Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A Morning To Myself - Afternoon Relaxing

 This morning I was sleeping in after Patrick went golfing. When I finally got up, I ended up doing a few things that I forgot to do yesterday. I was on the computer working. Then I did my exercises. Once all that was done, I played on the tablet for a little bit. Around noon I decided I wanted to listen to my audio book and go on the deck to work on my beading. 

I finished my wavy flag beaded bracelet. I realized I wasn't loose enough to get a better wave out of it. It fits on my wrist. So, I'm happy with it. The QOV charm is on the end. I will make a couple more later. Patrick came home about the time I finished the strip and then added the clasps. 

After I finished the bracelet, I decided to work on my cross stitching. 

I'm getting the "steps" back in order. I do like the ay this is coming. I have a few stitches to put in that are open. I will fix those before I roll the piece. I do like working on this. I got about 600 stitches in today. At times I thought I was off, but I realized I wasn't. Didn't have to take out much if any while I worked on this. I even listened to my book and stitched while Patrick was listening to his phone. Neither one of us was paying attention to the TV. Guess that is real Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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