Thursday, April 29, 2021

Got Our 2nd Shot Today

 This morning I was up really early. Before everyone else. I wanted to be ready for our appointment to get our 2nd shot of Covid vaccine. Dad was up early as well. We really didn't talk much. Partly because I don't think he heard me. 

Patrick and I left at 8:15 am to go for our shots. We arrived about 8:40, and the line was moving. They didn't start till 9 am. We were out of there by 9:30. It was nice to get straight in. I felt it going in, and then my "area" of the shot went numb for a short time. Later in the day when I took the bandage off, I saw a lot of blood and a bruise. So, I'm going to be sore for awhile. 

While we waited in the car, I worked on my embroidery. 

I worked on the light green colors of the threads. I didn't get much done, but worked on it a little after I got home. I also have the beads that will be on it. I didn't get much done. Don't think it was because of the shot, but I didn't feel like doing anything today. As much as I would have loved to be working on something, my heart wasn't in it. 

Patrick took Dennis and Dad to the airport around 10 am and was back around 1:30 pm. It was a great visit! Patrick couldn't of had a better visit with them! I let them do what they wanted and stayed out of the way. I thought it would be a great thing if they had "family time" and talked to each other. I did my beading and whatever else I could. I spend time with them at supper and a game later in the evenings. I was a great visit. 

Next week Patrick goes into the hospital. Katt will be here around Tuesday. Think we will be going to the hotel or motel up there so we can get him to the hospital on time - first thing in the morning. 

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Hump Day!

 This morning I slept in. I needed to. Was so tired yesterday, I made up for it today. 

When I woke, showered and went to the living room, my son was there. It was so nice to see him. We all chatted for awhile. Then Phil left. Next Patrick, Dennis and dad left for golfing. 

I called the church lady to see if they could do more quilting for QOV. She agreed. I told her I would order some more thread for her. I order 5 spools of thread for them. I wanted to get another variegated thread but they were out. I will order it later for them. Let Faye know what I was doing. With all that done I was ready to get busy.  

I got busy on my beading. 

I was able to get another 4 rows done. The eye started showing up. I'm excited to see the eye. I'm really liking how this is turning out. 

Patrick and the others came home and we were off to supper. We went to Ground Mound, to the stillery for supper. I had the chicken sandwich this time. 

That bowl has onion rings in it!! It was huge! I didn't eat them all. I really didn't like the "sweet" taste to them. I don't think they were Walla Walla onions because this was sugar sweet, not onion sweet. The chicken sandwich was really good. Filled me up!

Came home and played "right, left, center." I did better tonight then last night. I think I won $2 or a little more. We then called it a night. At least I was able to get a few stitches in to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Enjoying Family

 This morning I was the last one to get up. Patrick showered and was out to be with his father and brother. I slept a little longer, since I didn't get to sleep till 1 am this morning. - Paid for it!! I've been tired all day!

Shortly after I was up and with them, they left. It was time for them to go golfing. While they left, I watched a couple shows that were on video for me to watch. I got caught up on some of the other stuff as well. I played games while watching TV. 

Then I decided to work on my beading. 

I got 3 rows done. BUT kept falling asleep with my eyes. So, I went to take a nap for a little bit. 

I only got about 10 mins of a nap. Then went back to work and got another 3 rows done. 

We went out to eat and now it's game time. I can honestly say I've been Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Monday, April 26, 2021

Family Arriving Today

 This morning I was up and getting laundry done. Patrick went golfing. 

I decided to make some bars for Patrick and his family. It was a new recipe - yeah I know, am I crazy to get another new recipe after yesterday?! Guess so. 

It's Chocolate Toffee bars. I accidently cooked the bottom just about 5 mins over what I was supposed to. Guess yesterday really did throw me off! Anyway, I did the rest of it right. Turned out pretty good from what I can tell. Patrick, dad, and his brother had some before heading to bed. 

I worked on laundry and cleaned up a little bit. Patrick got home around 3:30 pm after golfing. I had him help me for a bit before he let to get his dad and brother. I finished up the bars and then went to get a hamburger at Carl Jr's. I was hunger for a burger and this one was really good. I almost wanted more! Patrick was going to Red Lobster with his family on the way back from picking them up at the airport in Portland. 

I decided to work on my beading then. Now that everything was done. I cleaned up the kitchen and got everything in place. Once all that was done, I listened to the book and beaded. 

I was able to get another 5 rows done. It's getting fun seeing the noise of the deer show up. I'm now at the 380/580 mark. I have 200 rows left to go. I may get there yet. The last 100 is really fast, so I'm looking forward to that. Once I got that done, I sat down to enjoy a few minutes, when Patrick, dad, and Dennis arrived. Of course Sophie took off down the hall when they all arrived. 

We sat and chatted for a good hour and then called it a night. It was an interesting evening for me. I didn't have the TV on. I just listened to my book. It made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 25, 2021

A Baking Day.....With Cross Stitch

 This morning I wanted to do the chocolate cake that we got the recipe from Food Network. It was one of Alex's recipes. I took all the stuff out to get to the "room temp." Once that was there, I started to get to work on it. It was one of those recipes that takes time. It took 6 eggs and a lot of chocolate. I worked hard, and did everything it said to do.......came out of the oven, and was dense! I couldn't believe how it came out. I waited the hour that I had to in order to add the frosting. I did the frosting as she said.....Yeah, no! That turned out bad!!

I wanted something "nice" for my father and brother-in-law. Yeah NO!! I cut 2 piece out of the cake, because I would be embraced to give this to them. Patrick liked the flavor, but I didn't. I really didn't care for this! It ended up in the trash - after a good 8 hour preparation. UGH

We cleaned up the house to get ready for the in-laws. Then I took a break and worked on my cross stitching. 

I was able to do something right today! This went well. I was working on squaring it up. I'm getting there. I got the right side done, and started to work on the bottom area. Then I will work my way around the left side. After that, I will work each 10 x 10 area as I go along. I can see the coat of Santa with what I did tonight. It's looking good and I'm really happy with the way this is coming out - a heck of a lot better than that cake! 

I don't think I have made that bad of a cake in a very long time! That recipe is going in the trash along with the cake! Made it easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Hello Saturday

Today was a quiet day. We just enjoyed 2 movies. 

Then I got moving on beading. 

I was able to get another 4 rows done. I'm now at 375/580. So, 205 to go. That's awesome. 

It turned out to be a slow and quiet day. I did do more exercises today but not ones that used my left arm. I then worked on numbering more of my word chart so that I can keep going without having to mark before beading. Just trying to stay ahead of the game. I have 485 rows that are marked with the numbers next to each column. 

Even with a quiet day, I can get a lot done. That's what makes it Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 23, 2021

Quilting Day

 This morning I stopped to see Sandy for eggs. She was looking good. Funny thing though, I have 24 plus 8 eggs already. I asked her if she was home on Monday to get eggs. She said she wasn't available, so when we went to Costco, we picked up 2 dozen (because that's what they had). I will be making a cake that takes 6 eggs, so I wanted to have more for when family came. So, when Sandy said she had eggs, I decided I better take them. She gave me 18 eggs. Well, I called Nancy to see if she needed eggs and she did. So, I took them to her. Then I took her stuff to moms. 

I got to moms and Hildi was already there. I wasn't feeling good with my shoulder so I ironed the applique pattern on the wool that Nancy has for her project. I didn't do much at all. 

Carmen brought one of her projects. 

She made this gorgeous Christmas Tree Skirt that was done with Candle wicking.  There are a ton of French knots. This was awesome!

Hildi brought me some fabric that was donated for our QOV quilts. 

This will help us out! I can think of a few things to do with this!

Came home. Patrick took me out to supper at the Talking Cedar. It turned our really good! Now we have another place we can go to instead of driving all the way to Longview or Tumwater. 

When we got back home, I worked on some more of our photo negatives. I found some really nice ones. It's odd though. The slides came out better than the negatives. The longer you have the color negatives, the worse they get. Color gets lost. 

Found this one among them. This was when we lived in Pullman. Katt was with me admiring the flowers. We even had some pictures taken in the swing set. That was one of my better days! lol 

I'm still hurting from the other day. No exercises and no crafting. I'm so tired of hurting but know it will go away in a day or two. I need to get back to my stuff. I need to get back to exercising as well. UGH

Not the best day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Volunteer Day

 This morning I was sleeping on the couch. I had a heck of a time getting comfortable. I was sore all night. I was able to sleep on the couch, which I don't think I could have in bed. 

I headed over to the fair grounds to help with volunteering. I was able to get lunch before going on "duty." I was able to help for about 50 mins. It was so dead that there wasn't much work to do. They were sending people home. I checked at the main desk and they said they didn't have anything for me. So, I came home. 

I worked on 2 rows of beading. 

It's not changing much with only 2 rows at a time. My neck was bugging me. So, I quit. Then I needed to fill some beads in my "cups." I pulled out my beads and started to organize them. I wanted to make them in my excel program. 

That was a good 2 hours. I had my box out and I filled the bead containers with the beads in bags. The green container had it full of bagged beads. I was able to get them all in in containers or in the tube that was low. Now I'm happy my beads are organized again. 

THEN, I decided to use the free coupons I have from Shutterfly (Safeway tickets), and I ordered a book of our trip to San Francisco before the kids graduated. I believe it was the first or second year we were here. I have 2 more books that I started back in 2014. I'm going to get them printed and will use the coupons. I really want to get some of these photos in books and then get rid of all the photos we have. I must have 20 albums downstairs. Putting them in books are a lot nicer. 

At least my day was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Not A Good Day

 I was lucky to get about 4 hours sleep last night. My neck and shoulder are in major pain. I had Patrick put a hot and cold pack on it, but it's really not helping. I took a "tension" pill that isn't working either. So, I spent the day watching some shows that I had taped. Patrick went golfing. 

I haven't felt like doing anything all day. My shoulder is killing me. Doesn't like my moving around. AND it's my left side, so being left handed doesn't help. 

I did do my FlossTube today. I've added another one. It was 3 weeks since the last one, and I'm hoping to get back on track again. 

As much as I would love to say I worked on my crafts, I didn't. I worked on the computer. It was genealogy time. I was working on both Patrick's and mine. I was able to get more members added. I also filled in the places and dates. I have a long way to go. I need to get moving again. 

I guess you can say, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

A Day Of Beading

This morning was getting laundry started. I went to bed with a sore neck and woke up with it that way. So, all day long I've been having a ache from my shoulder to my left ear. Driving me crazy. Tonight it's from my upper back. UGH

While laundry was going, Patrick was outside working in the yard. It's looking great now. Good thing since they moved his surgery to the 6th. We were getting things set up for that. 

I was beading. 


A good 6 rows later - 370/580. I sat and finished one audiobook and started another. Not sure if I want to listen to this one but will try and see. It's history, so I should enjoy it. 

Then it was time to work on my cross stitching. I may have to do a YouTube tomorrow to show me work. 

I worked on the upper part. I want to square this off. I did find I missed a stitch, so will have to fix that. I was having trouble today. I couldn't find my threads to put the stitches in. I used my magnifying glass to help me. Weird too because I've done fine without it before. I ended up taking stitches out as much as putting them in. I hope tomorrow will be better. I'm starting on the jacket on the right side. We'll see how that goes. 

I was nice to be able to get laundry caught up and get a lot of stitching in today. That always makes for a good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 19, 2021

Trip To UW Medical

 This morning we headed up to UW Cancer Care Alliance to see about Patrick's surgery on the 12th. I am going to respect Patrick's wishes of not posting what we found today. I can say that she expects Patrick to be able to leave the hospital after 3 days. 

While I was up there with Patrick, I worked on my embroidery. 

I started at this point. 

I then got moving on the lighter greenery. I am still working on doing more. I need to find some beads to add to this piece. I will go down and look to see what I can find that will work. 

We were back home at 4 pm today. We had stopped at Costco for a few things and then came home. We got a slice of pizza for supper - that was a mistake on my part. My reflex is burning! Not liking this at all. I knew there was a reason why I haven't been eating pizza, and it was a reminder why!

Got home and I did my exercise and then figured I didn't have time to bead. I was going to do embroidery but there isn't anything on TV, so I think I'm going to call it a night and play games on my computer. 

At least it was a good day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Beautiful Day For Creating

 This morning I was out the door at 7:10 am. Debbie arrived and we headed to the fairgrounds for volunteering again today. We worked from 8-12:30 pm. It was a quiet day, but as we were leaving, the crowds were coming. It was weird how quiet the morning was. They were really busy today. 

Came home and loved the weather! 

There is a "red dot" in the top by the barn. That's Patrick. He was working out in the yard, and I tried to do some cross stitching. As one can see, my fabric is so thin. It was hard to see where my threads were to be able to do the crosses. So, I decided to listen to my book. I actually fell asleep listening, and I do believe I missed some of the book. I was okay with that. It was a little confusing keeping the characters separated. I kept trying to figure out who was who. This is a series, so I will try one more book and if that doesn't work, I won't listen to the rest. 

I was able to get another 3 rows done today. It's coming along. The deer head is starting to come out more now. I can see the noise coming through. 

Then I decided to try to get a few stitches in on this. I was able to get a good 200 stitches in. I wanted to start squaring it up, so I'm getting there. I started on the top of the head. That's the beard of Santa. I do like how this is coming along. I have been really happy with both of my pieces. 

It made for a good day to be creating 2 pieces. I just hope I can get the beaded one done. I need more time to sit at the table to work on the beading. At least I can do them both in one day. That keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Turned Out To Be A Good Saturday

 I did what I've always been doing - played on the tablet in the mornings. I also started laundry. 

As I was getting ready to bead, I got a text saying the shop in Onalaska was having a sale on patriotic fabric. I was trying to see if mom and Nancy wanted to go. Nancy just put bread in the oven and mom was working on her quilt. After a few minutes, it was decided we wouldn't go. Patrick said he was at a break and would take me there. The shop is like 10 mins away. Actually closer to me then the shop in town. I wanted to go to see the shop and MAYBE buy some fabric. Of course, I bought fabric for QOV. I even got a jelly roll that I can make a quilt with. I'm going to have fun with that. We weren't there long, I bought $72 worth of fabric that was on sale for 40% off. I put my name in for prizes too. 

Came home and worked on my beading. 

I was able to get 2 rows in today. I'm okay with that. It was fun to do. The deer head is coming along. 

Then it was time to enjoy watching TV. Patrick watched his shows - British TV shows - and I listened to my audio book while I stitched. 

Then I found I had the thread tangled - so the frogging came out. Rip, rip, rip. It was close to the first stitches I put in on this. 

I was able to get quiet a few stitches done. He's looking pretty good. I will try and get this squared off, but I find myself going off into the next area. It's coming along pretty good and I'm happy with the way it is coming. 

I found this photo on line. I think I will do that with the jelly roll I bought. It will turn out pretty good. I just need to figure out how long and wide I will make it and if I have enough in the jelly roll to do it. I also orders some pj's from Disney. They had some on sale and I couldn't resist!

All in all, it turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Quilting Day -

This morning I headed over to moms. It was quilting day. I didn't quilt, I beaded. I took the rest of the cake (raspberry poke cake). 

While the others worked on their quilts or blocks I worked on my beaded box. 

 I worked on getting the lip of the box done. On the left side where it looks blurred, one of my beads broke. I need to fix it. I was starting on the hem when it broke. My thread was giving me problems. So, I need to take out a few beads, and put them back in. Then I can go back and work on the hem. I wasn't too thrilled to have a broken bead when I was close to getting this part done. Gave up on this. 

Came home and Patrick was still golfing. When he came home, we went to Jeremy's Farm to Restaurant. It was really good. 

Came home after stopping at Safeway for some groceries for the weekend. Not a lot. I wasn't in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Another Volunteer Day

 This morning I was up and played a few games. I did get a load of laundry in. 

Debbie arrived and we went to the fairgrounds to volunteer our time as "scribes." We were early, so we had lunch. They provide lunch and breakfast. They told us they needed more volunteers on Sunday, so Debbie and I signed up for Sunday morning. 

We headed over to the "farm" area, where the cars go through the "tent." It's more like a open garage area. It has 2 lanes with tables on each side. We had 6 tables. I was on the "first" (last) table. Cars that came in went straight to us, then were stopped at the other tables as they came in. We worked from 12:30 to 4:15 pm. They didn't have a lot of cars going through. There was only about 800 today that were scheduled. Not sure how many we actually did. There were a lot of openings. This was the 2nd shot. So, I did expect more people to show up. 

When we finished, I took another sandwich and a half a cinnamon roll. Debbie took 2 of the sandwiches and half of the cinnamon rolls. Patrick doesn't do sandwiches, so I didn't want to take another one. I do like the sandwiches that I had today. We left around 4:15 and home by 4:30. I was scheduled till 5 pm and I think that's because they expect times to be busy and running behind. So far, they haven't been that busy and haven't ran behind. 

I have had a headache all day long. The allergies are killing me. I am to the point of wanting to go bed. I hope this will go away. I scheduled my doctors appointment for the week of my Birthday. Hoping Patrick will still be in the hospital then. He thinks he will be home that day, but I'm thinking it will be at least 7 days. It all depends on his recovery time. He has bounced back fast, so who know. 

As much as I wanted to be beading or cross stitching, I was happy to be volunteering. It makes is easier not to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

A Beautiful Day To Myself

The weather today was in the 70's and wonderful! Patrick went golfing and I stayed home. Enjoying the day to myself!

I didn't do anything as far as cleaning. I did my cross stitching!

I talked to mom around 4 pm. I was working on this all afternoon. I wanted to see how far I could get while watching all the shows I have recorded that Patrick wouldn't watch with me. I was at this point when I was chatting with mom and send her the photo. 

Then we sat and watched "Masked Singer" and I stitched. I'm trying to get the 10 x 10 squares done so I can work each square and that way I won't miss any stitches. I have the face done, and working on the rest. Funny how the bottom part almost looks like teeth. I want to square it up. I will get there. I have some red showing up on the right side. I really do like this piece. I wanted to bead today, but I really wanted to watch TV and I can't do that when I bead. My beading is on the table which is away from the TV. Plus I think if I wasn't careful, I might not pay too much attention. If we didn't watch "Masked Singer," I would have beaded tonight. This is a lot of fun, so I can't complain. 

It makes my day Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Another Day Of Volunteering For Covid19 Vaccines

 This morning I was lazy. I knew I was leaving at 11:30 am today, so I didn't want to get into anything. 

Debbie showed up and I drove both of us to the fairgrounds to volunteer. We both work as "scribes" with the nurses. One was a retired nurse, so she couldn't give the shots, the other was a nurse that could. We didn't have a lot of cars going through with people. I guess there were 200 slots still open for shots. I told them Lewis County doesn't advertise. They haven't gotten the word out at all. I did look on the website today and they had where one could sign up for TODAY but not any other day. Plus they had the restrictions on the website where you signed up. There wasn't supposed to be restrictions. We worked all the way to 4:30 pm. It was nice to be able to leave early. They had 3 shots left, and were waiting on the 3 people to come get them. That way it wasn't a waste. 

Came home and had supper. Then I decided to do my exercises before getting any cross stitching done. 

I worked on the face of the bear. I didn't like leaving the empty spots for the eyes and noise. I will get back to the noise tomorrow. I went up to the ears and worked on that. I tend to be going around the bear face. He's looking cuter now. I will see where I get tomorrow. Beading is on my mind as well. Doing 2 things at once is fun, but I know I have a lot of stuff unfinished as well. 

Even though I was gone all day volunteering (which I love to do), I was still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 12, 2021

Beautiful Day - Even If It Was 60 Degrees

 This morning I was up and listening to my book on audio. It's an 11 hour audio book. I've still got more to go. I'm enjoying the book. I also played games. 

We went to pick up a quilt from the church for QOV. Then we headed to the bank. We couldn't work on the app so had to go into the bank. 

We then came back home and I worked on my beading. 

I was able to get another 4 rows done. I'm loving this! The deer is starting to come to life! It's awesome. I won't be able to work on it tomorrow because I'm volunteering again tomorrow. This time I'm doing the afternoon. 

After Patrick came in and we had supper, I decided to get more time in on my cross stitching. 

I worked on the face. Then I started to go into the body. I think I will work on the eyes and the noise tomorrow night - if I'm in the mood after working. I do like working on this. I'm trying to get all the spaces done that I can. I don't want to have to go back and "fill in" later. I want to get it all done when I'm working on the floss color. He's looking okay. Goofy looking bear so far. lol 

It turned out to be a good day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 11, 2021

"Crash" Day

 This morning I got going with laundry. I had a few things that needed to get done. 

Then I pulled out my beads and set myself up. I was moving things around so I could work it a little better. I do think I have it right now. 

I'm starting on the deer! One can see it, but barely. (Here) It's coming through pretty good. I was able to get 3 rows done - while listening to my book. Then I was so tired, I went and took a nap - which is NOT me. I hated napping. I always wanted to be up and running around. An hour and a half later - not wanting to get up - I finally got up. Then I put another row in on this. So, I have 4 rows done today. 

Then it was time for exercise and watching TV with Patrick. While we watched the food network championship tournament, I cross stitched. 

 A hundred stitches in, and I called it quits. I really didn't have a lot of time, so I decided I want to get a few other colors in there before I keep going. Once my mind got to that stage, I was finished with working on this. I need to take more time. I should have just went to cross stitching instead of doing one more row of beading. 

Doesn't matter, I was still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Company Today

 This morning we got up and cleaned up. Cleaned the kitchen floor, vacuumed the carpet, and cleaned up the bathrooms. I also got the coats washed. 

I put all my stuff away. The Snowman and all the beads were put away so we could use the table for games. Since everything was put away, I didn't have much to do. I wanted to do my cross stitching, but didn't want to have to put that away as well. 

So, I colored. 

I didn't get much done. It was fun to play with coloring. I haven't done that in awhile. I do like to play with art work at times. 

Then Nick and Joanne arrived. We played games all afternoon, evening. I won one game out of about 10 games. lol We placed 3 or 4 different games. We are always having fun! Had hamburgers and fruit as well. I'm stuffed! lol 

It wasn't a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, April 9, 2021

More Projects - Keep Coming!

This morning I was up and off to moms. I took my quilting with me. I did get a few stitches in on that. Not as much as I would have liked, but I'm having a hard time trying to finish it. 

I did get a little farther than this. Not a lot. I was able to go around the flowers and stems of the applique area.  I had to leave early so I could go up with Patrick for his CT scan. 

Before I left, mom gave me a piece of embroidery that she found when she cleaned out her closet. This was my 2nd great mother's work. 

This is the back of the work. I love what my 2nd great grandmother did! It was started in 1936. 

This is the front. It's supposed to be cut work. I'm not going to cut it. There is another area that needs to be finished. The pattern and the floss are still there. Even the needles she was using. I'm going to try and finish it. It doesn't have a lot of work to do. I'm not sure if I could do as good a job as she did, but I'm going to try. This is a piece by Sarah Ann Birge True Johnson. 

I decided to throw this piece away. Didn't like it, wasn't happy with it, and didn't want it. Will try something else or even do this another time. I was just not happy with it. Too big, too much hassle etc.

While we went to Olympia, I fell asleep in the car. I guess I was tired. When we got there, I worked on my Wild Orchard embroidery. 

I worked on the big leaf and then put the smaller lighter piece on. That's when Patrick came out. I had the big leaf almost done and I took it out. I didn't like the work I was doing, so started over. I could have been working on more, if I hadn't ripped out the leaf. 

We stopped at the grocery store and then came home. Had to pick up hamburger for tomorrow. Nick and Joanne are coming over. I will have to vacuum and pick up my beads from the table. Wash the table cloth and put another one on. 

At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Volunteering Day

Today I was out the door by 7:15 AM. Debbie and her neighbor came and we tried to get in the van. Couldn't open the sliding doors. So, Debbie ended up driving us. Told her I would do it Tuesday when we go in the afternoon. We stopped at Dutchman Brother's I got a chai tea. She got a white chocolate coffee. She don't like coffee but said this was really good. I am afraid to try it. May buy one for Patrick and try it that way. 

We arrived at the fair grounds where we got the instructions on what to do. Debbie was awesome, as she came over to help me out with instructions. I was "scribing" while the LPN and RN where doing the vaccines. We did a good 60 shots in the 3 hours we were taking the cars. It got a little slow just before lunch. They had 2 rows with 4 tables to each line. It went fast, when the gals were on it. A couple of the gals that gives shots were slow. We were the 3 table and we would be done way before the second table was done. My LPN was fast and good! The others went to lunch first (they closed off one lane and sent them to lunch). Then it was our turn, so the lane was closed and I went to lunch. Debbie and her neighbor had to work another half hour but my shift was over. We got lunch from "Once Upon A Thyme" in Chehalis. We finally got home about 1 pm. 

I then decided to sit and watch TV while Patrick was still golfing. 

 I was going to bead when Patrick got home, but he had to take one of his golfing buddies home - in Winlock. So, he didn't get home till around 4. I will try and bead tomorrow but it's going to be iffy. We need to take Patrick to Olympia for his appointment (CT scan) and I will be at moms in the morning. I will try later. 

So, I was able to get a few more stitches in on the bear. He's coming to life. I really enjoy working on this, so not too worried when I can bead, at least I can stitch. It's coming along great. Sophie isn't too thrilled that I work on this. 

She was something else today. I got up and she cried. Then I opened the bathroom door for a few minutes so she would quit and let Patrick go back to sleep. When I got out of the bathroom, she cried even more. I got ready to go, and she was still crying. I got home and she cried. Then she gave me a ton of TLC when I sat down. Let and came back for more TLC. Patrick said she was doing that to him this morning. Not sure what her problem was. 

My day was fun! I enjoyed the volunteer work and I enjoyed my stitching. It turned out to be a great day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Enjoyed A Quiet Day With Beading AND Cross Stitching

 This morning Patrick was up before me. Oh darn, that meant I had to make the bed. lol 

Afterwards I got laundry going. Patrick went to get a few things done, and I sat down to beading. He wanted to see a movie - "My Fair Lady" and so did I. So, I said I would stop beading at 2 pm. 

I did get 3 rows in which I'm thrilled about. The noise of the deer is coming through. It's the part next to the scarf and under the antlers. It's coming along wonderfully. There is more to come. It's going a little faster because there isn't so much confetti around this area. The cardinal is almost done too. 

While we watched "My Fair Lady" which I love! - I worked on the bear head. It's coming along. I had to take out some stitches - bottom thread - because I was off. That means tomorrow night I will work both of them in. I want to get to a square section so I can work the stair step method. It will be had to do, because I started in the middle, but I'm going to try. This is fun to work on. I'm excited to see how fast I can get the bear done. 

Which put in a good mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Another Waiting Game

 This morning I was up and taking my time getting to moms. We didn't have to leave for the eye doctor's (Daisy) till 10:45. Mom called right at 9:20 am saying she received an email saying the time was changed to 11 am. So, I ran and took a 5 min shower and headed out to mom. Patrick went golfing. I arrived about 9:50 am and mom was doing a few things before we headed out to the animal eye clinic in a Tumwater. We arrived at 10:45 am and called the clinic to let them know we were there. They told us the appointment wasn't till 11:45. Mom explained that she got an email saying it was 11, and the gal told her they don't send out emails. They said they would try and get us in early......we all know how that goes! Anyway, I took my embroidery to work on. Mom didn't have anything and was going crazy in the car. She was cleaning out the glove compartment. She didn't bring her phone because it wasn't charged.....but she has a charger in the car. So, she was driving me crazy, but I TRIED to work on my embroidery. 

I worked on the leave on the lower part. I ran out of floss, so I decided not to bother because mom was chatty and we talked. She loved this piece. Daisy didn't end up going into the eye doctor till 12:15 pm. We waited a good hour and a half. Then we stopped at Red Robin to pick up a couple hamburgers. We were eating the fries and onion rings on the way home. We got back to moms and cut the burgers in half. Nancy was able to join us and have a half the burger. I brought my half home. I wasn't hungry tonight, so I didn't eat supper. 

Of course, I couldn't wait! I started my cross stitching!

So, can you guess what I started to work on? I was excited about getting going on this! Sophie also wanted to see what I was doing. She was going after the floss, so I shooed her away. She got ticked off and didn't bother to come near me when I did my exercises. She's always there, but not tonight. 

 I was able to get a lot done tonight. Not as much as I would have liked, but it is started and I'm thrilled. I will work on it tomorrow night. 

That kept me - all day long - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 5, 2021

What A Day!

 This morning I wanted to get all the prices in one of my games. So, I worked on it before we left for Safeway. 

Before we headed to Safeway, we stopped at Michael's to pick up the floss I ordered online. At first they thought I had a UPS package, but it was their store package I was after. So, when they figured that out, I was on my way! I will gladly do that again. Then it was off to Safeway. We went shopping for some stuff to make about 3 different cakes. I wanted to make sure we had the ingrediencies when I want it. We saved a lot, but some of the coupons from the monopoly game were a pain in the butt. 

When we got home, I got the last of the prices in the game. Just barely. I was happy to finally get there. It's a hard game to win all those prices in a short amount of time and I was on the game just about all day long for the past 2 days. 

After all that, I decided I needed to finish the fish box. As I was going along I found a mistake. 

This one is right. 

This one is wrong. So, there is one fish different then the rest. I'm okay with that at this point. I just want to get it done. 

So, then I started to work on the lip of the box. This is were the lid will go. I'm about 2 rows away from going up and putting the hem in. I do want to get this done and out off my "to-do" list of projects. 

After all that, I went downstairs and cut the piece that I sew on my fabric for cross stitching. I'm ready to get started!! I went downstairs and got moving on getting myself ready to cross stitch. 

I got the fabric on the bars. I had a hard time finding the bars I wanted to use. I will start in the middle. I have the floss and everything I need now. This actually takes time. I found the bars I needed AFTER I already put the piece on the bars that are bigger. Tomorrow I will take the old cross stitch off the bars that I want. Then I will put this on those bars. THEN I can start working on this piece! I'm excited to do this now! It will be my even work. Beading is day time. 

It turned out to be a day that went fast. I thought I had time and then time got away from me. At least I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...