Saturday, February 29, 2020

Retirement Has It's Moments!

I didn't post yesterday because there really wasn't anything to report. I spent the morning with the quilters and didn't do one thing but play games on my phone. Left early so Patrick and I could go to Olympia to drop off quilts. We stayed and had a good chat with Bill and Sharon. Then it was picking mom up and heading to Longview for supper.

This morning Patrick was waiting on me to go grocery shopping. I completely forgot we said we would do that, and I wanted to do my beading!

We went grocery shopping. They have the "Monopoly Game" going at Safeway. Got 39 cards. BUT honestly, I'm not sure why I bother! They have 2 game pieces with each card. Out of 29 cards, there were 6 coupons that I could use. Threw out about 6 others. The rest was the cards you have to go to an app to see what you won. So far I have 109 "tokens" that don't me any good. I can get a $10 gift card for Safeway so far - or need a few more tokens and then have it. I know I have the $5 one. Big Whoop! Came home and put everything away. Got 35 cents back on ibotta. lol.

After all that was done, and the bread was ready to raise again, I pulled the quilts out. Two of them needed to have the labels one. I washed the other one. After finishing the labels on the quilts, put them in the wash. I checked the last one before putting it in the dryer and found it was bleeding. UGH!! So, it's going for another wash.

Once all that was done, it was time to cook the bread.

It turned out awesome! I love it! The sourdough came out too. 

Then I pulled my cross stitching out. Got a lot done before I realized I had a mistake. So, it came out. It wasn't a lot, but it was a good 40 stitches. 

I will be putting the part back that I took out. It's on the right side of the yellow flowers, across from where the threads are on the left. I added more, so I will work on some more outlining soon. I am having fun with this. I haven't touched it in about 4 days, so I'm really wanting to do this. 

So, retirement has been going good when I can get stuff done. But there are times that Patrick has other ideas, and that's because he's retired. He gets bored and we end up going places - like yesterday. I can't wait for the weather to get better. He really needs to go outside. We cleaned some stuff out in the garage. Found a few things I didn't remember having. Got rid of a few things that I decided wasn't worth saving. So, when he gets in the cleaning mood, that takes the time away from what I do. But at least I can still go around to my meetings while he stays home. I'm okay with that! I do like having him around. I actually get more done, but when he's in that "mood" it's time to throw my hands up and say, "Okay, here we go!." 

All in all, it feels good to be back to stitching and being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Tons Of Stuff Going On Today

This morning I had a long list of things to do. Whether I make it or not was on how much I could get done......

It started out with me going downstairs and vacuuming the floor to cut some backing and batting for 2 quilts. I then had to wash the backings. That wasn't going to happen till I get my load of laundry done. Sophie joined me downstairs. I had to lay the quilts out and measure.

Called Sharon and Bill to let them know we would be there tomorrow after quilting, to drop off the quilts.

I got the backing in the wash, then pulled out the quilt to finish the binding.

I was working on this till I went to get some water.

So I ended up getting the other 2 quilts out and putting the labels on them.

That didn't make Sophie happy. lol I got one label on and working on another one. I still have to finish the quilt Sophie decided to sit on. I have about 24" to go and then the label.

I ironed the 3 quilt backings after washing them. Hildi called and said she has another top that I need to take up as well. So, I'm taking all 3 at once. I will give Bill her information. After getting all 3 ironed, I then had to get some dessert done. I'm taking one up to Sharon and Bill.

It's a Pecan Pie Brownie. It looks good. I had to split the recipe into 2 different pans. That way I can keep one and give the other to Sharon and Bill. I called to make sure Bill could eat nuts. He can't eat peanuts but he can eat pecans.

It's been one busy day going from one thing to another. It doesn't sound like a lot of work, but it was a lot of work. I still haven't been able to get to my beading again. Nor my cross stitching. I have to get these quilts done for Wednesdays. I need to get them washed and photographed before they go on Wednesday. Way too much stuff has to get ready for Wednesday. I still have certificates to make. It's taking some time.

At least it was (part of the day) being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What A Day With Mom

This morning I was over at moms. It's my Wednesday day with mom.

Arrived and we had some Chai Tea that she ordered last time I was there. Then she checked her email and found a LOT of money from Staples that she got for rewards. So, we had to go to Staples and pick up some ink as well as a few other things. Then we picked up some Nacho's at Taco Bell. Came back home and watched "Father Brown" while stitching on the binding of the quilt I need to finish. Mom had the binding done on the other 2, so brought those back home. I have another side to finish before it's done. I have to put the labels on all three. So, I'm still working on that. I came back home around 2:30 pm. There was a box in the middle of the road at Stillwaters Estates, so I picked it up and took it to the office. It was a box that the FedEx person dropped out of the truck. Weird. I let them take care of it.

Got home and pulled out my box of cross stitch magazines to take to my sons. Figured my daughter in law could enjoy them. When they are done with them, I'll get them back. Not that I need them right now, I have a ton of kits that I want to do, so it will be awhile before I need to look in the magazines again.

Then it was time to go bowling. I bowled a lot better! I even gained a pin compared to loosing a pin on Sunday. I bowled a 153, 173, 192. We lost 3 games. Next week is position round, and we aren't even close to the top, so it's not too much to worry about. Next quarter we need to pull it out. We are in the roll off's for Sunday, but I don't know if we can get to the roll offs on Sunday. It would be nice.

Today was very little Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Two Days Of Sewing - WoW!

This morning I was up and downstairs to get an early morning start on the quilt top for Mike McCoy. I wanted to get it done today.

I had it all done in a good amount of time. I didn't have the blue that is in the border though. I had to go to Sister's in Chehalis to see if they had the blue that would go with this. Patrick and I looked around and finally found a pretty blue that went with it. Patrick was a sweetheart and paid for it for me. He's really been very helpful with these quilts! I turned out better than I thought it would. Patrick has gotten really good about laying out the blocks and getting them to work.

I then asked him about this one - minus the stars in the corner. He said I had too much on the board so I needed to put a red border on the panel and then bring it all up to him. I added a 2" border around the panel. Then I took it all up to him to see what he could do. He took all the small stars I have and put them around the panel. It really worked. Trouble is I needed another border to go with all those stars. I'll have to get mom to do more stars for me. The more the merrier. So, I'm almost ready to have another top done. I have 3 more panels behind this one. I need to get them going. Plus I need to do a quilt for my brother. This is getting to be a lot of work on sewing. I'd really rather be doing my beading right now, but I do need to get a lot more quilts ready for our May presentation. We are not going to do April.

I then pulled out the quilt I kept to do the binding on. I got a side and a half done. I still have a side 2 more sides to go. UGH. Talked to mom and was told she finished the 2 I dropped off on Sunday. Go figure. At least she's been busy and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitchin

Monday, February 24, 2020

A Day Of Stitching - Sewing

Yep, that's what I said, "A Day Of Sewing." All because I needed to get a couple tops done for QOV.

After getting moving this morning, Patrick was a sweetheart and went to get the fireplace going. I had to do a few things and took my time getting downstairs. I called and talked to Sharon and Bill first. It was a long chat because Sharon likes to chat. We talked about the beading. She's on row 69 of the covered bridge one.

Downstairs I went. Then I got to work on the quilt top. I had about 3 rows done and Sharon M called to talk to me about QOV. So, that took another 45 mins. I don't know what it is about Sharon's but they do like to chat. I'm okay with that, because it got me a break from sewing.

I finally finished it about 5 pm. Poor Patrick had to wait on me before he got to have supper.

While I was working on the quilt top downstairs, Patrick was working on the quilt for Mike.

He reworked what we had. I actually like this better. I put the center eagle together with the red and beige sides. Tomorrow I may just go down and get it all put together. I will work on it. Now that we have a quilt that looks good and doesn't look crappy like this -

At least Patrick did a better job at it.

Once I was finished with that,

I got these beads, and decided to put them in tubes. So, for about 2 hours I was putting the beads in tubes and marking them. I need to figure out which ones go with the snowman pattern. I still have a few beads I need to get for that, but so far I'm in good shape to get it started. That won't happen for a little while. 

So my day was sewing pretty much all day long. 11 am to 5 pm. Not what I really like to do, but when I'm in the mood, it's okay. Now I need to finish Mike's quilt, then get started on my brothers, and Arts. UGH!! I will get moving when I can. I have an idea of finishing a panel, and I'm going to work on that as well. I did have Sharon and Bill order our group some white on white, and white on beige for our quilt tops. May way till I get that first before working on the panels. I'm thinking of a few quilt tops that I want to do to keep me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Not My Day For Bowling

Today was a busy day of getting stuff done. I worked on my laundry.

I finally got my embroidery framed. I had to make sure that the bleeding stopped. Once I got it done - after 2 days of washing it - I had to get it framed.

Framing is a 2 person job. I get it stretched and then Patrick does the cleaning and framing.

Then I worked on getting some blocks for Patrick to work on. He's so good at figuring out where blocks go in a quilt. I hate doing that part, and he's really good at it.

He came up with this. I thought he did an awesome job on getting this set up. Tomorrow I will put it all together. The blue and white will be the boarders. I will do the blue first then the white. I have it all cut and ready to sew tomorrow.

I worked on my beading and was able to get to 333/446. I'm getting there.

Then it was time to go bowling...UGH. We stopped at moms where I dropped off 2 quilts to have the bindings done. I picked up the quilt for Mike, so Patrick can work on that one. I don't like the way it's coming out.

We bowled against the Secretary's team. I really wanted to beat them. We did! We won all 4 games. I didn't do much help on this. I bowled a 145 - not my best, but I can do this.....NOT. Bowled a 117 - lowest game yet!! I couldn't get it on the mark. I just was all over the place! Then I finally got it figured out to bowl a 189! Where the crap was I all night??! Oh, well, that's why I like bowling...NOT.

It was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting - Happy Bowling - NOT!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

A Day To Work On Bindings

This morning I worked on getting the fireplace going before I headed downstairs.

Once I did get downstairs, I worked on getting binding for 3 quilts. I was thrilled to see I had some bindings that would work for all three of them. That made me happy that I didn't have to cut the bindings and get them ready for the quilts.

I got started cutting the edge of all the quilts first. Sophie came down to help me out. I had to get her off the cutting board because her tail kept getting in the way. Think she wanted to help. Then it was time to sew the binding on all three.

Of course I had to deal with some help.

She even started cleaning her paws while she was there. I had to finally get her off the quilts. There is just something about quilts that makes it a "cat magnet!" I was able to get all three of them done. Now it's just time to stitch the bindings down. These all are QOV quilts. Patrick was a sweetheart. He brought me tea and then later brought me some lunch. What a sweetie!

After spending just about all day down there, I came up and worked on my beading. I really want to get to the last 100 rows!

I was on my last row and then I ended up missing a few beads to finish the row. So, I ended up taking it out and getting it on track. Of course the thread got pretty bad to work with, so had to end it and start another thread. Once I did that, I decided to call it good. Once I start making mistakes, then I know it's time to call it done. I'm on row 332/446.

After quitting on the beading, I started stitching the binding down on one of the quilts.

I got working on my QOV stuff. We will be presenting 4 quilts in March. I had to get a few things updated. Now I need to get the quilts done and wash them. Once that's done, then they will be ready to give out. Need to finish 3 quilts for May. Family will be here for those.

It was a good day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, February 21, 2020

Stitching After Going To A Movie

This morning we were sleeping in. I really didn't get moving till around 11 am. I got the laundry going.

I decided to sit and do some beading while Patrick watched his usual shows. I was able to get a row done before it was time to go to the movies. Phil asked for us to pick up something at the store, so we stopped there first. Then dropped off what we picked up. I gave Phil a hug and then we were on our way.

We watched "Call of the Wild" and it was good. I enjoyed it. It's amazing how they did the animals. It was really good. At times I could tell it was computer generated but overall it was really good and one couldn't tell. It was sad and I did cry a little. lol - Getting emotional any more! After the movie we went to Arby's and got 3 sandwiches at a cheap price. I really wasn't hunger so it worked out great.

Came home and I beaded a little longer. Got another row done. Don't think I did 3 rows, but it was either 2 or 3, not as much as I would have wanted.

Then I wanted to get some cross stitching done.

I took a photo before I was getting ready to roll it. Then realized I couldn't roll it just yet. I have to get the yellow flowers and the left side done more before I could roll it.

So I got to work on the yellow flowers. I got a few more outlines done as well. I need to get moving on the left side, because I really do want to roll it. Then I can get a few more things done on the "next page." I'm really close to half way.....but we all know how that goes, close isn't half way.

It was a fun do with a movie and working on my 2 projects. Tomorrow I need to work on getting the binding on 3 QOV quilts. Then they will need to be stitched down. I'm thinking of giving mom 2 of them to stitch. I really don't want to spend a day stitching bindings, but if I have to I will.

That's what we call Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Day Of Stitching

Today I was working on my beading and cross stitching. I should have been moving around more, because my toes cramping are telling me I needed to move around. Oh, well. lol

I worked on the beading first.

I got another 6 rows done. It's coming along. I keep hoping the next bird will show up. It's getting close to the last 100 rows. I'm now at 326/446. I have 120 rows to go. I do like the looks of this.

Patrick went bowling, and I sat down and worked on my cross stitching.

I wanted to get more outlining done so I can roll this. I added a few more things. It's looking good so far. I still have more stitches to fill in before I can finish the outlining and the rolling. I do like the looks of this so far. I'm close to half way now. My yellow flowers are showing up on the left side. I need to finish the outlining on the left side.

With everything looking good, I'm very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Spending Time With Mom and Bowling

This morning I headed over to moms. We didn't do much, she wasn't in the mood to do the top and I really wasn't either. I should have taken my cross stitching. We ended up doing some computer stuff. I tried to get her FB page open and it wanted to be "secure." When I went through the secure part, it wanted her to contact 3 of 6 people and have them give her a code to get into her account. If we didn't do that (we didn't) then they wanted a drivers license, passport, ect, copy so that they could verify it was her. I won't do that either! So, she couldn't get into her account. I was ticked. If I have to do that, then I will pull my Facebook account with no problems. We went out to eat for lunch. Then came back and played a few games.

I left around 2 to go to Judy's to pick up the eagles I had done a couple years ago for QOV. If she hadn't done them yet, I would do them for my brothers. She started to work on one, so she gave me the blocks and fabrics that she started to work on. I will work with what she did. It was awesome. Now I don't have to hurry up and do an eagle for my brothers.

Came home and worked on my beading for a little bit. I was able to get 1 1/2 rows done. Then it was time to go bowling.

We stopped at Walmart first because my hot pot finally bit the dust. Patrick couldn't get it working and our stove top pot went to Patrick's work, and he left it there. So, we ended up going to get a hot pot. While we were there, we picked up a headset for Patrick. Just like mine but his is black while mine is blue or purple.

My back did not like me bowling. I did it anyway. I bowled a 160, 200, (clean game with 2 splits that were picked up), 166. So, my average stayed the same. We won 3 games, lost the second game by 2 pins! I struck out. It was so cool to get another 200 game. Just need to get more of those but don't think my back is going to let me at times.

I really didn't get to be stitching today. It really wasn't a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Slow Start This Morning

I have been staying up till midnight. Which then gets me into 9 am before I want to get up. I need to get back to going to bed around 10:30 pm. Who knows, guess I'm going back to being a teenageer - don't I wish!!

I started working on my beading when I was finally ready to get moving. I did get some laundry in and then sat to work on my beading. We had a service man come to fix the fireplace downstairs. He arrived around 11 am which was odd because he wasn't due till 2 pm. That worked out because we then went to the movies.

I'm now at 319/446. Getting to 320. It's going pretty good. Because Patrick wanted to get out, I was only able to get 3 rows done. I would have liked to get more but that's okay too. It's coming along pretty good.

We went to the movie "Sonic" and it was really good. I enjoyed it. I wasn't too crazy about Jim Carey because he was just a little bit on the "silly" side. I don't care for his crazy silly movies. Too silly at times. Other than that, I did enjoy the movie and think it's worth seeing.

Got home and it was dinner time. Fixed dinner and then finished the row of beading that I started before we left. Then I came and sat down. I pulled out the cross stitching and was able to get some outlining done as well as some greenery again. I have a few more things to do, but was able to get a lot of outlining done.

The flowers on the right side are now easy to see and figure out. I like the way it's coming along. I need to go to the center and outline, then work in more on the left. Once all that is done, I can roll it again. I like this, but I really want to finish the cat, as it doesn't look real happy right now. Once I get the rest of it done, it will look a lot better. One step at a time. At this rate, I'm close to half way done, but right now will say I'm 1/3 of the way done. (glass half full kinda gal!).

Tomorrow I'm going to spend time with mom and try to get the quilt top done for Mike. It's not the way I wanted it, but it is getting done. I'm hoping it will look better once it's put together. It will work for us to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, February 17, 2020

It's A Finishing Day!

This morning I was getting ready for our meeting day. I had to get my floss box and take it with me to Brazilian Embroidery. I wanted to have it to figure out what colors I wanted to do for the "next" project. In other words, I was hoping to start another project after I finished my Roses in the Winter piece.

I got there around 10:15 am. Then we sat and talked about what classes we wanted to take for Seminar. I was happy to see Sandy wanted to take the same classes I did. I got all that done, then pulled out my Roses in Winter piece to finish the beading on it.

Then I found an area that I didn't finish. I needed to add the pine needles on these branches. So I got to work on finishing that up. As you can see, the beading is close to being done, but the piece itself is not.

I ended up finishing this at home. I only had to add the beads to it to finish it. Now it's done. So, I need to wash it and frame it. Not sure what I will do, but I think I have a frame that will work. I'm hoping anyway. If not, I'll have to get one.

After I finished that, I pulled out the hand crochet project I started the other day. I decided I didn't have enough to make an afghan. So, it was going to be a rug.

I decided it isn't something I want to do again. I don't care for this. It's a square. Patrick said he'd use it in the bathroom for a rug. I'd rather just put it in Goodwill! It's not something I'm proud of. I did send $16 for the yarn but I chalk it up to experience rather than something I would want to keep.

Once all that was done, I pulled out my cross stitching.

I worked on the greenery around the cats head. I also filled in a couple areas. I need to do the outlining on the right side to get that done, and then finish the outlining on the cat. It is so much more enjoyable working on something I like. This is Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

A Day At Home

This morning I slept in because I actually was up till 12:30 am listening to my book. I really was into the book. I finished it today. 

I decided to work on my beading today. 

I was able to get to 316/446 rows. I'm getting closer to that last 100 rows. I'm still waiting on the next bird to come around. I started another book on audio while I was beading. Patrick was watching his shows. 

Around 3 pm, I decided to go and work on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the area around the head of the cat. I wanted to do some more outlining. I still need to add a few more things around the head. I also need to fix the 2 stitches that are missing in the lily. I started on the tulips. It's coming along pretty easily. I'm enjoying this piece. It's like the beading, I can't wait to see it done. I may actually get close on getting them done. 

Tomorrow is out Brazilian embroidery meeting. I should finish my Winter Rose done. I'm looking forward to getting that done as well. 

It was time to go bowling. It wasn't our night, let a lone mine. I bowled 178, 167, 150 - and lost a pin on my average. UGH! We also lost all 4 games. At least it was day day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Day Of Baking, Beading And Cross Stitch

This morning I got going with the laundry. Then I got going on baking cookies. Dan said he would be here tomorrow at the bowling alley. I told him when he came, I'd had cookies for him. I tried a couple new recipes. I think I like the old M&M recipe better though. 

They turned out really good. 

Then I decided to sit and work on my beading. 

I was able to get to 312/446 rows. I keep hoping the next bird would show up. But I have a filling it will be another 12 rows or so before that happens. I'm okay with that, I'll just keep going. I may get this done yet. 

I was checking out the Seminar information for June. Concordia University in Portland is closing, so they are scrambling to find another place for us to go. The University is closing it's doors on April 15th. So, now we have to wait and see where we will be, and how much it will cost. Chances are it will cost a lot more. We'll see how it goes. So, I'm not going to send in my classes till I know how much it's going to cost. 

After supper I decided to sit and work on my cross stitching. I've been getting a lot done. 

I had it at this point before I rolled it. 

I was able to get a lot more done. I'm getting the cat closer to finishing. I did get the eyes on, but need to do the outlining to see it more. I have been working on the flowers as well. I did have to take out a part of the railing on the right. I was off one row. 

All in all, today was an enjoyable day of Baking, Beading, and Cross Stitching. That's what is called Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentines Day!

This morning I was up and getting laundry going. I can't seem to get caught up. I even had to get the cat litter box cleaned up and changed. I always wash the box when I empty it completely.

I worked on my beading for awhile. I'm now at 306/446 rows done.

I have a few more rows to go before the other bird will show. I'm thinking it will show up around row 320. We'll see. While I was working on this, Faye came and brought me the 2 quilts I had for QOV. Then I gave her a batting and backing. So, the good news is that we have the quilts we need to do a good presentation in March. I still need to get a hold of Betty Lou's grandson.

We then went and picked mom up and took her out to eat. We went down to Longview. While we were there, Denise called to say she had tickets for the train (dinner) and would we like them. I told her we were already out eating. I would have loved to have gone. They had got stuck in Seattle traffic and wouldn't be able to make it to the train on time.

When we got back, I pulled out my cross stitch.

I worked more on the cat and the tiger lily. I'm almost half way. Hard to believe I have been getting so much done. It's coming along pretty good. I'm happy with this. Not sure what tomorrow will bring. But at this rate I may actually be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Trip To Olympia

This morning was a slow start. Once I got going, I had the laundry going and then sat to work on my beading. I only got about half a row done on the beading.

Then it was time to make a run to Olympia. Patrick pulled out all the comcast boxes to go up with us. We called comcast to get our bill down and then Patrick went on with getting the boxes we needed. He wasn't thrilled he had to take them up to Olympia and bring back the others. We arrived at the center and had to wait about 5 to 10 mins. We only had about 15 mins to be there. The guy called us and said it would only take 5 mins. Nope, 15 mins. Then I was going to have Patrick go the short way and I couldn't remember how to get there. So, we wasted another 10 mins with me taking him in circles. UGH. He was getting tired of me telling him where to go. I gave up. He was right on time with his doctors appointment. He got some marks froze on his ear and arm.

While I waited on Patrick I worked on my embroidery.

I was able to get half the beading done. It's getting closer!

Then it was to Costco to pick up a few thing for Phil, mom and us. We spend some time getting a few things. We had about a couple hours left before he was due to go bowling. So, he decided to get the WiFi hooked up and then work on the TV.....yeah, nope. He was sitting there waiting on the connections to our devices, but didn't put in the new password. Go figure. He was getting mad at me for asking questions on what he was doing. Then we put in the new password and it was working faster. Then it was time to him to leave. He didn't hook up the TV's, for some reason thinking the boxes wouldn't matter for the hook up - I can't figure. When he left, he told me not to put the boxes together. Oh, great. I had to get my Netflix working again. Then I was able to enjoy a couple shows while he was bowling. I can't wait till he puts the boxes together so we can get back to watching some shows and movies.

I then sat and worked on my cross stitching. Didn't get much done. It's coming along nicely though.

That's a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

As I Sit Here

This morning I was up and out the door. Stopped at Faye's to drop off the quilt top that I finished over the weekend. Then I went to Starbucks and picked up some tea for mom and I.

Arrived at moms house. We got a few things done for her and then started in on the quilt top for Mike. It keeps changing.

From this to

this and then this to

We will put a red border around the eagle. Then I need to move a couple blocks that I see need changed, now that I'm looking at it. We will have the border with the bottom fabric. It will have a small blue strip between the borders. Should be fun. I called it quits at this point. If we would have continued with the first design, it would have been 7 more blocks to go, then it would have been too big. So, now we are in the process of putting it all together. I'm not going back till next Wednesday because my back doesn't like the work. I'm standing most of the time.

Came home and Patrick took me out to Pizza Hut. We had a good meal and chatted. Then he brought me home. He went bowling. I am trying to relax my back so I can get back to bowling. He's bowling tonight. Not sure how they are doing because I only got one text telling me he bowled a 169 and won by 8 pins. Now I'm waiting to see the next games scores.

I decided to try and make the "afghan" for Dan, but after crocheting by HAND, the big yarn. Then I realized after doing 4 skeins, that it's going to be a rug and not an afghan. So, I will have to think of something else for Dan at this rate. We'll see how the night goes with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I Tried To Bead Today

This morning we had a few thing to do so we went shopping. We stopped here and there. I asked Patrick to stop at the thrift shop to pick up some more floss and then to also get some yarn for an afghan. I was thinking I would make Dan an afghan. It's the big fluffy yarn. I'll have to tell him to hand wash it. lol

Came back home and I had to iron the backing for the quilt that goes to Bill on Friday.

Once all that was done, I sat down to do some back up....sat down again and put the beads out for the first line. It's still sitting on the table waiting for me to put one the piece. I can't blame it one being busy. I can't blame it on Patrick. And I can't blame it on life, I just didn't seem to be in the mood. That's the pits. Then I gave up. I went and sat down to watch a movie with Patrick and work on my cross stitching.

I got a lot of outlining done. I'm really happy with the way this is coming. I really did get a lot done today. The cat just needs the face and then it will be done. The flowers are getting done as well. It's close to rolling again. I'm liking this! I may get it done in record time for me!! Guess I really am Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 10, 2020

From One Thing To Another

Today I left early to go to Sandy's house. We had today for beading, so it was my turn to go to her house. I took over a couple things for her. Then I pulled out my beads......but I forgot my patterns!! So, I went looking for my pattern I had to the earrings online. It took a little bit, but I finally found the pattern. Then her printer quit working right.....which meant I had to do it all on her tablet and my phone. I tried it out, and it didn't work. Took it all out 3 times and then gave up! Next time I need to make sure I have all the patterns. I did get a kick out of her dog!! She's go big!

Her bed was so big that it took up a chair size area!

Stopped off at the Dollar Store on the way home to get my daughter a Valentine card for Katt. Then came on back home.

Patrick had fixed the washer. He even finished the 2 loads I had going. I folded all the clothes and then watched the rest of my "Vira" show that I only saw half of last night. I did some cross stitching while I watched it. Patrick was outside, so I was able to see the rest of it.

Then I went to the table and beaded.

Since the last time I posted this, 9 more rows were added. I'm now 302/446 rows done. It's coming along great. I have a few more rows and then the third bird should be coming to view. I think I am getting closer. It will be interesting when it does come though. So, even though I had some problems with getting started today, the good news is that I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Enjoying The Evening To Myself

Today started out with Patrick getting doughnuts for us. I haven't had a doughnut in a very long time. He brought me 2, so I'll eat the other one tomorrow.

Afterwards we cleaned. I was tired of looking at a dirty floor. I did the kitchen and then vacuumed after mopping. Patrick worked on the bathrooms. I even got a few more things put away.

While I was in between doing the cleaning (Patrick was watching bowling on TV), I beaded. I was able to get another 5 rows done.

There isn't much different from yesterdays photo (this one), so just showing this one. 5 rows just don't show that much. It's about 1/4" when it comes down to it. I am now 299/449 rows done! I'm so close to being 100 stitches - have 50 stitches to get there though. lol

Then I called it quits and went to working on my cross stitching.

I was able to get more of the flower and work on some more stems I then got some more outlining done. It's moving along nicely. I didn't have to do any frogging today, which is a good thing. I was able to enjoy working on this while Patrick went bowling. My back is still being a pain, so I decided not to go bowling. I almost wish I did though because my left side is killing me right now. At least some moving would help. I enjoyed working on this though. It feels good to get so much done today. It actually make me smile because I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Getting A Few Things Done Today

This morning I wanted to do some beading but was reminded that I need to get that quilt top done. I had to add borders. I loaded the washer (which is having some problems) and then went downstairs. I tried to get the fire place going. No such luck. Patrick worked on it for a while and decided it was in need of repair. So, he called the company to come and service it. That won't be till the 18th. In the meantime I turned on the board heaters.

I was working on the boarders. I don't know how but I do believe it's not square. I don't know what I did, but it is a little off on one corner.

Patrick helped me with the borders. I think he had the right idea. Now I have this ready to go to Bill to be quilted Every little bit helps. It didn't take long.

I think thought about the panel quilt on the wall. I started to work on it.

I cut the white and red squares to go in the corner area. I trimmed the panel. I then decided to give it up. I really wasn't ready to tackle this one yet, but I do need to get it done. I added the star in the corner.

Then changed it to see what I like better. It's looking like I like the first one better than this one.

Gave it up and then went upstairs to finish the dessert I started yesterday. Then I sat and beaded.

I'm now at 294/446 rows done. I will be getting closer to the 3rd bird. Can't wait to get that one going. I worked on that till my back told me it was enough.

I decided to join Patrick and watch TV for awhile. I pulled out my cross stitching.

I worked on my outlining. I also go to work on filling in some of the other stitches that got missed. I have a lot done today, but when I do outlining, it doesn't seem that way. It's nice to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...