Saturday, April 22, 2023

Golf Tournament - Quilting Day

Patrick left early for his golf tournament. I slept in - 10 am!!! I couldn't believe I slept that long. Once I got up, I worked on my exercises and then took a walk. I was enjoying the audiobook. It was a Scottish story. I do enjoy those lately. 

Then I went downstairs to get busy on my quilt on the wall. First I cut out 14 labels and sewed them up. Once that was done, I turned them inside out and ironed them. Now I'm good for awhile. At this rate I'm going to have to order a lot more stuff! I have to order thread for Debbie and the church, I need to order backing and batting. We don't have the money to do that right now. I'm working on getting donations. We have the Panda Express for a couple days, so I'm hoping that will help. Hard to say. Facebook will be my best best to get people there. 

I started with my idea. Trouble is, I need to go wider and not longer. I worked on sewing the sides together. then I started on my panel. I am going to add 2 more borders, but I think the last border on the panel will just be the sides. I'm also thinking the dark red will go on the last border on the sides, with the top part going across to the edge. I'm not sure it's going to work, but it's an idea right now. 

I had the light red part thicker but had to cut it down. I will put a thin boarder of that red around the panel. Then work the darker red around that. We'll see how it goes. This is the challenge panel that everyone had to do. Not my favorite. 

After a few hours, I came back up and played till after supper. Pulled the beading out and worked on that as well. 

I was able to get this far. It's coming along pretty good. I do like the lavender angels. This is only the first one. One more to go and I will have the first set done. Funny - it's only taking me 3 months to get this far! At least I will be ahead of myself come November. 

Today turned out to be an interesting day. I was actually in the mood to work on the quilt downstairs. It's been up there for about 2 months! We are going through quilts at the museum, so I need to get moving and get more done. Panels are lacking now that we gave out the last of them. 

Not bad, to say the least! I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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