Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Made Up My Mind - And Stitched

This morning Patrick was off golfing. I decided to walk, but when I finally got out there, it started raining. So, halfway through it rained. I decided to keep going till I got my 3 laps in. Came in with a wet coat and pants. lol Yep, it's Washington weather!

Then I played games. When Patrick came home and decided to nap on the couch, I decided to stitch. 

I was able to get more stitches in. 

Then I remembered I had to check in with my appointment on Friday. As I was doing it, I was getting upset. I don't want radiation and the more I thought about it, the more upset I got. So, I emailed my oncologist to let her know I did not want radiation and I would take the pill for the 5 years I need to. I asked what chances are that I really needed it. Since I was stage "0." She messaged back so fast! She said she would go with my decision and let the radiation oncologist know that I was turning down treatment. That took a big chunk off my shoulders. I told Patrick a long time ago that I wouldn't do radiation or chemo if I got cancer. I have had a change of mind. BUT when there is such a low chance of it coming back, and a low chance that radiation will help, I said NO. I even cried when I made that decision. It wasn't an easy one to make. But I am happy with my decision. Now I can get back to being the person I am and not worry about what would happen if I had radiation. My daughter called and chatted with me. It felt good to have the support of my family.

Then my cousin, from prison, called. We chatted for about 30 minutes. Once that was over it was already 8:30 pm. So, I couldn't get back to what I wanted to. Now, it's time to call it a day, and what a day it was! At least I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Still Have Pain.....Have Things To Think About

Today I was up early. I let Patrick sleep in. Not sure if he is going golfing tomorrow or not. He's been thinking about it, but I think it's supposed to rain again. 

We went to my surgeon appointment today. All is good. They got all the cancer and now I need to see my radiation oncologist. I'm not liking the idea of radiation and will see on Friday if I am going to do it or not. I talked with a couple people that had it, and it doesn't sound good for some, and it does for others. I want to know more about it before I do it. I really am not liking this at all. Patrick thinks I should go through with it, but I don't know. Friday will tell me what I want to do. I am still in a lot of pain. I quit taking pain meds a couple days ago. I don't want to rely on pain meds and it doesn't help with my liver or kidney if I keep taking them. So, I'm putting an ice pack on at night and getting some sleep. The surgeon thought I was allergic to something in the prep for surgery and put that down on my chart. He was surprised I'm still itching. Told to keep putting cream on it. Let's hope it doesn't come back....guess that's going to be on what I do. Time will tell. 

Came home and I had to take a break. I seem to be taking a lot of breaks but this time I got off my but around 6 pm and started working on my cross stitching. 

Every little bit helps on getting this done. I really don't like how the fabric shows through though. I hope when I wash it, it will loosen things up and not show so much. That's what made today Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 29, 2024

Getting Moving

This morning Patrick went golfing and I slept in. I did get a call from Radiology to come in for a check up. We will see on Friday if I need radiology or not. Will be interesting to see how much if any radiation I will need. 

I went out walking and was able to do 4 laps. I was having trouble with my ear buds and will have to do some research on that. Every time I go outside with them they stop working. Go figure. 

Then I came in and vacuumed. It needed it. Patrick came home just after that. He went outside to work in the yard since the weather was good. I played on the tablet for a little bit. Then we watched "Worst Cooks" and I actually stopped playing for a good hour. I was thinking I wanted to work on something but not sure what. I did get my pattern "Shisha Berries" from Debbie Kelley and class is Sunday. Looking forward to it! I will take a photo tomorrow of the pattern. It's prettier than the photo they had for Distant Learning classes. 

I finally pulled out my cross stitching and decided I wanted to get a few more stitches in. I may work on that for awhile now. 

I did have to take the last row I put in, out. So that was time to stop for awhile. I am trying to get the stair step going. So, I finished the red step to the white. I'm now working on the white area of the dove. It's coming along nicely. I do know that my background is showing through and that bothers me, but nothing I can do about it with the fabric I have. At least it did feel good to be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Zoom Meeting Day

 This morning I was up and feeling a lot better. I did help out a little with house work. Patrick was on it all day. He even worked on laundry. 

This afternoon was our Brazilian embroidery sew group via zoom. It's a fun group and we get along great. It's fun to see what everyone is working on. 

I decided to work on my butterfly this time. I started it, and this is about as far as I got. I do think it's going to be a challenge because there is more small black areas. I need to be sure and leave the "dots" open when I do the black. That will be filled in with yellow. 

I played games today. I seem to feel better when I do. I did get in 4 laps of walking which was good for me. The cool air helped. I listened to my book and walked. 

Patrick fixed me supper and I eat while at our meeting. Then I pretty much called it done. I'm trying hard to get back to working on my crafts, but lately that just isn't there. I have my doctor appointment on Tuesday. I'm betting I may get a radiology call tomorrow or later this week. Hopefully I won't need it, but the ways things are going with me, I just might. 

I was just glad I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Time To Try And Get Back Into The Game

This morning I slept in. Didn't feel like getting up. When I did, Patrick had some rolls cooked. 

I was playing games when Patrick told me I would need to go out before the rain hit, if I was going to walk. I decided it was time to get back into the game of "life." I went out and got 2 laps in on walking. I didn't listen to by book, just walked. It actually felt good to get out and get some fresh air. 

Then I had Patrick bring me some quilts to work on the labels. I have way to many quilts here that need labels. 

This quilt is one that the Mt. St. Helen's Quilt Group made for us. They came up short on the size, so it will be for someone in a wheelchair. I hate giving out small quilts, but when they are done and donated, then that's what we will do. 

Linda Nelson made this one for us. It's also a wheelchair size. We do get veterans that are in the wheelchair, so it will work out fine. Linda does quilt quilts for us, so was surprised it was small. 

Colleen brought this one back. Sarah Bower made the top and we needed to add the last border. So, Colleen added the border and then quilted and bound it. It turned out really well. Can't tell that Colleen added the border. 

Mary Browner made the top and Connie quilted it. I do like this one. Turned out pretty good. We have enough quilts now to do the presentation for Feb 8th. I will be going; I just can't lift anything with my right arm. I really am going to have a hard time with that. I have to wait 6 weeks before I can lift anything over 10 lbs. 

Now it's back to watching TV and playing on my tablet. I will try and finish the rest of the labels tomorrow. At least that keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, January 26, 2024

Harder Than I Thought After Surgery

 Today Patrick went golfing. As for me, I felt awful. I did notice one of my eye lids is drooping enough that I can tell. It's like a shade over a corner of my eye. 

I put on and off the ice all day. It has been painful. I'm dealing with it, but it's uncomfortable. At least the area under my arm pit that I was having trouble with is not a problem and seems to be going down. 

As for the pain, I am also itchy. Being itchy is worse than the pain to me! I have been putting on cream that helps but it takes a little bit to work. I don't mind the pain if I had the choice between pain and itching. 

When Patrick came home he went to take a nap for a couple hours. I waited for Debbie and Colleen to drop off quilts. Once they did that, then I joined Patrick for a nap. I only lasted about 1 hour. Then got up and played on the tablet. I hope to get back to my beading if I can. 

Patrick took me out to eat. I ordered a cheeseburger but it was just a little over cooked for my liking. they really did char it, and I can't take char done! 

Came home and had hot chocolate because it's been raining all afternoon. Depressing at times. But I do like my rain. It does make the house dark though. Which doesn't help with the mood of the day. 

I realized today was harder because it's 3 days after surgery. The 2nd or 3rd day after surgery is when it really hits. So, I paid for it a little more today then the last 2 days. UGH

Looking forward to the time I can get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Trying To Get Back To Normal

 I didn't sleep the best, but I did get a good night's sleep. My arm pit and boob hurt. It's not the funniest thing in the world. 

Of all days, today is Patrick's Birthday! He even had a dentist appointment for his Birthday! UGH

I pretty much had my Tylenol and Ibuprofen trading places all day. I tried not to take it but every 6 hours. Don't want to depend on drugs to get me through this pain. I also had ice packs under my arm off and on all day. I'm going to have it on just before I call it a night. 

I did get a walk in. It was weird though, I walked around once. Part way back I felt it pulling on my boob (not sure what else to say other than breast). I started itching as well today. Not sure if it was the iodine the put on before surgery, but betting it was. 

Patrick went golfing. He's going to go again tomorrow. I'm just trying to stay quiet and get this sore spot cleared up. Not doing much is driving me crazy. After he got home, then he headed to the dentist. I'm still not ready to go to the dentist. I will when all this is over. At least I can hope it will be over. 

Patrick got Birthday calls from his brother and daughter. Both were asking about me as well. Poor guy didn't get much in the way of a Birthday. Phil gave him some books to read, so that was something. I tried to get him something, but he didn't want it. I offered to bake a cake and he wants to wait till this weekend. I think he wants me to heal a little better before getting back into the kitchen. 

Sandy texted today to say her coworker's husband (who is our age) passed away this morning. So, as I'm typing this, I'm actually thinking it depressing. I seriously need to get my but moving and think positive again!! 

Tomorrow is another day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Day After Surgery

 Yesterday I had surgery to remove more of the area where the cancer in my beast was. It was a 2 pm appointment. We arrived at 1 pm and found out I would go in till 3 pm. So, Patrick could walk around and try to find things to do. 

When I got in there, I told the Dr. that "puts me out" that I wanted the same thing we did last time. This was a different doctor. So, he gave me the same stuff, but he also gave me the nausea medication. Without thinking, I took it. That is the medication that I have the opposite effect. So, I was nauseated after coming out of surgery. They gave me more in the IV. So, the whole time after surgery I was nauseated! Then they told me to take ginger tablets because they help. NOPE, my reflux took off! It was BAD! So, when we got home, I went to bed. 

All night last night, I woke with either pain or reflux. It was hourly. Then about 2 am I couldn't go back to sleep till 4 am. Just wasn't my night. 

I'm in more pain than I was the first time. It's expected. I am dealing with the pain and my head not working right. I turn my head and feel like I'm going to pass out. Not fun. 

So, I napped today. I need to get out and walk tomorrow no matter what. Even if I walk one loop. I'm hoping the results will be good, but so far, they keep telling me they don't think it is, and then it comes back that it is. That's life. 

Then today Patrick received a letter saying his oncologist isn't under Medicare through Kaiser. So, he has to get another Doctor. I'm wondering if that could happen to me when I go on Medicare. Time will tell. 

Good news is that my nephew is getting married on my Birthday. In Oklahoma. Sorry, Not going. 

No chance (in the last 2 days) of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 22, 2024

Embroidery Meeting - Class Instruction

 This morning Gerilyn came over so I could take her to embroidery. They were leaving for Seattle today and it would be easier on her husband if she came with me. We were early - it was 9:30 am when we arrived. Funny thing was that both Cindy and Sandy were there that early as well. 

We waited on Sandy V. She was scheduled to work on her class she's teaching. She's making changes to her Seminar class to go virtual. It's the mandala patterns that she is doing with embroidery. So, we talked about what she could do for the class. She's wanting to give students ideas of what they can do with the patterns. Changing them up to look good with embroidery. 

Mandala printable patterns can be found on Bing or any search site. There are a lot of them out there. She uses the round ones. I had a few photos before of her work, but not today. They are pretty, but I don't know if I could do the colors justice. I will think about doing this class as she goes along, to see if it works for others. She had to get Pat K., from BE to use her computer to design one for the class. 

She is still working on this piece. It's from a BE book that is out there. When I figure out which one it is, I will post the correct information on it. She does a beautiful job with her embroidery. 

Since Gerilyn's husband picked her up, I was able to go to the gas station for gas. We wanted to have a full tank to get up to Tacoma tomorrow. 

I came home and worked on laundry. I didn't want Patrick to have to do all the laundry this week, so I got most of it done. It's a lot that was from our Sunday cleaning, so rugs and bed linen where in there as well. 

I played on the tablet and just had a good time. I received 3 applications for QOV that I need to get done tonight. I really didn't get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Play And Relaxing

Today we enjoyed not having to be up at a certain time. Yet I couldn't sleep in. 

We cleaned up the house a little this morning. Play started at 2 pm in Centralia. So, we cleaned up and I was able to get some rugs in the wash. Which I need to put back in the bathroom now that I think about it. 

Debbie popped over before the play. She and I were working on the batting for Connie. She picked up 2 battings and then left. Once she was gone, Colleen came to pick up the quilt I got from Sara Bower. She's going to add a border and then quilt it.  

Next thing I knew it was time to go to the play. It was called "Almost, Maine." It was interesting but turned out to be short "stories" of romance. It was awesome acting! They were really good with making you feel like you were there. I enjoyed it. But I think I like plays that are the whole play. 

We came home and got supper going. Then sat and relaxed in front of the TV. Katt called earlier and we called her back. Then we just relaxed. So much so, that right now I'm about to call it a night. I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Waiting All Morning - What A Day!

 Patrick had his MRI and CAT scan this morning. We were up and out the door by 7:45 am. We arrived at Kaiser where they took him in the first time - which was a good half hour wait. When he came out they gave him the "barium" for the next one. We had to wait an hour and a half before they would take him back in. So, after about an hour, I went and walked around Kaiser. Then when I came back in, he hadn't gone back in yet. It was long after though. 

We came home around 11:30 am. Patrick was tired, so he pretty much took a nap. 

I went downstairs and cut 21 labels for QOV. I needed to have some more ready. Then I ironed them and now have them ready to put on the quilts. 

There were three labels by the ironing board that I had from last time. Now I should be good for a little bit. 

Debbie came by and we cut backing and batting for 2 quilts. We talked about the one on my wall. I need to get to work on that. Told her about how much Patrick has to pay for his chemo pills for the next couple months. (VERY HIGH) 

After she left, I sat and played on my tablet. I was going to do a label or two but didn't. 

Poor Patrick, he slept pretty much all afternoon. I did make an apple crisp that turned out pretty good. So, with baking and sewing labels, I decided to take a break. At least I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Another Quiet Day

This morning I was up earlier than I have been getting up. I had 2 phone calls from Kaiser today. One to go over my surgery on Tuesday. 

Then I got laundry going. I'm happy to say, I actually did 3 loads! lol - Patrick went golfing and was home before noon. He had been itching to go golfing since they closed the course for a week. The weather was either too cold or raining too much. We had freezing weather in there as well. So, when he came home, he crashed on the couch and slept for a good couple hours. 

I went for my walk - first time in awhile. Then I came in and worked on my beading. 

 I am having fun watching this grow. The ears are easy to see now, and I need to get to her face. In between trying to bead and laundry, I had a few things come up with QOV. I had to send accounting stuff to Nationals to see what was going on. They are working on a new gal. I told them that 3 months of training and they should have it down by now. When the call emailed back, she said she had been on the job for 3 weeks. So, I apologized. After all that was done, and I was finished with 2 rows, I called it done. I'm good for the day. And the best part was that I could bead without any worries. It sure makes the day easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Trip To Olympia

This morning I didn't do a lot. I was just enjoying the morning. Patrick didn't go golfing because of the rain. 

My appointment in Olympia was at 2, so we left around 1. It was short and sweet. I wanted to see if he would remove some fluid under my arm pit. He said to remind him Tuesday when I have surgery, to remove some fluid. He will have a better chance to look at it then. I could have had it done today, but he said it would be better if I waited till Tuesday. Short and sweet. 

We headed to Costco and got a lot of stuff we were out of. Plus a few things we didn't remember till we show it. 

Came home and unloaded. They had to get our crab going for supper. We have enough for 2 meals, and we will have the rest of it tomorrow. Patrick headed to his meeting with the sewer district and I cleaned up the kitchen. Once all that was done, I was done. 

Played games the rest of the night. Coughing like crazy all day. Mom's got a cold and drinking a lot of hot totties. She was laughing most of the time we chatted, so think she's really enjoying her hot totties! Worked on a few things for QOV. Now I'm done. 

Calling it a night without being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Working On "Fireplace Sophie"

 This morning, I slept till around 10 am. I surprised myself but it felt good. Lately I seem to want to sleep more. Thinking that's my way of healing with cancer. Who knows. I will see the surgeon tomorrow about my surgery on Tuesday. 

I played games and Patrick made some Peanut Brittle. The thermometer didn't seem to be working right. So, I'm thinking he over cooked the brittle. 

I sat and worked on my beading. 

There isn't much change from the last time. With only 2 rows getting done. It's a slow process and takes a while to come to life. It's slowly coming together. 

While I was working on my beading and listening to my book, Patrick was on the phone with AT&T. We have them for cell phones. The bill was huge. He was asking about the bill and trying to get it down. Of course, they weren't understanding him, and he was getting frustrated. After a good hour, I think they got it worked out. Hard to say. We were being charged for stuff that I really don't think they should have charged us for. We got rid of a couple things as well. It was all supposed to have been worked out when we traded in the phones. Of course, the military discount didn't show up. They told him it could take 3 months before it shows. What a pain! They have the paperwork, approve or disapprove of it, don't take 3 months!

I'm still coughing! Hate this cough! At least my lungs are clear. lol 

My day was quiet and calming. I was able to take time to sit and bead. Try it, that's a good way to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Doctor Appointment

 This morning I was just moving around. Didn't get into anything because we needed to be in Olympia by 1 pm. 

We headed out at noon, stopping at the bank first. Then headed up to Kaiser. We both had to have blood work done. When we arrived and took a number, I had 11 people in front of me. We didn't have to wait long. Funny thing was, the gal that took my blood couldn't get finished with the paperwork and was stuck. So, I ended up waiting for the other gal to come in. She hadn't signed out and that stopped my gal from completing our task. Once that was done, Patrick and I got a muffin at the cafe before heading upstairs to my appointment. 

When I finally got into my appointment, my doctor was having an intern work with her. So, she came in after the nurse, went over everything and then my doctor came in and went over everything. Between the 2, I think I told them everything. My doctor is keeping track of all that is going on with me. She told me she wanted to see me in 6 weeks - but did I know about the new changes with appointments? Nope. Now I can only sign up for an appointment with in 9 days. The appointments for her go fast! She's only available M, T, and Wed. So, I have to check 9 days before I want the appointment. UGH. I may end up calling Kaiser and have them set up my appointment. I will wait till the middle of February. 

We stopped at the gas station on the way home. Then we got busy with cooking supper. Once that was over, I was done for the day. So, I've been enjoying my game. lol 

It's wasn't meant to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 15, 2024

Brazilian Embroidery Meeting Day

This morning, I was out the door heading to the bank. But guess what, it's a holiday! So, I will have to stop tomorrow.  

I met up with Sandy and Gerilyn. We had a good meeting. Gerilyn brought us bread with soup. So, we had an awesome lunch! I had to have more. The soup was veggies, noodles and meat. All was very tasty. I think she even surprised herself! 

I was able to finish this butterfly up. I couldn't find my black thread so then I sat and chatted. When I started picking everything up, then I found the thread I needed. By that time, we all decided to call it a day. At least I have 2 of the 3 butterflies done. I will work on the last one and get this piece done. 

We talked about the Seminar being cancelled and going virtual. I'm not going to attend. I'm doing the distant learning classes and that's pretty much the same. Why pay more to call it "Seminar?" 

Came home - and man! was it cold! It felt good to come home. I ended up putting another sweater on because the sweater I had wasn't enough. 

We sat and chatted. Patrick watched the football game, and I moved around. Debbie stopped by and got 2 backing for Connie. Once she left I played on my tablet. I couldn't think of anything to work on while I was sitting in my chair. Weird, but I was at a loss. 

Then I played on the tablet the rest of the night. I have a doctors meeting tomorrow - not about the surgery or cancer - just a checkup. I'm sure she will talk about what's going on with me. 

All in all I'm just glad I had finished the butterfly and can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Another COLD Day - Staying Home

 Today we were up and could feel the cold weather outside. 

We pretty much did the usual Sunday stuff. Cleaning. Then we watched the football game - or Patrick watched the game and I beaded. 

I added 3 or 4 more rows. I noticed that the other ear is coming through. Now I'm getting excited to get to her face. The ear looks good from the photo. It's amazing how details come out better when one steps away from the piece and not right on it. The red area on the left is a barn board that is the wall. I don't care for the barn board, but it's been there since we bought the house. One can see the rest is brick work. 

In between working on my beading and listening to my book, I decided to work on stew and homemade bread. I used the European flour that doesn't have the chemicals that the USA flour has. I LOVE it!! The dough was so much softer and even the bread was fluffer!

I roasted some cauliflower and broccoli to add to my stew. Patrick doesn't do the veggies, so I add them into whatever we make. It was really good. And warming!

In working on trying to do more, I've been doing pretty good the last couple days. I enjoyed baking and I enjoyed cooking. Part of like is enjoying what we do and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Staying Home All Weekend

Today I was sleeping in. It's Saturday and I really didn't want to get up. So, I stayed in a warm bed. We had snow again last night and this afternoon. We keep dropping in temperatures. All week we have been under a weather warning. 

I pretty much played games till I decided to get my butt up and go work on my beading. 

I was able to get 4 rows in today and I started working on it around 3 pm. Once can see the ear in the corner left. The brick is really coming out as brink work. I do like how it's coming along, and I don't feel like I need to take any of it out right now. The colors are truer so far. I'm waiting to see what Sophie's coloring will look like. She's calico and that is what will make this piece interesting. I do need to go on YouTube and show the work. I will do that one of these days. 

Try to stay home and keep warm is my motto right now. I'm due for more doctor appointments starting this week. It's almost as if it will go on for a month every week. So, it's better for me to stay home and keep up with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 12, 2024

A Little Of This And That

 Today I didn't want to get up. Mostly because my reflex decided to keep me up. I had a hard time getting to sleep much. 

Then it was a day of this and that. I worked on the water system bookkeeping to close out 2023. I needed Patrick's help because I had the books a little off. It's now balanced, and the year is closed out. If I ever get audited, then everything is good to go.  Then I vacuumed (with a little help from Patrick). He did laundry and I folded the clothes. 

Debbie stopped by and dropped off 3 quilts. Then Colleen came and took 2 of the quilts I had for bindings. I talked to mom, and she was telling me about yesterday's presentation.  

The day went by fast with all the little things I was doing. From one thing to another. It's funny how busy one can get doing this and that. 

It was a cold day today with the snow. We got snow again today. Mom didn't get much in Centralia but Chehalis and Onalaska got hit pretty good with snow. Wonder if we will have more tomorrow. The state is under a "warning."

And no, I didn't find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Rainy, Windy Day At Home

This morning I didn't want to get out of bed till 9:30 and even then, it was questionable. I just wanted to stay in bed. That's not like me, but I think I'm just getting tired of what's to come.  

I spend a good part of the morning and part of the afternoon playing games. Trying to not think of things that are going on. 

Then Patrick said I should go out and walk. When I looked outside it was raining. The day was so gloomy that it's no wonder I didn't want to get out of bed! So, I decided I better go and work on my beading. That way I could listen to my book and be happy. 

Two rows later it was time to eat. After supper I put another row on. It felt good to get 3 rows done today. I could have done more, but wasn't in the right place then. I'm seeing the ear show up on the photo. It doesn't look really good close up, but from a distance one can tell it's the ear. 

Presentation was today and Debbie handled it. She said she missed me. I guess they kept doing to her what they do to me. Everyone has questions and concerns just before presentation - that have nothing to do with presentation. She did good. Said they gave out 9 quilts today. She has some to bring to me. Three need labels and one need bound. I told her I can let Colleen know about the ones that need bindings. 

I've got this. I will do fine, just need to get back to my crafts. I'm having a hard time because I can lift anything over 10 lbs. Gallon of milk size. That is hard when I have laundry and other things to do. Oh, well. 

At least I got myself up and busy working on my beading. That's what makes today Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Snow - Surgery Scheduled

Today I woke to snow. 

 Wasn't expecting it. Seems those of us in the lower part of the Pacific Northwest got snow. Those in Olympia did not. Onalaska got even more. It's nice to wake up to this. 

Had my video chat with my oncologist. She could see me but I couldn't see her. She's going to try and get that fixed for the next visit. She had my surgery date before I did. We talked about what we may or may not do. I have to see a radiologist to see if they are going to do radiation. If they do, it would be about 2 weeks every day. She talked about me having to take a pill for 5 years to help combat any cancer that may want to appear again. It's a precautionary measure. I'm not happy with it but I will do it. Ugh, 5 years! Hopefully that will go fast. I'm just lucky so far. I then got a message asking if the 23rd would work for me to go back in for surgery. Told her we were here in Chehalis and not to make it too early. So, they scheduled me for the afternoon in Tacoma. I'm just going to deal with that too. 

After all that, we went to Safeway. We needed a few things. I think we both enough food for the next week as far as meals go. Then we stopped at the church to pick up a quilt. 

Came home and I pretty much "shut down." I played games and watched TV with Patrick. I even watched the Republican debates. It is going to be interesting!

Life goes on, I'm going to be fine! I will get through this and we can get back to normal. I am hoping to wear a bracelet that says "cancer free." But that's really not true, it can come back or it's still in the body, just not where it causes trouble. 

I did not find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Results In - Need To Go Back

Today I was up and ready to get moving. Patrick was telling me I need to do more than just play games. Debbie was coming over today at 11. I decided to go out when she leaves. 

I called the nurse to let her know the results where there. She had the surgeon call me. Everything looks good - but there is a question on the "margins" of what was taken out. They think they got it all, but need to be sure since I wasn't in the "margins." So, now I wait to see when the next surgery is. I am not happy about going back in, but I know it's necessary. I still have my oncology meeting tomorrow. He said it's "curable" and I believe him. He just wants to make sure we get it all. I'm okay with that. I'm still stage "0" so I can't complain. It could have grown in the short amount of time I waited. Thankfully it didn't. 

Okay, on a better note. I called Ron while I was walking. I even called a distant cousin who works on the family history. We both realize that the stuff we collect today may not be of interest to anyone in the family. Sorry note! I wish it was, but I agree with him. No one in today's generation wants to know about history - that's why we seem to be repeating it now. 

I then went to work and got me beads back in line. Then I did another row. 

I realized I could have another 4 rows done, for as long as it took me to get the beads back in the tubs they belonged to. I started on the tip of Sophies ear (left side). I have a couple beads that are out of place, but I'm not sure if I want to take it out and fix it. I may yet! If anyone knows me well, they know if it bothers me, it comes out. The brick work is coming out pretty good. Once can tell its brick work. 

At least I was able to get moving again and find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 8, 2024

Meeting And Cleaning Up Day

This morning I decided to go to my Brazilian Embroidery meeting. 

Before I even got out the door - 

I noticed this mess!! Sophie was exploring last night! UGH I sent Patrick the photo and headed out the door!

Our meeting was just Sandy and me. We had such a good time! I didn't take anything to work on, but we chatted the whole time. I did work on getting my word chart done for the Christmas ornaments for this year. I need to get those done so I can start working on them. I will do more later. 

Came home and played for a little bit. Didn't walk because it was raining - not that that should stop me. I then figured I better go and work on the mess Sophie left me with. 

I moved the towel and found more of a mess. UGH

It was time to go through the beads and put them in piles to go back into the containers. It isn't an easy task, because there are colors that are close to others. Plus she emptied about 5 containers completely and I had to figure out what color they were. 

As one can see, there are a TON of beads all over the table. At the top of the mat there is lighter beads that came out of 2 containers. The two at the top of the mat. I picked them up in groups and separated the beads. 

Two and a half hours later, I was able to get the last of the beads on the mat. Then I covered the containers with my baking dish! I'm not going through that again! I have another hours worth of work to do to get the beads back where I want them. I also had to make sure I had the right bead color to the right container. 

I called it done. Then I went and pulled the last of the quilts out. I added the label - I think it's Connie's quilt but not sure. So, the label is there with no name. I need Debbie to check with Connie on Thursday since she didn't answer my email. 

The day is over for me. I'm done. I did get the notification that my test results are in, but I won't look at them right now. I'm going to wait for my surgeon to call me and tell me how it went. I'm afraid to look and want to hear it from him. Today was his day off, so I will probably hear from him tomorrow. If I don't hear by noon, I'll call him. I don't wait to read it, I want to know from the surgeon. If I let Patrick read it, then I will want to know. I'm not ready to know. I want to have one more day of not worrying about it, before I get the truth. I pray it's gone, but there is always a chance it's not. Last time I opened my test results, I found bad news. Maybe this way it will be good news. Hard to say. Tomorrow I will know one way or the other.  Deep breath!

My day was so much fun with Sandy. I enjoyed our chat and I enjoyed spending time with her. It's been hard to find time to be with her lately. AND best of all, it felt good to get out. As for what Sophie did, that is harder to be try and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Working On It

This morning I was up and moving. Not doing much though. I did unload the dishwasher and try to help with laundry. I can't lift the laundry but I can fold it. 

I pretty much played all morning. I'm just not 100% back to "normal" - meaning I'm not feeling like I want to do anything. I'm thinking it's a little depression, but I've always been one to close off and do my own thing. Patrick suggested I take my walk. I figured he had a point, so I went out and walked - this time doing 3 laps instead of 2. I'm not ready to do my exercises that I do for my back. Surprisingly, I'm not having back issues, so that's a good thing. 

After walking the 3 loops, I sat down to work on my beading. 

I was able to get 2 more rows done. They take about an hour per row, but then the row is a good 12" or more long. I think the tip of Sophie's ear is starting to show but not sure. I need to check my pattern on the computer to see if I'm close. I'm in the 40's as far as rows go. My laptop likes to shut off on me a lot, so I will check it later. 

I then went back to playing games. I was listening to one of Nora Roberts books. It was interesting. Didn't expect the ending to be what it was. Guess that's why I like her books. 

My day was quiet, and enjoyable - at least to me. The Seahawks won, but so did Green Bay, so we are out of the wild card. I'm okay with that. I was getting tired of football lately. They are getting to pollical for my liking. 

At least I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Sore & Dealing With It

 Today I enjoyed a doughnut since Patrick went out to get doughnuts. I try not to eat them but when he goes out once in a while, I just have to have one. 

I was sore when I got up and I am still sore! It's uncomfortable to be in pain. I don't want to take pain meds, because it's just around the stitches, but I may have to. I will take a Tylenol around supper time. I just hate being so uncomfortable and not able to do much. I did push it a little today and will have to suck it up and take a Tylenol.  

I played games this morning and then Patrick suggested I try and put labels on quilts. Which I did. I also emptied the dishwasher. Which make it a little sore on my right side. I'm sore where the stitches are and I'm sore under the arm pit. UGH

This was one of Kristi's friends quilt top. She quilted the quilt for her. I think this is the one that I had Colleen add more rows to but not sure. 

JoAnn Wisner made this one as well. I believe this is the 5th one she's made. It's an easy quilt pattern, but we had a lot of them cut and ready to sew. She took the box and ended up with 3 or 4 quilt tops out of the box. It works out great. We still have quilts for veterans at this rate. 

Colleen's sister made the top. Then Colleen quilted it. I like the design, which surprises even me. I'm not usually thrilled about scrappy quilts like this one. But this works. They did an awesome job on this one. 

After 3 labels I decided not to do the 4th one. I'm so sore right now, that I don't want to push it. I'm just happy that I was able to try and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 5, 2024

Quilting At Moms

 I headed over to moms today. I didn't take anything or do anything. My surgery stitches were sore today. I showed mom the surgery area. She was surprised at how big the stitches were. I told her it's just sore from time to time. Plus the nipple is really sore when I brush across it. That has to be because of those shorts. It was funny how a couple of the gals down play the surgery. It's a quick and easy surgery but the waiting to heal is the hard part. I'm still not 100% ready to get back to normal. 

I didn't stay long. After lunch, I came home. I didn't want to sit and do nothing. I was thinking about home more. When I left, I didn't call Patrick. So, when I got home he told me he had a couple things he wanted me to pick up. I told him the last few times I called he didn't have anything, so I didn't call. Never fails. I really didn't want to be out today. 

When I got home, I fell asleep on the couch for a good 2+ hours. Patrick was napping in his chair as well. Neither one of us got much done when I got home. Patrick did clean up the house and get all the Christmas decorations put away. The tree is gone and the house is back to normal. 

It wasn't a day where I felt good. I was more tired than anything. Not a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Doctor Appointment Today

 This morning we headed to Olympia to see the surgeon. We arrived early and was surprised at how quick I was able to get in. The nurse was different but it seemed to be his regular nurse. I had a different gal when I went to see him before. 

He looked over the "scars" and told me I can take off the tape when it starts to peel. I showed him the rash and he said to continue with the stuff I'm using. If it doesn't go away in a couple weeks he can give me some meds to help me. He was surprised to see it. Then we chatted about my scar under the arm. It has some liquid in there and should drain on it's own. (Hopefully not like it did on Monday) I have to pay attention to it and make sure it doesn't get hard. If it does, then I will need to have it drained. 

We didn't have the results back from the lab, so we really didn't have much to talk about. We were hoping to have that back so he could talk to me about it. If I get the results, I'm to call him and he will call me back. In the meantime, I am without know if it was all taken out. I have the oncology appointment next week, and if it's not in by then, I have to call and let them know. It's not worth seeing the oncologist till the results are back. UGH, UGH, UGH. I'm still positive and looking for the good side of things. We will find out. Life goes on. 

Came back home and I worked on my beading. 

One more row was done. It's coming along nicely but does take a good hour to do one row. I'm hoping to see Sophie's ear soon. It's getting to the point I want to see my cat coming through. 

I'm still positive and letting things go. I was able to get some veterans entered into the system for the group. Colleen dropped off another quilt. So, I now have 4 quilts that need labels put on them. I will try and work on them this weekend so Debbie can come get them for next Thursday. I'm still trying not to lift anything over 10 lbs and at times that gets hard to remember. Quilts aren't that heavy, at least the ones we have. I will work on them one at a time and have them done as soon as I feel like it. Tomorrow is quilting at moms. I'm not planning on taking anything with me. I should but I'm not going to. My bag is over 10 lbs with all the stuff I take with me. 

At least I'm finding time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Had To Get Out Of The House

 This morning Patrick went golfing again. I think he's crazy leaving so early and golfing in the rain! He goes because it gives him something to do other than watching TV all day.

I enjoyed playing a few games before he got home. He was home by 11:30 am. I told him I was tired of looking at the 4 walls in this house. So, we decided to go to the casino. We arrived (without my ID) since Patrick said I didn't need it. I'm always telling him I need it. This time he got caught! We arrived at the casino and they wouldn't let me in because I didn't have my ID. So, we came all the way home to pick it up. I picked up a white cocoa on the way! lol 

We went back to the casino and were allowed it. What I didn't care for was that they scanned my Drivers License. I don't think it's any of their business what's on my license. I saw a whole list of stuff show up under my name. It didn't seem to bother Patrick much as we headed on into the casino. I'm thinking it's because of the shooting that killed a person who was on the run around Christmas time. 

Nope, didn't win anything. Spent a lot of money but we were gone for a good 4 hours. None of the games that we played were really "hitting," so we came home. I fixed some waffles for supper. 

Tomorrow I'm on my way to Olympia to find out about my surgery. I haven't received any word on what the results are, so I'm not sure if he will have them yet or not. Either way, it will be a week since the surgery. I'm still a little sore around the stitches. The arm pit is the worst! I can feel it when I'm moving my arm around. I'm thinking it will be at least 2 more weeks before I can lift anything over 10 lbs. I am washing my bra that got blood on it. Not coming out, but I'm trying. 

So, NO, today I wasn't anywhere near being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Working On "Normal" After Surgery

 Today I thought I would get moving and get my blog going again. It's kinda hard at times when you're dealing with cancer. Not the hard part, but the part where your brain wonders if they got everything, will I have to go through radiation? That kinda of wondering. 

I played games again this morning. Then I decided I needed to get off my butt and work on some beading. Since beading is about the only thing I can do right now. I would love to cross stitch, but because of the position of where I hold the frame, I can't work on it. Then there is quilting - which, believe it or not, quilts are heavier than 10 lbs. Which means, yet again, I can't do that. 

I did have some "leakage" yesterday in the arm pit. I'm doing better today. It's sore but then bruising can be sore. I will be going to see my surgeon on Thursday and will find out what the results of the Lumpectomy will be. 

Which put me back to - what to do?! - and beading came up to that. I have had it on the table since Katt was here, but that's okay too. 

I was able to do 2 rows on this. It's the "Fireplace Sophie" photo I generated. I believe her ear should be coming into place on the left side here pretty soon. I'm hoping to see the work of her ear so that I will be wanting to do more beading at a time. It's fun to watch the picture come into focus. 

My arm told me I did enough. Even though I'm left handed and had the work done on the right side, but right side is ackey at times. So, I called it done for today. 

Patrick went golfing in the rain this morning. He's climbing the walls at times too. While he golfs, I try to find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Not Our "Normal" Christmas

 Since I had a cold on Christmas Day, we couldn't have mom over. If she caught the cold or even ended up with pneumonia, then it would be a game changer for her. So, she went to a dear friends house for Christmas Eve. She didn't want me to know who.  I'm just glad she was able to go somewhere. She did say it was the first time she had been alone for Christmas. That was a surprise to me. I was alone about 3 times in my lifetime. 

I slept most of the day. Patrick and Katt had been enjoying each other's company since she arrived. I did try and stay up most of the day. We exchanged gifts and then had crab for supper - which neither Patrick nor I ate a lot. I was disappointed because I had been looking forward to the dinner. 

The next day I called the nurse to let her know how I was feeling (previous post). 

Phil came over on the 27th. We then were able to have a good Christmas together. Exchanging gifts, laughing, and playing games. We played the board/card game that we got when we got back from the cruise last year. Patrick and I kicked the kids butts! Now we are tied as far as each time we have played it with them. 

Phil and Katt looked good. It was a thrilled to have them together. I wish at times things were different and we had a whole family together, but that isn't how life can be. 

My beautiful family! Patrick, Phil, myself, and Katt. Couldn't be happier!

I have a gift card for beads, so that will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...