Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Quiet Day Of Beading

Today I was up and getting my cinnamon rolls in the oven. I tried a new recipe and it was a big hit. Patrick really liked them. I love Cafedelight recipes! She's got the best recipes. I've been putting them in my Paprika3 app. I love that I can download recipes and not have all those papers. Plus I can find the recipe again! I'm going to try a Honey Mustard Chicken on her website as well.

Once all that was done, I got a load in the wash....which I need to put in the dryer. UGH. I get on one track and forget to get back to the washing. If I don't do the dryer tonight, I'll have to wash the clothes again. UGH

Then I decided to work on my beading.

I ended up taking out 5 rows. I had the trouble of the db1818 beads breaking! It was driving me crazy. One bead broke yesterday and I took a while to work on getting it in the piece. Then 2 more broke, all of the same bead batch. I got frustrated before going to bed last night. Patrick suggested (or asked) if I could replace the beads with another bead in my stash. I told him that was a good idea and I was thinking about it. So, I looked for the right bead. Then I started taking out the rows. In the meantime I was talking on the phone to Cherry and Sharon. Both love to chat on the phone. Since they don't have visitors, they chat, and chat. Once I was off the phone I finished putting the beads back in the piles they were in. Then I got going with the beading. I ended up going back to row 12. I finished at row 16. It was a good afternoon of beading. My polar bear is going to be showing up soon, I'm sure. It might already be coming. The "yellow" is supposed to be white, is the water. I'm getting there.

The news is talking about having to wait another year before being social again. That's going to be interesting. I'm missing my groups. Guess we all will be like Japan and walk around with masks on all the time. Life is interesting!

I do have my cross stitch ready to work on, but I'm going to get a couple days off before getting started. At least I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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