Friday, June 30, 2023

An Almost Nothing Day

 This morning I was up and out the door to moms. She asked me to show up to help with potting a couple plants. I thought she meant the ones outside. We took about 10 mins to do the repotting. So I stayed and chatted with her till about 11 am. Then I dropped the fabric off at Joann's. She's making more pillow cases for us. 

Came home around 11:30 am. Then I waited about 40 mins for Bob to call. I wanted to send him some photos of his quilt mom is making for him. 

She's finishing her first corner. 

Bird of Paradise. She's been kicking butt with this!

Patrick and I went to the casino. Not going to say how much money we lost! lol We spend a good 3 hours there, so can't complain too much. We did win some big amounts but not enough to quit. lol 

We stopped at DQ for supper. We shared the 6 piece strips. My app didn't work on the first purchase, but I did get $1 off our dipped cones. I would have liked to have the $3 off, but the cashier worked fast on me and processed before I could get it. 

Came home and decided to sit and relax. Wasn't in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Another Day Of Cross Stitching!

 I wanted to do something today. At first I thought about working on my quilt downstairs. Then I thought about doing another bracelet, but haven't started that yet either. 

So, I decided to enjoy my book and cross stitch. It is a book by Debbie Macomber. A sad book, but good. She had lost her best friend and wrote this book in her memory. I enjoyed it. I even cried a little. It has to do with a sister having cancer in the book. 

I was able to get a few more stitches in. Actually, a lot more. I'm having too much fun with this. The more I work on it, the more I want to finish this. 

Tomorrow I have to go to moms and help her out. Then Patrick wants to go to the casino. I'm thinking I won't get much done tomorrow. I will have to think of something to work on that won't take a lot of time. 

I'm just glad today was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Enjoying The Afternoon!

This morning I slept in. Felt good too! Then after Patrick was done in the bathroom, I took my shower and got my exercises in. Then Patrick went outside and I went to my massage therapy. 

I feel so much better! She worked on my neck because I asked. She worked on my back really well. I'm doing better with my hip and back. Between her and Bob, I have been feeling a lot better. 

Then went to the post office, Safeway and the bank. I had to pick a few things up at Safeway. I got some stuff for homemade pizza. When I got home I realized Patrick is having trouble with a lot of salt tasting bitter. But we decided to try. I may rinse off the salt on the pepperoni. We'll see if it works. 

Talked to mom and now she wants me to come over on Friday. I've been going all week and now she wants me to come over. I will go over for a couple hours. That way I can drop off some fabric for JoAnn. I was really looking forward to NOT going anywhere on Friday. So much for that!

Then we sat and watched a "chick flick" on TV. It was really good and Patrick seemed to like it as well. While we watched TV, I stitched. 

 I'm really happy with how much I got done today. I filled in the areas that needed to be filled in. I worked on the dove and rabbit. 

It's looking pretty good. I'm having fun. Just surprised at how much white there is. But then doves are white - dah. lol I'm having so much fun with this. The animals are showing up and each time I get more excited to see what's next. That's what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Trip To The Vets And A Few Things

 Today I was up early to get ready to go to the vets. Sophie's yearly check up was today. We went with little problems. She meowed a lot before I got her in the car. Then it slowed down some. She was a lot better with the vet today then she was in the past. She lost a little bit of weight. 

Came home. Texted Debbie to get her to go to the museum for me. She is usually out and about. She was sweet enough to go. Had a call this morning from one of our veterans wife. She was dropping off some fabric at the museum. 

I pretty much listened to my books. I ended one and started another. I decided I needed to get to work on the binding of the quilt I brought home. 

Another one of Connie Carter's quilts. I finished the binding and put a label on the back. 

Added the label to this one as well. Too cutesy for me. This may have to go to a lady veteran. 

I have 4 more to add labels to but I need to make more labels to applique onto the quilts. I will try to work on that this week. I wasn't in the mood to go downstairs and work on stuff yet. 

So I pulled out my cross stitching and worked on my Santa. 

I worked on the bottom area. I filled in the missing stitches and then rolled the piece. I found a couple areas that were wrong. I took out a few stitches. One area was in the red area and I tried stitching over it. I may take it out later. Right now I'm going to let it go. I usually would not. I filled in the eye of the wolf. The ears of the rabbit was done wrong and I fixed the 7 stitches that were off. I will get back to this soon. I do want to get the bottom done soon. Guess if I do, I will be more than Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 26, 2023

Embroidery & Beading

 Today I was up and ready to go to my meeting. The hard part was that the day was moving fast, and I wasn't moving fast enough for the day! I was at Connie a little later than I wanted to be. She gave me my quilt back to have the binding put on it. I may do that myself. I haven't decided. Then I headed over to our meeting. Sandy and Cindy were already there. 

We must have laughed so much! Then we chatted about this and that. I was working on my Bonsai tree and was surprised at how much I got done! 

The yellow flowers will go after I get all the leaf stuff done. I will try to get all this part done and finish up on the tree. It's getting closer. I just need to take the time and work on it. 

On my way home I had to get a hug from my son! lol It was good to see him. Then I headed home. 

Patrick was outside and I decided to wait for him on the swing (on the deck). We sat and enjoyed the cool breeze. I was listening to my book and working on my beading. After about an hour of the breeze, we decided to come on in. 

With the TV on (news), I put the ear buds in and listened to my book. AND I worked on my beading. 

A few hours later, and I had the first one done and finished the second one. This set of angels is done. I need to do 2 more sets to be able to make an ornament out of them. Patrick likes the colors. It was his suggestion to change the wing color. I know what I did wrong on the pattern. Which means I need to correct it on the next color set. At least this part is done and I will work on my next pattern changes. 

I can't complain today. Patrick cooked, I got dessert and ended up Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Meetings & Quilting

 This morning I was in the mood to try an easy quilt pattern. I went downstairs and started working on it. Putting a strip on 2 sides of my 5" squares. Then I asked Patrick to call me around 12:45 pm so that I could attend a BE meeting. I had some blocks done and brought them up to Patrick to design the quilt. 

While he was working on the lay out of the quilt, I worked on the border of the star quilt we received. 

When I folded it in half, I found this issue. So I had to work each side and trim it. I couldn't fold and trim without taking out a heck of a lot of block backing. I wasn't thrilled but won't look a gift horse in the mouth! So, I worked it out and added 2 boarders. Then went back to work on Patrick's design. 

Patrick let me know 12:45 pm had come. I got in to Zoom about 10 mins late. Then I listened for 10 mins and tried to see who all were there - on my tablet - and booted myself off. I decided I would not go back. He was to let me know when 3:45 came. I sewed the strips together and then went to my BE virtual meeting. 

While at the meeting, I worked on my Bonsai tree piece. I had the photo there to see what I was supposed to do. 

I got the mud people almost done. I want to work on the greenery in the left side. I will work on that tomorrow. Hopefully. 

After our meeting I went back to working on the quilt top. I was surprised at how easy it was to make in a short amount of time - time that kept getting interrupted. 

9:00 pm and it's finally done. Patrick did the lay out and I sewed it together. I will probably do another quilt with the same blocks. I have so many of the squares, that I may have enough for 2 more quilts. UGH. I would rather do the panels. But I did enjoy this one. At least Patrick was a sweetheart and cleaned up the kitchen as well as cooked supper. I couldn't have asked for a better husband! lol That' how I can be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Debbie's Day

 Today I got started with laundry and cleaning the cat litter - as I was lacking on that! The bathroom told me I needed to do it and do it now!

We waited till 1 pm to head over to Debbie's anniversary. We arrived and they were getting started. They waited on the one daughter and then got started. It was a good anniversary party but there really wasn't as much there as I thought there would be. The food was good. Patrick and I help with the clean up. I mopped the kitchen floor before we left. Then we took some stuff to Debbie and Jim's house. After that we came home. Didn't get home till about 4:30 pm. 

I cut batting and backing for one quilt and backing for another. The back's are in the wash and I finished another roll of batting. I'm going to have to order more in the next couple weeks. 

So, as much as I would have loved to, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, June 23, 2023

Quilting Day - But Didn't Quilt

This morning I was up and out the door. I had to stop at the church for our quilt. Trouble was I got there before Rita. So, I told them I would come back in the afternoon. 

Arrived at moms. First thing she needed was for me to get into her laptop which is an Apple. I ended up calling Justin to see who to get into it. Mom changed the password and apparently she didn't type it right because no matter what I did, I couldn't get in. We chatted for a good half hour working things out. Justin said he would talk to Jeremy to see if he can help mom get the laptop to an Apple store since it wouldn't let me use a mouse. I tried 2 kinds that mom had and neither one worked. We both think the touch pad on the laptop is going out. So, I ended up changing her password. Justin and I got it working again. 

Then I sat down and was going to work on a binding till Penney said she would do it. I gave her the quilt and then pulled out some cross stitch for me to work on. 

 I was given 4 of these a while back. So, I decided to do some cross stitching while everyone else quilted. I was able to get part of the ribbon done. 

Then I came on home. I had to stop back at the church and picked up the quilt they finished. I will drop it off tomorrow when I go to Debbie's 50th Anniversary. 

Came home and after supper I worked on my angel. 

I was getting close to finishing this one, when Debbie texted. She was heading to the grange (where the Anniversary party will be) and said I could come if I wanted to...she needed the help! I told her I was on my way over. Got there and they were loading the car up. We headed to the grange. NOTHING was done and she had unloaded the car. We got the tables set up and put the drinks in the refrigerator. She had food in the other one. We put the "lights" on the table for tomorrow. We got a lot done. It was 9 pm before we called it done. Poor Debbie, she was beat! If I hadn't of gone, she would have be on her own. At least her sister-in-law showed up after we were the for a while. 

I'm just happy I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quiltling!

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Hello, Presentation Day!

This morning Patrick went golfing and was so sweet! He pulled the curtains in the bedroom so I could sleep a little longer. I finally got up and got moving. I did forget one thing that I needed to take to the presentation - but not important enough to come back and print them. 

I left early. I wanted to get started before the group members showed up. There is always something that I have to answer and get off track. 

One of the gals brought a quilt top! I was thrilled. Mom gave me 5 quilts that need labels and that made me happy!! I need to move them into the bedroom till I get started on them. They have another 5 that need the binding stitched down. I will do one tomorrow when I go to her group meeting. We have Debbie and Jim's 50th Anniversary to go to on Saturday and I need to help out a little there. 









Preston had to leave early, so wasn't in the group photo. His sister or Aunt said she wanted him to get home right away because she wasn't dealing with his kids. I couldn't help but laugh about that. They had a long way to go to get home. 

Cleaned up and then headed home. We were done in a very short time. Even Kylee was surprised at how quick today was. I asked Chip if he would do the presentation with us next time. We have a month before we have another one. Now we have enough quilts to get us through the year - I'm hoping! I need to figure out how many days we have and how many quilts we have. 

Stopped at Safeway to pick up some food that I needed for supper. Also needed to get my Ice Cream!! 

Came home and sat with Patrick on the deck. then I had to get moving on the QOV stuff that I brought home. I had to do a reimbursement and a donation. Then I had to do some emails to get everything worked out. 

Now, I'm done! I've done a lot today, and it was a good day. Just not one that made me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Labels And Beading!

This morning Patrick was up before me. He went to the dump and then to moms. I was supposed to call mom and let her know but forgot. He helped her out today. Then he went to Safeway for some groceries. He went to get shrimp for our dinner. 

While he was gone, I worked with the laundry and then got the certificates ready for tomorrow's presentation. 

I received another quilt from Anne T. It's really pretty and the label she has is awesome!

The label was put on for the quilt I finished the binding on yesterday. It is now ready for the museum. 

This was the next one for the label. This is the one I did. It's part of our challenge quilts. 

Another one of my quilts. This one is for Charlie Wood. He gets it next time. That one is on the 22nd of July. 

After doing all the labels, I now have 10 quilts going to the museum. That's a good thing. I decided to work on some beading. I gave Debbie my flag bracelet and will need to make another one. 

I was trying to decide if I wanted to do another flag bracelet or work on the angels that I need for my ornaments. I changed some of the colors for the angels. Patrick helped pick them out. He wanted gold wings instead of white ones. So, it's a little of silver and gold. I do like it, but wonder if it's too shinny. lol 

My day has been a calm day with Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Enjoying My Day!

 Patrick was golfing and I was enjoying the day to myself. First things first. I had to get laundry going and I needed to vacuum as it was driving me crazy. 

I got on Netflix and watched 2 shows! I started with Wedding Date and loved that. Patrick arrived half way through it. Then I put another one on, Love Inn ..... can't remember the other part. It was good and even Patrick enjoyed it. 

While all that was going on, I was stitching!

I worked mostly on the white area. Then I went to the left and worked on the bottom of the coat. I'm having fun with this. Plus I'm having trouble thinking of what I want to do next. Do I want to work in green or red. Or do I want to keep working the white area. 

I'm happy with it. Of course Sophie had to sit in my lap a few times which had me taking breaks for her TLC time. I need to go back and finish the rabbit. Then I will be happier about it. I started on more green areas. The white is the hard part. 

My day was enjoying my time on my cross stitching! Guess I can say, it was fun to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 19, 2023

Meeting Day -

 This morning I went to Connie's to drop off 2 quilt tops. I also picked up 2 finished quilts. My next stop was off to the grange. 

Sandy and Cindy were there before me. I took some things to work on, but then I didn't work on anything. We just chatted for about 2 hours. The only one that worked on anything was Cindy. She was finishing a few things that she started a long time ago. She's been working on UFO's. Wish I could say the same. lol

Afterwards I headed to moms to drop off the 2 quilts I had from Connie. She gave me 2 finished quilt and I took one of the quilts that needed the binding stitched down. 

Came home and worked on the quilt.

I finished working on the binding. I just need to add a label to this and the other 2. I will try and work on it tomorrow. Connie put this together with some blocks that Annette (have to look it up) made and gave to us. 

Believe it or not, I actually was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 18, 2023

It Only Took Three Days!

This morning Patrick wanted blueberry muffins, so that was my first thing. Then while we were eating the muffins, Katt called. It was so good to hear from her. 

When that was done, I headed downstairs. 

Starting here and and working on getting this done. It only took me three days working on this. I told myself I will NOT do another one like this. Way too many half square triangles. If I do it, it will we way less triangles!! 

After several hours of working on this, I finally finished it! I WILL NOT do another one! I think the panel gets lost in this, but Patrick said it was good. At least we have another quilt for the veterans. I will have to think of a better quilt that won't take so much work. I like the part of panels that doesn't take long. NOT THIS TIME! 

Then I came up and enjoyed playing games and watching TV with Patrick. I finally got tired of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Saturday, June 17, 2023

Hard Work And Still Not Done

 This morning I was up early thanks to the sun coming up. Even though it was a cold day.

At first I didn't want to work on the quilt downstairs. I thought Patrick wanted to go to the movies but he said no. So, after lunch I headed downstairs. 

First things first. I started working on the 9 patches to get them ready on the sides of the panel. 

I put the sides together. Then I started working on another set of half square triangle. Now I just need to work them in. I couldn't believe how much work it takes to get these done! AND they are 6" finished half square triangles! I'm very thankful that I didn't make them smaller!!

I had Patrick help me with getting it up on the wall. Then I went ahead and added the border around the panel. I had to add a bigger border on the top and bottom. Once I got to this stage. I decided to stop. My back was getting sore. The 2 sides are sewn together. I sewed the strip above and below the panel together. I need more more row of half square triangles. Then I will have to check to see if it's long enough. I think it will be but it's hard to say. I may end up taking off a row on the sides. Hard to say right now. I will go down and check it out for the size. 

My day was spent working on this piece. AND it was hard work to get what I wanted. That's what keep me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Trying To Do Another Quilt Top

This morning I was up and getting back to working on my laundry. lol At least today it worked pretty good. 

I headed downstairs to get to work on my quilt top. I had several half square triangles set up to make. I sat and sewed them all down. I spent the afternoon working on the half square triangles. Then putting them up on the design wall. 

Of course I still have more to make and will try to do that this weekend. I then started to sew the half square triangles into 9 patches. That will be easer to put together. It's looking like the inside border will be about 2" wide. I won't know till I get the sides sewn down to see what I need for the borders. It's coming along great. I'm a little worried about the red. It's a little thinner than normal cotton fabrics, thinking it might be a blend. I will do the top and left side of the panel in blue and then the other side and bottom into the red border. I will probably have to do mitered borders. While I was working on this Debbie called and we went over what we have right now with QOV. Then I also got a call from a gal in Cowlitz County who asked if I would judge at the fair this year. She talked to mom and mom told her I would be willing to help as well. So, now I'm judging at Cowlitz Fair. What fun! lol Judging is more fun than actually doing the quilts anymore! I have been itching to work on the white on white quilt downstairs. I may start that yet! I also need to work on the Hawaiian quilt I have ready to be appliqued. 

Oh, well more to do. 

After supper I figured I would get started on the next set of angels. I'm changing the colors up and hope it will work. I went into my beads and pulled out the colors I want for the angels. Then I went on the computer and changed a few numbers on my word chart. That way I know exactly what color I'm using for this. This one will be green and has gold/silver wings. I'm hoping it will look good. Patrick was helping me with picking colors. I was able to get 14 rows done before it was time to call it done. 

This turned out to be a good day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Patrick Golfing & Then Eye Doctors

 This morning I enjoyed staying in bed. LOL I seem to stay up till 11:30 am and then don't want to get up till 9 am. I do wake anytime between 6 am and 7:30 am most days. Then I climb back in bed. lol 

I started laundry - and that was about it - 1 load! I waited till about 11:30 am before I went downstairs, knowing I wouldn't be able to work very long. I sewed 2 sets of half square triangles. Patrick came home and I was just cutting the half square triangles. I had 2 of them done before we had to leave for our eye doctor appointment. 

I am thinking of doing the blue on half, with the red on the other half. 

We arrived at the eye doctors and I was first. My appointment was at 1:15 pm and Patrick was 2 pm. I went in and had to wait on the doctor. It was a while. After I was done, Patrick was in while I was waiting. I pulled out my embroidery. 

I worked on the mud man on the right. Added the darker color. Then I couldn't find my scissors. So, I DUG down in my bag. The lady across me was laughing saying she always has to dig in her purse for everything. I agreed with her! The good news was our eye sight didn't change much and neither one of us really need new glasses. Woo-hoo!

Then I got started on the second mud man. I still have to do the pipe and hair. That will be after I get them finished. I am slowly getting this done. I think I will have to leave this at the house to work on because I need to see the photo that Debbie gave me for it. I'm a little lost on what I need to do. I will work on it. 

We came home after stopping at Safeway for supper. We picked up a few things and were ready for supper. I had to get a few things for me, since I'm eating carps more than anything and it's starting to show! I got a few things for stir fry. I will have that tomorrow or the next day. We will figure it out later. lol 

I peeled off the backs of the half square triangles of the ones I made. I'm happy to say, it's looking okay right now. I need to add the border to the panel, but want to see how big I need to make it after I have the squares done and know what I am doing. 

I like the way it's coming along. Even Patrick said I did good with the colors that go with the panel. This is going to take time, but that's okay. At least I don't have to figure out a star right now. I wanted something different. 

We received 2 tops from another QOV member to help us out. 

It's really pretty, but I have to trim off the "tails" that are on this quilt. I do appreciate the makers offer. This will go to Connie to be finished. 

This is way too small. Each of the blocks were done by someone different. It's pretty. Now I have to figure out borders to make it bigger. I think I will use the flag fabric to help it out. I'm still thinking about it. We just need to add to it, and that will take some thinking. Patrick suggested I make it easy and add a red border, flag border, and then a blue border. I may do that. It all depends on how much I need to add. This will be worked on after I finish mine. 

So, I guess you can say, I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A Good Day For Our Veterans Memorial Museum QOV Group

 This morning I woke with the sun. Tried to go back to bed but that didn't last long. I would love to have dark curtains, but Patrick has always like the light coming in the window so he can see where he goes in the middle of the night. Me not so much. 

Patrick had his list of things to do. So, we headed out. First he loaded the truck with garbage to go to the dump. Then I loaded the truck (cab) with the quilts and a box to take to the museum. We dumped the garbage and then headed over to moms to get her garbage that goes to the dump. Then on the way to Phil's to get his garbage. His garbage filled the truck up. Off to the dump one more time. Next stop was car wash. He wanted to get his truck washed since we have the special. Last stop was the museum to drop off the quilts I put labels on and collect the box from the Ferndale Quilt Group (QOV). Patrick helped me figure out how many quilts we have now, 22. Which is good news. 

Came home and opened the box. Low and behold - there were 6 quilts! I had to get more labels ready to applique on the back. They were wonderful with giving me the name of the maker and quilter. I got started on working on the labels. 

This was Bertella Hansen's quilt. She did 2 of them. I need to get the names of the others who worked on the following quilts. 

There are 3 similar quilts but they work for me!

All three by the same person. 

It doesn't help with the carpet being beige and trying to take a photo when the sun is going down. 

Ferndale is by Seattle. So, we had to do the mailing. Otherwise I would have to fight traffic to get up there and back. It would have been an all day trip - just because of traffic between Tacoma and Seattle. 

Once all these were labeled. I was good to go. 

Then I decided I needed to get some beads ready for the angel ornaments. I'm going to change the colors of the dresses and that took a lot more work then I thought it would. Now I'm ready to start work on the beading again. 

That's what makes my day when I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Do You Ever Have One Of Those Days?

 You know, those days when one doesn't want to do ANYTHING? Like you're not in the mood to do anything? OR just plan lazy. 

Well that was my day. I played games all day long. I watched "Monk" on Hallmark channel and played. Patrick was out golfing, so I didn't have to do anything if I didn't want to. I did unload the dishwasher and clean up the kitchen. Then I listened to a YouTube channel on how to work a great sour dough bread. So, I decided to try it out. It cam out. Was going to give it to the neighbor but he wasn't feeling good. Which means it's still here. I'll make crotons with it tomorrow. We have the bread from yesterday to finish. 

I received 2 packages of quilts - 

Since the label wasn't completely attached to the quilt, I replaced it with one of ours. This is really pretty. 

As always, Sophie had to enjoy it as well. I had to get her off it. 

I also replaced the label on this. 

Not feeling like doing much....not sure why. I did go down and get the off white fabric for the quilt I'm going to put together. It will be me sewing it all. Not quick and easy with blocks that are made. I'm tired of the same stars. Tomorrow is another day - and hopefully I will work on something - AFTER we do our stuff done around down. I need to go to the museum and put the 7 quilts away. Then I need to pick up the box we received that's there. I was actually thinking of starting to quilt on my white on white quilt. I may start that yet! Not what I need, but will have to get it going.  That's Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Monday, June 12, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery Meeting Day

 This morning I was running around before the meeting. First stop was the bank, then off to see Phil to give him some freezer veggies that I got free and couldn't eat. Of course needed a hug too! So, then headed to Connie's to drop off my quilt top. As I was close, I saw that "Spooners" had their strawberries out for sale. Those are the best strawberries around here! They sell out fast! I was just lucky enough to look and see that they were open. So, I swung over to the stand and got a half flat of berries before heading to Connies. Connie gave me 3 more quilts that are ready for the bindings. 

Off to the grange where Cindy and Sandy were sitting out on the truck bed. We went into the grange and "sort of" got to work on our projects. I worked on my cross stitch, but didn't get much done - about 50 stitches. We had a good chat about this and that. Poor Sandy, she wasn't in her happy place. I don't see her in this mood very often, but when I do, I try to cheer her up. We actually left early today. 

My next stop was to mom's. I stopped and got a Subway sandwich for lunch. Then I dropped off the 4 quilts that need to have the binding sewn down. She gave me one that she got back from Michele. Michele is really good about getting the bindings stitched down really fast. I just wish she was a member of our group. lol 

Came home and Patrick was enjoying the swing on the deck. He had got a lot of work done on weeding the garden and around the yard. We must have reach 90 degree today because I was HOT! I gave him the strawberries and he started to make the first batch of freezer jam. Then he wanted to go to get some more pectin for more jams. We went to Sunbirds after supper to pick up a few more jars and pectin. Then we stopped at Safeway for sugar. lol Once we were done, we stopped at Dairy Dan's for a milk shake. I talked him into going into the dinner instead of waiting on the cars in the drive thru. Of course it was a lot hotter inside and ended up waiting almost as long if we would have been in the car. There was 2 other in front of us. Outside there were 3 cars ahead. He was giving me crap the whole time about going in instead of sitting in the car with the air conditioner on. lol 

Came home and worked on the quilts that I retrieved from mom. 

This one is done with a label. Victoria Parrott made this quilt. I love what she did! I sent her more panels to see if she could work with them. lol 

This one is one of Connies. I don't know if that was a mistake or not in the design. Just noticed it. lol 

This one is made by Cathy Bussman. All of these are now labeled and ready to go to the museum. I need to call the museum to see if they got a box for us with a couple quilts. 

It was a busy day and I'm just glad the day turned out better than it could have. As well as being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...