Saturday, January 27, 2024

Time To Try And Get Back Into The Game

This morning I slept in. Didn't feel like getting up. When I did, Patrick had some rolls cooked. 

I was playing games when Patrick told me I would need to go out before the rain hit, if I was going to walk. I decided it was time to get back into the game of "life." I went out and got 2 laps in on walking. I didn't listen to by book, just walked. It actually felt good to get out and get some fresh air. 

Then I had Patrick bring me some quilts to work on the labels. I have way to many quilts here that need labels. 

This quilt is one that the Mt. St. Helen's Quilt Group made for us. They came up short on the size, so it will be for someone in a wheelchair. I hate giving out small quilts, but when they are done and donated, then that's what we will do. 

Linda Nelson made this one for us. It's also a wheelchair size. We do get veterans that are in the wheelchair, so it will work out fine. Linda does quilt quilts for us, so was surprised it was small. 

Colleen brought this one back. Sarah Bower made the top and we needed to add the last border. So, Colleen added the border and then quilted and bound it. It turned out really well. Can't tell that Colleen added the border. 

Mary Browner made the top and Connie quilted it. I do like this one. Turned out pretty good. We have enough quilts now to do the presentation for Feb 8th. I will be going; I just can't lift anything with my right arm. I really am going to have a hard time with that. I have to wait 6 weeks before I can lift anything over 10 lbs. 

Now it's back to watching TV and playing on my tablet. I will try and finish the rest of the labels tomorrow. At least that keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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