrick left early for his golf tournament. I slept in - 10 am!!! I couldn't believe I slept that long. Once I got up, I worked on my exercises and then took a walk. I was enjoying the audiobook. It was a Scottish story. I do enjoy those lately. 

Then I went downstairs to get busy on my quilt on the wall. First I cut out 14 labels and sewed them up. Once that was done, I turned them inside out and ironed them. Now I'm good for awhile. At this rate I'm going to have to order a lot more stuff! I have to order thread for Debbie and the church, I need to order backing and batting. We don't have the money to do that right now. I'm working on getting donations. We have the Panda Express for a couple days, so I'm hoping that will help. Hard to say. Facebook will be my best best to get people there. 

I started with my idea. Trouble is, I need to go wider and not longer. I worked on sewing the sides together. then I started on my panel. I am going to add 2 more borders, but I think the last border on the panel will just be the sides. I'm also thinking the dark red will go on the last border on the sides, with the top part going across to the edge. I'm not sure it's going to work, but it's an idea right now. 

I had the light red part thicker but had to cut it down. I will put a thin boarder of that red around the panel. Then work the darker red around that. We'll see how it goes. This is the challenge panel that everyone had to do. Not my favorite. 

After a few hours, I came back up and played till after supper. Pulled the beading out and worked on that as well. 

I was able to get this far. It's coming along pretty good. I do like the lavender angels. This is only the first one. One more to go and I will have the first set done. Funny - it's only taking me 3 months to get this far! At least I will be ahead of myself come November. 

Today turned out to be an interesting day. I was actually in the mood to work on the quilt downstairs. It's been up there for about 2 months! We are going through quilts at the museum, so I need to get moving and get more done. Panels are lacking now that we gave out the last of them. 

Not bad, to say the least! I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Kept Thinking It Was Saturday

Today we were woke up by the phone. Mom called to see if Patrick was golfing and if he was, could I come over. I told her he was not, and I had some laundry to do. I just realized, I started it, but didn't finish it. lol 

We sat and just enjoyed each other's company. I played a lot of games. Then we went out to eat. I needed to get the certificates in the mail. We stopped and got some bills at the bank and then dropped off the certificates at the post office. Then we headed to Bob's Deli off old 99. I had a French dip. It was really good. 

We came home and found the newspaper article online. It's a good article. I posted it on the Facebook page. Quilts of Valor article.

Then I decided to try and get some beading done. lol 

I was able to get about 6 rows done. This is the lavender angel. I'm getting close to adding the next color that goes on the skirt. 

Okay - I was asked what happened to Cindy from BE. So, I realized I haven't posted some updates on a couple friends. Here I go - Cindy lost her husband in a tree accident when he was cutting down trees in the yard for wood. Cindy found him. She's been dealing with him not having a will and a few other things going on. She's more "pissed" at him then she is at a loss. There were a lot of things that went on with them, that I'm only getting bits and pieces of. I don't think it was a happy marriage. But like she said, she wouldn't have wish him dead. She's having to go through probate and I'm thinking it's because of his son and sister. She's not saying much about it. 

On to the next one - Debbie - her sister-in-law passed on Saturday at the age of 46. She had cancer in the liver and then it went into the back bone. They tried to do radiation but that's what ended up killing her. Debbie is close to her brother and he's been calling her daily. She's helping him as much as she can. Like she said this morning, she can't help me because she doesn't know what he's going through. Yes, it's a loss, but unless we've had to go through it, we don't know what he's going through. I told her I agree. I can "feel" for him, but I can't know the pain he's in. 

Nancy is doing a lot better. She's getting her speech back a little bit. She still stumbles over words. But she's looking good and is still her cheerful self. 

Mom is having trouble with her right hip. She had her left hip replaced about 10-15 years ago. She thinks she may need to get a replace on the other hip. I'm not looking forward to that. I can't deal with that. She's turning 88 on the 3rd. That's not an age where she should have surgery. It didn't do for dad, and I don't think it will do for her either. 

As for Patrick - his health is good. He's had a few ups and downs. He's doing great. Golfing tomorrow, and bowled last night. Things are looking up. Next appointment I think is a phone call next week. Time will tell for him. 

Hope that gets everyone updated. At least I made time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 20, 2023

QOV Presentation For 2 WWII Veterans!

 Today I was up and getting ready for my chores of getting everything ready for the museum. I had to take a quilt for Debbie as well. First stop was the post office to send labels to Barbara and then get coffee for Debbie and tea for me. lol 

Arrived at my usual time of 11:30 am. Then got the quilts out for 10 veterans. We did the panels today. Now we are out of panels so I need to get moving and finish a couple more. I kept hearing how pretty my quilts were that went today. 

This is William Murdock, Navy, WWII veteran. He went in when he was 16 years old. We had a really good informational part for him. 

Robert Erle Cooper our second WWII veteran. Both in their 90's. 

We honored a woman veteran as well. I love it when we can find the women. There aren't a lot who tell us they are veterans. 

Doreen Schweikl was in the Air Force. She was also a military brat. It was fun to chat with her. 

Came home and worked on the bowling league money to each team. Patrick head off to his meeting and then bowling. 

I just enjoyed playing games after I was done. I did re-do 3 certificates because the names were wrong. I have them ready to go out in the mail. As much as I wanted to be, I wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

One Non-Stop Tiring Day!

This morning started with me heading out the door. I went to the bank and told them how I needed my cash for the bowling alley. Then I had to head to moms. It was a funny visit. I arrived to find her just getting out of bed. While she was getting ready, I fixed her breakfast. Then after we got our tea, we headed into the computer room. I had to show her how to hook up for her telemed visit. Then we worked on her judging papers. After going through a page of writing I pulled the information off the web. She decided to use the NQA Certified Judging information. So, we typed a little thing from her as well. After that was done, we cut the binding on the quilt she made for me. It's machine quilted and has been done over a year. She started sewing it on when I had to leave. 

I was meeting a veteran at McDonalds to see if I could get him a quilt. We chatted for an hour and I learned a lot about him. He decided to say no to getting a quilt. He didn't want to offend me and I told him I am not offended. I totally understand when someone doesn't want to get a quilt. I also told him he has my information and can contact me at any time to get a quilt. He said he would be interested if I gave it to him and he wouldn't have to go to the presentation. I told him I could do that. I think he's in deep depression. He's been through a lot. He turned 80 years old 2 years ago and hasn't been able to do any of the things he used to. I think he's back to when he returned home. I told him I'm a brat and know what he's going through. I watched my father and his military family go through a lot of that. When they lost friends that were close to them. Dad always felt bad about send 4 of his group to Vietnam and they didn't return. He wanted to go in their place but they wouldn't let him because of his back surgery. So, my hour was interesting and informative as well as enjoyable to talk to another "family" veteran. 

After that, I headed back to the bank. Took a while for her to count out all the money but we got it. I had to bring my bag because I didn't want to carry that much money out of the bank that people could see. Not that that was a worry where I went. 

Next stop was Mail Plus in Chehalis. I dropped off mom return and then paid for our QOV banner and tablecloth. We can use the tablecloth tomorrow. I like what he did. It turned out pretty good. Considering he gave us a deal, I can't complain. I do think it needed to be a little smaller on the logo so we could see the white around the edge, but not even going to complain about that! It's awesome as it is. 

Came home and mom called freaking out that she couldn't get on the telemed. She couldn't get into the "my chart" to log on. I walked her through it while she was freaking out. We finally got her set up. I had Patrick call Nancy to go help her out because she was freaking out. Nancy arrived as she was waiting to get in. Mom said UW was calling so she had to hang up. Later she called to say she got in and it was really easy now that she knows what to do. lol 

I had to get some paperwork done on the computer. I tried looking for fundraisers as well. We need to work on getting some more money with our group. 

I then had to cut some labels for Barbara and will mail them out to her tomorrow. I have a quilt for Debbie to bind. I put the money in the safe and then I put the paperwork all together for the bowling league. Once all that was done, I called it a night. After doing my exercises, I decided I'm going to watch the Mask Singer and play games, then bed. I'm beat!

And no, I didn't get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

This And That, Yet Again!

This morning I had to get the backing and batting cut for Debbie. Then I washed the fabric. Once that was done, I worked on the certificates. 

While I was doing that, Patrick was getting our league's bowling money figured out. That took a couple hours as well. 

Then I played games. 

Once we got the envelopes done for bowling, I then went downstairs to print the certificates. Debbie stopped by for the fabric and batting. I have my list of stuff to do tomorrow. I'm going to be busy again tomorrow. 

One of the veterans called and asked me to go to his place to get the information about his service. So, I made an appointment with him at 2 pm tomorrow. Then I have to go to the bowling alley and bank after. 

Then it was back to labels. I have this one done. 

And this one. Both are by Debbie. It put me at 4 to go to the museum Thursday. I will see if mom has another one done when I go to her house tomorrow. 

It was a day where I had a few minutes to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Maybe I'm Getting Back To My Crafts After All

 This morning I was up at 7:45 am to get moving. I had to go to the bank, another place, my sons, and then to moms before going to the grange for our BE meeting. 

When I arrived at moms, it was dark and the door was locked. I unlocked the door and went in looking for mom. I hate walking down a dark hall to see if mom's okay. I did and she was sleeping peacefully at 9:30 am. I decided to let her sleep and dropped off the quilts for her. Then I picked up the one quilt and my threads that she had for me. 

I headed over to the grange to find Cindy waiting in her car. She looked good but was a little emotional - UNDERSTANDABLE. I gave her a hug and then we went into the grange to work on our stuff. Sandy V arrived after us and then Sandy E arrived right after. We all sat an chatted. It was a good meeting because Cindy was quiet. But she did chat from time to time. 

I got the bench done. Then I quit. I need to see the photo to go on. The skin is a dark brown, so I want to make sure that's what it's supposed to be. 

Sandy V gave the group the extra floss she didn't need. So, it's a gallon bag! I brought it home and got started on putting them on the keepers. 

After putting 61 away, I still have this much more to go! It's a heck of a lot of work. I took a good 2 hours to get as many done as I did.

Came home and got to work on the labels. Finished another QOV quilt. 

I also finished this one as well. I have half of another one done. Then I have one more left for a label and 4 will go to the museum on Thursday. 

Debbie let me know her sister in law passed today. I also found out yesterday that Mary at the bowling alley passed on Saturday. I hope I don't hear of anyone else passing for awhile. 

My day turned out better than I thought it would. I was actually Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Bowling Night

 This morning I took advantage of sleeping in. Then I ended up doing a couple loads of laundry because Patrick has a pile for me again. I will do the sheets tomorrow. 

I played games for awhile and then I beaded for awhile. I didn't get a photo of my bead work today. I started working on the lavender angel. I didn't get very far. 

We went bowling and I was checking to see if we could do the roll offs next week. I couldn't believe Jeff wouldn't work with me! He didn't want us to bowl at 3:30 pm next week. So, we had to figure out what we could do. He didn't care what the rules stated. So, we ended up doing the roll off's tonight. My teams for roll off's was not happy with me. But it wasn't my fault! We finished in 2nd place. I bowled a 506. I had a 190 and then other two were okay. I think one was 156 and the other was in the 170's. 

I'm just glad I made myself work on beading and was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Wasting Away My Saturday.

 This morning I was up a little earlier than I thought. After getting dressed and having breakfast, I started working on laundry. I was able to get it all caught up - till tomorrow when Patrick finds more things for me to wash. I also cleaned the cat litter - which I usually do on Sundays. Scooping is another story! 

I got busy with paperwork. I had to get QOV up to snuff. Plus I had to pay a few bills for the water group. Once all that was done, I put my ear plugs in and listened to my book on audio. Patrick was watching shows I didn't want to watch. So, I put my ear plugs on and played games. I THOUGHT about working on my beading. I THOUGHT about pulling my cross stitching out. I THOUGHT of taking a walk....all that didn't happen. I need to move on from thinking and get it done. I even THOUGHT about working on my family history again.

That didn't get me anywhere either! But I did realize there are 3 branches in our family where the surname is dead. Both Patrick's and my surname have ended. My brothers have boys who had girls. My younger brothers son isn't married yet, so there is a chance my surname may keep going. Mom's maiden name is dead on her branch as well. My grandfather only had her. The surname is carried on with my younger brother having it as a middle name. Interesting how that works out. 

As far as today goes, it wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, April 14, 2023

Busy Morning - Quieter Day

Today started out with going to The Well for my massage. Then I was off to my PT appointment. Once all that was done it was noon. 

Headed to moms after. There were 3 others there for quilting. As I came in, they were leaving. I do miss not having lunch at moms with the quilters but they decided on that. I'm going to ask that we change that when Nancy and Carmen come back. I don't like the chances they made. Mom and I had nacho's for lunch. I ended up making them for us. 

I finished with the leaves. Then I needed to see a I went to the base of the bowl. I worked on the bottom part as well. My thread is knotted up, so I may have to cut it and try to re work the last few stitches. 

The mom and I sat and watched Vera. I was surprised it lasted till 3 pm. Called Patrick and found out he wanted to go to Red Lobster. 

Came home and I played games! lol  Then I watched the food challenge with the different levels. Now I'm ready to listen to my book and call it a day. That's what is Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Not My DAY!

Today started out being alone since Patrick went golfing. I was okay with that. I did my exercises and then sat to play a few games. I felt a little weird all day. It's hard to explain the feeling - but something like not being "all there." When I told Patrick that, he laughed and said "it's you." Oh, what fun! 

I tried to do a few things, but didn't get very far. I didn't want the "fainting" felling. So I pretty much played most of the day. 

I started the third part of the ornament. I worked on it while Patrick went bowling. Gave up after this point. Not sure what is going on with me, but hopefully it will be better tomorrow. I have a massage and PT in the morning. 

These are the four parts to the ornament. I am working on the lavender angels now. I will try and get more "sets" done before the year is out. I asked Katt to send me some good photos of her cat. I want to design another beaded tapestry of her. She sent me 5 photos of Harley (Harlequin) that I love! I'm going to play with my program and see what I can do. I will think about doing that one after Sophie's is done. It should be fun! I'm hoping it's not as wide as Sophie's. More like a portrait than a landscape tapestry. 

Even though it wasn't my day, I was still able to put a few stitches in on my beading, which made me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Another Wednesday.......

This morning I was up after Patrick. He went golfing and I went to moms. She wanted me to help her on her computer. We completed her request, then she ordered some clothes on line. I pretty much did computer stuff for her - that I know she knows how to do. I can't wait for Nancy to get back. lol 

Next stop was at Connie's to drop off some batting and a book. Then I stayed and chatted with her. I did the Safeway trip before going to her place. We had a good chat. She gave me some red fabric to see if it would work for the quilt top Debbie got from Kristi. 

Came home and Patrick was already home. So, I put a few things away. Then Debbie stopped by to pick up some batting and backing. She has 4 quilts to quilt. She also brought 2 quilts for the binding. I may do that tomorrow or I may go ahead and put the quilt downstairs together. Debbie said she has enough to quilt right now and I told her I would hold off on getting her another top. 

I told her I went ahead and ordered our banner and table cloth. If anyone wants to donate they can, but it's coming out of my pocket. 

The rest of the day I just sat and listened to my book. I also let Patrick sleep, so I didn't do much of anything. I was going to work on my beading, but I didn't get there. 

It wasn't a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

A Quiet Day Of Beading!

Today we were up at a decent time. I got laundry going and then I played for awhile. 

I decided to let Patrick nap all afternoon while I beaded and watched the laundry. 

 I decided to work on the Fireplace Sophie piece. I'm getting there. This is the brick work. I have about that much more to go before Sophie's ears start to show up. I was able to get 4 rows done. They are long rows so they take some time. I found that I'm running low on one of the colors but check to find out I only needed 400 beads. So, I'm thinking I should be okay at this rate. I may have to order another ounce later. 

Then I got some texts asking for batting. So, I went down and cut 2 more battings for Connie. I'm taking a bag of scraps and batting to her. I have to go to moms and then Connies. Plus I have to be back in time for Debbie to come over for her batting and backing. She's quilted 2 quilts so far and thinking she's going to drop off those quilts to have the bindings done. 

At this point, I know I need to get back to making a couple more tops. I will try and work on that Thursday. We will see if I get there on Thursday. For now, I've been Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 10, 2023

Not A Normal Monday

We didn't have our BE meeting today. So, I tried to sleep in - but didn't. Patrick did though. 

I started laundry and it didn't go very far. Think I got 2 loads done all day today. We pretty much watched TV most of the day. I did get my monthly beads today. I love the colors this time. 

I have some of them and will add them to what I have. The others I will work on getting them in my boxes. I will do that later on. 

Then I worked on my binding. 

I finished it and now it's on the bed. 

I like this quilt. It turned out great. And now I have another finish!! I'm thrilled to have another quilt done. 

Patrick likes the back, so I put the back on the bed. I like it both ways, so it's not a problem. It's not the lighting you see, it's the fabric. It goes from dark to light and back to dark. There are white and black spots on the fabric. It's really a pretty fabric and is different from what I thought I was buying. It worked out great though. 

Once that was done, I decided to get back to my angels. 

I finished the second blue angel. Now the next one is purple, I think. I'm pretty sure I already did the green ones. If I get this set done, then I can try and work on the next ones. It will be fun! 

It felt good to have a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, April 9, 2023


Today we pretty much got ready for mom to come over for Easter dinner. We pulled out the game for her to play with us. We cleaned up a little and then waited for her to arrive. She arrived around 1 pm after church and then we had chai tea. 

Off we went to play games all afternoon till it was time to eat. Then after dinner and for dessert we played games. I was winning a lot, but then Patrick started to win. We had "better than sex cake." I've seen a different name on it but it's a rich poke cake. It's really good. Poor Patrick's taste buds were off. He couldn't seem to find anything taking any good other than fruit. 

Mom left around 7 pm and I sat to relax. Didn't work on anything. It wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Not Doing Much - But Doing Something!

Today we were sleeping in. I woke around 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep till 6 am. UGH. 

Got up and put the cinnamon rolls in the oven. Then played a few games. I made a cream cheese frosting that turned out really good. Even Patrick liked it and he doesn't care for cream cheese frostings. I thought the cinnamon was too strong. Love making them though. 

Then we went to the Mario Movie today. I really enjoyed it. It was fun to see the different games of Mario combined in this movie. Then stopped at the store to get some stuff for a cake. We decided to make it for tomorrow. Moms coming over for Easter Sunday. We aren't bowling tomorrow because they wanted to keep the bowling alley closed.  I checked on Facebook and they are actually having a tournament that they didn't tell us about. They told us they wanted to take Easter off. What a pain to find out otherwise. 

Came home and Patrick took a nap. While he was napping, I was listening to my book and playing games. When I had a few breaks, I worked on the binding of my quilt. 

I came to the second corner. At this rate I should have it done by tomorrow or Monday. We won't be having stitching on Monday because Sandy is in Canada. The other Sandy has to keep an eye on her hubby and Cindy is still not ready to return. I will send Georgie a message that we cancelled the meeting. 

In need of another finish! That would be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, April 7, 2023

Blah Day

Today I wasn't in the mood to do anything but play games on my tablet. That doesn't help me at all! I won't get very far if I keep putting things off and play games. Not sure why I'm feeling that way. Probably depression again. I will work on getting out of the funk. 

We did go shopping for groceries and then later went out to eat at RibEye about 5 mins away by the freeway. It was really good. I loved the brownie, ice cream and whipped cream! It was huge!! Patrick and I shared it and couldn't finish it! We are talking about a husband that finishes those off before I have a couple bites! lol 

Today didn't wind up to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Presentation Day

 Today I was up early compared to what I normally am. I was ready to head out to the presentation. I stopped and got a burger and some tea. I got coffee for Debbie and of course it was the wrong thing AGAIN. She took it back to let them know they gave her the wrong stuff. I even read it off my phone to make sure she got what she wanted. 

We had 6 veterans. One was late. 

Andy Ponder (right), Army, Not sure on the rest -  Ron Lavergne, Navy, Kim Johnson, Air Force, William Morgan, Navy Clarence Matayoshi, Air Force, and Michael Ezepanski, Navy. 

We had a good presentation and found out we will be upstairs on the 20th. I'm looking forward to the next one. I have a couple quilts that I need to do. I'm going to work on the one downstairs and get it done as well. 

Came home and worked on my Japanese Doll quilt. Debbie had the binding on, and I'm stitching it done. I got one side done and then just played games. 

This is what it was before being quilted. I will take another photo when I have the binding on it. It feels good to have another unfinished quilt done. Thank you! - Debbie! 

The turned out to be fun and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Patrick Golfing - Me Being Lazy

 Today I slept in till 9 am. Then after that I got laundry going. Played games and then when Patrick came home the FedEx truck dropped off batting. 

So, that put me into working on QOV stuff. I cut 3 battings. Worked on certificates for tomorrow. Had one veteran call and tell me he had surgery. So, we rescheduled him for June. We are now down to 6 veterans tomorrow. 

I then put the blocks up on the wall. I'm thinking of doing this for the challenge. Then I'll add the border that I use in the inside. I'm trying to decide which one I like better. I'm thinking the one on the left. Still working on it. 

We decided after supper to go to the casino. We spent 2 1/2 hours there. Had a good time. Then came home to get a few more things done. I needed to get white fabric cut and a label done. 

This was the quilt from last night that I put the label on. 

I had the label on this one done before leaving. Val Gordon made the top and Connie quilted it. 

I finished this one made by Connie Carter. 

We have 7 quilts going to the museum. Mom has 3 quilts that are bound and I need to put the label on. At this rate, I need to make more labels ready. That will take some sewing. Oh, well. Today turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A Day With Mom

Today I was on my way to moms. I had 4 stops before I got there. One was to see Sandy, so I stopped at McD's and got her a coffee. Then I dropped off some books and clips for her. She's getting ready to head to her sisters in Canada. She's also a Canadian. So friendly! 

Got to moms and she wasn't ready. We had breakfast before we started. We had to put the quilt in a quarter so we could cut quilt to size. We cut it at 120 square. She's going to need to cut it down even more, but that won't be till after she quilts it. Quilting will take a couple inches. I'm hoping she can get it to 115" as 118" will make it to the floor. We need to rethink that. 


Now it's done and ready to get basted. Moms taking it to Kathleen to baste. We have the back done as well. It took me till 3 pm before I could leave. Then I had to stop and see my son again. lol 

Because I have 7 quilts ready to go to the museum, I needed to do the labels. We have a presentation Thursday and I need to get them over there. My next step was to get the labels on......but I only made it for 5 of the 7. I will to the last 2 tomorrow. 

JoAnn Wisner pieced this and Connie Carter quilted it. 

Debbie Aust pieced with Georgie's stars. Connie Carter quilted it. 

Connie Carted did both the piecing and quilting. This is an Army quilt. 

JoAnn Wisner pieced and Connie Carter quilted it. 

Looks like I loaded 2 quilts twice, so I will post the last quilt tomorrow. It will go with the 2 I have left to do. This is a finish! I need to do certificates tomorrow as well. I did post the photos finally, but I'm really getting behind on my work. I need to check to see if we have any new nominations and let them know we are 9 months out right now. 

So, today ended up being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...